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Health Promotion and Diseases Prevention

1. Excess weight gain and obesity

● Is obesity a growing problem?

Yes, it kills more people than underweight
● How can diet and physical activity affect obesity?
If you consume too much energy more than your body needs and burn too little
energy  will become fat. It will cause obesity.
● What factors are known to affect obesity?
Eating pattern, physical activity level, sleeping routine, genetics, medicine
● How could obesity be prevented?
Choosing healthier food (whole grains, fruit, vegetable), good fat and good protein
from vegetables. Limit the fast food or food that contains high energy but small
serving. Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.

2. Diabetes

● Is diabetes a growing problem?

Yes, because it may cause blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower
limb amputation.
● How can diet and physical activity affect diabetes?
Weight loss resulting from healthy eating and increased physical activity enables
muscle cells to use insulin and glucose more efficiently, thus lowering diabetes risk.
Lack of exercise can cause muscle cells to lose their sensitivity to insulin, which
controls levels of sugar in the blood.
● What factors are known to affect diabetes?
 Have prediabetes
 Overweight
 Older than or 45yrs
 Having parents, brother or sister with type 2 diabetes
 Physically active less than 3 times a week
 Have ever had gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or given
birth to a baby who weighed over 9 pounds

● How could diabetes be prevented?

 Keeping weight under control,
 Exercising more,
 Eating a healthy diet,
 Not smoking

3. Cardiovascular diseases

● Are cardiovascular diseases a growing problem?

● How can diet and physical activity affect cardiovascular diseases?
Get regular physical activity to help you maintain a healthy weight and lower your
blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. By living a healthy lifestyle, your
can help keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels normal and
lower your risk for heart disease and heart attack

● What nutrients are known to affect cardiovascular diseases?

A high intake of dietary fats strongly influences the risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases. Saturated fatty acids commonly found in dairy products
and meat raise the cholesterol level

● What food items are known to affect cardiovascular diseases?

 Full-fat milk or other dairy products.
 Organ meats
 Fatty and marbled meats
 Spareribs
 Hot dogs and sausages
 Bacon
 Fried or breaded meat

● How could cardiovascular diseases be prevented?

 Control your blood pressure
 Keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control
 Stay at a healthy weight
 Eat a healthy diet
 Get regular exercise
 Limit alcohol
 Don’t smoke
 Manage stress

4. Dental diseases

● Are dental diseases a growing problem?

● How can diet affect dental diseases?
Consuming too much of the wrong foods will weaken your mouth’s resistance to
harmful bacteria.

● Dietary sugars and dental issues.

Free sugars are the essential dietary factor in the development of dental caries

● Dietary factors which protect against dental issues.

Drink fluoridated water and brush with fluoride toothpaste
Practice good oral hygiene
Visit the dentist at least once a year
Do not use any tobacco products
Limit alcoholic drinks

● How could dental diseases be prevented?

Brushing, mouthwash, and flossing

5. Osteoporosis

● Is osteoporosis a growing problem?

● How can diet and physical activity and other factors affect osteoporosis?
A nutritious diet including calcium-rich foods and regular exercise throughout a
person's life (including during childhood and adolescence) will reduce the risk of
osteoporosis in later years. People with existing osteoporosis can also benefit from

● How could osteoporosis be prevented?

Regular exercise is essential

6. Cancer

● Is cancer a growing problem?

● How can diet and physical activity affect the occurrence of cancer?
Lifestyle changes now can help decrease the risk of cancer and improve your overall
health. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, maintaining a
healthy weight,t being physically active and eating healthy can help reduce your risk
of getting cancer.

● What cancers are predominant in developing countries?

Stomach, lung, liver, breast and cervix

● What cancers are predominant in developed countries?

Stomach, lung, liver, breast and cervix

● How could cancer be prevented?

Keeping a healthy weight, avoiding tobacco, limiting the amount of alcohol you
drink, and protecting your skin.

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