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Individual Research Paper





29th OCTOBER 2022
1.1 Background of study………...………………..………………………………….…...2
1.2 Problem Statement…..………………………………………………………………..4
1.3 Research Objectives…………………………………………………………………..5
1.4 Research Questions………..………………………………………………………….5
1.5 Significant of The Study……………………………………………………………5-6

1.6 Scope of the Study……………………………………………………………………7

2.0 Literature Review (Introduction)……………….…………………………………………7

2.1 HRM practices and job satisfaction…………………………………………………..7

2.1.1 Employee turnover rate………………………………………………………...7

2.1.2 Lack of motivation……………………………………………………………..8

2.1.3 Lack of compensation/benefits………………………………….…………...8-9

2.2 Previous Study……………………………………………………………………….10

2.3 Islamic perspective on job satisfaction in hotel industry………………………….…


2.4 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...12
3.0 Methodology (Introduction)……………………………………………………………...12
3.1 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………

3.2 Research design…………………………………………………………………..14-15

3.3 Data collection………………………………………………………………...……..15
3.3.1 Primary
3.4 Sampling
3.4.1 Sampling frame and sampling location………………………………………..16
3.4.2 Target population (Respondents)……………………………………….….16-17
3.4.3 Sampling
3.5 Analysis technique………………………………………………………………..18-


Following Thailand and Singapore, Malaysia was listed as the third-most attractive

country in Southeast Asia for the hotel industry according to Knight Frank's

Malaysian Hotel Investment Intentions Survey. Due to the numerous requests for

services, benefits, and convenience from clients and visitors, it keeps changing.

Hotel industry, dominantly the service and facilities areas have been helping to

increase the gross domestic product (GDP) improvement, speculation, and work,

and also support the record business equality of percentages.  The hotel industry

makes significant contributions to the tourism sector in the areas of accommodation,

transportation, and beverages and food. The tourism industry in Malaysia has

recorded a positive on development of 4.8% increment for the January until May

2019 period, enrolling a total of 10,954,014 tourists visit.

In this chapter, the researcher incorporates the difficult assertion and current hole,

research goals, research questions, theory of study and meaning of investigation of

this theme, which is identified with human asset practices and job satisfaction. The

reason for this review study is to examine the effect of human asset the executive’s

practice es on job satisfaction. Also, in this study, it is found that it is profoundly

zeroing in on job satisfaction, different human asset the board rehearses, hotel

industry of Malaysia, giving some earlier important hypothetical model, the

connection between HRM practices and job satisfaction and theories has been



The idea of job satisfaction, besides incredibly late source, it is firmly connected to

motivation in the working environment and it’s a contribution factor to improved

performance in the working environment. Based on (Robbins & Judge, 2009),

employee job satisfaction has a straight influence on a company's productivity,

efficiency, and ultimately its bottom line. In this industry, having patience, skilful and

educated workers in an organization is significant. This implies that the satisfaction

of these capable workers is a need in this industry. The reason for this study was to

explore the internal factors influencing the job satisfaction of employees at hotel

industry in Malaysia.

Hotel industry has been facing a high turnover rate since those days and many

organizations face inconveniences in retaining workers since the majority of hotel

industry failed to perceive the components which help employee's satisfaction

and the loyalty connection between the management and employees. A hotel

industry invests through thousands of moneys in training, recruiting and hiring new

employees and put in a lot of effort and money in retaining employees every year.

Thusly, enrolling new staff is a period consuming and extravagant practice that

specifically impacts the base line of association.

In addition, Amin et al. (2017), has recommended that the management of the hotel

industry need to continually update their services because they face hardened rivalry

in the market from the local organizations as well as from the worldwide market also.

While focusing on profit and customers satisfaction, the management failed to

monitor employee’s idea towards their hotel. More often than not the hotel industry

will acknowledge after lose their workers. Instead of being late engaged, they should

identify the issue prior and address it quickly before they tumble to profound.

This research mainly focusses on the effect of employee’s satisfaction towards

employee’s loyalty through providing rewards, compensation, good working

environment and job security to an organization.

As indicated by Malaysian Tourism Statistics, 2019 recorded a development number

in traveller appearances yet neglected to meet the objective fixed by the Tourism

Ministry. The Ministry focused to invite 28.1 million visitors in the year 2019, while

the genuine appearances were just 26.1 million travellers. Despite the fact that the

nation couldn't arrive at their objective, yet it figured out how to break the descending

pattern it has been recording from 2017. 2014 actually holds the most elevated

number concerning the traveller passage with 27.44 million however figured out how

to create RM 72 billion. The complete traveller receipts for 2019 were RM 86.1 billion

which is RM 6.1 billion focused by the Ministry. The nation persistently zeroing in on

activities to build the absolute number of appearances from its key business sectors,

similar to China, Singapore, and Australia by including acquainting non-stop

departures from China with optional air terminals in Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching

and Johor Bahru. Additionally, with the achievement of the e-visa administration for

Chinese nationals which was dispatched in March 2016, which assisted with drawing

in more guests, Malaysia presented the equivalent for Indians in March 2017.

Malaysian Tourism Statistics from
2014 to 2019
25.72 25.95 25.83 26.1

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


In view of (Nor Zafir Md Salleh Abu et. Al) There are three significant difficulties for

HRM in Malaysian hotel industry, such as lack of workers (due of high turnover), lack

of motivation for the hotel staff, and lack of compensations/benefits for the staff

compare to their workload. The explanation of high turnover, a great deal of hotels

willing to give better salary and benefits compare with current hotel working spot.

Despite the fact that the employee work there for quite a long time yet at the same

time not bear to pay a good salary, it may push the employee to choose to out from

the current working place. Out of all the staffing issue, staff shortage was happened

the most. As per the front office managers, staff shortage at the front office are

brought about by the trouble of getting and retain the workers because of the low

pay/compensation and long working hours. Job motivations are a set mentality

towards work and occupation inspiration is needed by all staffs or employees and

also it led to influences turnover, absenteeism and performance.

Employee satisfaction or job satisfaction is connected to mood and emotions at work

place. Worker's motivations are the fundamental drive to hold the employees in the

hotel for quite a long time. Shockingly, still a lot of hotel industry struggling to draw

out the motivation from the workers. From the managers' viewpoint, the minimum

wages permitted by law execution has brought about chiefs receiving the best

payment structure to decrease work costs for the administrators, choosing to

diminish the service charge allocation to employees and managing minimal

improvement in worker efficiency and motivation. Conversely, the positive effect from

the managers' viewpoint is lower turnover aims and social equity for foreign laborers.

From the employees' point of view, there is a somewhat negative effect – the lowest

pay permitted by law strategy has resulted in a minimal increase in the salary.


For this segment, the purpose of this research is to:

• To determine the relationship between employees’ turnover rate with job

satisfaction of employees in hotel industry

• To determine the relationship between compensation/benefit with job satisfaction of

employees in hotel industry

• To determine the relationship between the employee’s job motivation with job

satisfaction of employees in hotel industry.


This research study would bring the answers for the following questions:

1. How effectively the human resource practices to retain their employees in hotel

industry to reduce the turnover rate?

2. What is the impact of lack of compensation/benefits for the staff compare to their

workload in hotel industry?

3. What is the main factor to boost employee’s motivation in hotel industry?


According to (Kysilka & Csaba, 2013), hotel industry consistently faces with the issue

of lack of staffs because of low job satisfaction among workers which prompts high

turnover. In the first place, we will examine about the general factors that face by the

hotel industry. Second, we will amend the variables influencing the factors of job

satisfaction identified in this study, additionally help the management, specialist or

policy maker of this industry to narrow down the territory of focus and better craft

strategy tools to support job satisfaction among its employees. The high degree of

job satisfaction prompted better performance and retention of a good employee.

There are three main factors that facing by Malaysia hotel industry regularly such as

shortage of labour (due to high turnover), lack of motivation for the hotel staff, and

lack of benefits for the staff compare to their workload. By increasing job satisfaction

among employees, it can achieve their goal which later reduce the turnover rate and

retain the workers by tackling the issues. This will minimize the lack of staff issues to

run a smooth the business in a hotel. Besides that, organization performance will be

improved when employees are satisfied with their work and have been motivated to

perform out their work.

Aside from that, this research additionally filling the gap of information about the

connection between job satisfaction and the mentioned factors in Malaysian hotel

industry setting. It is trust that this study will starts the interest of researchers to lead

more research regarding this matter in Malaysia.


The purpose of this study to investigate the level of job satisfaction among workers,

and the main factors affecting the level. Besides that, job satisfaction and its

relationship with shortage of workers (because of high turnover), lack of motivation

for the hotel staff, and lack of benefits for the staff compare to workload among

employees in the hotel business will likewise being studied. This investigation will be

led in Malaysian hotel industry. The focused-on respondents of this exploration are

including the employees those working in all departments such as Admin,

Accountant, room Service, general worker, food and beverages and security




In this chapter included with writing survey, pertinent hypothetical models, proposed

reasonable structure and speculations improvement. The point of the writing survey

is to distinguish optional information from journal and articles which identified in this

research paper. Previous examination will be inspected in the setting to take an

outline of how different creators in the connected investigation field assess factor of

worker work fulfilment. Specialist will diagram important investigation audit of

variables preparing and improvement, execution evaluation, pay, advantage,

wellbeing and wellbeing separately. In addition, a proposed structure for this

examination has formed dependent on the important hypothetical system



The human resources writing recommended that hotels hoping to lead their

competitors and become known for their quality assistance should be explicit in

staffing, give direction and training, offer fair pay, reasonable compensation/benefits,

and empower employees (Guthrie, 2001; Kusluvan et al., 2010)

Moreover, turnover can happen in two different ways which are voluntary and

involuntary. Voluntary turnover will happen when the employees purposefully choose

to leave the organization while involuntary turnover happen when the workers

unwillingly leave the organization however been forced by the management to leave

because of the poor performance or misconduct action.


According to (Chen,2013), employees’ motivation is one of the primary factors in

hotel industry as it straight resembles on employee’s turnover and overall quality of

service of the concerned hotels. Job motivation is the prime determinant of

behaviour at workplace and that high capacity and undeniable high level of job

training will not bring the expected results if the individual is totally demotivated or

undermotivated at work." Employee motivation is not a new topic in HRM and it has

been characterized by prominent researchers in different fields and large numbers of

them give various definitions to employee motivation.

Motivational variables like recognition, achievement and personal and career growth

of a worker to deliver superior work performance in the apportioned area. These

characteristically compensating factors are attractive to a worker and can lift their

work pressure and feelings of resentment against the workforce.


According to (Walker, 1998) compensation is the thing that an employee is given as

a monetary reward, which given to workers to meeting their goals. This may include

like money grants, rewards, commission, gift vouchers, and more. Money is a

successful motivator for that can fulfil the workers and improving employee

performance. Besides that, non-monetary compensation such as benefits, time

flexible, off-time, free or parking discount, gym membership, career development

programs and more. A benefits plan is intended to address a particular need and is

frequently given in a cashless form.

Based on Moncarz, Zhao and Kay (2008) concentrated what incentives and benefits

affect overall job performance of part-time employees. Unfortunately, it is notable in

the hotel industry that most low maintenance workers do not get many, assuming

any, benefits, and incentives are very sparse (Cunningham and Mahoney, 2004).

Compensation is the second reason after salary employee decide to work there,

however if the hotel industry failed to give it the worker's idea may change to find any

other better place to work.

Most of the hotel industry focused around profits and customers satisfaction which is

acceptable yet pushing with a great deal of duty without giving a fair compensation

will lead the workers feel disappointed with the workplace.


According to the previous researchers, (Rumman, Jawabreh, Alhyasat, & Hamour,

2014; Yildirim, Gulmez, & Yildirim, 2016). Aminudin (2013) In specific, previously the

are less researches were carried out to investigate the relationship between turnover

rate, job motivation and compensation/benefits and job satisfaction of employee

working in hotel industry in Malaysia stated that not much academic research uses

hotel as the target of their study contempt its importance.

Based on overall compilation of previous literature, this study identifies the factors

that affect the job satisfaction towards employees’ job satisfaction in hotel industry.

The study structured the factors that relate to employee’s satisfaction in hotel

organization based on the employees’ loyalty, compensation/benefits and job

motivation. Based on previous researches, (Bakotić and Babić, 2013; Malik, Danish

and Munir, 2012; O'Donnell and Mirtcheva Broderson, 2015); have conducted a

study on the employee’s intention to stay and employee retention is influence by

working environment and employee’s compensation, pay and rewards on job

satisfaction. Earlier studies by Chen (2006), the loyalty of employee will be higher if

they have high job satisfaction, and they can be more optimistic with their work and

also the organization. Besides that, based on the previous researches less of people

that not much academic research uses hotel as the target of their study despite its



Malaysia is a multicultural and multiconnection country, whose official religion is

Islam, which is 61.3 percent of the population hold by Islam. To give a good Islamic

work environment, hotel industry should understand the fundamental needs of

Muslim workers. The easiest approach to comprehend the necessities is to regard

their obligations as a Muslim.

Aside from that, other significant activities should be possible by an organization to

establish Islamic working environment climate are to permit the employees to open

up about their belief through their dressing or give a Sharia consistence uniform

particularly for the female Muslim workers. Additionally, in hotel industry particularly

4 stars and 5 stars hotels serve non-Halal items to the customers such as alcohol,

pork and so on the hotel management should regard their obligations and should be

precluded from serving non-Halal items to the customers.

Last but not least, it is important for the organization to realize Muslim employees'

dietary restriction when they gave free food during any proper event to give an

indication of regard to their worker's belief. As indicated by Gelb and Longacre

(2012), permitting the workers to rehearse their religion will build their work execution

and responsibility towards their work.


Through the study on this chapter, had chance to found that the independent

variable has an optimistic relationship to employee satisfaction in hotel industry. The

variables are employees’ turnover rate, job motivation and compensation/benefits

can earn back the employees’ loyalty and the employee will continue their assistance

to achieve the organization’s goal. Career development can retain the employee

because the accessibility of skill development opportunities and career movement

will fascinate the employee to organizations for long term. On the other hand,

compensation or benefits can keep those good performance workers. Furthermore,

job motivation will lead the employee to put more commitment in their work and stay

in the organization for long term period. Thus, the extra examination will show the

possibilities whether or not the variables can predict the employee satisfaction on

hotel industry in Malaysia.



This chapter reviews the technique use to analyse the relationship between

dependent variables and the independent variables, which is the effect of human

resource management practices on job satisfaction in hotel industry. Hence, this

section shows how the studies is done as far as the conceptual framework, data

collection methods, research design, construct measurement variables, hypothesis

development, sampling design, data processing and data analysis. It also shows the

result interpreted by providing questionnaires that will provide to the targeted

respondents and collected back for this research project.


The conceptual framework shows the relationship between the independent and

dependent variables

Independent variables Dependent Variables

Turnover rate of employee

Lack of motivation Job satisfaction of Hotel Industry


Lack of compensations/benefits
compared with workload

The conceptual framework assists with understanding the variables of the

investigation like the connection between independent variable and dependent

variable. The structure was outlined after estimated by the research question,

objective and review of literature. Henceforth, the structure focuses on the human

resource practices that could affect the job satisfaction in hotel industry in Malaysia.

The independent variables are turnover rate of employee, lack of motivation,

compensation/benefits while, the dependent variable is employees job satisfaction.


The hypothesis is help to discover the relationship between human resource

management practices and job satisfaction of employees in hotel industry in

Malaysia. Based on the hypothetical and exploration writing, certain speculative

connection between measurement of human resources practices and job satisfaction

were proposed in this study. The following is the arrangement of speculations that

will be tried.

Here is a significant relationship between choice of work and job performance: -

 There is a significant relationship between employees’ turnover rate with job


 There is a significant relationship between compensations/benefits with job


 There is a significant relationship between job motivation with job satisfaction


According to the (Zikmund et al., 2010), the main plan which portrays in research

design is requiring the procedures and methods for collecting and analysing the

needed information. It is a system that designs the activities for the research project

and control to find the best solution for this issue as well. Quantitative research

configuration identifies with the plan of a research project which utilizes quantitative

research methods. The plan varies depending on the method used, which could be

phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, online reviews and more. quantitative

research has been utilized to lead this research study due to huge number of

respondents who have participated. This study evaluated, and hypotheses are


To direct this research, need to give questionnaire/surveys to the respondents to

change the decision in a quantitative report. Information data will be accumulated by

online reviews, video and phone meetings and results which are level headed and

fewer researchers will be seen during this progress advancement. The objective of

directing this quantitative research study is to decide the connection between about

the effect of HR practices influence job satisfaction in hotel industry with in broader

population which the exploration covered instead of qualitative method where a little

model is used and includes with interviews, which is tedious

Therefore, benefit for this study has applied quantitative research as it utilizes

questionnaire/survey to identify the impact of human resources practices affect job

satisfaction in hotel industry. Quantitative information is more effectual and can

analyse based on the hypothesis, in this way, it very well may be successful

instrument in this research to evaluate the employee’s job satisfaction.

Descriptive research designs that will practice in this research. Descriptive research

is a sort of research that portrays a population, situation, or phenomenon that is

being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where questions If

a research problem, rather than the why. This is mostly on the grounds that it is

critical to have a proper understanding of what a research problem is about prior to

examining why it exists in any case. Descriptive research is a research method

strategy that endeavours to gather quantifiable data for statistical analysis of the

population sample. It is a well-known statistical surveying device that permits us to

gather and describe the demographic segment’s nature.


Data collection is the information that gathered from the respondents or through any

other source that is available and applicable to the research topic that has directed

by the researcher. Data collection is a fundamental part of any type of research

study. Inaccurate data collection can lead to inappropriate results of a study and

eventually lead to invalid outcomes.


Primary data is the information that is gathered directly from the data source without

going through any current or existing sources. It is for the part gathered research

project and may be shared publicly to be used for another research

Primary data is often reliable, true, and objective in as much as collected with the

purpose of addressing a specific research issue. It is essential that primary data is

not commonly collected because of the high cost of implementation.


It is a method has been narrowing down the size before the information data

collected to get a sample from the population of the respondents.


In this research, I provide a number of questionnaires which already have prepared

earlier to hotel workers in Kuala Lumpur. I hope by choosing the main city as a

sampling location will acquire a precise result.


Time wise and cost wise, for me to focus overall market all in all; consequently, the

worker who actually perform their job as a hotel employee will be the targeted

population. However, hotel employees are the main pole of this study. Based on

Statista, in 2018, there were 435 hotels in Malaysia's capital city of Kuala Lumpur.

According to the star online (26 Mar 2020) Kuala Lumpur, with a sampling size of

17,826 employees, thus the recommended sample size is around 20 employees with

sets of questionnaires has been appropriated to the respondents because of the

prospects of the event of unused information.


Sampling method is a system for investigating entire populace and it incorporates of

probability and non-probability samples. Probability tests are picked to be illustrative

of the general population. However, non-probability is an examining technique

wherein units of the model are chosen based on up close and personal judgment or

convenience. There are four sorts of probability assessing systems; one of them is

basic irregular testing and it will be the inspecting procedure in the assessment.

Every one of the questions in questionnaire are set in fundamental language so that

can be successfully to effectively to understand by the respondents. With this simple

random sampling, can endeavouring to require the respondent that who will answer

the review for this exploration. For those focused on respondents, they can address

the requests quickly due to the setting of the request is clear, by then we prepared to

assemble it soon after they reacted to it.

For this study, we would like to use Probability sampling method, which means that

every member of the population has a chance of being selected, for example in hotel

industry, employees working under few departments, so all of them are eligible to

participate. probability sampling techniques are the best choice, if we want to

produce results that are representative of the whole population, probability sampling.


Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics serve in simple way but critically important role in the research

to explain the data set for instance, consider a simple number used to summarize

how well the hotel industry is put effort to retain the employee for years. Unlike

inferential, descriptive statistics are not aiming to make implications about the entire

population but they’re just interested in the details of the particular example.

At the point when writing up on analysis chapter, descriptive statistics are the initial

set of details that will be covered, before moving to inferential statistics. However,

depending on research objectives and questions, they may be the only type of

statistics that will be used and whatever the case, they’re fundamental.

The techniques/methods

Some common statistical techniques used in this branch include:

• Mean – use mathematical theory

• Median – will use the middle point of arrangement of numbers (if the numbers

arranged from low to high).

• Standard deviation and variance – these indicate how distributed a range of

numbers listed. In other words, about the distance or average range from the


Inferential statistics

According to the previous discussion, the descriptive statistics are about the details

of the particular informational index, inferential statistics plan to make suggestions

about the population. All in all, inferential statistics means to make expectations

about what to discover in the full populace during the research. This could include

predictions about:

• Differences between groups – for instance, the contrasts between impact by the

HR practices in hotel industry assembled by various variables.

• Relationships between factors – for instance, the connection between job

satisfaction and impact by the HR practices in hotel industry.


This chapter has described the methodological aspects of this study including the

conceptual framework, hypothesis development research design, measurement of

variable, the sample of this study, and finally the data procedure and method of

analysing the data of this study. The questionnaire is distributed according to the

sample size that has been set.


1. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

2. What is your age?

a. Below 18

b. 21-30

c. 31-40

d. Above 50

3. Which department you are in?

a. Front Office Dept

b. Food & Beverages Dept

c. Housekeeping Dept

d. Human Resources & Training Dept

e. Others: ___________________________

4. How long have you worked for your hotel?

a. Less than 1 year

b. 1-5 years

c. 5-10 years

d. Above 10 years

5. Do you think your future career development prospects is positive in your


a. Yes. Why? ________________________________

b. No. Why? _________________________________

6. Please indicate all the reasons why you might leave your job two years from


a. Better pay

b. Better career opportunities

c. Better management

d. Better benefits

e. Better human resources practices

f. Better job overall

g. Better work hours

h. Company values that are more similar to my own values

7. Do you satisfied with your working environment

a. Yes.

b. No. Why? _____________________________________________

8. There is a system of monthly or annually rewards or incentives in your hotel

for good services to the customers. Do you agree?

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Strongly disagree

9. How would you rate each of the factors that motivate you to perform your

job the best?

5= Excellent, 4= Good, 3= Fair, 2= Bad, 1= Very Bad

i. Wages/ Salary 1 2 3 4 5

ii. Fringe benefits 1 2 3 4 5

iii. Job security 1 2 3 4 5

iv. Interesting job 1 2 3 4 5

v. Flexible hours 1 2 3 4 5

vi. Working environment 1 2 3 4 5

vii. Co-workers 1 2 3 4 5

viii. Opportunity for advancement 1 2 3 4 5

ix. Training 1 2 3 4 5

x. Empowerment 1 2 3 4 5

xi. Allowed to be part of the team 1 2 3 4 5

xii. Loyalty to employees 1 2 3 4 5

10. Job related factors influence employee turnover in our organization.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Strongly disagree



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