Ahmed Atwa A - Atwa2010@

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Online shopping has become popular nowadays.

Do you consider this a positive

or a negative development?

The purchasing process and selection goods via internet has become more
popular among people these days. This essay would argue that this is totally a
positive trend because it has a great influence on both ends of trade due to saving
time for consumer and also cutting down costs for retailers.
Short introduction that needs supporting sentences.

The primary reason why considering it an affirmative direction is saving time for
clients. That is to say, the life has become much busier, and most of people have a
hectic schedule whether extra hours at work or some social activities like vising
parents or other personal obligations as vising doctors; thus; it is difficult to get
time to do shopping because it takes a lot of time to go to traditional stores
because of congested streets and also crowded malls even if only payment
process. to cite an example, a survey carried out at the University of London
found that average time consumed to buy one item by clients is 5 hours and the
percentage those who don’t buy is 55 per cent.
A good paragraph with intro and support, but you did not write a concluding
sentence. A concluding sentence should start with “ Thus,”…. “ Hence,..” or “

The second main reason to be a positive attitude is decrease in the fixed costs for
sellers. In other words, the traditional stores need a lot of fixed costs like rent a
place which requires a big budget may prohibit small investors to open their
business and not only rent costs but also decoration of store, preparation of it and
the tradition marketing costs which can directed to the quality of customers.

To cite an example, the Guardian reported that fixed costs is 40% of the value of

In conclusion, the increasing trend of online shopping is completely beneficial, for

it keeps time for clients to more important obligations and it decreases the fixed
costs which can be oriented to more vital factors that helps customer
The above paragraph is just one run-on sentence.
Evaluation Parameters and Descriptors
Parameter Details Yes No
Task Response Question is fully covered and the essay is relevant to the question
Opinion is provided clearly throughout the essay (if required).
Ideas Ideas are well-developed with examples and supporting details.
One central and well-developed idea in every paragraph.
Cohesion and No over/under use of connectors under
Coherence The right connectors are used
Paragraphs are logically connected.
Lexical Resources There are spelling mistakes that destroy the band.
and Vocabulary There are synonyms and paraphrasing to avoid repetition of words.
All words are suitable to the context and the style is consistent.
Correct use of collocations
Less common vocabulary and advanced words are used.
Correct word formation is used (example: adjective is used correctly)
Grammatical Complex sentences are used Not
Variety enough
Compound sentences are used Not
Passive structure is used
Complex-compound sentences are used.
Simple sentences are used.
There is a variety of tenses
Grammatical There is a good control of punctuation marks.
Accuracy Subject Verb Agreement Mistake.
Tense Shift Mistake.
Passive Voice Mistake.
Article Mistake.
Inaccurate use of adjectives/nouns/adverbs.
Pronoun Reference Mistake.
Preposition Mistake.
Misuse of countable and uncountable.
There are run-on sentences.
Capitalization mistake
Vague and Arabic-influenced sentence structured are traced.
There are other grammatical mistakes possessive
Word Limit There are more than 250 words in the writing task. 304
Number of words does not affect the element of time management.
Overall Feedback,
Comments and
Band Range
Helpful Links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2OmbpYbTPH1tj1FAIOFhg?view_as=subscriber

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