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Monika Kustra

Andrzej Chalecki


Phoenix, Arizona

Table of Contents
THE OLD TESTAMENT The Creation of the World Adam and Eve Noah Abraham and Sarah Jacobs Dream Joseph Joseph in Egypt Joseph, the Governor Little Moses Moses Meets God Moses and Pharaoh Moses in the Desert Hannahs Child Samuel and Eli David the Shepherd David and Goliath David, the King Elijah and the Ravens Daniel Daniel in the Lions Den Jonah and the Great Fish

Copyright 2008 by VOCATIO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout the prior written permission of the publisher. To request the rights please write: Vocatio Publishers 3841 E. Chandler Blvd, Suite # 106-106 Phoenix, AZ 85048, USA e-mail: Scripture verses are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL, VERSION Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved

ISBN 978-0-9792342-7-9

10 18 30 40 50 58 68 76 84 94 102 114 128 136 144 150 160 166 178 190 200

THE NEW TESTAMENT The Angel Announces the Good News to Mary The Baby Jesus Shepherds Visit the Baby Jesus The Wise Men from the East The Flight to Egypt Jesus Childhood John, the Baptist Jesus Speaks with Nicodemus Jesus and the Great Catch of Fish The Lord Jesus Chooses the Apostles Jairus Daughter Jesus and the Children The Dinner for Five Thousand People How We Should Pray? The Two Houses The Good Samaritan The Prodigal Son Jesus, the Good Shepherd Jesus Walks on Water Zaccheus in the Tree The Leper who Thanked Jesus Blind Bartimaeus Jesus Entry to Jerusalem The Last Supper In the Gethsemane Garden The Lord Jesus, Unjustly Sentenced to Die The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus

Dear Parents,
This book was created taking into consideration the whole family, yet its format and content addresses the pre-schoolers and the young elementary age children. The chosen content in the Bible Stories For Pre-Schoolers, has been selected and compiled to assist the beginners in their exploration of the Word of God and, at the same time, to help them become fascinated with it. This type of activity concerning the Bible would create a life long commitment. The Bible Stories For Pre-Schoolers is a book to be read together. You might recall your childhood days when you were intrigued as you discovered Gods unconditional love. There is no greater joy than to pass the similar type of enthusiasm to our children. The Family Meetings, which follow every single story, devote its purpose in assisting the whole family to discovering the collective truth and the beauty of Gods Word. This type of family interaction may assist parents to convey the most important lessons of the Bible, and it will aid the children in applying these biblical lessons in their daily life. Without any doubt, the time spent together will be a wonderful blessing for each member of the family. These Family Meetings have been divided into three sections. Each of these parts is very important and much needed. The section titled Think is actively intellectual its purpose is to summarize the lesson, and it is also to challenge you to answer the difficult questions which your pre-schooler freely possesses. To us as adults, some of these questions might seem a bit funny or just absurd. In reality, in a life of a child there are no funny questions, they are either important or very important.

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Our purpose as parents is to direct our child to the answer he/she possesses. Dont we ourselves need to look for numerous answers in the written Word of God? The section titled Do is the active application for the entire family. Even as it may be difficult to complete the proposed questions, its important to take the time and assist your child. Its because of this type of interaction; you will possess many beautiful family memories in years to come. The time spent together with your child will become the most treasured reward for you, as well as for your child. The objective of the last section Remember is to invite the whole family to learn and memorize verses from the Holy Scriptures together as a family. Please spend the most important hours of your life in discovering Gods love together with your children. I wish that each mom and dad will experience the joy as they witness their child living in friendship with Christ. Dear Children, You are holding a book which was written especially for you from cover to cover. This extraordinary book is devoted to young adventure seekers just like you. What are you going to discover by reading this book? I can not reveal that to you. This job belongs to you. I realize that most of you can not read well at this age. Your parents will help you with the reading. They, too, will discover something wonderful by reading this book. Both you and your parents will become explorers. Are you ready? Lets begin! Author


There was nothing on the earth back then. The earth was a joyless and empty place, all covered with water. God said, Let there be light. And there was light - God separated the light from the darkness. That is how the day and the night came about. And God saw that what He created was good. It was the first day. The next day, God continued His great work. He said, Let the blue sky stretch over the earth. So it happened. The sky appeared. It was a beautiful sight. God knew that what He created was good. That is how the second day passed.

The Creation of the World

You have surely wondered what it was like when there was nothing: no mommy, no daddy, no trees, no slides, no cars, no lollipops, no tasty chocolates, no hamsters, no cuckoo birds, no Christmas, nor gifts under the Christmas tree. You were not there - the Earth itself was not there. Nobody got up and nobody went to bed. Back in those times, there was only Lord God who lived in the beautiful Kingdom of Heaven. There were angels with Him praising God with their most beautiful songs. One day, God decided to create heaven and earth.

The earth was still covered with water, so on the next day, God said, Let there be dry land. God separated the waters and dried up some of the waters. That is how the land came about. The rest of the waters were called the sea. God saw that it was good. Then Lord God said, Let the land make flowers, trees, fruit and vegetables. The fragrant flowers and tall trees grew on the land. Then, the earth was really beautiful. That is how the third day passed.

The next day, God said, Let there be lights in the sky to separate night from day. God made something really amazing. He created the sun that warmed the earth with its rays. It shone in the sky during the day, and set in the evening. Even then, it was not completely dark, because God created the moon and millions of stars. God saw that it was good. That is how the fourth day passed. Do you know what happened on the fifth day? God said, Let fish live in the water and birds fly in the sky. God created fish and birds. He made the fish in the water to swim. He made the birds to sing, fly and build nests. And God saw that all He had created was good. That is how the fifth day passed.

The next day was another great day. The Lord God said, Let the land produce living creatures. God created the animals, small and big. And then God said, Lets make somebody special. Someone, who will resemble Me. Somebody, who can love Me. Someone, who will talk with me about everything. God made the people. He created a man and a woman Adam and Eve. Lord God said to the people, Adam and Eve, all that I created belongs to you. Enjoy it. Rule over the fish, birds and all of the animals. All I want is that you would honor Me. God knew that what he had created was good. That is how the sixth day passed.

On the seventh day, God rested. God had finished his work.



Family Meeting

THE BOOK, HOW GOD CREATED THE WORLD Materials: seven sheets of paper, crayons, a family photograph.

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Make a book titled, How the Good God Created the World. Draw on each sheet of paper what God created on each day. On each piece of paper write the verse, And God saw that it was good. You will have to make seven pages, but the last page (the seventh) should be a special one. Put your family photograph on it. God has also created each one of you. List your favorite ways of spending time together on this page.

Everything that God created is wonderful. He gave the people the earth and everything on it too. So they would enjoy it. God also wanted us to respect His creation. Do you respect what God created? Can you look around at this beautiful world and thank God for His creation?


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For everything God has created is good. (1 Timothy 4:4)

Adam lived in a beautiful garden. Many trees grew there, and they bore wonderful fruits: bananas, apples and many others. There were plenty of animals there living in harmony with each other. The birds sang, and colorful flowers grew among green grass. The rivers flowed through the garden. This great garden, filled with scents of flowers and herbs, was called Eden, that is, Paradise. It was not just because it was colorful, and there was always something interesting going on, but because the Lord God Himself was present in the garden. God cared for Adam as a father cares for his child. Adam was truly happy. He worried about nothing. God allowed him to give names to all the animals. Adam enjoyed the wonderful garden, and God knew his desires.

Adam and Eve

Do you remember the wonderful things that the Lord God made when He created the world? Do you remember the name of the first man He had created? Yes, it was Adam.


God knew that Adam had nobody like himself. So God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. He made a woman and gave her the name Eve. Adam was very pleased. He showed Eve around the whole garden. Adam and Eve were never hungry. They were not cold. They both were very happy, because they lived close to their Father who had created them - God. They were happy people.

Adam and Eve could use everything that was in the garden. They could eat any fruit they wanted, from any tree except one. They could not eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Lord God said, Every fruit is tasty and good, but if you eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will die. Adam and Eve obeyed that command. They did not want to make God sad.


Then one day, something terrible happened. While walking through Eden, Eve came close to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Suddenly, she heard a voice. Who could be speaking to her? It surely was not Adams voice. It also was not God speaking, because she knew His voice. Eve stopped to hear better where the voice was coming from. She began walking toward it. She walked and walked... and then she saw a beautiful serpent, shining in the sun, looking at her with its radiant eyes. Good day, the serpent welcomed her kindly. It is I that spoke to you.

Eve was scared, but her curiosity was so great, that she decided to ask the serpent a question. Who are you? I dont remember seeing you among animals that live in Eden. It is not important who I am. Tell me, is it true that you may eat all of the fruit except the fruit from that tree that I am on? The serpent asked shrewdly. Yes, its true. This fruit is not good for us. Eve responded. The Lord God told us so, and He cares for us. Then the serpent came closer to Eve and whispered into her ear, Its not true, this fruit is very tasty. God said so because He did not want you to try it, because if you eat it, you will become as wise and powerful as He is. Trust me. I know Him better than you do. The serpent continued. Eat the fruit, and

Adam and Eve hid behind thick bushes, because they were afraid of God. But the Lord God sees and hears everything. He saw them hiding and asked, Adam and Eve, why do you hide? Has anything bad happened? Now, they had to face Him and tell Him the whole truth. God, seeing them naked and scared, asked, Have you eaten the forbidden fruit? Adam answered, Yes, but it wasnt our fault. The serpent made us do it.

you will see that something wonderful will happen. Do you know what happened? Eve listened to the serpent and ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then, she called for Adam. And Adam also ate the fruit, although the Lord God had strictly forbidden that. They disobeyed their Father. They committed a great sin. Adam and Eve quickly realized that the serpent had lied to them. He had said something wonderful would happen, but it was just the opposite. They became very unhappy. They were sad and scared. They also saw that they were naked. They quickly made themselves some covering to hide their nakedness. Sometime later, the Lord God began calling for Adam and Eve. Where were they? Why were they afraid to face their Father?

everything would change. A very special Child will be born, much stronger than Satan. This Child would have a very important task to fulfill. Do you know who I am talking about? Yes, about Lord Jesus... He would die on the cross for our sins. He would defeat Satan, so every man, big and small, who believes in Him, would be happy again, and would live in an even more beautiful garden - in Heaven, close to God Himself.

The Lord God became angry at the serpent, because He realized that His great enemy had hidden in the serpents skin. It was Satan. He was responsible for what had happened. He envies God and wants to make all the people unhappy. Adam and Eve had free will, and they could decide what they wanted to do or not do. So the Lord God said to them, You will be punished for your disobedience. You cannot live in Eden anymore. God gave them clothes made of animal skin and cast them out of the beautiful garden. They settled outside Paradise. And from that time on, they were never truly happy. Despite their sin, God loved Adam and Eve very much. He promised His disobedient children, that some day


Family Meeting


PARADISE SHISH KABOBS The ingredients: various fruits, cool whip or melted chocolate, skewers Peel the fruit and cut it in small cubes. Take the fruit cubes and put them on a skewer one by one. Pour melted chocolate on each fruit shish-kebab or dip the shish kebab in cool whip. Enjoy!

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The Paradise that God had given to Adam and Eve was wonderful. God treated the first people like His children. They could do anything they wanted, but there was one rule in Paradise. Do you remember what it was? Somebody else knew about his rule. Do you remember who it was? Do you remember what he convinced Eve to do? And what did Eve do next? Adam and Eve were disobedient to God. Disobedience to God is a sin. They were punished for that: they were cast out of Paradise, and all the joy disappeared from their hearts. God loved His children very much and promised them that one day somebody would be born who would defeat Satan and remove all sins. Do you know who I am talking about? Do you know that it applies also to you and your disobedience?


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We all, like sheep, have gone astray. (Isaiah 53:6)


One day, God said to Noah, Noah, I dont like it that the people dont want to obey me. I have to punish them. A great rain will fall on the earth. It will rain for many days until the water covers all of the houses, trees, and even the high mountains. But you and your family will be safe. Then, God said, Build a great boat - an ark. Take a pair, one boy and one girl, from each kind of animals inside. Then, go into the ark, you and your family, and I will close the door behind you. Only I can open the door when the right time comes.

There was a man named Noah. Noah loved God very much and was obedient to Him. The Lord God liked watching Noah as he worked. God also liked talking with him. There were also other people, but they did not listen to the Lord God.

Noah was obedient to God, as usual. He began building a great boat, just as the Lord God had told him to do. The people saw what Noah was doing, and they were laughing at him. Both the children and the adults laughed at Noah, but he continued building. Noah, they shouted why do you need

a boat since there is no rain, and the sun is shining brightly? There will be rain, Noah answered. The Lord God told me. They continued laughing. Then one day, when the boat was ready, the animals began to gather, a pair from each kind, just like God said. The big animals came. The small ones came as well. Some of them even flew to the ark.


People were amazed, but they still did not believe what Noah told them. They did not believe God. Noah and his family went into the ark at last. Then... what is that? The door to the ark closed slowly. People looked at this with amazement, but they still did not believe. When the door had closed completely, small drops of rain began falling form the sky. Then, they turned into big raindrops, and the big raindrops turned into a downpour that covered all the earth with water, just as the Lord God had said. Noah and his family were safe. The animals were safe as well. God protected Noah in the boat until the day that the water would disappear. How could he know when it would happen? Noah trusted God. He decided to send a raven, but the raven returned very quickly.

The waters have not receded yet, Noah said. We have to wait. A few days later, Noah sent a dove. The dove did not return for a long time. Noah waited. After some time, the dove returned with a little branch in her beak. The water is going down, Noah said, but we have to wait longer.

Noah trusted God. A few days later, Noah sent a dove again. He waited and waited, but the dove did not return. Then Noah said, The water had gone down and the land had dried up, just as the Lord God had said.

Then - what was that? The door of the ark began to open. Noah was happy. The sun was shining again. There was no water. Noah and his family praised the Lord God together. What was that? A rainbow appeared in the sky. It was a sign from God. There will never be a great flood again.


Family Meeting


OUR FAMILY ARK Materials: a large sheet of paper, small sheets of paper, a pencil, a ruler, crayons, markers, glue and scissors. Draw a colorful rainbow on the big piece of paper. Now, draw an ark on a small piece of paper. Write your name in the middle of the ark. Cut the ark out, and glue it under the rainbow you have painted.

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Noah trusted God. He knew that if God decides something, He will always do it. Noah was obedient, even when God gave him a very strange task. Do you remember what it was? What did other people do when they saw Noah at work? Were they obedient to God? Why did God send the flood to the world? Are you obedient to God. Do you trust Him? This will not always be easy for you, but when you see the rainbow, remember that God wants to talk with you, even when you are not obedient.


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Whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. (Proverbs 29:25)

Abraham and Sarah

There was once a wealthy man named Abraham. He had large flocks of sheep, donkeys and camels. He lived very comfortably in his own country. There were also his family and friends with whom he often met. Abraham saw that most people in his country did not know God. He knew that they worshipped other gods. Abraham was the only one who knew the Lord God and was obedient to Him. Abrahams wife, Sarah, also prayed to God.

One day, God said to him, Abraham, I have prepared a new and great country for you. Take your entire family, all of your animals, and all of the things from your house and go. Dont be afraid, because I will care for you. I will send good people to you that will help you, and I will protect you from the evil ones. Abraham did as the Lord God told him. He was not afraid, because he knew that God always keeps His promises. Abraham and Sarah travelled for a long, long time. It was a difficult journey. It was also difficult for the numerous

animals they took along. All of them: Abraham and his wife, their servants, and the animals made one great caravan. The caravan moved very, very slowly. They travelled though wilderness and forest. They climbed high mountains. As they passed foreign countries they wondered, Is it the land that the Lord God promised to us? Is it here? The Lord God led them further. He was taking them to a wonderful land called Canaan. One day, they came to the shore of a river called Jordan. Abraham, his wife, all of his servants and animals crossed the

river to the other shore, into the land that God had promised them. Abraham was thankful to God for keeping His promise. Out of his hearts gratitude, he built an altar, made a sacrifice and thanked the Lord God.

Then, he settled in Canaan, in his new home. Abraham and Sarah were very happy. They lacked nothing. They had many animals. They were never hungry. Canaan was a very rich country, full of wonderful animals, tasty fruit and fragrant herbs. The years passed. Abraham and Sarah were growing old. The more years passed, the sadder they became. You surely wonder why were they sad if they lived in such wonderful place as Canaan. Abraham and Sarah were sad because they had no children. They prayed to God fervently to give them a child. Had God forgotten about them, even though they were obedient to Him?

God saw the sadness of Abraham and Sarah, because He sees everything, even the things hidden deep in our hearts. One night, God spoke to Abraham in a dream. Dont be sad, Abraham. You and your wife, Sarah, will have a child, and so many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren as there are stars in the sky! That really is a big number!


Abraham trusted God again. Sarah trusted God, too. They waited for the child that God had promised them, but more years passed. They were already very old, and doubt settled again in their hearts. They said to each other, Will God give us a child? Maybe He forgot about us? We are so old already. Then they decided not to wait on God. They made some choices that caused them to have problems for many many years. When we do not wait on God, we create problems for ourselves. One day, God spoke to Abraham again. Abraham, soon you will rejoice at the birth of your son. You will call him Isaac.

Sarah gave birth to a boy, and she and Abraham gave him the name Isaac, which means He laughs. Isaac indeed made his parents very happy. Abraham and Sarah were happy also for another reason. Once again, they saw that God always answers the prayers of His children. When we pray, sometimes even for a very long time like Abraham and Sarah did, God does not forget us even for a moment. God always answers prayers, but at the proper time. Isnt that wonderful?




Family Meeting

THE TREE OF ANSWERED PRAYERS Materials: a large sheet of paper, construction paper, crayons, a pencil, scissors. You surely remember those prayers when you asked God for something, and He answered you. Now, your task is to make a tree of answered prayers. Draw a tree on the large piece of paper. Then take the construction paper and draw large, colorful flowers that will be symbols of your prayers. Write on those flowers the requests that the Lord God answered, for example, I was sick. I prayed for health and God answered me. Now, cut out each flower and glue it to The Tree of Answered Prayers.

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Abraham and Sarah knew God and were obedient to Him. They liked to talk with Him very much. They knew that God always keeps his promises. God knew their hearts and saw their needs. Do you remember what God had prepared for them? Abraham and Sarah, although they lived in wonderful Canaan, were sad. Do you remember why? Who were they waiting for so long? Who did they pray for? Did God answer their prayers? What do you think; can God answer your prayers as well? God does not forget us even for a moment.


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Ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (John 16:24)

Jonah and the Great Fish

One day God spoke to His servant Jonah, Jonah, I want you to go to the city of Nineveh. There are people there who do not live according to My commandments. They do evil things. Tell them that if they do not stop, they will be punished. Jonah loved God and served Him, although he did not always obey Him. He did not always want to do what God had asked of him. So it was this time.

Do you know who the people of Nineveh were? They were the enemies of the Israelites, and Jonah was an Israelite. Jonah thought, Oh no, this time I will not listen to the Lord God. I do not want to save our enemies. Let somebody else go. Why does it have to be me?


Jonah traveled far. He walked and walked and finally came to the seashore. There, he decided to board a ship to run even further from the Lord God. He wanted to cross the sea. Jonah wanted to hide from the Lord God. Even here, on the ship. He spent the whole trip below decks. Was God really not able to see Jonah? He sees everything, and He saw Jonah, too. He saw that Jonah was disobedient. Instead of going to Nineveh, Jonah was sailing to a totally different place.

God heard Jonahs thoughts. God knows our every thought, even the ones we do not speak out loud. Jonah also thought, But what am I to do? After all, I cannot oppose God Himself. He may even punish me. He decided to go, but instead of going to Nineveh, he would go in the opposite direction. Nineveh was to the east, but Jonah went west. Do you know what Jonah did? He tried to escape the Lord God. He thought, I will go far and hide so deep that God will not find me. And even if He finds me, He will let me be.


God sent a great storm. A strong wind blew and huge waves appeared on the sea that had been calm before and they crashed down with great noise on Jonahs ship. A few more moments, and the ship would break down and all would drown. Do you know what Jonah was doing then? He was sleeping in his cabin, as if nothing was happening. He did not know anything about the storm. When a sailor woke him up and begged Jonah to plead with his God for salvation, Jonah realized that God had found him. Jonah decided he would be thrown into the sea, so the innocent sailors would be saved. After all, it was he who was disobedient and only he should be punished. Jonah was thrown into the sea and the storm stopped. The sea was calm again and rocked the ship peacefully. What about Jonah? Did he drown in the deep sea? No, because the Lord God saw Jonahs heart. God knew that Jonah regretted his sin very much and forgave him. God sent a great fish that swallowed Jonah. From that time on, Jonah stayed in the belly of the very big fish. It was dark, and Jonah was very afraid, but he knew that even their God saw him and took care of him. So he began to pray and promised to God,


Lord God, now I know that nobody or nothing can be hidden from You. You see me, and You know me. You know my thoughts, even if I dont say them out loud. I will never turn away from You, oh God. I will always obey You. God turned the fish toward the shore, so Jonah would be able to land on solid ground. The fish spit Jonah out. When Jonah was safe and well on the shore, the Lord God spoke to him, Jonah, go to Nineveh and tell the people living there to turn back to me. What do you think? Was Jonah obedient this time? Yes, Jonah did as God had told him. He went straight into Nineveh. When he got there, he told the people about God. He told them that God is good, that He forgives even when a man does truly evil things. The people believed Jonahs words.

They confessed to God that they regretted what they had done, and God forgave them. And Jonah? Jonah also learned how great God is. He was forgiven too.


Family Meeting

THE GREAT FISH The Lord God sent a great fish that swallowed Jonah. This fish was his shelter. Can you imagine how Jonah felt inside the belly of the great fish? Make a fish like that.

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Materials: a very large cardboard box large enough for a child to fit in, paints, a brush, good scissors or a cardboard knife. Cut an entrance in one side of the box. Paint the box with various colors so it looks like a great fish. Draw the eyes, fins and scales. When the fish is ready, go inside it. How do you feel?

What did the Lord God ask Jonah to do? Did Jonah fulfill this task? Was he obedient? What did he want to do? Why did the sailors want to throw Jonah into the sea? Did Jonah drown? Jonah was disobedient to God, although he loved Him. He learned that God loves him too and forgives his sins. Jonah realized that there was no place on earth where one could hide from God. The Lord God sees, hears and knows everything. God is all-knowing.


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You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. (Psalm 139:2)


the best carpenter in town. Their wedding was to happen very soon. As Mary was thinking about the happiest day in her life, she began thanking the Lord God for everything she had: for a house, for her parents, for neighbors and most of all for Joseph. She knew that she could share with God all her dreams, desires and sorrows.

The Angel Announces the Good News to Mary

A young woman lived in a small and modest house on the edge of the town of Nazareth. Her name was Mary. Mary was very happy, because she was about to marry Joseph,

Greetings unto you, O Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you. Do you know who spoke to her? It was the archangel Gabriel who brought a message from the Lord God Himself. At first, Mary was scared. She had never seen an angel before. The archangel Gabriel saw the fear in her eyes and said, Do not be afraid, Mary. I bring you a message from the Lord God Himself. He has chosen you to be the mother of His Son, Jesus. You will give birth to the Messiah that all the Israelites have been waiting for. Jesus will be a special King, and His Kingdom will last forever. This is the Good News. Mary was not scared anymore. She realized that she has a very important task to fulfill: she would give birth to the Savior, Who will give eternal happiness to all those who will believe in

Him. Mary humbly bowed her head and said, I trust the Lord God, and I want to serve Him. Let it be according to your word! After those words, the archangel Gabriel returned to Heaven, and Mary remained in her modest house. This night truly was extraordinary, because the angel brought Mary, a young girl that had always trusted God, the Good News: soon the Lord Jesus would be born.


Family Meeting


One day, your parents also received great news. They learned that a little baby would be born. You were this little baby. Ask your parents to show you the pictures from that time. Maybe they will even tell you how much they had waited for you.

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Mary had a very important task to fulfill. She would be the mother of the Lord Jesus. The people had waited for Him a very long time. The archangel Gabriel brought Mary the Good News: Soon the Savior of the world will be born. Isnt it wonderful news? Are you glad to hear it as well?


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For to us a child is born, to us a son is given. (Isaiah 9:6a)

The Baby Jesus

Do you remember Mary, to whom the archangel Gabriel brought the Good News? She and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, a town where the king, David, once lived. They went there to sign in a special book, because Caesar wanted to count all of the people living in his country. They had a very long way to travel. This journey was especially difficult for Mary, because she was carrying the Baby inside of her. The Baby was to be born soon.

Mary and Joseph were not rich, so they did not travel on great camels. They had only one donkey. Joseph saw that Mary was very tired. Its not much farther, Mary. He comforted her. In Bethlehem, well find some comfortable place for the night. Then youll rest. Its not much longer... Mary did not have any more strength to travel much further. After many hours, they came to Bethlehem, but there were so many people there! Indeed, this small, quiet town suddenly

seemed like the noisiest place on earth. There were so many people everywhere who came to the town, as they did, to sign in Caesars book. Do you see this great inn, Mary? There will surely be a place for us to sleep there, and you will rest soon. Joseph said to Mary. When they knocked at the inns door, all of the places were already taken. They decided to look elsewhere. They knocked at many doors, but everybody answered them, Were sorry, we dont have any room. This is terrible, Joseph thought. I have to find something, because Mary is

already very tired, and the baby will be born soon. Then, he saw a small house at the end of a small Bethlehem street. There was a stable next to it. Joseph decided to knock at the door of this house. Maybe there would be a place for them. When the owner opened the door, Joseph asked, Can we spend the night here? The owner felt sorry for Mary, because he saw how tired she was, so he made an offer. All of the places in the house are taken, but if you want, you may stay in the stable. Joseph and Mary sighed with relief. Finally, they were able to rest. They were not alone in the stable. There were the animals, because the stable is the place where animals eat and rest. Joseph quickly found some fresh hay and made a bed for Mary. Then, they both thanked God for this simple but warm place to rest. The night came. Deep silence fell over the little town of Bethlehem. All of the lights in the houses were put out. Everybody was sound asleep.


That night, one light remained lit in a little stable. A miracle happened there. There, Mary gave birth to the Baby. Although the baby was small and helpless, he was not an ordinary baby. He was the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Mary gave him the name of Jesus, just like the archangel Gabriel had predicted. Although they had no crib or even a beautiful blanket for the Baby, Mary and Joseph were very happy. Do you know who made it all happen? Yes, it was the Lord Jesus who gave them such joy. Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes to keep him warm, and Joseph put some hay in a manger. They laid the Baby in it and looked at Him with great love. The animals looked at Jesus, and they were very calm, as if they knew that He was somebody special.

The Savior of the world lay calmly on the hay in a manger in a small stable. Nobody knew about this yet, but it would not be a secret for long...


Family Meeting

THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT OF THE FAMILY OF ANGELS That night when the Lord Jesus was born, all the hosts of angels sang with joy. Although there was no house or bed for Him, only a small stable with a little manger, the angels knew that the Lord Jesus accepted that, because He loves the people very much. Dress up as a family of angels and sing praise to the Lord Jesus. Invite your friends and neighbors. They can also dress up as angels. Let it be a very special night of Christmas carols.

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The story of the birth of the Lord Jesus is the most wonderful story in the Bible. The Lord Jesus life did not start with His birth. He lived earlier in Heaven, together with His Father and Holy Spirit, even before the earth was created. Do you remember Adam and Eve, the first people that God had created? Do you remember how they were sent out of Paradise because of their disobedience? The Bible says that because of the disobedience of the first people, sin came into the world and broke our relationship with the Lord God. Even then, the Lord God was already planning that one day a Savior would be born. He would help the people to return to Paradise - Heaven. He would destroy every sin. Just think about this - Jesus left His Father and came to earth to become a man. Do you know why Jesus came to the world? Jesus came to the world to be your Savior.

He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor. (2 Corinthians 8:9)





They realized that angels from heaven were surrounding them, and one of them said, Do not be afraid. I bring you Good News. The Savior of the world, Christ the Lord, was born in the town of David. Go to Bethlehem. There, the Baby lies in swaddling clothes in a small stable. You will find Him easily. He is Jesus, the King of kings. Then, the angels began singing loudly, praising God. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom His favor rests.

The Shepherds Visit the Baby Jesus

The shepherds were watching sheep in a meadow in the hills surrounding Bethlehem. It was dark and quiet everywhere. Suddenly, the sky became bright, but it was not the sun rising. The sky was lit with a light brighter than sunlight. What is it? Whats happening? The shepherd asked, terrified.


When the angels returned to Heaven, the shepherds fell to their knees and also began to worship the Lord God for allowing them to see and hear such great things. It became dark and quiet again. The shepherds said to each other, Let us go to Bethlehem. We will see the Savior of the world; we have waited for Him for so long. They went to Bethlehem.

They easily found the small stable, and there were Mary and Joseph leaning over the Baby. The shepherds knew who the Baby was. They knew that He was the Savior who came to the world to make people happy. They fell to their knees and bowed down before Him, for they were looking at the future King of kings. Each one of them gave Him his heart. As the shepherds went back to their sheep, they spread the good news about baby Jesus. That night, they were the happiest people on earth. Do you know who made them so happy? Yes, it was the Lord Jesus.


Family Meeting

THE BETHLEHEM STAR Materials: a poinsettia (the Christmas star) Look at a poinsettia flower. Notice the middle of the flower. What does the middle look like? During a family prayer time, think together about why Jesus came and how you can worship and honor God. Sharing the good news about Jesus to others was one way the shepherds worshipped and honored God. Do you know why the poinsettia is such a special flower? A Mexican legend says that the poinsettias first bloomed at the feet of a small boy who prayed at Christmas Eve for something he could give to Baby Jesus. You can give Jesus your love.

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Who revealed themselves to the shepherds? Do you remember what the angels told them? The shepherds believed the words of the angel and went to Bethlehem. They bowed down before little Jesus, because they recognized the Savior of the world in Him. They also shared the Good News. What Good News can you share about the Lord Jesus?


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Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you. (Luke 2:11)

had known so far. They realized that something unusual must have happened. This star must mean something. This star must be pointing to something, but to what? They had read in one of their books about the Star of David that was to point the people to the birthplace of the King of kings. They decided to find out if that new star might be the Star of David. They set out on their way. Each one of them travelled on his own camel. Each one of them took along the most precious thing from his country. Those were gifts for the King of kings, if the star indeed would lead them to Him. They took gold, incense, and myrrh.

The Wise Men from the East

In those days when the Lord Jesus was to be born, far in the East, there lived some wise men. They read many books about the sky and stars. Most of all, they liked watching the sky at night. They marveled at the beautiful stars, whose names they knew by heart. One night, they noticed that a completely new star had appeared in the sky. It was brighter and more beautiful than the others stars they
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it be that this One and Only King has been born? Has Jesus really come to the world? If everything has come to pass, as the prophet Isaiah had predicted, then I will cease to be the king! My people will no longer listen to me! Herod thought, terrified. Afraid for his throne, he wanted to know if the King of kings had already been born. Let the wise men from the East find out where exactly Jesus is. And, when they discover where He is, then I will get rid of Him. Herod thought. He told his guests, Go, and bow down before Him, and after youve done it, return here to tell me where He is. I also want to bow down before the King of kings. Herod lied. They traveled for a very long time, and the star kept on leading them. At last, they reached Jerusalem. There they went to bow down before King Herod. Herod was not a good king. He was told that the wise men had come, and they were looking for some King of kings in his country. He thought that the wise men had meant him, but they told him that the star was not pointing to him. Then, Herod became very angry. He thought, I am the only king in this country. There is no other and never will be... Here, King Herod hesitated. He learned the prophet Isaiah who had long time ago predicted coming of the King of kings, Jesus. Could it be that all those predictions have come true? Could

Do not go back to King Herod. He plans to do evil. He doesnt want to bow down to Jesus at all. He wants to kill Him. Return to your countries another way, not through Jerusalem.

The star led them, and finally one day, it stopped over a small stable in a little town of Bethlehem. Do you know who the kings saw there? Yes, the Baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph. Then they understood that all this time, they were being led by the Star of David. They also realized that the Baby they saw was not an ordinary baby, but the King of kings and the Savior of the world. They placed their gifts by the manger: the gold, the incense and myrrh. That night, the wise men from the far corners of the earth completed their long journey. As they went to bed, they thought about what they had seen in the small stable. They were very happy, but not because of their wisdom, but because they had found Jesus, the King of kings. An angel appeared to them in a dream and said,

In the morning, the kings got up and they did as the angel had told them in the dream. They returned to their countries another way. They never again met with Herod.



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A GIFT FOR YOU Materials: a cardboard box, colorful wrapping paper, a ribbon, a clear scotch tape. As a whole family, make a package for a child or an adult. You may give that person some clothes, toys or food. Put it all in the box and wrap it nicely with the colorful wrapping paper. Give your gift to a person in need or take it to some charity agency. (If you want to leave the package in a drop-in box, paste a note on it saying, a gift for child of age of....)

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Who from the far East saw the unusual star? The wise men left for a long journey to search for the King of kings. Where did they stop before coming to Bethlehem? The king, Herod, also wanted to see the King of kings. Did he really want to bow down before Him? When the wise men saw the Lord Jesus in the modest stable in Bethlehem, they realized that this unusual star led them to Him, the King of kings. They bowed down before Him, just like you bow down before a great ruler. The wise men also brought wonderful gifts and laid them before the Lord Jesus in the manger, just like before a real throne. What about you? Do you have any gift for the Lord Jesus? What can you give Him just from you?


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We know that this man really is the Savior of the world. (John 4:42)

A friend of the Lord Jesus, Joseph, asked Pilate for Jesus body. After Pilate gave him permission, Joseph took His body from the cross and wrapped Him in a beautiful white piece of cloth. Then, they took it to the tomb that looked like a cave cut in a rock. In the end, they sealed the tomb with a great stone so the enemies of the Lord Jesus would not steal His body. Then, they returned home to mourn the death of their Teacher. We will never meet with Jesus again. We will never be able to talk to Him again. He will never comfort us again, when we are sad!

The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus

The Lord Jesus was dead for many hours. His body still hung on the cross. In the evening, the friends of the Lord Jesus came to bury Him in a tomb, as was the custom. There were several women with them, and among them was Mary Magdalene, whom the Lord Jesus had forgiven many sins, and another lady named Mary.

The disciples of the Lord Jesus forgot about His words. They forgot that the Lord Jesus said, I will die on the cross, but on the third day, I will rise again, leave the tomb, and you will see Me again. Sunday came. It was the third day since the Lord Jesus death. Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were two other women who went to the Lord Jesus tomb. When they arrived, they noticed that the stone that sealed the tomb had been moved, and they were terrified. The tomb was open.

Who moved the great stone? The women wondered. Then, they ran to the house where the Apostles were staying. Somebody stole the Lord Jesus body! They shouted. Peter and John got up, ran to the tomb. When they reached the place where the Lord Jesus had been buried, they also saw that the tombstone had been moved, and there was no body inside. What could have happened to Him? Peter asked, and the disciples left, sad.

Mary Magdalene could not be at peace with the thought that somebody had stolen the Lord Jesus body, and she went to the tomb again. She cried the whole way there. She spoke to herself, Why did somebody do something as terrible as taking away the body of my Lord? When she reached the place, she decided to go inside. Deep in the cave, she saw two angels sitting next to the cloth that the Lord Jesus body had been wrapped in. Why are you crying? The angels asked. Mary answered, terrified. Because somebody has taken the body of my Lord, and I dont know where it is. Dont be afraid. The angels comforted her. Everything will become clear soon. In that moment, Mary heard somebody calling. Somebody she knew was calling for her. Do you know who it was?

Yes, it was the Lord Jesus. Mary! Jesus called. Teacher, Youre alive! Mary saw Jesus dressed in a white robe, standing in front of her and smiling. Mary was the happiest woman on earth. She had seen risen the Lord Jesus. Mary, go now and tell My disciples that I am alive. The woman ran quickly to the house where the Apostles stayed. I saw Him, I saw Him! Hes alive! Mary shouted. Who have you seen? The disciples asked, seeing her shaking with excitement.

I have seen the risen Jesus. Hes alive. He has conquered death. The disciples did not believe her, but soon they would learn themselves that Mary was telling the truth. In the evening, the Apostles gathered together for supper and spoke about the Lord Jesus. They remembered the stories He had told them. Suddenly, a figure in white appeared among them. Who was it? Was it a ghost? Do you know who it was? It was the Lord Jesus who appeared to His disciples. Peace to you. He turned to them. I am not a ghost. Look, I have hands and nail marks on them. I have feet and nail marks on them, too. Lord, One of the Apostles asked, is it really You?

Why do you doubt that? I told you I would rise from the dead. Jesus sat down at the table with them. He ate the meal with them to show them He was alive. Then, the Apostles believed that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead just like He had said He would. They were not sad anymore, because they saw their Lord, who is the Savior who conquered death, who defeated Satan.

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THE LORD JESUS LIVES The materials: a big paper plate, brown and gray water-paints, a brush, a drawing of an angel (you may cut it out from an old postcard or draw it yourself), scissors, paper glue and gray packing paper. Paint the plate brown from the outside and gray from the inside. Then cut it in half. Glue the halves of the plate in such a way, so they would form a cave. Glue the angel inside the cave. Now we need a stone to cover the entrance. You can make it out of gray packing paper (crumple the paper into a ball shape). You may place a sign over the cave: The Lord Jesus lives.

Who went do the Lord Jesus tomb early in the morning? Who did Mary Magdalene and the other Mary saw inside the tomb? After the Lord Jesus death the Apostles were very sad. They lost their best friend, although He told them, that He was the Son of God Himself, the Savior of the world. The disciples were sad, because they forgot the Lord Jesus words that He had to die first, so on the third day He would rise again. How was it possible for the Apostles to forget what Jesus had said? Do people in our times also forget about Jesus words? What happened then? The Lord Jesus rose from the dead to live forever. He is the Christ, the Savior of the world that God had promised and announced a long time ago. He is the Lamb that wipes away your sins and mine. Because of Him we will be with God forever in heaven. Never forget about that!


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I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! (Rev 1:18)

This prayer will help you in that: Dear Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. Thank You that You have died on the cross for my punishment. Please, forgive my sins: bad thoughts, deeds and words. I want to live with You, now and forever. Please, help me be the person You want me to be. Thank You that You are listening to me now. Amen.

How Do We Become Children of God?

All the stories told in this Bible were to help you understand how much God loves you. He wants you to become His children. Do you know how you can do it? 1. You have to confess your sins. It is written in the Bible that when we regret our sins, God will forgive them, because He loves us very much. 2. You have to believe that Jesus is your Savior. You surely wonder what it means to believe the Lord Jesus. It means that deep down in your heart, your are sure that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for your disobedience, and because of that, God the Father forgave your every sin. 3. You have to be born again. After the story with Nicodemus, you know what that means. You know that it means to have a new heart that cannot sin, that loves God and wants to please Him. It is a difficult task but do not be afraid. A great Helper will be with you - the Holy Spirit. He will help you in everything. Do you want to become Gods child? Do you want to be one of the Lord Jesus friend? Do you want to make this decision?

I have prayed on the day of: ...................................

Signature: ............................................................... Now, believe because of Jesus, that God has forgiven you for all of your sins and believe that you will live with Jesus and God the Father in Heaven.

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