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2.4 A train moves with a uniform velocity of 36 kmh for by it. Given Data Velocity of train = V=36 kmbr! = 36%1000 _ 19 mye! 3600 ‘Time taken = {= 10s Required Distance travelled by train = $=? Solution As we know that S=Vxt By putting the values, we have $= 10x10 $= 100m Result Distance travelled by train= $= 100m 2.2 A train starts from rest. It moves through 1 km in 1 ‘What will be its speed at the end of 100s. Given Data Initial velocity of train ~ vi = 0 ms Distance covered by train = § = 1 km = 1000 m ‘Time taken by train = = 100s Required Speed of train after 100s Solution First we have to find the acceleration, as we know that, S=vit+ at? By putting the values, we have 1000 = 0x 100+ %4xax (100? 1000 = %4 xa x 10000 1000 = ax 5000 1000 5000 So, a=0.2 ms? Now from first equation of motion, we have ve= vi tat by putting the values, we have a 10s. Find the distance traveled 1 00s with uniform acceleration. ve=0+0.2 x 100 ve= 20 ms? Result Speed of train after 100 s = vr= 20 mst 23 A car has a velocity of 10 ms". It accelerates at 0.2 ms? for half minute. distance traveled during this and the find velocity of the ear. Given Data Velocity of the car = vi = 10 ms! Acceleration of the car 0.2 ms? ‘Time taken by car=1=0.5 min, = 0.5 x 60 = 30 s Required Distance traveled by car = S =? Final velocity = Vr =? Solution As we know that S=vit+ Mat? By putting the values, we have $=10x30+ 15x 0.2.x GOP $= 300+ 0.1 x 900 $= 300 +90 $= 390m, Using Ist equation of motion Vf= Vi+at Result Distance traveled by car = S=390 m Final velocity = Vr = 16 ms 2.4 A tennis ball is hit vertically upward with a velocity of 30 ms". It takes 3 s to reach the highest point. Calculate the maximum height reached by the ball. How long it will take to return to ground? Given Data Initial velocity of the tennis ball = vi = 30 ms"! ‘Time to reach the maximum height 1 ~3 s Gravitational acceleration = g = -10 ms? Final velocity of the ball = ve= Oms'! Required Maximum height reached by the ball = h =? Solution From second equation of motion in vertical motion, we have h=vit+% gt? by putting the values, we have h=30x3+%x(-10) h=90-5x9 h=90~45 h=45m As the ball moves with uniform acceleration in vertical motion, so time taken by the ball in both directions will be same. Total time taken to return the ground = Time taken upwards + Time taken downwards Total time taken to return the ground =3 s+ 3s Total time taken to return the ground = 6 s Result Maximum height reached by the ball Total time taken to return the ground = 6 s 2.5 A car moves with uniform velocity 40 ms" for 5 s. it comes to rest in the next 10 with uniform declaration, Find i) declaration ii) total distance traveled by the car Required (i) Deceleration = @ =? (ii) Distance traveled by the car = $=? Solution (Slope of line BC Ams? (i) Arca of trapezium OAB © (sum of parallel sides)(perpendicular distance between parallel sides) 4 AB+0C)(OA) s 4(5+15)(40) =F (20)(40) 800 2, s=400m Result Total distance moved by car = 2.6 A train start from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 ms?, Find its speed in kmh, when it has moved through 100 m. Given Data Acceleration of the train = a= 0.5 ms? Initial velocity of the train = vi ~ 0 mst Distance moved by train = $= 100 m Required Final speed in kmh" = Solution From third equation of motion, we have 2aS = vi? — vi? by putting the values, we have 2x0.5 x 100=vi— (OF 100 = vi? by taking square root on both sides, we have 100 = v2 So ve=10 ms" Inkmh-1 _ 103600 v= 1000 ve 36 kmh Result Final speed in kmh" = vr=36 kmh? 2.7 A train starting from rest accelerates uniformly and attains a velocity 48 kmh’ in 2 minutes. It travels at speed for 5 minutes. Finally, it moves with uniform retardation and is stopped after 3 minutes. Find the total distance traveled by the train. n ‘Total distance covered=? By using the given values we plot a graph shown in figure. Velocity = 48 kmh 481000 (mis) A<—300s—>B 18) time = 2n =2(60) 208 Again time = 5 minutes 5(60) 3008 Again time = 3 minutes 3(60) 1808 We know that area under speed-time graph represents the distance covered by the object. +. Total distance covered = Area of trapezium OABC (sum of parallel sides) (perpendicular distance between parallel sides) ‘Total distance covered = 6000 m Result 28 cricket ball is hit vertically upwards and returns to ground 6 s later. Calculate (®) Maximum height, reached by the ball. (ii) Initial velocity of the ball. Given Data Final velocity of the ball = vp=0 ms" Gravitational acceleration = g = —10 ms? Time in which ball return to ground Required Maximum height reached by ball = h= Initial velocity of the ball ~ vi Solution We know that for ball thorwn vertically upward in air ‘Time taken by ball to reach maximum height = Time taken by ball to reach ground from maximum height ~-time taken by ball to reach maximum height ~ t= 3 s From first equation of motion, we have ve gt By putting the values, we have O=Vvi+(10)x3 O=v-30 So vi = 30 ms Now from second equation of motion, we have S=vit+ 4a By putting the values, we have 8$=30x3+%x(-10)x@y 8=90-5x9 S=45m Result Maximum height reached by ball = Initial velocity of the ball = v= 30 ms 2.9 When brakes are applied, the speed of a train decreases from 96 kmh to 48 kmh? in 800 m. How much further will the train move before coming to rest? (Assuming the retardation to he constant) Given Data 961000 _ 80 Initial velocity of train 96 kmh" 3600 3 Final velocity of train = ve = 48 kmbr! MERTON AO gee 3600 $ Distanee covered by train = 800m Required Retardation of the train=a =? Solution: From third equation of motion, we have 2a8 = ve — vt By putting the values, we have Again 2a (800) (2) (2) 1600.0 = 1600 _ 6400 1600a= 1600 _ 4800 9% 1600 Lins? a=-=ms 3 F 5 sani! 29 me! Initial velocity of train = vi= 48 kmh! =—"ms Final velocity of train = yp = 0 ms retardation of train = a= ~tms Required Distance covered by train = Solution Result From third equation of motion, we have 2aS = ve? — vt By putting the values, we have ‘The train will move by 266.66 m before coming to rest 2.10 In the above problem, find the time taken by the train to stop after the application of the brakes. Given Data Initial velocity of train = i= 96 kmh! See 80 ot 3600 3 Final velocity of train = vy = 0 ms" retardation of train Required Time taken by the train Solution From first equation of motion, we have vo = tat By putting the values, we have 80s Result Required time is 80s. al ; freeilm786@gmailcom visit: Qa Define Transtatory motion and its types. (LHR 2011, 2012, 2013 GRW 2013, 2015) Ans: Such type of motion in which a body moves along a line without any rotation, The line may be straight or curved. Examples © Motion of a ear in straight line + Motion of electron around the nucleus ‘© Motion of gas molecules © Aeroplane moving straight is in translational motion Types of Translatory Motion ‘There are three types of translatory motion. @ Linear motios (LAR 2014) Gi) Circular motion Gi)Random motion (LHR 2013, 2014) @® Linear motion If the motion of a body is in straight line, it is known as linear motion. Examples ‘* The motion of freely falling bodies ‘* Acar moving along the straight line Circular motion If'a body moves in a cirele then its motion is known as circular motion, Examples ‘* Astone attached with thread, when whirled, it will move along a circular path. © Altoy train moving on a circular track. A bicycle or car moving along a circular track Earth moving around the sun in solar system Gii) Random motion ‘The disordered or irregular motion of an object is ealled random motion. Examples ‘© The flight of an insect and birds © Brownian motion of gas or liquid molecules ‘* Motion of dust or smoke particles in air Q.2_— Explain Distance — time Graph. Ans: The term distance and displacement are used interchangeably when the motion is in straight line, Similarly. if the motion is in a straight line then speed and velocity are also used interchangeably. In distance ~ time graph, time is taken along horizontal axis while the vertical axis shows the distance covered by the object. a x 2 ‘Object at Rest In the graph shown in figure, the distance moved by the object with time is zero. That is the object is at rest, Thus a “of —s—io es * horizontal line parallel to time axis on a distance ~ time graph Figure 2.18: Distanco-time 5 raph when the object iat shows that speed of the object is zero. fest Object moving with Constant Speed ‘The speed of an object is said to be constant if it covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, The distance — time graph as shown in figure is a straight line, Its slope gives the speed of the object, Object moving with variable speed When an object does not cover equal distances in equal intervals of time then its speed is not constant. In this case the distance — time graph is not a straight line as shown in figure. The slope of the curve at any point can be found from the slope of the tangent at that point. Q3 Explain Speed —Time Graph. Ans: In a speed — time graph, time is taken along x — axis and vom’) speed is taken along y-axis. ‘ Object moving with constant speed When speed of an object is constant with time, then the speed aaa — time graph will be a horizontal line parallel to time — axis as aoe gure 222 Spent ne 90h shown in figure, In other words, a straight line parallel to time stoving constant speed. axis represents constant speed of the object, Object moving with uniformly changing speed (uniform ve acceleration) Let the speed of an object be changing uniformly. In such a case speed is changing at constant rate. Thus its speed-time graph would be a straight line as shown in figure. A straight line means that the object is moving with uniform acceleration. Slope of the line gives the magnitude of its acceleration. 2 é Distance travelled by a moving object ‘The area under a speed ~ time graph represents the distance travelled by the object. If the motion is uniform then the area can be calculated using appropriate formula for geometrical shapes represented by the graph. Q4 Derive first equation of motion using speed time graph. (GRW 2013) © Ans: Proof: Suppose a body is moving with initial velocity vj in a straight Tine with uniform acceleration a, Its velocity becomes vr after time t. The motion of the body is described by speed — time graph as shown in figure. Figure 2:26: Speedie graph Area Under the graph gives the distance ‘covered by fe body BC Cc We know that slope of line in speed-time graph gives the magnitude of acceleration Slope of line AB Acceleration = AC BC a= AC As AC=OD and BC = BD- CD So, BD-CD oD As BD=w, CD=vi and OD =t Hence a= voi Or veo wat ‘Therefore, We vi tat Which is required first equation of motion. Qs Ans: Ans: Derive second equation of motion using speed-time graph. (LHR 2012, 2013) Proof: Suppose a body is moving with initial velocity vj in a straight line with uniform acceleration a, Its velocity becomes vy after time t. The motion of the body is described by speed ~ time graph as shown in figure. ESET ha gor gee Soe ‘Seer 9p In speed — time graph the total distance s travelled by the body is equal to the total area of trapezium OABD under the graph. icc Area of the rectangle OACD =OA x OD wxt Area of the triangle ABC 4 (ac xBey L(opxe) = Lexat 2 Area of trapezium OABD = area of rectangle OACD + area of triangle ABC Putting the values in the above equation, we get saute dart 2 which is required second equation of motion. Derive third equation of motion using speed-time graph. (GRW 2015) Proof: Suppose a body is moving with initial velocity vi in a straight line with uniform acceleration a. Its velocity A becomes vr after time t The motion of the body is =e, 22%: spans gach Ane gn 22e secre gt iced eo described by speed ~ time graph as shown in figure. In speed — time graph the total distance s travelled by the body is equal to the total area of trapezium OABD under the graph. Area of trapezium OABD 5 [om of parallel ides] [Perpendicular distance between parallel sides] $(B_+0A)(0D) Or 28 =(BD + OA) (OD) z ‘ BC BC Multiply both sides by 2 , we get fas PC — a * op’ & op? 2%} ~(pp+0ay(on)( 3) oD oD BC 2 ls=(BD+0a) (BC (26)s-(n0+0a) (ne) {25 }s-(wo+0a)(BD-cD) oD As Oa=CD=Vi BC Boa, oD and BD=¥, Putting the values in the in the above equation, we have 2aS=(v1+ vi) (We 2aS — yy Which is required third equation of motion. at: visit: 24 vi. vii, Encirele the correct answer from the given choices. A body has translatory motion if it moves along a: (a) Straight line (®) circle (©) line without rotation @) Curved path ‘The motion of a body around an axis is called motion. (LHR 2015) (@) Circular (b) Rotatory ¥ (© Vibratory (@) Random Which of the following is a vector quantity? (a) Speed () distance (© Displacement @) power If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance-time graph will be a straight line: (@) Along time-axis (b) Along distance-axis (©) Parallel to time-axis (a) Inclined to time-axis. A straight line parallel to time-axis on a distance-time graph tells that the object is: (a) Moving with constant speed () At rest ¥ (©) Moving with variable speed @) In motion ‘The speed-time graph of a car is shown in the figure, which of the following statement is true? (a) Car has an acceleration of 1.3. ms? __(b) Car has constant speed of 7.5ms" (©) Distance travelled by the car is 75 my (a) Average speed of the car is 15 ms! v(ms') i ts) Which of the following graphs is representing uniform acceleration? (LHR 2015) 4 4, wm Yvierv ) j viii, ix. xi. xii. 23 @ By dividing displacement of a moving body with time, we obtain: (a) Speed (@) Acceleration (6) Velocity ¥ (@) Deceleration A ball is thrown vertically upward. It velocity at the highest point is: (a) -10 ms? () Zerov (©) 10 ms? (d) None of the A change in position is called: (GRW 2015) (a) Speed @) Velocity (©) Displacement (@) Distance A train is moving at a speed of 36kmb‘. Its speed expressed in ms" is: (GRW 2015) (@)10 ms! (b) 20 ms" (©) 25 ms! (@) 30 ms" A car starts from rest. It acquires a speed of 25 ms” after 20 s. the distance moved by the car during this time is: (@)31.25m (b) 250 mv (©) 500 m @) S000 m and give examples of various types of translatory mot Explain t Such type of motion in which a body moves along a line without any rotation, The line may be straight or curved. Linear motion ‘The motion of freely falling bodies A car moving along the straight-line ‘Circular motion: A stone attached with thread, when whirled, it will move along a circular path. Atoy train moving on a circular track. Random motion The flight of Motion of dust or smoke particles in air an insect and birds Differentiate between the following: @ Rest and motion Gi) Cireular motion and rotatory motion Gil) Distance and displacement (GRW 2014) (iv) Speed and velocity (LHR 2013, 2015) (8) Scalars and vectors (GRW 2013, LHR 2014, 2015) Difference between Rest and Motion Ifa body does not change its position with | If a body continuously changes. its respect to surroundings then it is said to be position with respect to. surroundings in a state of rest. then it is said to be in a state of motion. Gi) Circular motion and rotatory motion. Nooo OTEK The motion of an object in a circular path is | The spinning, motion of 'Y MOTION body about its known as circular motion axis is called rotatory motion. Example Example # The motion of earth around the sun ¢ The motion of wheel about its axis. * The motion of electron around nucleus. * Motion of ceiling fan. Gi) Difference between Distance and Displacement. # Actual (total) length between two points | ‘The shortest distance between is known as distance two points is known as * Itisa scalar quantity. displacement # It is represented by “S”. * Itisa vector quantity. * Itisrepresented by “d”. (iv) _ Difference between Speed and Velocity a 3ou ITY * The distance covered in unit time is © The rate of displacement of a body known as speed. is called velocity. * Mathematically speed is given by ‘© Mathematically velocity is given by Speed = distance’time | Velocity = displacement/time Ss ? t | o WaRtalar cuales # tis vector quantity (¥) _ Difference between scalar and vector. Physical quantities which are completely] Physical quantities which are completely described by their magnitude only are known as| described by their magnitude and scalars direction as well are known as vectors, Example Speed, distance, time ete. Force, displacement, velocity ete. 24 ‘ration. (GRW 2013, LHR 2015) The distance covered by an object in unit time is called its speed. Mathes fical Formal Distance covered Speed = e ‘Total time aim t Distance = speed x time Or S=vxt Velocity ‘The rate of displacement of a body is called velocity Mathematical form: velocity ~ Hsplacement time taken ~_d got t Here d is the displacement of the body moving with velocity ¥ in time t. Acceleration The rate of change of velocity of a body is known as acceleration. Mathematical form: If a body is moving with ‘ve then change in velocity will occu changein velocity itial velocity *w’ and after some time ‘t’ its velocity becomes met. Acceleration : ‘oialtime , nal velocity —initial velocity Acceleration totaltime So gems 25 Cana body moving at a constant speed have acceleration? (LHR 2014) celeration if its. direction of motion Ans: A body moying:with constant speed cam have: 3 changes continuously. For example a body moving with constant speed in a circular path has an acceleration. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion but not circular motion? is wheel move in a circle without rotation therefore motion of rider in Ferris wheel is translatory not rotatory. Riders in a Fer 2.7 Sketch a distance — time graph for a body starting from rest. How will you determine the speed of a body from this graph? Ans: The distance-time graph is shown below The slope of the graph gives speed with the help of the formula Speed (v) of the object = slope of line AB distance EF time CD 20m cs Figure 219: Distancestine =2 ms! graph showing constant ‘The speed found from the graph is 2 ms ae 8) 2.8 Ans: 2.9 Ans: 2.10 Ans: 241 Ans: 242 Ans: 213 Ans: 244 Ans: What would be the shape of speed — time graph of a body moving with variable speed? (LHR 2013, 2014, 2015) Lines OA and OB shows that body is moving with variable speed. Line OA shows that speed of body changes equally in equal intervals of time. Line OB shows that speed of body changes unequally in a equal intervals of time Which of the following can be obtained from speed — time graph of a body? All the given quantities can be obtained form speed-time graph. How can vector quantities be represented graphically? (LHR 2014, GRW 2014) To represent a vector quantity graphically we draw a line known as represented line, The length of the line drawn is aecording to some selected scale give the magnitude of veetor and an arrow on one end of this line shows the direction of vector. Why vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scalar quantities? Scalar quantities can be described completely by magnitude only and can be added or subtracted by simple arithmetic rules. Vector quantities in addition to magnitude also need direction for their description. So vectors cannot be added or subtracted by arithmetic rules due to direction. How are vector quantities important to us in our daily life? In order to locate a place from a reference point, we will have to describe the distance and direction of that place from reference point, Description of distance along with direction will make up a vector quantity. Hence by-using-vector quantities we can describe the position (or location) of bodies. Derive equations of motion for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. See Long Question Sketch a velocity — time graph for the motion of the body. From the graph explaining each step, calculate total distance covered by the body. Total distance travelled area under the graph (trapezium OABC) = ; (sum of parallel sides) x height 4 (188+309) x16 ms") fa car dunng 20 seconde = 384m at : unit 2 Kinematics HE Define motion; also describe the different types of motion. ‘Ans. Motion A body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position with respect to its surroundings. ‘Types of Motion There are three types of motion (@) _ Translatory motion (linear, random and circular) (6) Rotatory motion © Vibratory motion (to and fro motion) (i) Translatory Motion It_a body moves along a line without any rotation, The line may be straight or curve. Then its ‘motion is called translatory motion. Example A car moving in a straight line has translatory motion. Similarly, an aeroplane moving straight is in trenslational motion. Translatory motion can be divided into linear motion, circular motion and random motion. (a) Linear Motion Straight line motion of a body is known as its linear motion, (b) Circular Motion The motion of an object in a circular path is known as circular motion. (© Random Motion The disordered or irregular motion of an object is called random motion. (i) Rotatory Motion The spinning motion of a body about its axis is called rotatory motion. Example The motion of a whee! about its axis and that of a steering wheel are the examples of rotatory motion. The motion of earth about its geographic axis that causes day and night is also rotatory motion. (i) Vibratory Motion To and fro motion of a body about its means position is known as vibratory motion, Example A baby in a cradle moving to and fro, to and fro motion of the hammer of a Tinging electric bell and the motion of the string of a sitar are some of the examples of vibratory motion. IEA Define translatory motion and describe its types. Ans. Translatory Motion If a body moves along a line with out any rotation then its motion is called translatory motion. Types ‘There are three types of translatory motion. @ Linear motion Gi) Circular motion (ii) Random motion @ Linear Motion Straight line motion of a body is known as its linear motion. Examples Aeroplanes flying straight in air and objects falling vertically down are also the examples of linear motion (i) Circular Motion The motion of an object in a circular path is known as circular motion. Example The motion of the earth around the sun and motion of the moon around the earth are also the examples of circular motions. Gil) Random Motion The disordered or irregular motion of an object is called random motion. Examples The motion of insects and birds is random motion. The motion of dust or smoke particles in the air is also random motion. Give their examples. Ans. Scalars A scalar quantity is described completely by its magnitude only. z Examples . Mass, length, tiine, speed, volume, work and energy etc. Vectors ‘A Vector quantity is described compleiely by magnitude and direction. Example Velocity, displacement, force, momentum and torque etc. El With the help of speed-time rant derive the first equation of motion. OR With the help of speed time graph prove that Vr = Vj + at “ First Equation of Motion Speed-time graph for the motion of a body is shown in figure. Slope of line AB gives the acceleration a of a body. Ans, What is meant by scalars and victors? 4 BC BD-CD Slope of line AB =a =a6= oD as. BD =v, CD =v, and OD =t Hence a =“ Oe ves at yew at With the help of speed — time graph derive the second equation of motion. OR With help of speed - time graph prove that s= Vit + + at’ ‘Ans. Second Equation of Motion In speed-time graph shown in figure, the total distance ‘S’ travelled by the body is equal to the total area OABD under the graph. That is Total distance $ = area of (rectangle OACD + area of AABC) ‘Area = Vixt Area of, Rectangle OACD = OA x OD ayxt Area of the AABC = tac x BC) Lk =ytxat Total area of OABD OACD + area of triangle ABC area of rectangle Putting values in the above equation, we get s " 1 Vit +t x at Becviba a? = Vit + pat El With the help of speed-time graph derive the third equation of motion. OR With the help of speed-time graph prove that 2as = Vf - vi? Ans. Third Equation of Motion In speed-time graph shown in figure the total distance S travelled by the body is given by the total area OABD under the graph. | xOD Or 2S =(OA+BD)x OD Multiple both sides by BE, we get * 65 = (04 + 80) «00 «G5 as x BE = (OA + BD) x BC Putting the values in the above equation, we get 2S x a = (vitv) x (vy - v) 2 ee Define uniform acceleration. If the velocity of a body increases by equal amount in equal intervals of time,, its acceleration is said to be uniform, When does the acceleration of a body positive? Acceleration of a body is positive if its velocity increases with time. When does the acceleration of a body negative? Acceleration of a body is negative if its velocity is decreasing with time. What is meant by retardation? deceleration or The negative acceleration is called deceleration or retardation. A body is moving with a uniform velocity. What will be its acceleration? Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. When the body is moving with uniform velocity, the change in velocity will be zero and thus, the acceleration will also be zeT0. Cana body moving with certain velocity in the direction of East have acceleration in the direction of West. Yes. A body moving with some velocity in the direction of East will have an acceleration towards West. It is the case when velocity decreases. If velocity-time graph is a straight line then what information we get from it? If velocity-time graph is a straight line, then the acceleration will be uniform. If velocity-time graph is parallel to x-axis, then what information we get from it? If velocity-time graph is parallel to x-axis, it means the body is moving with constant velocity ie. with no acceleration. What is meant by slope or gradient of a graph? 21 @ Slope or gradient of a graph is defined as the ratio of distance covered along y-axis to the distance covered along x-axis. ic. Slope or Gradient xox Where y2 and y; are final and initial values along y-axis and x2 and x; arc final and initial values along x-axis. If in a velocity-time graph, gradient is negative, what does it mean. Tt means the acceleration of the body is decreasing. If the speed of a body is variable, then how this graph looks like? If the speed of the body is variable, then the graph is not a straight line. Define gravitation acceleration? What is its value on the surface of earth? The acceleration of freely falling bodies is called gravitational acceleration. It is denoted by ‘g’ it value on the surface of earth is 10 ms”. When ‘g? is taken positive and when it is taken as negative? For bodies falling down freely *g’ is positive while “g’ is negative for bodies moving up. Write down three equation of motion. Istequation: V; = V; + at = Is 2™ equation: S = Vit + zy at 2as = VP - VP 3" equation: Encircle the correct answer from the given choices: A body has translatory motion if it moves along a (a) straight line (b) circle (c) line without rotation (2) curved path @ Gi) (iv) w) wi) wil) The motion of a body about an axis is called: (a) circular motion . (b) rotatory motion (©) vibratory motion (4) random motion Which of the following “is a vector quantity? (a) speed (b) distance (©) displacement (d)_ power If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance time graph will be a straight line. (a) along time-axis (b) along distance-axis (c) parallel to time-axis (@ inclined to time-axis A straight line parallel to time-axis on a distance-time graph tells that the object is: (@)_ moving with constant speed (b) atrest (© moving with variable speed (@) inmotion ‘The speed-time graph of a car is shown in the figure, which of the following statement is true? v(ms') is 1) 0 10 (a) carhas an acceleration of 1.5 ms* (b) ©) @ Which one of the following graphs is representing uniform acceleration? car has constant speed of 7.5 ms distance travelled by the car is 75 m average speed of the car is 15 ms d da (a) (b) d. “4 © (@) t t (viii) By dividing displacement of a moving body with time, we obtain: (@ speed (b) acceleration (©) velocity (@) deceleration (ix) A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is: (a) -10ms* (b) zero (© 10ms* (d) none of these (x) Achange in position is called: (a) speed (b) velocity (©) displacement (d) distance (xi) A train is moving at a speed of 36 kmh”. Its speed expressed in ms * is: (@ 10mst (b) 20ms™ (© 25ms' @) 30ms* A car starts from rest. It acquires a speed of 25 ms” after 20 s. The distance moved by the car during this time is: (a) 31.25m (b) 250m ©) 500m (@) 5000 m Answers @[@| w/o] © | | @ @) | @ | wi) | © (a) | (viii) | (6) @ | ol wlo @ | ai | © 2.2. Explain translatory motion and give examples of various types of translatory motion. ‘Ans, If a body moves along a line without any rotation then its motion is called translatory motion. e.g. aeroplane flying straight in air, motion of earth around the sun and motion of insects and birds etc. there are three types of translatory motion. Linear Motion - Straight line motion of a body is called linear motion .e.g. objects falling vertically down wards. @® (i) Circular Motion The motion of an object in a circular path is . known as circular motion. e.g. toy train moving on a circular track. (iii) Random Motion Irregular motion of an object is called random ‘motion e.g. the motion of insects and birds. 2.3. Differentiate between the following: @ — Rest and motion Gi) Circular motion and rotatory motion (iii) Distance and displacement (iv) Speed and velocity (v) Linear and random motion (vi) Scalars and vectors Ans. @ — Rest If a body does not change its position with respect to its surround then it is said to be at rest. Motion If a body changes its position with respect to its surrounding then it is said to be in motion, (ii) Circular Motion The motion of an object in a circular path is called circular motion. Rotatory Motion The spinning motion of a body about its axis is called rotatory motion. (iii) Distance Length of a path between two points is called distance between those points. It is scalar quantity. Displacement The shortest distance between two points is called displacement. It is a vector quantity. Speed The distance covered in unit time is called speed. It is a scalar quantity. Velocity Rate of displacement of a body is called velocity. It is a vector quantity. (vy) Linear Motion Straight line motion of a body is called linear ‘motion. Random Motion The irregular motion of an object is called random motion. (vi) Scalars Those quantities which are described completely by their magnitude are called scalars. Vectors Those quantities which are described completely by magnitude and direction are called vectors. 2.4. Define the terms speed, velocity, and acceleration. Ans. Speed The distance covered in unit time is called speed. Velocity ‘The rate of displacement of a body is called velocity. Acceleration The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. 2.5. Can a body moving at a constant speed have acceleration’? Ans, If a body is moving at constant speed and it is not changing its direction then it has no acceleration. If it is changing its direction then it has acceleration? : 2.6. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion but not rotatory motion? Ans. The riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion because their motion is in a circle with out rotation, So they do not have rotatory motion. 2.7. Sketch a distance-time graph for a body starting from rest. How will you determine the speed of a body from this graph? Ans, Its speed after 15s can be calculated as d Vou at ll =15 =2ms! 28. Ans. Ans, 2.10. 241. Ans, 2.12. @ wi ii) Gv) 1.13. What would be the shape of a speed-time graph of a body moving with variable speed? If a body is moving with variable speed then its distance time graph will not a straight ine, Which of the following can be obtained from speed-time graph of a body? @® Initial speed Final speed (iii) Distance covered in time t. (iv) Acceleration of motion Tt means all of then can be obtained from speed-time graph. How can vector quantities be represented graphically? Graphically, a vector can be represented by a line segment with an arrow head, E.g. the line ‘AB with arrow head at ‘B’ represent vector V. the length of the line AB gives the magnitude of the yector ‘V’ on a selected scale. While the direction of the line from A to ‘B’ gives the direction of the vector V. Why vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scalar quantities? Vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scalar quantities because vectors have a definite direction. How are vector quantities important to us in our daily life? Vector quantities are very important in our daily life. These quantities help us in different. ways. eg. If more than one forces act on a body then we can easily find the resultant force of all these force. if resultant force is given then we can find the rectangular components of that force. With the help of a yector we can determine the position of a point or place. With the help of vector the pilots detect their destination. Derive equation of motion for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. ‘See: lon Questions Nos. 4, 5 and 6. ie, 1" equation Question No. 4 2" equation Question No. 5 3 equation Question No. 6 2.14. Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the body. From the graph explaining each step, calculate total distance covered by the body. ‘Ans. Consider a body moving with initial velocity vi’ in a straight line with uniform acceleration its velocity become V; after time ‘, the motion of body is described by speed- time graph, The slop of line ‘AB’ is acceleration ‘a’ the total distance covered by the body is shown by the shaded area under the line AB. So, the total distance ‘S’ travelled by the body is equal to the total area OABD under the graph. That is Total distance = Area of rectangle OACD + Area of, triangle ABC Area of rectangle(OACD) = OAx OD =Vixt Area of triangle ABC = + (AC x BC) 1 =tixat 1 =a Since Total area = Area of rectangle OACD + Area of triangle ABC 1 S=Vit+7 at” PROBLEMS 2.1. A train moves with a uniform velocity of 36 kmb™ for 10 s. find the distance travelled by it. Ans. Vo -=36kmht 1000 = 221000 10 misee t =10s 2.2, s =? s =yXxXt =10x10 = 100m A train starts from rest. It moves through 1 km in 100s with uniform acceleration. What will be its speed at the end of 100. =Oms! s =1km=1000m t = 100 sec Vi =? s = Vite pat 1000 =0x 100+ ax 1007 100 04x ax 100% 100 1000 = a=? 1 as ymsec? a x 5000 Ve= vi + at = 04% 100 = 20ms" A car has a velocity of 10 ms. It accelerates at 0.2 ms* for half minute. Find the distance travelled during this tate and the final velocity or the car, = 10ms* a= 0.2ms* 30s ? s = Vit + pat s=10x 30+ 0.2 x BOF s = 300 + 90 = Ve= Vi + at = 10+0.2 x 30 = 10 + 6.0 =16ms* 390m 24 Ans. Gi) 2.5. Ans. Gi) ii) ball is hit vertically upward with a velocity of 30 ms”, It taken 3 s to reach the highest point. Calculate the maximum height reach by the ball. How ong it will take to return to ground? Vi = 30ms7 t = 3sec g = -10ms* h total time = ? J h= Vit +> at? =30x3 + $e10)x3%3 = 90 + (—45) h = 90-45 = 45m The ball takes 3 sec to reach the highest point So, it will take same time to return the ground So total time =3+3 =6 sec 2 be moves with uniform velocity of 40 * for 5s. It comes to rest in the next 10s with uniform deceleration, Find @ deceleration (ii) Total distance travelled by the car. = 40 mst = 5sec, = 2 a= 2 Ves The distance covered in first 5 seconds Si =F xt (velocity is uniform) = 40 x 5 = 200m. When breaks are applied then deceleration v= V, a= C = 0 = ~4ms? The distance covered after spplying the breaks. teeta? Sr=Vit+> at = 40 x ete 4) x 10x 10 = 400-200 = 200m 2.6. Ans, 2.7. Ans. @ wi So, Total distance ‘s’ = s1 + 82 s = 200+ 200 s = 400m A train starts from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 ms, Find its speed in kmh", When it has moved through 2(0.5) x 100 = (Vi)? - (0) 100 = V? -fi00 = Vv; Vr= 10ms* In kmh 10 x 1000 a Vi= 3600, = 36kmb A train staring from rest accelerates uniformly and attains a velocity 48 kmh” in 2 minutes. It travels at this speed for 5 minutes. Finally, it moves with uniform retardation and is stopped after 3 minutes. Find the total distance _ 48 x_1000 3600 =2x 60 = 120 sec ‘The distance covered in first 2 minutes oe (04.480 ae 2x36 0+ 480 -(CSSB) «t= 800m Distance covered in next 5 minutes. eae ser jeer ied Git) 2.8. @ 2.9. — 480 x 300 =~ 36 =4000m When break are applied then V;=Oms™ So the distance covered in last 3 minutes. Sy =¥xt { a 36x2 _ 480 x 180 iam 36 1x2 Ss =1200m Total distance s = s;+s2+53 s = 800 +4000 + 1200 = 6000m A cricket ball is hit vertically upwards and returns to ground 6 s later. Calculate (@) maximum height reached by the ball. di) initial velocity of the ball. i-30 vi =30ms* Maximum height ‘h’ = ? Vi = 30ms™ g = —10ms” t= 3sec, h=? 12 h =vit+>et 0 x 3 + $10) x3%3 =90-45 = 45m When brakes are applied, the speed of a train decreases from 96 kmh” to 48 khm™ in 800 m. how much further will the train move before coming to rest? (Assuming the retardation to be constant), 80 Ans. Vi=96kmh* => [ms Vy = 48 kmh7 48x 1000 40, 3600 = 3 ms s= 800m So the distance covered after applying the breaks s =? vi= 2s V;=0ms™ da a= ms 2as= Ve — Vi? 1 ‘oy 2( so (9 Bye =1600 f-3 y Xo 8 2 = 266.66m 2.10. In the above problem, find the time taken by the train to stop after the application of breaks. Ans. viz est Vi=Oms! 3 ms? Vi = vi + at 0-8, (4x

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