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In fulfillment of the

Final Requirement in GE9 (Ethics)

Submitted by:
Djihara J. Tulang


Gender Equality and Inequality: A Case Analysis

Identification of the Issue

The term "Gender Blindness" refers to a lack of awareness about how men and
women are treated differently in situations where the roles of a woman or a man
matter, resulting in racism. It has been recognized since the beginning of time that
men are superior to women. Females Individuals' minds in this generation are
gradually adjusting to the concept of women working in the same industry as men
However, we must acknowledge that gender inequality exists.This is still going on
today. Some companies will not accept an applicant if he or she is a woman because
they undervalue women and their abilities to do the job. Women are still criticized in
the workplace for not having the capabilities to do the job as well as men. Even for
the job of President, the majority prefers that he be a man. This is why men today feel
entitled because they believe we women can't do anything without them. Men's
assistance According to the United Nations, gender equality is still an issue today.
Unfinished business, and for the record, it is the world's greatest human rights
In reality, people are treated differently in every aspects of life. This one is a fact that
we cannot ignore as we try to give each and every one respect and value in taking the
road to gender equality.

Gender equality is a topic that has been widely debated in any democratic society. It is
regarded as an important moral principle that all members of society should adhere to.
The Philippines has dropped 8 places in the World Economic Forum's 2020 Global
Gender Gap report. In terms of gender equality, the country has dropped from eighth
to sixteenth place out of 153 economies. Economic participation and opportunity,
educational attainment, health and survival, and political participation and opportunity
a sense of empowerment.

This is the first time the Philippines has dropped out of the top ten most gender-equal
economies. Emma Watson, a British actress, was named UN Women Goodwill
Ambassador in July 2014. The refined entertainer, helpful and ongoing Brown
University alumna will devote her efforts to the development of young ladies and will
serve as a UN supporter. Women's "He For She" crusade for gender equality. We
need this awareness in order for us to make a right solution in the issue of gender
inequality. To make sure that Gender Equality is flourished amids by the issues and
controversies we must open our eyes and be aware that gender inequality is affecting
the life of Individuals.
Connection to Theories

Utilitarianism is a moral theory that advocates for actions that promote happiness and
opposes actions that cause unhappiness. Which of the following promotes the greatest
amount of good for the greatest number of people? Men are said to be more capable
than women in situations where they are said to be more capable. Men are physically
stronger and more capable of dealing with emotions than women. Working under
pressure is especially difficult for women because they are so emotional and
soft-hearted. In addition, in making a choice Men are superior to women. That is why
many people say they prefer and if the leader is a man, I'll be happy. There is a greater
good for a greater number of people in this concept that is satisfied.But it doesn’t
mean that in all aspect of life men must be always superior. Each one of us have equal
rights and giving that rights equally will give a greater happiness to everyone. Both
men and women must have equal right regardless of what race, culture or religion.

Stakeholder’s Perspective

The sexual viewpoint centers especially around the gender contrast based in status and
capability, and thinks about how such separation shapes the prompt requirements, just
as the drawn out interests, of ladies and men. In an arrangement circumstances, taking
a sexual orientation viewpoint is a methodology for making ladies' just as men's
interests and encounters a necessary component of the plan, execution,
observing and assessment of strategies and projects in all political, financial and
cultural circles, with the goal that ladies and men advantage will be equal and
disparity isn't perpetuated. Gender is a term that alludes to social or social
differentiations related with being male or female. Sex personality is the degree to
which one recognizes as being either manly or female (Diamond 2002)

Analysis and Evaluation

A 'gender equality society' is a 'general public in which ladies and gentlemen have the
opportunity of freely participating and appreciating political, effective, and social
advantage, as well as of offering obligations, as a member of the society." "Gender
equality society." In such cases, People's common liberties are equal in society, and
women and gentlemen have equal rights.

Religion is frequently seen as an obstacle to equality between men and women.

Stories of sex-based brutality made for religious purposes flourish. Accordingly,
religion and sexual equality issues are usually too confused to take into account. It has
all the qualifications is no real way to loosen this rather complex multinational.

However, strict opportunities are a fundamental factor ignored in this discussion.

Unless a strict opportunity exists, there will not be minority meetings, including ladies,
and their essential, beneficial and innovative voices will not be heard. Partnerships
and economies will last Off chance they're passing the ladies' engagement.

Not just women, but men are abused in cases of rapes and harassment.
Looking from a different point of view, men are also victims of their fellow men's
rape and harassment. While that was a problem, there are also some women
responsible for men's violations and harassment. Women also force men into sexual
activity relationship even if men aren't that comfortable. Unless the individual
consents it is not permitted to do so individually. Many of us couldn't make it a rape
because they believe Men approve it. Men approve it. People believe men like the
very toxic idea of being 'touched' by women. Women do so if men can violate. In this
question, too, there is the idea of 'what can men do, women can do too.' Only a few
cases of women rape men, because common cases of rape by men are reported.
The downward trend contributes to gender discrimination and gender differences
Radical philosophies such as ISIS address the complete loss of strict opportunity and
the disappearance of a number of strict beliefs and practices, gender equality it lasts.
Sexual discrimination and segregation in medical care shows principally as the
measure of cash one pays for protection charges—the sum paid each month to be
covered by protection. Ladies measurably pay far higher charges than men. This is
generally because of guidelines of private insurance agencies. Less than ten state
governments disallow sex segregation in protection expenses. For the remainder of
the association, insurance agencies reliably charge their female arrangement
proprietors more than their male partners. Gender discrimination and separation in
medical care could be changing in the United States.

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (casually called "Obamacare"),
passed under President Barack Obama in 2010, insurance agencies would be
precluded from charging people in an unexpected way. To justify gendered rates,
insurance agencies guarantee that ladies utilize more clinical benefits than men due to
pregnancy visits. Absence of legitimate securities. As indicated by research from the
World Bank, more than one billion ladies don't have legitimate insurance against
domestic sexual brutality or domestic economic violence's that both fundamentally
affect ladies capability to flourish and live in freely.

Action Plan

Codes of Conduct are rules that outline social norms and ethical responsibilities based
on central principles and values of an organization (Favaro et al., 2016). A Code of
Conduct is a tool organizers can use to ensure delegates feel safe during conference
proceedings by reassuring participants that inappropriate behavior is not permitted.
The IMCC4 Code of Conduct
had 5 rules:

1. Treat everyone with respect and consideration.

2. Communicate openly and thoughtfully with others and be considerate of the
multitude of views
and opinions that are different than your own.
3. be respectful and mindful in your critique of ideas.
4. be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert SCB staff if
you notice
a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
5. Respect the rules and policies of the conference center and all venues associated
with IMCC4.

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