Ochoa Alice Observation 4 Lesson Plan

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Name: Alice Ochoa Obs.

Subject Area: ELA Date: 11/17/2022
Time Duration: 90 minutes Grade: 1st
Lesson Title: Lesson 8

Unit: 2

Content Standard Alignment:

o 1.RF.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

o 1.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
o 1.RF.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
o 1.RL.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes:

Students will be able to decode words with l blends.

Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds.
Students will be able to read with accuracy and fluency.
Learning Target

I can identify the beginning, middle, and ending sounds in a word.

I can sound out consonant diagraphs
I can define words by category
I can define words by one or more key attributes
I can ask and answer questions about the story
Instructional Materials/Resources:
 Teacher Materials: Heggerty Book, decodable reader, decodable reader paper, Lesson 8 smartfile, Sight
word bingo copy, sight word bingo flash cards, Journeys 1.2 book, crayon
 Student Materials: Pencil, decodable reader, decodable reader paper, crayon, Sight word bingo, Journeys
1.2 book
Methods and Instructional Strategies
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:

Students may think that they will be able to use all stories in their decodable reader for the game “Arianna wins”
Students may think that a bingo is having five boxes filled in regardless of their position.
Students may think that they can work on anything they want during daily 5.

Concept Prerequisites:

Students need to know their sight words.

Students need to know their letter sounds.
Students need to know their l blends.

Introduction- Anticipatory  At the beginning of the lesson I will announce that we are done with our go
Set: noodle brain break, and we are beginning phonics. I will go over our 1.RF.2
and 1.RF.3 I can statements. I will then announce I am look for tables that are
at a level 0 and ready to join me at the carpet for Heggerty.
Instructional Activities:  When I begin to call tables to join me at the carpet, I will remind them to
remain standing for Heggerty. I will then remind them we have a goal to be
done with Heggerty in 10 minutes or less. I will then set the timer to 10
 We will begin with rhyme recognition. I will introduce the new format today.
Instead of repeating the two rhyming words the students will need to repeat
the one word that does not rhyme. Next we will move onto fluency. I will say
three words the students will isolate and repeat the beginning sound. Next
we will move onto blending phonemes. I will say the phonemes for each
word and the students will repeat them and blend the word. Next we will
move onto isolating final sounds. I will read a series of words and the
students will repeat the words. Then they will show me a thumbs up if the
words end in the same sound and a thumbs down if they do not. Next we will
move onto segmenting phonemes. I will say a word and students will repeat
the word, then they will segment it into phonemes. Next we will move onto
adding initial phonemes. I will say then end of the word and the students
will repeat it. Then I will tell them what sound to add at the beginning and
they will tell me what word it makes. Next we will move onto deleting initial
phonemes. I will say a word and then I will tell them what sound to delete.
They will tell me what is left. Lastly, we will move onto substituting
phonemes. I will say a word and the students will repeat it. I will then tell
them what sound to change. They will tell me the new word. Once they
students are done with phonics, I will have them sit down and face the smart
board. I will then go over our decodable reader activity “Arianna wins”.
 I will explain that we will be using pages 51-74 for our game. I will remind
them that last week Mrs.Schlacht and Arianna tied so our game this week is
called Arianna wins. I will explain that whoever find the most words today
will have the game named after them. I will then tell students when they go
back to their desks, they will need to write their name and page numbers
down. Once they are done, they need to put their hands on their head. I will
call color rows to stand up and grab a paper from me. Once everyone is done
we will take our books out and begin. I will set a five-minute timer and
students will read their decodable reader to search for l blend words When
the timer is up, I will have the students close their books. Then I will have
them count how many words they have and write it on their paper I will give
them a minute to do this. Once all students are done writing how many
words they have I will have them stand up. I will say “If you have more than 5
words stay standing. If you have more than 10 words stay standing. If you
have more than 15 words stay standing.” I will then ask the last person
standing how many words they found. I will then announce how many
words I found. Whoever has more words will have the game named after
them. I will then Have the students put their game in their keep at home side
of their blue folder and their decodable readers in the back of their blue
folder. I will give them a minute to clean up.
 I will announce we are done with phonics and we are moving onto
vocabulary. I will then open up our smart file for defining words. I will
explain that today we are going to learning about defining words. I will then
go over our I can statements. I will then read our terms about language and
our animal word bank. I will explain that we will be sorting these words
based on their category then we will define them. We will then work together
to sort the animals and write the key features. I will then state the definition
using the features we have identified. Once we are done completing the
smart file I will announce that we will be playing sight word bingo. I will
explain that when they receive their paper, they will need to write their name
number and date at the top of the paper. I will call my paper passers up to
pass out papers. As they pass out papers, I will ask the students to grab one
crayon. Once every student has a crayon and a paper I will go over our game.
I will explain that when I show a card they will read it out loud as a class.
Then they will search for that card on their paper. If they have it, they will
color it in. If they do not have It, they will not color anything in. I will then
start by having everyone color in the free space on their paper. Then I will
model the first word. Then we will begin the game. Once someone has yelled
bingo, I will check their paper. If they have five across they have won and the
game is over. I will then announce we are done with vocabulary and moving
onto comprehension.
 If there is time before 11:00 am we will begin comprehension (reading
support students get pulled at this time and we cannot continue instruction
until after lunch). For comprehension, students will reading A Musical Day as
a class. I will tell all students to take out their black reader and put their
hands on their head. Then I will ask for them to open to A musical day. I will
then ask for all students to take their pointer finger out and point to the title.
Then they will read start to finish. Once they have read from start to finish, I
will ask for them to close their books and put them away. I will then count
down from 10. Once they are done I will explain their must do, catch up, and
pick one work for daily 5.
 During Daily 5 I will pull reading groups. First, I will pull group 4. This group
is working on reading on level texts and their target skill is fluency. They will
be reading Animals at Night. While they are reading I will be taking note of
reading pace, accuracy and proper expression. I will also be paying attention
to if they use their pointer finger while reading.

Wrap Up-  At the end of this lesson I will announce that Daily 5 is over and we now need
Synthesis/Closure: to get ready for lunch. I will give students 2 minutes to clean up materials. I
will then look for quiet tables to line up for lunch.
Students will transition into this lesson from their brain break. I will look for quiet tables to come join me at the
carpet. When they get to the carpet, they will remain standing. When we transition from phonics to vocabulary I
will announce “we are done with phonics we are now moving onto vocabulary.” I will then read the vocabulary I can
statements. After vocabulary if there is time we will transition into comprehension. I will announce to the students
“we are done with vocabulary, we are now moving onto comprehension.” I will then read our comprehension I can
statements. Once we are done with comprehension, I will announce we are now done with comprehension, it is
time for daily 5. I will then read the must do, catch up, and pick one options for daily 5. At the end of daily 5 I will
announce that it is time to clean up and get ready for lunch. I will then call quiet tables to line up.

Differentiation According to Student Needs:

If a student has difficulty seeing the board, I will offer for them to find a loser seat at the carpet. If a student
decoding words during Arianna wins I will offer for them to sit closer to me so that I can monitor their work and
they can ask clarification on words they are hesitant about. If a student has difficultly remembering directions, I
will chunk directions into smaller amount at a time so that they understand what step they have to do next. With
this I will also repeat directions and rephrase for the students that have difficulty remembering.

Assessment (Formative and Summative):

While students are doing Heggerty I will be listening to how they blend, segmenting, and participating. I will be
keeping a mental note of which students are struggling and where I might need to go back and spend extra
instruction time re explaining and modeling. While students are playing “Arianna wins” I will be observing how
many words students wound with l blends. I will be looking out for students that may have only found a few words
during the five-minute period. I will also use this time to see if students are struggling to decode words in their
decodable reader. During bingo I will walk around to monitor students game boards. I will be looking for students
to have the correct sight words filled in. During comprehension I will walk around and monitor students reading. I
will be listening for student participation and I will be looking for students to be tracing along with their fingers
while they read. During small groups I will be monitoring student’s reading. I be listening while they are reading
and writing down observations in my guided reading log.
Personal reflection on the lesson:
 Do you feel students were able to make connections between their I can statements and their
 Do you feel students were able to walk away with new understanding on the material?
 Do you feel students were engaged whilst learning?

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