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11/17/22, 2:33 AM Module 6: Opening Exercise: 22FD-COM321-1

Module 6: Opening Exercise

Due  No due date  Points  0  Questions  5  Time Limit  None  
Allowed Attempts  Unlimited


This exercise will help introduce you to the topics that will be covered in this Interactive Lecture. These
are ungraded and will not affect your overall grade in the course.

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Submitted Nov 17 at 12:33am

Question 1 0 / 0 pts

Individuals have _______ levels for certain risks that they are willing to
take. However, they will tend to act in ways that will minimize those risks.





  motivational 1/4
11/17/22, 2:33 AM Module 6: Opening Exercise: 22FD-COM321-1

This is correct. People have their own tolerance levels for certain
risks that they are willing to take. However, when the nature of that
risk changes, people tend to act in ways to minimize exposure to
those risks.

Question 2 0 / 0 pts

Having a valid contract keeps everyone involved __________ the services

they provide.

  entitled to 

  empowered by 

  confused about 

  accountable for 

Correct. Having a valid contract keeps everyone involved

accountable for the services they provide.

Incorrect Question 3 0 / 0 pts

True or false? When there are threats of terrorism, political upheaval, and
contagious outbreaks, event planners and organizations paying for the
event can terminate their contract with the hotels and convention centers
where the events are to be held.


  False 2/4
11/17/22, 2:33 AM Module 6: Opening Exercise: 22FD-COM321-1

Incorrect. The answer is false. When people are afraid to travel

because of threats of terrorism, political upheaval, and contagious
outbreaks, they cannot legally cancel or terminate a contract
because these are notforce majeureor acts of God. Please go to
Chapter 17 of The Complete Guide to Successful Event
Planning for more information.

Incorrect Question 4 0 / 0 pts

The ________________ was created by the U.S. Congress to ensure that

people who have access to data will take measures to keep the data
confidential. This responsibility extends to outside meeting planners,
hotels, convention venues, and individuals who handle the data of their

  Investor Protection Act 

  Sarbanes-Oxley Act 

  Confidentiality Act 

  Special Protections Act 

  Personal Data Confidentiality Act 

That is incorrect. Failure to protect personal information can have

serious repercussions, from fines and penalties levied by credit card
companies to lawsuits and damagedreputations. The Sarbanes-
Oxley Act (SOX) has created a responsibility for people with access
to data to take measures to keep the data confidential. Under SOX,
that responsibility spreads to outside meeting planners, hotels,
convention venues, and anyone who handles the data of your
participants.Go to Chapter 19 of The Complete Guide to Successful
Event Planning for more information.

Question 5 0 / 0 pts 3/4
11/17/22, 2:33 AM Module 6: Opening Exercise: 22FD-COM321-1

A __________________ can occur when one party in a contract cancels

his/her part of the obligation or does not fully perform his/her obligations as
stated in the contract.

  breach of duty 

  contractual failure 

  tort act 

  dispute resolution 

  breach of contract 

This is correct. After a contract becomes valid and binding, a breach

of contract occurs if one party cancels or does not fully perform its
obligations. 4/4

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