Basic Drawing

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PASK 0163:Lukisan Asas


1. What are the importance of rhythm and movement in art? Why are
these 2 items needed in a drawing? (2 marks)

Rhythm is a principle in art that shows movement or action.On the other

hand,Movement adds excitement,drama and compositional interest to an
artwork.These 2 items are needed because it will make an artwork
interesting and eye-catching

2. What are the essential differences between a 1-point perspective and

an isometric drawing?

Objects get smaller in a 1-point perspective as the lines go into the

distance and in an isometric drawing objects do not get smaller because
it does not have any vanishing point.

3. What is the function of colours in art?

Colours create our own individuality and flare.Colours create contrast in

our artwork.It can describe and depict the subject in detail.In other
words,colours make the artwork looks fun and interesting.
4. One factor for success in your drawings is composition. Explain how
the rule of thirds is applied here.

You may want to use an image from the internet to explain your answer.

The rule of third can makes the artwork look interesting.It mimic what the
human eyes see.We can see how well the subject is place and
proportioned.It helps draw the viewer’s eye into the image and places
more emphasis on the subject.

5. Using the image below explain how the artist, Henri Matisse, achieves
a sense of space,movement and rhythm.

The sense of space is created by using the colours which is the dark
blue and the light green which create the feeling of vastness.Movement
created by the posture of the figures for example the holding hands,the
legs which seem as they are jumping.Rhythm is there when Henri
Matisse drew a repetition of figures which created rhythm.

6. Artist Barbara Krueger, in 2 of her installation pieces (below) uses text

taken from popular consumer society to question that same society. We
have discussed how art has the ability to be both a powerful and
persuasive force in human life.

i. Explain if artists have any kind of social responsibility or obligation in

the society to incite change with the work that they produce, AND,
ii. Explain how artists use visual imagery to comment on political and
social structures.

i)Yes artist do have all kind of responsibility and obligation in the society
to incite change with the work they produce if they want to because in
this day and age an artwork can perceive a humans’s mind and art had
been proven that it can be used for political instrument.Art provides the
tools and platform for community members to represent their own
thoughts and experiences.An art can be create by anyone from a lower
class to higher class.

ii)Artist can use visual imagery that represent his/her experiences or a

mock imagery of the government to enable visionary thinking,bring
communities together and also can engange in challenging
conversations that can lead to political agenda.

7. Explain two (2) reasons why man creates art.

1-Humans wants to communicate

2-It’s a form of expressing ideas and feeling such as religious beliefs

8. Refer to the image below. In your opinion, what was Picasso trying to
achieve when he produced his series called The Bull?

Picasso trying to achieve the road to simplicity.Humans tends to make

everything complicated,we always trying to achieve something that is
unique and different which is good but sometimes we just have to go
back to our roots.In the end of this painting,we can see that it looks
dumb and simple but we can see that it’s a shape of a bull or some kind
of an animal which is all that matters.If a drawing can tell you a story or a
subject then it is a masterpiece,Do not stressed ourself with shading and
all the details.This is my opinion in this painting.
9. Refer to the image below by David Hockney. How does he create a
sense of depth and the illusion of 3D space?

The sense of depth and 3D illusions created by the lines and a 1 point-
vanishing perspective kind of drawing.

10.. Explain the characteristics of cool and warm colours.

Cool colours should have lighter,calm and soothe colours such as light
blue and warm colours should have a strong,vibrant and can remind you
of heat and sunshine like red,orange and yellow

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