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Asphyxiants (Irrespirable Gases)

By: Abdur Rehman

PhD Scholar

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1

• Asphyxiants mainly produce respiratory
embarrassment; important asphyxiants include
– Carbon Monoxide (CO)
• Reduce oxygen carrying capacity
– Carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Lack of oxygen in tissue
– Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
• Paralyses respiratory center

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
• Colorless, odorless, non irritant gas
• Cant perceived by senses
• Incomplete combustion of carbon & organic
matter=Carbon monoxide
• Sources; illuminating gas, oil heater, gas heater,
vehicle engine etc

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 3

Carbon Monoxide (CO) cont..
• CO has 200-300 time higher affinity to Oxygen
• Displace oxygen form carboxy hemoglobin more
• Ultimately result in anoxia
• Recent studies showed dissolved CO interfere vital

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 4

Sign & Symptoms

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Here’s What You Need To Know | Just Boilers dated 11-
7/11/2021 07-2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 5
Sign & Symptoms
% Saturation
0-10 No appreciable Symptoms
10-20 Breath shortness, mild headache, flushed skin
Throbbing headache, buzzing in ear, dulling of senses, muscle
Severe headache, nausea, vomiting, breathlessness, incoordination,
muscle weakness, dim vision, impaired judgment
Symptoms intensified, may be mistaken with drunk, mental confusion,
memory loss, palpitation and dyspnea
Intermittent asphyxia convulsion, coma, Cheyne-Stokes respiration,
respiratory paralysis & deathToxicology & Forensic Serology
7/11/2021 Rapidly fatal due to respiratory arrest 6
Diagnosis of CO
7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 7
Blood Test
• A layer of 1-2 cm paraffin added immediately after
blood collection

Method 1: a suspected sample diluted with

four times its volume of water & add few
drops of 3 % aqueous tannic acid to
solution and shaken well
If >10 % CO present, it form pinkish white
7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 8
Blood Test

Method 2: A suspected blood sample diluted

with 20 times its volume of water & 10
drops of 10 % caustic soda added to it.
Normal blood becomes greenish brown but
Blood containing >10 % CO retains its
bright red color as no methemoglobin is

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 9

Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
• This is heavy, colorless, odorless & Poison gas
• Result from complete combustion of carbon
containing compounds
• Formed due to fermentation & decomposition of
organic matter
• Sources; refrigerating plants, manholes, wells, re-
breathing close spaces
7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1
CO2 Poisoning cont…
• Pure CO2 inhalation may cause vagal inhibitory
response, spasm of glottis , instant death
• > 50%CO2 may result immediate unconsciousness &
death from deficiency of oxygen supply to brain &
• Unexpected death from CO2 under anesthesia

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1

Hydrogen Sulphide Poisoning
• Sulphurated gas; a colorless gas with rotten egg smell
• Found if Sulphur containing compound under decay
• Such as sewers, tannery vats , formed during artificial silk
manufacturing etc
• Formed in human intestine during life and due to
putrefaction after death
• Converts oxyhemoglobin to methemoglobin &
sulphmethemoglobin after death
7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1
H2S Poisoning Cont..
• If pure H2S inhaled death occur at once
• Result in paralysis of the respiratory Centre
• A 0.2 % concentration in air proved fatal in few

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 1

• Text book of Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic medicine and Toxicology, BV Subrahmanym Seventh edition

7/11/2021 Toxicology & Forensic Serology 2

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