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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29

A review of lysosomal membrane stability measured by neutral red

retention: is it a workable earthworm biomarker?
C. Svendsen,a, D.J. Spurgeon,a P.K. Hankard,a and J.M. Weeksb
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Monks Wood, Abbotts Ripton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 2LS, UK
National Centre for Environmental Toxicology, WRc-NSF Ltd., Medmenham, UK
Received 4 August 2003


The ability of biomarkers to integrate effects of chemicals on biota has lead to increased calls for their application in assessing the
status of polluted ecosystems. In tandem there has been an increase in our knowledge of the ecophysiological responses of keystone
species to pollutants, which has allowed the development of a number of promising methods. In contrast to the number of
biomarker development studies, the number of biomarker validation studies has remained limited. This paper redresses this
imbalance by drawing together data from studies that have used the earthworm lysosomal membrane stability response (measured
using the neutral red retention assay). This review first gives a short history of the biomarker’s development. Second, it sets
published applications of the technique against established criteria for a ‘‘good’’ biomarker (i.e., dose–response relationship,
sensitivity, ecological relevance, confounding factors, chemical specificity, species differences, time–response relationship,
methodological concerns, and overall public/regulator confidence, and acceptance). Discussion of the biomarker’s suitability to
each criterion is followed by an overall evaluation of its workability for routine soil quality assessment and caveats for its use.
r 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neutral red retention; Earthworm; Workable; Validation; Soil quality

1. Introduction 1.1. Suitability criteria for biomarker use in regulatory

soil quality assessment
It is becoming increasingly apparent that chemical
analysis and the use of chemical-specific trigger
* Dose–response relationship
values cannot take into account issues such as
* Sensitivity
mixture toxicity and the environmental conditions
* Ecological relevance
determining chemical bioavailability. The best integra-
* Confounding factors
tors of these complex effects are the exposed orga-
* Chemical specificity
nisms themselves. The appropriate use of biomarkers
* Species differences
in sentinel organisms provides a first set of tools
* Time–response relationship
with which we can measure the actual effects that
* Methodological concerns
chemicals are having on biota in the field. For a
* Overall public/regulator confidence and acceptance
biomarker to be of maximum use for practical This review will critically examine the suitability of a
monitoring applications, the measured response must recently developed earthworm biomarker (lysosomal
fulfil certain criteria, as discussed by Huggett et al. membrane stability measured through the use of the
(1992). For this review these criteria have been grouped neutral red retention assay) for use in regulatory soil
as listed below. monitoring with respect to the criteria outlined above.
The lysosomal membrane stability assay described by
Weeks and Svendsen (1996) has become one of the few

Corresponding author. academically developed methods for which a critical
E-mail address: (C. Svendsen). mass of work has been undertaken, which allows a full

0147-6513/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29 21

investigation of the suitability and applicability of this other pharmaceutical testing. Lowe et al. (1992) devel-
biomarker as a routine monitoring tool. oped this assay further for work with cells isolated from
organisms exposed in vivo and used it to study
lysosomal injury in isolated liver cells of fish caught in
2. Background and history of the assay development ‘‘clean’’ and contaminated sites. An assay has been
developed that quantifies the process of leakage of the
2.1. Lysosomal membrane integrity as a parameter dye from the lysosomes under in vitro conditions (Lowe
and Pipe, 1994). This has been used for assessments of
At the subcellular level the lysosomal system has been contaminant-induced lysosomal membrane damage
identified as a particular target for the toxic effects of using neutral red dye retention as a determinant in
contaminants (Moore, 1990), and pathological altera- marine mussels (Lowe et al., 1995).
tions in lysosomes have been especially useful in the On the basis of this technique, further modifications
identification of adverse environmental impacts on were implemented by Svendsen and Weeks (1995) and
marine organisms (Giamberini and Pihan, 1997; Moore, Weeks and Svendsen (1996) to enable the use of the
1980; Moore et al., 1996). When marine molluscs such neutral red retention assay with freshwater and terres-
as mussels are exposed to xenobiotics, one of the trial invertebrates. This further-adapted technique oper-
characteristic pathological alterations is decreased in- ates with minimum treatment stress on the cells, as both
tegrity of the lysosomal membrane (Moore, 1988). sample preparation and observation are completed
Lysosomal membrane integrity has also been shown to under physiologically relevant in vitro conditions; most
decrease with increasing nonspecific stress (i.e., biotic importantly, it offers a greatly increased time resolution
and abiotic) (Moore, 1985). The mechanism(s) causing of the response and therefore has higher sensitivity
this alteration in membrane stability is not well (Svendsen and Weeks, 1995; Weeks and Svendsen,
understood, but it may involve direct effects of 1996). The technique is conducted on extracted cells
chemicals on the membrane or the increased frequency (coelomocytes in earthworms) obtained using a hypo-
of secondary lysosomes in toxicant-stressed cells (Mayer dermic needle and syringes. Extracted cells are incu-
et al., 1992). bated on a microscope slide in a physiological saline
solution containing 40 mg mL 1 neutral red stain. Only
2.2. Technique development lysosomes in healthy cells permanently retain the
cationic dye after initial uptake; in cells in which the
Prior to the development of the neutral red retention integrity of the lysosomal membrane has been impaired
assay, two techniques were traditionally used for by chemical exposure, the neutral red dye is able to leak
assessing the stability of the lysosomal membrane, one from the cell, with the result that the cell cytosol stains
cytochemical (Moore, 1976) and the other biochemical red. Decreasing times for reddening of the cell cytosol
(Baccino and Zurretti, 1975). Both techniques are based equate to increasing damage to the lysosomal mem-
on the measurement of the activity or amount of brane.
lysosomal enzyme that leaks through the lysosomal
membrane after either pH or hypoosmotic shock,
respectively. Neither of these techniques operates 3. Assessing neutral red within the context of the
under normal physiological conditions when observing biomarker suitability criteria
the leakage from the lysosomes. Technically the neutral
red retention assay is much simpler than both the 3.1. Dose–response relationship
cytochemical and the biochemical techniques and
operates under physiologically relevant in vitro The relationship between the level of chemical
conditions. exposure and the biomarker response ideally should be
The original neutral red assay was developed as an clear and consistent. For practical applications in soil
in vitro cytotoxicity assay based on the use of quality assessment this relationship should be mono-
mammalian cells in culture but was also adapted for tonic (i.e., the response must either increase or decrease
ecotoxicity studies using fish cells in culture (Babich and with increasing exposure). Biomarkers, such as induced
Borenfreund, 1990). This original assay was based on heat shock proteins (HSPs), may have bell-shaped dose–
the uptake and binding of neutral red, a cationic dye, in response curves; these are difficult to interpret in the
the lysosomal matrix of viable cells after their incuba- ‘‘single-dose’’ scenario of a field site, as it is impossible
tion with toxic agents. The assay was used in a wide to determine from which side of the bell shape a low
range of cytotoxicity studies to determine relative acute response has come.
cytotoxicities of chemicals, structure–toxicity relation- For earthworms the first dose–response curve of
ships for related chemicals, metabolism-mediated cyto- neutral red retention time (NRRT) against nominal soil
toxicity, and mixture interactions and was utilized in chemical concentration was provided by laboratory
22 C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29

exposures of Eisenia andrei to copper (20–320 mg kg 1) The relationship between the NRRT and earthworm
in sandy loam for 28 days by Svendsen and Weeks tissue concentrations (Fig. 1) showed a development in
(1997a). Although this relationship was monotonic, the distribution of NRRTs from being nearly contin-
it appeared stepped, with the NRRT reduced slightly uous on day 17, to being stepped in a manner
to 40–50 min at low doses and further decreased to comparable to the 28-day laboratory study with E.
less than 20 min at soil copper concentrations of andrei on day 40, to being highly stepped on day 70.
80 mg kg 1 or more. When analyzing the dose–response This step, in response, developed as the worms exposed
curve of the NRRT against earthworm tissue concen- to soil copper concentrations of 20 and 40 mg kg 1
trations, it was apparent that the copper tissue showed an increased NRRT (i.e., less cellular stress) as
concentrations in the group of earthworms with severely exposure time increased. Concurrently, the initial over-
decreased lysosomal membrane integrity covered a lap in tissue copper concentrations between worms
continuous range (25–115 mg g 1) that overlapped exposed to p40 and X80 mg kg 1 gradually disap-
that of the group with only slightly decreased NRRTs peared (see Fig. 1). These changes may have been caused
(10–60 mg g 1). Thus, severely decreased lysosomal either by decreased bioavailability of the copper as the
integrity appeared linked more to high exposure soils age or by the worms being able to adapt their metal
concentrations than to the actual earthworm tissue handling systems enough to successfully regulate copper
concentrations. when exposed to the lower concentrations but not at the
A subsequent mesocosm experiment by Svendsen and higher ones. Either way, this indicates that decreased
Weeks (1997b) used the same soil type and copper lysosomal integrity as measured by the NRRT did not
concentrations for exposure of Lumbricus rubellus. simply reflect the internal tissue concentrations, but
Sampling was undertaken after 17, 40, 70, and 110 rather showed how well copper regulation was handling
days. Dose–response relationships for the NRRT the current exposure.
followed the same general pattern as that seen in the Following the initial detailed characterization of the
laboratory for E. andrei, except for on day 110 monotonic dose–response relationship for copper,
(December), on which low NRRTs were found in all similar relationships have been found for a range
treatments, including controls. This coincided with of other pollutants, including metals and organic
severe flooding and waterlogging of the mesocosms. compounds.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 1. Neutral red retention times (min) plotted against corresponding earthworm body copper concentrations (mg g 1 dry wt) for the earthworm
(L. rubellus) exposed to an increasing range of soil copper concentrations for 17 (a), 40 (b), 70 (c), and 110 (d) days, respectively, in a field mesocosm
experiment. The different symbols represent the different nominal exposure concentrations: control (black circle), 20 mg Cu kg 1 (open triangle, up),
40 mg Cu kg 1 (black triangle, down), 80 mg Cu kg 1 (open diamond), 160 mg Cu kg 1 (black star) and 320 mg Cu kg 1 (open circle).
C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29 23

3.2. Sensitivity and ecological relevance 70


NRRT±SD (min)
Without Cu value

To best enable regulatory monitoring to detect 50

Y=3906x + 0.6
pollution effects before they become irreversible, the 40 R2 = 0.65, p < 0.016
response of the biomarker (in terms of both response 30 Without Cu value
time and the ability to detect low-dose exposure) should
be sensitive enough to precede effects on key life cycle Y=2481x + 16.7
parameters such as reproduction and growth. Such links R2 = 0.73, p < 0.003

between the biomarker response and effects at higher 0

levels of organization (e.g., growth, reproduction, and -0.01 -

-0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Intrinsic rate of population increase
population growth) or the likelihood of such effects
occurring can be either correlative or, preferably, Fig. 2. Relationship between NRRT (mean7SD) and the intrinsic
mechanistic. rate of population increase in L. rubellus exposed to copper (gray
triangles) and cadmium (black squares) in the laboratory. The NRRT
In the experiments described above significant effects
was measured in adult worms, and the intrinsic rate of population
of copper were observed on cocoon production, weight increase was calculated by integrating measurements of adult and
change, and survival at 160 and 320 mg kg 1 for E. juvenile life cycle traits within a demographic-based model. Regres-
andrei in the laboratory (Svendsen and Weeks, 1997a) sions are based on the whole data set (i.e., Cu and Cd exposures), both
and on weight change and survival at 320 mg kg 1 for L. including and excluding the ‘‘heavily weighted,’’ highly toxic Cu
rubellus in the mesocosm study (Svendsen and Weeks,
1997b). NRRTs in these studies were significantly
reduced at 20 mg kg 1 both in the laboratory and in
the mesocosm exposures, with NRRTs severely de- ability between the soils that were not shown by the
creased (less than 15–20 min) at soil copper concentra- chemical analysis of water-extractable copper.
tions greater than 80 mg kg 1 (Fig. 1). Changes in To confirm the ecological relevance of NRRT in
lysosomal integrity were thus more sensitive than the relation to effects on population-level parameters,
ecological life cycle endpoints measured. The same Spurgeon et al. (2001) determined the relationship
picture of sensitivity and relevance was shown in a between the NRRT measured for L. rubellus at a
study by Scott-Fordsmand et al. (1998) in which E. number of copper and cadmium concentrations and the
veneta were exposed to soil containing up to calculated ‘‘intrinsic rate of population increase.’’ The
1000 mg kg 1 nickel. Again, the NRRT was more results showed that a decreased NRRT could be related
sensitive than the measured life cycle endpoints, with a to lower intrinsic rates of population increase for both
dose-dependent decrease in the NRRT that correlated metals, even when excluding the highly toxic Cu
with lowered cocoon production and with effects on exposure found at the highest concentration (Fig. 2).
survival occurring only when NRRTs decreased to less Decreased lysosomal integrity has been shown to
than 15–20 min. occur at exposure concentrations lower than those for
A further study by Scott-Fordsmand et al. (2000) effects on ecologically important endpoints such as
demonstrated the relevance of the NRRT results over growth, reproduction, and survival for a range of
chemical measurement for identifying the bioavailability compounds (Svendsen, 2000). There is, as mentioned
of metals to earthworms. Here E. fetida was exposed to under the Introduction, evidence of many pollutant
a copper-contaminated field soil that had been aged for classes inflicting lysosomal changes and damage, yet no
70 years and freshly spiked soil of matching total copper direct functional link to effects at the whole-organism
concentrations and pH. Measured NRRTs were again level has been identified. The ecological significance of a
more sensitive than life cycle endpoints, with the NRRT decreased NRRT must therefore be inferred through the
reduced to 15–20 min at copper concentrations lower correlation of responses and the relative sensitivities of
than those causing changes in cocoon production, endpoints, as demonstrated in the above section.
weight, and ultimately (least sensitive) mortality. Com-
parison of the NRRT responses for the two soils 3.3. Confounding factors
indicated differences in the toxicities of the soils
attributable to their histories. The 70-year-old field soils Effects on the biomarker responses from nonchemical
were less toxic (higher NRRTs and lower life cycle factors (i.e., season, temperature, pH, sex, weight, and
effects) than freshly spiked soils. Unexpectedly, chemical handling) should be identifiable within narrow limits to
analysis showed both soils to have similar total and eliminate their interference with the interpretation of
water-extractable copper concentrations and to result in any toxic effects. Alternatively, if nonchemical factors
similar accumulated earthworm tissue concentrations. that may cause large changes in the response patterns
Thus, it is clear that both the NRRT and the life cycle exist they must be well understood so that false-
endpoints were able to detect differences in bioavail- negatives and positives can be avoided.
24 C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29

In a full field study, measurement of the NNRT in they respond. Nonspecific biomarkers that respond to a
worms from an area impacted by an industrial plastics broad range of pollutant classes will be most useful in
fire initially identified a pollutant gradient produced by screening surveys in which the types of toxicants that
the runoff fire-fighting water. Repeat samplings here may be present are unknown. Specific biomarkers with a
also showed no differences between autumn and the high sensitivity to a particular pollutant class or a given
following spring (Svendsen et al., 1996). pollutant (e.g., acetylcholine esterase and d-aminolevu-
The major biotic and abiotic factors that could affect linic acid dehydratase) will be more useful for linking
the NRRT of earthworms from routine sampling in field observed effects to specific exposures.
soils are explained below: The examples above have shown clear monotonic
dose–response relationships between NRRT and cop-
3.3.1. Season per, cadmium, nickel, and the complex mixture resulting
Repeat measurement of NRRT in worms collected from a plastics fire. In most cases, decreases in NRRT to
from a pollutant gradient produced by an industrial less than 15 min accompanied observable effects on life
plastics fire showed no differences between autumn and cycle parameters. In further investigations of the
the following spring (Svendsen et al., 1996). Although this chemical specificity of NRRT, E. andrei were exposed
is the only seasonal study of field-collected worms, the to four metals and two fungicides (copper, cadmium,
absence of any direct seasonal effects between the three zinc, lead, carbenmdazim and iprodione) and the
mesocosm samplings made from late summer to early response profiles and the relative sensitivity of the
winter shown in Fig. 1a–c provides cooperating evidence. NRR, and the life cycle endpoints were compared
(Svendsen, 2000). On the basis of comparisons of the
3.3.2. Soil type and pH NRRT EC75 (i.e., the dose decreasing the NRRT to
Changes in pH are known to impact earthworms in 15 min) and of the reproduction EC50 to the LC50, the
general and lysosomal integrity specifically, but such six compounds separated into three groups based on the
changes are unlikely to occur rapidly in soils. In polluted level of sublethal toxicity exhibited.
soils the effects of soil properties on the bioavailability
of the pollutant are likely to be more important to the 3.4.1. Cadmium (high sublethal toxicity)
NRRT than any direct stress due to increased hydrogen NRR EC75 was 120 times lower than LC50.
ion concentration or changes in soil type. Additionally, Reproduction EC50 was 12 times lower than LC50.
a range of authors have conducted earthworm studies
that measured the NRRT in a wide range of soils, and 3.4.2. Copper, zinc, lead, and carbendazim (moderate
none have consistently failed to produce acceptably high sublethal toxicity)
NRRTs for the control treatments in any soil. NRR EC75 was 30–40 times lower than LC50.
Reproduction EC50 was 4–10 times lower than LC50.
3.3.3. Soil moisture and temperature
Both of these factors can vary rapidly in field soils and 3.4.3. Iprodione (low sublethal toxicity)
may affect epigeic and endogeic species. The 110-day NRR EC75 was circa equivalent to LC50.
sampling of the mesocosm exposure by Svendsen and Reproduction EC50 was circa equivalent to LC50.
Weeks (1997b) in Fig. 1 showed that waterlogging of the The sensitivity of the lysosomal integrity to this range
soil caused a decreased NRRT even in the control of pollutants thus reflected the comparative sublethal
treatments. Extreme soil moisture conditions (water- toxicity of these compounds.
logging or drought) are, however, easily avoided, as they Further work has demonstrated that the earthworm
are obvious at the time of sampling. Temperature NRRT is responsive to a wide range of chemicals.
extremes (recent or current) are less obvious when Stubberud (1998) demonstrated clear dose–response
sampling in the field. Svendsen (2000) examined the relationships for the NRRT for mercury and cadmium
effects of exposure temperature on measured NRRTs in of E. veneta in water- and soil-based exposures. The
E. veneta exposed to copper (0–270 mg kg 1) at three assay has been successfully used for complex energetic
temperatures (15 C, 20 C, and 25 C). This temperature compounds, such as the explosives TNT, RDX, and
range represented the outer thermal limits for optimal HMX, under both laboratory and field conditions
reproduction in this worm. No effect of temperature on (Robidoux et al., 2002). Exposure of E. andrei to the
either the control NRRTs or the shape and position of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) benzo[a]pyrene
the dose–response curve were found. lowered the NRRT to less than 12 min at 20 mg kg 1
and 7 min at 100 mg kg 1 (Eason et al., 1999). There
3.4. Chemical specificity were, however, no other observable toxic effects during
the 28-day exposure, which may be explained partly by
Biomarkers are divided into nonspecific and specific the mode of toxic action of this compound (carcino-
responses on the basis of the range of chemicals to which genic). Exposure of E. andrei to either pure or 50%
C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29 25

diluted (with clean soil) gas site soil contaminated 3.6. Time–response relationship
primarily with a mixture of PAHs gave similarly
decreased NRRTs (7 and 5 min, respectively), with only This aspect includes two issues: (i) the time it takes
the pure gas site soil causing significant weight loss and from the onset of exposure until a response is manifest
mortality (Eason et al., 1999). and (ii) the time the response persists after exposure
For the pesticides, chloropyrifos (an organopho- ends. Both issues have a significant impact on the
sphate) decreased the NRRT to 10 min at a soil possible interpretation of a biomarker response. Re-
concentration of 125 mg kg 1 (this concentration also sponse times vary widely, from almost instantaneous
caused weight loss) and to 5 min at 250 mg kg 1, at (e.g., stress proteins) to years (e.g., cancerous lesions).
which high mortality occurred (Eason et al., 1999). Depending on the objective(s) of a study, rapid or slow
These results compare well with the NRRT and response times may be desirable (e.g., early warning or
sublethal effects from field rates of chloropyrifos found the demonstration of a prolonged exposure). The
in laboratory and semifield trials with Aporrectodea question of the persistence of biomarker responses
caliginosa by Booth et al. (2001) Booth and O’Halloran involves both transience and reversibility and has
(2001). These studies found both the NRRT and the implications for the scale of temporal integration that
sublethal endpoints to be similarly sensitive to field rates a given biomarker can provide. Dependent on the degree
of another organophosphate, diazinon. To date the only of time dependency of a biomarker response, conclu-
compound tested that did not to affect the NRRT is the sions could span from ‘‘There has or has not been a
carbamate methiocarb in a mesocosm exposure of L. pulse exposure within the last 4 weeks (transient),’’ to
terrestris, in which acetylcholeinesterase inhibition was ‘‘There is no current exposure or previous exposure has
observed, confirming that exposure did take place stopped (reversible, but not transient),’’ to ‘‘Exposure
(Grafton, 1995). Thus, although all other pollutants has occurred at some point in time and may or may not
tested (representing a wide variety of modes of action still be present (permanent).’’
including the same as that of the carbamate) have given The speed of onset of the response from the initiation
clear dose–response relationships that in most cases of exposure is hard to address from the literature, as
reflected the sublethal toxicity of the pollutants, there most studies measure NRRT after several weeks.
are compounds that do not affect the NRRT. Experience during experimentation and quality control,
however, suggests that exposure to soil copper for only
3.5. Species differences 12–24 h, decreased the NRRT to a level comparable to
that of a full 28-day exposure (Personal observation).
Fundamental differences in metabolic characteristics Transience can reflect that the measured response is
between species may lead to differences in the biomarker part of a first-defense system that is induced for only a
responses obtained (see Øien and Stenersen, 1984). As short time or that an adaptative response by the
these differences are not always as logical and as organism to the exposure over time masks the measured
obvious as might be expected, they should be investi- biomarker response. To date this has not proved a
gated before a new species is employed in regulatory problem in any of the medium- and long-term contin-
testing. uous exposures available in the literature regardless of
The fact that the studies cited so far in this review the exposure chemical. Also, the 70- (Svendsen and
include examples of the successful application of the Weeks, 1997b) and 180-day (Olesen, 1998) mesocosm
neutral red retention assay in several species of earth- exposures proved that the decreased lysosomal integrity
worm (E. andrei, L. rubellus, E. veneta, E. fetida, and A. was not transient. Persistence of the NRRT response
caliginosa) suggests that the assay may have cross- was also observed in 3-year exposures of E. fetida to
species applicability, but only one study has directly cadmium, lead, and zinc in the laboratory by Reinecke
compared the effects on several species. Spurgeon et al. and Reinecke (1999). This study suggests that, at least
(2000) exposed L. rubellus, E. fetida, A. caliginosa, and initially, within-generation persistence of a decreased
L. terrestris to zinc for 28 days in the laboratory. Dose– NRRT is likely under continuous exposure. This,
response relationships were found for the NRRT, however, leaves the question of adaptation at the
cocoon production, and survival, and although the subcellular level. This issue is particularly relevant in
EC50 and LC50 values varied between species, the the quality assessment of field soil exposures that have
relative sensitivities of the endpoints were always the often been present for decades.
same within each species (NRRT4cocoon produc- Multigeneration studies are the only way to address
tion4survival). Thus, although the NRRT EC50 values the possible effects of true genetic adaptation. However,
for the four species varied greatly (170–2000 mg kg 1 studies of this nature involving the measurement of a
Zn), they did reflect species differences in sublethal NRRT are nonexistent, and the only way to realistically
sensitivity to zinc (L. rubellusDA. caliginosa4L. terres- assess potential effects from adaptation over generations
tris4E. fetida). of exposure is to work at field sites with medium- and
26 C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29

long-term contamination. In one such study, L. rubellus from initially leakage to full stain can take a couple
were collected from locations at two sites where metal of minutes. Hence, some training of new operators
pollution had been present for 70 (Avonmouth Smelter, is required. New and experienced operators should
Bristol, UK) and 400 years (Shipham Mine, SW observe aliquots of the same samples in order to
England) (Svendsen, 2000). The measured NRRTs were calibrate their differentiation between unstained and
below 10 min, except for those worms collected from the stained cells to ensure comparability between observed
site furthest (10 km) from the Avonmouth Smelter. The NRRTs.
presence of a NRRT response in these field-collected The only way to remove the operator factor
worms suggests that the effects on lysosomal integrity completely is to develop a completely automated version
persisted over generations. of the method, which to date has proved difficult.
The potential for recovery of the NRRT response is The best theoretical option for such automation
based on new coelomocytes being produced at all times relies on advanced equipment, e.g., a flow cytometer,
and their not being exposed if exposure is abated. which would defy the simplicity of the assay. That
Recovery has not been specifically addressed; however, the only equipment needed for the current assay is a
that it is possible can in part be inferred from the results light-microscope and a pipette is one of its major
discussed earlier under dose–response relationships for attractions, as it is easy to train operators and to
the worms exposed to 20 and 40 mg Cu kg 1 and shown implement the technique in most laboratories. The best
in Fig. 1. This suggests that in cases in which exposure way to promote trust in the assay and counter any
ceases or is eased (remediation or mitigation), the criticism of operator bias is to prepare and count
NRRT will recover as new coelomocytes replace randomized, coded samples in a ‘‘blind’’ setup in which
previously damaged cells and can be used to monitor the operator does not know the origin of the separate
improvements in soil status. samples. This would remove any potential for any
‘‘intentional bias’’ and would randomize potential
3.7. Methodological concerns operator effects.

For a biomarker measurement to be acceptable and

workable in any routine monitoring scheme, it must 4. ‘‘Overall public/regulator confidence and acceptance’’
meet practical and methodological concerns relating to
the precision, quality control, and cost of the analysis. For any biological effect assessment to be adopted as
The best biomarkers will be reproducible, technically routine in the assessment of contaminated soil the
undemanding, and of low cost in terms of technical confidence of stakeholders (the public, industry, and
sophistication, training, and staff time. regulators) in the approach is essential. Results must be
As set out under Section 2, the technique is based on trustworthy to the stakeholders, but more importantly
visual observation. Undertaken by a trained operator they must understand (and believe in) the advantages
the collection and preparation of coelomocytes on and more direct relevance of properly applied biological
microscope slides yield several hundred cells per slide, effect monitoring over, say, the measurement of total
and once the technique becomes routine each counting chemical levels. Initially, methodological reliability must
interval (1–2 min) accounts for the ‘‘stained/unstained be proven through rigorous scientific trials. [For the
status’’ of 100 cells or more. Hence, the manual scanning neutral red retention assay, the body of evidence built
and counting of the cells should represent a statistically up through both the international literature and
sound account of how the cells are responding in terms commissioned work has led to the Environment Agency
of neutral red retention. Because it is visually based, the of England and Wales recommending and currently
assay is open to criticisms of subjectivity due to a trialing the NRRT as a potential method for ecological
possible unintentional bias (or worse, intentional bias) risk assessment (Crane and Byrns, 2001; Spurgeon et al.,
during the scanning of the slide for either stained or 2002).] Thereafter, gaining a general public acceptance
unstained cells. The operator-based selection of cells of ecological effect-based assessments is not the largest
was isolated in the study by Reinecke and Reinecke problem, as the principle of direct effect measurement of
(1999) when a computer-linked motorized microscope biota differs little from the general environmental
stage was employed. This allowed the same set of monitoring with which people are already familiar
randomly selected cells to be revisited and assigned (e.g., nest counts for storks). The much larger hurdle
‘‘stained’’ or ‘‘unstained’’ at each counting interval. The for the actual regulatory application of these techniques
approach gave results comparable with those obtained in ecological effect and risk assessment is that both
using the normal ‘‘manual’’ scanning of the microscope regulators and industry must understand and, impor-
slide. tantly, agree on their limitations and the way in which
The determination of when a cell is stained is, they should be applied. Only good communication of
however, still dependent on the operator; and the process the scientific rationales for the greater relevance of and
C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29 27

equal reliability of these techniques over the currently been found by Svendsen and Weeks (1997b) (Fig. 1).
used total chemistry data and obtain achieve this. The Sampling under such obviously stressing conditions
paradox is that although it is easy for both parties to should, of course, be carried out with caution.
measure total chemical data, which provides a number
that can be taken to court, it is very hard to justify this
5.4. Chemical specificity [||||]
as scientifically relevant. This can lead to expensive
action being enforced where there may be no ecological
Decreased lysosomal integrity has proved measurable
effects or risks and no action being taken in case of
through reduced NRRTs for a wide range of pollutants
substantial risk. In contrast, the biological assay, with
representing groups such as metals, organophosphates,
its directly measured effects, could have a substantial
PAHs, and mixtures. So far only one compound (the
part to play in general monitoring and problem
carbamate methiocarb) has failed to cause a positive
response. This does, however, show that care must be
taken to establish an effect on lysosomal integrity when
5. Evaluation summary novel compounds are investigated for the first time.

In this review, evidence from published literature on 5.5. Species differences [|||]
the suitability of the NRRT assay as a monitoring tool
for assessing the effects of pollutants in soils has been set Technically the assay has been successful in all
out with respect to each of the criteria listed under the earthworm species on which it has been applied.
Introduction. How the assay meets each criterion is Although the NRRT EC50 values have varied between
summarized below, with the weight of evidence and species, they all reflected the general species differences
fitness of purpose for each criterion indicated by the in sublethal sensitivity.
number of check marks [|], ranging from 1 (poor) to 5
5.6. Time–response relationship [|||]
5.1. Dose–response relationship [|||||]
After onset of significant exposure, the NRRT will
There is substantial evidence that the dose–response rapidly decrease (i.e., a response occurs quickly, in
curve of lysosomal integrity (by NRRT) monotonically o24 h). No signs of transience (either short term or
decreases with increasing chemical exposure. Variation adaptation linked) of the response magnitude have been
in the response is low enough to allow the differentiation observed. Long-term (multigeneration) persistence has
of slight, intermediate, and severe exposures. been demonstrated, as has the ability for recovery after
the cessation of exposure.
5.2. Sensitivity [||||] and ecological relevance
5.7. Methodological concerns [|||]
Lysosomal integrity has been shown generally to
In its current format the technique is simple to
be more sensitive than life cycle endpoints such
introduce in a laboratory, demanding only a light
as growth, reproduction, and survival and generally
microscope, pipettes, and a small amount of basic
reflects the sublethal toxicity of a pollutant. To date,
training. There are issues of potential subjectivity as the
ecological relevance has been demonstrated through
assay is based on visual observation, but if samples are
only correlation and not mechanistic causality. These
analyzed using a randomized blind setup this is more a
correlations, however, are numerous and of convincing
theoretical issue than a real, practical concern.
quality. Hence, a NRRT of less than 10–15 min should
be a cause for concern and further investigation, as such
a NRRT has been shown to coincide with life cycle 5.8. Overall public/regulator confidence [||]
This is the biggest remaining hurdle, but scientific
5.3. Confounding factors [||] proof exists and all that is needed is proper commu-
nication to the right people. Experience with other
Confounding factors have so far not proved a serious biological methods (bird of prey eggshell monitoring of
problem in the laboratory. Confounding effects will, organochlorine insecticides, mussel watch) suggests that
however, always be possible because lysosomal integrity if the benefits in terms of relevance and ease of
is sensitive to biotic and abiotic stressors, as well as interpretation can be demonstrated, then the value of
pollutants. In the field, an effect of acute waterlogging biological assessment beyond traditional measurements
in the control and low-exposure-dose mesocosms has of total chemistry will be recognized.
28 C. Svendsen et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57 (2004) 20–29

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Weeks, J.M., Svendsen, C., 1996. Neutral red retention by lysosomes cellular biomarkers to assess 2,4,6-trinitotoluene (TNT) exposure
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Further reading and cellular biomarkers to assess 2,4,6-trinitotoluene (TNT)
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Robidoux, Y.P., Svendsen, C., Hawari, J., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, ratory studies using Eisenia andrei. Biomarkers, submitted for
G., Weeks, J.M., Sunahara, G.I., 2003a. Use of sub-cellular and publication.

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