Detailed Lesson Plan

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The four Philosophical School of Thought

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the four different philosophical school of thought;

b. distinguish the different four philosophical school of thought; and

c. apply the four philosophical school of thought in everyday life.


a. Topic: The four Philosophical School of Thought

b. Reference: Book entitled : The teacher and the community, school
culture and organizational leadership

c. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Manila paper, and Markers




Please pick-up the pieces of papers and

arrange your chairs accordingly.

Mary Joy, please lead the prayer.


Good Morning class!

Good Morning ma'am.
How are you today?
Peace and all good!

That’s good to hear that all of you seem to

be fine! Before we start our class
Yes ma'am.
discussion let’s try to recap our

What will you do if the teacher is talking

here in front?

Yes, Ann?
Respect and listen carefully and don’t talk
to your seatmates.

How about if you want to answer?

Yes, Dianna? Raise your right hand and do not answer

in chorus.

Yes, that’s right. I am really expecting that

those rules you have mentioned will be All: Yes, ma'am.
followed, as we go on with our discussion
this morning. Is that clear?

Class, what was our topic last meeting?

Yes, Jimar?
Our topic last meeting was about the
historical foundations of education ma’am.
Okay very good! But today we will take up
another topic but connected to the last
topic I discuss and I will let you know it

B. MOTIVATION Yes, ma'am.

Class, let’s have a group activity. I

prepared here a 4 enveloped and inside
this enveloped are scrambled letters. All
you have to do is you are going to
rearranged it and paste it here on the
board, but before that let me group you into
four. This part will be group one (pointing to
the left front) and this one will be the group
2 (pointing to the right front), and this one
will be the group 3 (pointing to the right
back) and this will be the group 4 (pointing
to the left back). Am I clear?

Here’s the enveloped. Oops, don’t open it

yet. To those who are cooperating will Yes, ma'am.
receive additional points. So, two (2)
minutes will be the allotted time to finish
the task and time starts now!

We’re all done with our first activity, thank (Doing the task)
you so much class for your participation.

Group 1 - idealism

Group 2 - Realism

Group 3 - Pragmatism

Group 4 - Existentialism
Class, you have posted four words here in
board, as you can see the words are
idealism realism, pragmatism and
existentialism, so what do you think is our
lesson this morning? Based on these
words that you have posted? Do you have
any idea or do you hear these words

Yes, Ms. Pacante

The words that are posted in the board

maam, I think it’s the part of philosophical
school of thought.
Very Good!


Today class we are going to discuss the 4

main philosophical school of thought, but
before we proceed to our proper discussion
I want you to know our objectives that we
need to attain at the end of this discussion.

Everybody read!


At the end of the lesson, the

students are expected to:

a. Identify the four different

philosophical school of thought;

b. distinguish the different

four philosophical school of thought; and

c. apply the four

philosophical school of thought in
everyday life.
Thank you! I'm expecting your utmost
attention for this discussion.


Class in your own understanding what is

philosophy? Yes, Mr. Baclayon. Baclayon: philosophy is the study of the
fundamental nature of knowledge, reality
and existence.
Brilliant idea Mr. Baclayon!

Class, philosophy is a theory, and

education is practical. The analysis of truth,
the quest of knowledge is what we call

So class, what if there is no philosophy?

I think maam the education will be
Yes, Hannah? affected.

That’s right! Without philosophy, the art of

education cannot be achieved, so without
education, philosophy cannot lead others
to its vision and objectives.

Do you understand class? Yes maam.

Now, lets proceed to the four philosophical

school of thought.
Since you already know the 4 philosophical
school of thought, now lets proceed how
this 4 philosophical of thought differ from
each other.

The 4 main philosophical school of thought

are namely: idealism, realism, pragmatism
and existentialism.

Idealism- is a philosophical approach that

has as its central tenet that ideas are the
only true reality, the only thing worth
knowing. In a search for truth, beauty, and
justice that is enduring and everlasting, the
focus is on conscious reasoning in the
mind. Plato, father of Idealism, espoused
this view about 400 years BC, in his
famous book, The Republic. Plato believed
that there are two worlds. The first is the
spiritual or mental world, which is eternal,
permanent, orderly, regular, and universal.
There is also the world of appearance, the
world experienced through sight, touch,
smell, taste, and sound, that is changing,
imperfect, and disorderly. It is the approach
that focuses on a curriculum of the subject matter
that focuses on the great and lasting ideas of
cultures; ideals are fundamental, absolute and
perceptual. Via seminars, discussions, and helping
students to explore and explain information,
teaching approaches concentrate on managing
concepts. In idealism, the aim of education is
to discover and develop each individual's
abilities and full moral excellence in order
to better serve society.

Realism - Realists believe that reality exists

independent of the human mind. The
ultimate reality is the world of physical
objects. The focus is on the body/objects.
Truth is objective-what can be observed.
The Realist curriculum emphasizes the
subject matter of the physical world,
particularly science and mathematics. The
teacher organizes and presents content
systematically within a discipline,
demonstrating use of criteria in making
decisions. Teaching methods focus on
mastery of facts and basic skills through
demonstration and recitation. Students
must also demonstrate the ability to think
critically and scientifically, using
observation and experimentation.
Curriculum should be scientifically
approached, standardized, and distinct-
discipline based. Character is developed
through training in the rules of conduct.

Pragmatism - For pragmatists, only those

things that are experienced or observed are
real. Unlike the Realists and Rationalists,
Pragmatists believe that reality is constantly
changing and that we learn best through
applying our experiences and thoughts to
problems, as they arise. The universe is
dynamic and evolving, a "becoming" view of
the world. There is no absolute and
unchanging truth, but rather, truth is what
works. For Pragmatists, teaching methods
focus on hands-on problem solving,
experimenting, and projects, often having
students work in groups. Curriculum should
bring the disciplines together to focus on
solving problems in an interdisciplinary way.
Rather than passing down organized bodies of
knowledge to new learners, Pragmatists
believe that learners should apply their
knowledge to real situations through
experimental inquiry. This prepares students
for citizenship, daily living, and future careers.

Existentialism - The nature of reality for

Existentialists is subjective, and lies within the
individual. The physical world has no inherent
meaning outside of human existence.
Individual choice and individual standards
rather than external standards are central.
Existence comes before any definition of what
we are. We define ourselves in relationship to
that existence by the choices we make. We
should not accept anyone else's
predetermined philosophical system; rather,
we must take responsibility for deciding who
we are. The focus is on freedom, the
development of authentic individuals, as we
make meaning of our lives. Related to
education, the subject matter of existentialist
classrooms should be a matter of personal ( whole class are busy doing the task and
they finally perfort it.)
choice. Teachers view the individual as an
entity within a social context in which the
learner must confront others' views to clarify
his or her own. Character development
emphasizes individual responsibility for
decisions. Real answers come from within the
individual, not from outside authority.
Datoy: The stages of listening are
Examining life through authentic thinking
receiving, when you are hearing a
involves students in genuine learning
speakers message, next is understanding,
experiences. Existentialists are opposed to
when you attempt to know the meaning of
thinking about students as objects to be
the messages, next is remembering, when
measured, tracked, or standardized. Such
you are attentively listening you can
educators want the educational experience to
remember it, next is evaluating, when you
focus on creating opportunities for self-
are judging the value of the message if it is
direction and self actualization. They start with relevant or irrelevant. Lastly responding or
the student, rather than on curriculum feedback, when you are giving your
content. opinion about what the speaker have said.
Yes, Ms. Penas

Very good Ms. Penas.

Now, let's discuss the 5 stages of listening,

which are the receiving, understanding,
remembering, evaluating and responding.

Class take not that this stages must be in


This picture shows the 5 stages.

Now, let's differentiate this 5 stages. First is

Receiving is the intentional focus on
hearing a speaker’s message, which
happens when we filter out other sources
so that we can isolate the message and
avoid the confusing mixture of incoming
stimuli. At this stage, we are still only
hearing the message.

Second, Understanding, in this stage, we

attempt to learn the meaning of the
message, which is not always easy. For
one thing, if a speaker does not enunciate
clearly, it may be difficult to tell what the
message was—did your friend say, “I think
she’ll be late for class,” or “my teacher
delayedthe class”?.

Third, Remembering. Remembering begins

with listening; if you can’t remember
something that was said, you might not
have been listening effectively. Wolvin and
Coakley note that the most common
reason for not remembering a message
after the fact is because it wasn’t really
learned in the first place. However, even
when you are listening attentively, some
messages are more difficult than others to
understand and remember. Highly complex
messages that are filled with detail call for
highly developed listening skills. Moreover,
if something distracts your attention even
for a moment, you could miss out on
information that explains other new
concepts you hear when you begin to listen
fully again.
The fourth stage in the listening process is
evaluating, or judging the value of the
message. We might be thinking, “This
makes sense” or, conversely, “This is very
odd.” Because everyone embodies biases
and perspectives learned from widely
diverse sets of life experiences,
evaluations of the same message can vary
widely from one listener to another. Even
the most open-minded listeners will have
opinions of a speaker, and those opinions
will influence how the message is
evaluated. People are more likely to
evaluate a message positively if the
speaker speaks clearly, presents ideas
logically, and gives reasons to support the
points made.
Lastly, is responding sometimes referred to
as feedback is the fifth and final stage of
the listening process. It’s the stage at
which you indicate your involvement.
Almost anything you do at this stage can
be interpreted as feedback. For example,
you are giving positive feedback to your
instructor if at the end of class you stay
behind to finish a sentence in your notes or
approach the instructor to ask for

Class, do you understand?

If you really understand, what are this 5

stages? Yes Ms. Ofilan.

Okay, thank you! Seems like you listen

attentively class. That's good to hear. Is it
clear now?

Now, we are done with our discussion, I

hope that you really understand the stages
of listening. Lets have an activity, I will
group you into 4, this is the group
1( pointing to the left side, front), group
2( pointing to the right side, front), group
3( pointing to the left side, back), group 4
( pointing to the right side, back). You are
going to perform a short dramatization
showing the 5 stages of listening. I'll give
you 5 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to

Do you understand?

That's good. Here's the criteria that you

need to follow.


Cooperation - 5

Time management - 5

Content - 5

Presentation- 5

Total 20

Your timer starts now!

Thank you so much class for your

outstanding performance, you are good
actors and you really understand our topic.


Since you listen attentively I want a

volunteer to summarize the 5 stages. Yes,

That's awesome Mr. Datoy. Thank you!


Direction. Write the correct answer of the following questions.

1-5. What are the 5 stages of listening? In order.

6. It is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken or

nonverbal messages.

7. This stage is when you are focusing on hearing the speakers messages.

8. This stage is when you are indicating your involvement into the speakers messages.

9. This stage is when you are judging the value of the messages.

10. This stage is when you attempt to know the meaning of the messages.

Answer Key:
1-5. Receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, responding

6. Listening

7. Receiving

8. Responding/ feedback

9. Evaluating

10. Understanding


In one whole sheet of paper make your own graphic organizer about the stages of listening
and make and essay about the importance of listening for you as a student.


5 4 3

Cooperation All members of the 2-3 members did not Only the leader
group cooperate. cooperate. works for the group.

Time Management If the group members If the group members The group members
finish their task on finish their task, late finish their task with
time. of 2 minutes. 3-minute late and

Content Able to give all the 1-2 details asked 3-4 details asked
information asked in were not given. were not given
the task.

Presentation Able to present the Able to present the If they are not able to
task clearly and task clearly but not
completely. completely. present.

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