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Legs Rest Time/Additional Notes

Week 1
Squat 10. 8. 6. full recovery in between sets
Leg Press 2x15-20, 2x8-10 heavier 1-2 min.
Quad Extension 3x12, 1x failure, one drop set to failure again 1-2 min.
Hamstring Curl 3x12 1-2 min.
Smith Machine Lunge 3x8-10, 1xburnout 1-2 min. 30second rest before last set
Standing Calf Raise 4x15-20 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps
Seated Calf Raise 3x20, last set to failure 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps

Week 2
Squat 4. 4. 2. full recovery in between sets
Leg Press 3x10-12, 1x20-25 1-2 min.
Smith Machine Lunge 3x12, 3 sec. eccentric, 3 sec. concentric 1-2 min.
Kneeling Hamstring Curl 3x12 1-2 min.
Smith Machine RDL/good morning 3x10-12, last set dropset 1-2 min.
Standing Calf Raise 4x15-20 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps
Seated Calf Raise 3x20, last set to failure 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps

Week 3
Squat 5. 3. 1. full recovery in between sets
Leg Press 3x10-12, 1x20-25 1-2 min.
Goblet Squat 3x12, 2 sec. pause at top 1-2 min.
Lying Hamstring Curl 3x122 sec, pause at top 1-2 min.
Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10-12, 3 sec. eccentric 1-2 min.
Standing Calf Raise 4x15-20 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps
Seated Calf Raise 3x20, last set to failure 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps

Week 4
Squat 8. 6. 4. full recovery in between sets
Leg Press 3x10-12, 1x20-25 1-2 min.
Quad Extension 3x12 1-2 min.
Barbell RDL 3x12, 3 sec. eccentric 1-2 min.
Staggered Stance RDL 3x10-12, last set dropset 1-2 min.
Standing Calf Raise 4x15-20 1 second pause at top and bottom of reps
Seated Calf Raise 3x20, last set to failure calf raises are to be done slow & controlled every rep

Push Day 1
Week 1
Seated OHP 5 rep max followed by 3x8 full recovery
Close Grip Bench Press or Dips 12.12.15 full recovery
Incline DB Press 3x12 1-2 min
Skullcrushers 4x12-15 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 4x12-15 1-2 min.
Pec Deck 4x12-15, last set dropset to failure 30 sec.-1 min.
Incline Machine Press 3x10-12 1-2 min

Week 2
DB Shoulder Preas 10.8.6 full recovery
Close Grip Bench Press or Dips 8.10.15 full recovery
Incline DB Press 3x12 1-2 min
Tricep Extension Rope Attachement 4x12-15 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 4x12-15, last set to failure 1 min
Cable Fly 4x12-15, last set dropset to failure 1-2 min
Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10-12 1 min.

Week 3
Shoulder Press 4.4.2 full recovery
Close Grip Bench Press 10.10.12 full recovery
Incline DB Press 3x12 1-2 min
Tricep Extension V Bar 4x12-15, last set to failure 1-2 min
Cable Lateral Raise 4x12-15, last set to failure 1 min
Neutral Cable Fly 4x12-15 1-2 min
Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10-12 1 min.

Week 4
Seated Barbell OHP 5.3.1 full recovery
Close Grip Bench Press 10.12.12 full recovery
Incline DB Press 3x12 1-2 min
Skullcrushers 4x12-15 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 3x12-15, 1x8-10 heavy drop set 12-15 more 1-2 min
Incline Bench Cable Fly 4x12-15, last set double dropset to failure 1-2 min
Seated Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10-12 1 min.

Pull Day 1
Week 1
Deadlift 5.3.1 full recovery
Tempo Squat (3 sec. down 2 sec. Hold) 5.3.1 full recovery
Weighted Pullups 4x10-12 1-2 min
T Bar Row 3x8-10 1-2 min
Seated Cable Row 4x12, last set to failure 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x15 1-2 min
Shrugs 3x20-30 1 min

Week 2
Deadlift Max full recovery
Pause Squat Max full recovery
Lat Pulldown 4x10-12 1-2 min
Seal Row 3x8-10, 1x15 1-2 min
DB Row 4x12 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x10-12, last set dropset 1-2 min
Pause Shrugs (1-2sec. Hold) 3x15-20 1 min

Week 3
Deadlift Max full recovery
Pause Squat Max full recovery
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown 4x12-15 1-2 min
Chest Supported Row 4x10 1-2 min
Seated Cable Row- Lat Pulldown Bar 3x12-15, 1x failure 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x12-15 1-2 min
Smith Machine Shrugs 3x20-30 1 min

Week 4
Deadlift 4.4.2 full recovery
Pause Squat 4.4.2 full recovery
Lat Pulldown 1x15, 2x12, 1x8 3 sec eccentric 1-2 min
Chest Supported Row 3x8-10, last set to failure 1-2 min
Seated Cable Row 4x8-12 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x12-15 1-2 min
Land mine Shrugs 3x20-30 1 min

Push Day 2
Week 1
Pre Exhaustion Pec Deck 2x12-15 1 min
Incline Bench Press 3 rep max full recovery
Seated Machine OHP 3 rep max full recovery
Incline DB Press 4x12 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 3x10-12, last set to failure 1-2 min
Tricep Extension- any variation 4x12-15 1-2 min
Rear Delt DB Flys 4x12-15 1-2 min

Week 2
Pre Exhaustion Cable Fly 2x12-15 1 min
Bench Press 10.8.6 full recovery
Standing Military Press 10.8.6 full recovery
Incline DB Press 4x12 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 3x10-12 1-2 min
Tricep Extension- any variation 4x12-15 1-2 min
Facepulls 4x12-15 1-2 min

Week 3
Pre Exhaustion Cable Fly 2x12-15 slow 1 min
Bench Press 4.4.2 full recovery
Standing Military Press 4.4.2 full recovery
Incline DB Press 4x12 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 3x10-12 1-2 min
Tricep Extension- any variation 4x12-15, last set double dropset 1-2 min
Rear Delt DB Flys 4x12-15 1-2 min

Week 4
Pre Exhaustion Pec Deck or Cable Fly 2x12-15 slow 1 min
Incline Bench Press 5.3.1 full recovery
Smith Machine Shoulder Press 10.12.15 full recovery
Incline DB Press 2x6-8, 2x12 1-2 min
Lateral Raise 3x15-20 1-2 min
Tricep Extension- any variation 3x15-20, 1x absolute failure 1-2 min
Facepulls 4x12-15, last set to failure 1-2 min

Pull Day 2
Week 1
Sumo Deadlift 4.4.2 full recovery
Front Squat 4.4.2 full recovery
Lat Pulldown 4x10-12, last set pause reps at bottom 1-2 min
Supinated Grip Machine Row 3x8-10, 1xfailure 1-2 min
Smith Machine Row 4x12, last set to failure 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x12-15 1-2 min
Shrugs 3x20-30 1-2 min

Week 2
Sumo Deadlift 4.4.2 full recovery
Front Squat 4.4.2 full recovery
Weighted Pull-ups 4x10-12, 3 sec. eccentric 1-2 min
Heavy DB Row 3x8-10 1-2 min
Smith Machine Row 3x12-15, 1x6-8 3sec eccentric & concentric 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x12-15 1-2 min
Shrugs 3x20-30 1-2 min

Week 3
Sumo Deadlift max full recovery
Front Squat 3x8-10, 3 sec. Pause at bottom full recovery
Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown 4x10-12, 3 sec. eccentric 1-2 min
High Machine Row 3x8-10, 1 sec. Pause at contraction 1-2 min
Smith Machine Row 4x12, last set to failure 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x12-15, 3 sec eccentric 1-2 min
DB Shrugs 3x20-30 1-2 min

Week 4
Sumo Deadlift 10.8.6 full recovery
Front Squat 10.8.6 full recovery
Lat Pulldown 2x6-8, 2x12-15 3 sec. eccentric 1-2 min
T Bar Row 3x8-10, 30 sec. Rest then to failure 1-2 min
Smith Machine Row 4x10-12 1-2 min
Cable Pullover 3x15-20 1-2 min
Smith Machine or Landmine Shrugs 3x20-30 1-2 min

Run this program twice. Test your maxes in between each cycle and take a deload week afterwards.

Use this chart to pick your weights for volume work:

Reps: % of Max:
10 60%
8 70%
6 80%
4 85%
4 85%
2 93%

The split is designed Legs- Week 1, Push Day 1- Week 1, Pull Day 1- Week 1, Rest, Push Day 2- Week 1, Pull Day 2- Week 1, Rest

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