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Questions 1-6 are based on the following passage.

The aim of the BONUS program is to develop a science basis for better policy-making,
designed to secure the sustainability of the ecosystem services of the Baltic Sea and maintain
its good environmental status.
The Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Program BONUS is a E100 million joint
program undertaken by all eight EU countries bordering the Baltic Sea with the support of the
EU. It was set up to address the sea's severe environmental challenges, ensure sustainable
development, and bring together the region's research community to establish a European
Research Area. Russia participates in several projects on a self-funded basis.
The participating countries have jointly defined research priorities, organized funding for
several waves of projects, and established a dialogue with the region's policy-makers. In total,
21 national funding Institutions support the program with funds, which are equally matched
by the EU.
BONUS focuses on the sustainable management of the Baltic Sea, which Is a crucial asset not
Just in terms of its environmental significance, but importantly also for many sectors of the
region's economy, Everything that happens in the sea is experienced by the people, the
countries, and the economies that surround it ㅡ particularly so in the case of the Baltic Sea,
which is semi-enclosed.
Two calls for BONUS project proposals have been concluded and a third call will be
published in 2015. The first wave of BONUS projects already under way. Interesting
descriptions these projects can be found on the BONUS Web site.
One of the program's main strengths derives from its two-pronged approach: BONUS funds
both research and innovation activities that target the challenges facing the Baltic Sea. This
work generates both knowledge and solutions to specific problems.
To illustrate, Kononen points to a raft of projects focusing on eutrophication, the
phenomenon caused by an excess of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. These can tip
the ecological balance in an aquatic system, endangering many species of flora and fauna.
BONUS funds research dedicated to tackling nutrients from agricultural soils as well as three
innovation projects that develop specific related technologies. All BONUS projects are
encouraged to communicate and engage with a wide variety of stakeholders.
Kononen reports that BONUS has established itself as a respected contributor to policy
discussions, alongside important organization such as the Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission HELCOM and the Council of the Baltic Sea States.
The program's success reflects how mindsets have changed over the past decades, she notes.
Further, she states that there was a time when environmental and economic priorities were
viewed as conflicting. "But now," she says, "we see that the way towards the future is really
in unstainable development. We have to support the economy for the benefit of the citizens
while making sure that the environment stays in a good status. This means securing its
services for future generations."

1. Which of the following indicates the author’s bias in the passage?

A. The BONUS program focuses on the sustainable management of the Baltic Sea.
B. Twenty-one national funding institutions support the program with funds.
C. This work generates both knowledge and solutions to specific problems.
D. We have to support the economy for the benefit of the camera
E. The program’s success reflects the change of our mindsets.

2. The author presents the ideas in paragraph 9 by ….

A. quoting how the BONUS program reflects the change of the mentality
B. criticizing the conflicts between environment and economic priorities
C. concluding the fact that BONUS is potential for the environment
D. reviewing the ideas of the BONUS program for environment
E. persuading people to participate in the BONUS program

3. The author's attitude towards the topic of the passage is ….

A. careful
B. serious
C. negative
D. objective
E. determined

4. Of the BONUS program, the paragraph following the passage will likely talk about….
A. development
B. success
C. benefits
D. effects
E. rules

5. Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

A. The BONUS program is established address the environmental issues
B. All countries in the world need to participate in the BONUS program.
C. Future generations depend on the success of the BONUS program.
D. The projects have been focused on eutrophication and agricultures.
E. The BONUS program will strengthen the economic development

6. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that

A. the participating countries will make more proposals on environments
B. the projects will include more people from developing countries
C. the program will provide people and animals with more benefits
D. more people will discuss the economic issues for funding
E. there will be more environmental programs established

Questions 7-10 are based on the following passage.

Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the
one hand, studies have shown that IC'T can enhance teaching and learning outcomes. For
example, in science and mathematics education, scholars have documented that the use of
ICT can improve students' conceptual understanding problem solving, and team working
skills. Consequently, most curriculum documents state the importance of ICT and encourage
school teachers to use them. However, teachers need to be specifically trained in order to
integrate ICT in their teaching.
Schools are known to be resistant to innovation and change. However, the spread of ICT is
beginning to affect how teachers teach. One of the current issues about the use of ICT is how
it is Integrated into the curriculum. The curriculum documents provide arguments for
introducing ICT in the school setting. Therefore, schools expect that graduates from teacher
education programs have reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT. However, this may not be
the case because most current teachers' pre-service preparation, and subsequent in-service
courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and settings. Thus, the
participants in these courses are not familiar with the processes, interaction patterns, features,
and possibilities of teaching learning processes based on ICT.
This issue becomes complicated because the students' thinking skills are often weak. Also,
they typically lack information literacy skills although they were born in or after 1982. In
addition, they belong to the "Net Generation". Furthermore, they are accustomed to operating
in a digital environment for communication, information gathering, and analysis. The
problem is that students do not have to understand how their use of technology affects their
habits of learning.
Effective development of pre-service teachers' ICT proficiency does not seem to be a direct
process, but is the one asking for a -careful, complex approach. First, needs assessment is
important to find out what ICT skills and knowledge teachers need at schools. Second,
designers of teacher education programs should know the pre-service teachers' perceptions of
ICT and their attitudes toward ICT integration into curriculum. Third, teacher education
programs need to consider the two typical arguments that support the ICT use in schools.

7. With the statement 'One of the current issues about the use of ICT Is how it is integrated
into the curriculum ' in line 18. The author intends to ….
A emphasize the need for teachers with good literacy in technology
B. explore the reasons for including ICT in the curriculum document
C. explain the curriculum documents for ICT introduction in education
D. argue that current teachers already have good knowledge of using ICT
E. show that teacher education programs have been running expected ICT curriculum

8. The author's idea of the relationship between the use of ICT and learning outcome is
analogous with ….
A. vitamin-health
B. speed-aeroplane
C. harvest-irrigation
D. cellphone-crime
E. books-intelligence

9. The assumption the author has about teacher education programs is that ....
A. the programs have introduced a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT
B. the programs have found out what ICT skills and knowledge the teachers need
C. the programs have given materials related to the pre-service teachers' perceptions of ICT
D. the programs were still designed in reference to traditional educational technology and
E. the programs have participants who are familiar with the processes of technology-
mediated educational transactions
10. Which lines of the passage illustrate the ideal ICT teacher education programs most
A. 10-14
B. 25-29
C. 38-39
D. 42-45
E. 49-59

11. "My uncle's office stays open until 12.00 on weekends."

The sentence means …..
A. My uncle works at 12.00 on weekends
B. My uncle's office opens at 12.00 on weekend
C. My uncle doesn't have to work on weekends
D. My uncle has to work on weekends
E. My uncle's office closes at 12.00 on weekends

12 'Is one living with your grandmother in that house?'

'No, and she anyone do anything for her for years.'
A. Never had
B. Does not have
C. Has never had
D. Never has
E. Will never have

13. 'You look so unhappy, Anton. What's the matter?'

‘My father …… his job.'
A. Has just lost
B. Has been losing
C. Losing
D. Is losing
E. Loses

14. "Why does the baby next-door keep crying?"

"As usual, it …. by the babysitter."
A. Is neglecting
B. Is neglected
C. Neglects
D. Is to be neglected
E. Is to neglect

15. "I'm sure you love the dog offered to you by the vet yesterday."
"Yes, I refused it, but when I went back to him, it …..”
A. Had been taken
B. Had taken
C. Had to have taken
D. Had to be taken
E. Had to take

Questions 16-19 are based on the following passage.

Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Some of the symptoms,
however, are similar to those of a heart attack or heart disease. Heartburn is an imitation of
the esophagus that is caused by stomach acid, which can create a burning discomfort in the
upper abdomen or below the breast bone.
With gravity's help, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, keeps
stomach acid in the stomach. The LES is located where the esophagus meets the stomach-
below the rib cage and slightly left of center. Normally it opens to allow food into the
stomach or to permit belching, and then closes again. If, however, the LES opens too often or
does not close light enough, stomach acid can reflux, or seep, into the esaphagus and cause
the burning sensation. Occasional heartburn is not dangerous, but chronic heartburn or
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD sometimes lead to serious problems.
The basic cause of heartburn is a lower esophageal sphincter, of LES, that does not tighten as
it should. Two excesses often contribute to this problem: too much food in the stomach
(overeating) or too much pressure on the stomach (frequently from obesity, pregnancy, or
constipation). Certain foods commonly relax the LES Including tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic,
anions, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, caffeinated products, and peppermint. Meals high in fats
and oils (animal or vegetable) often lead to heartburn, as do certain medications. Stress and
lack of sleep can increase acid production and can cause heartburn Smoking, which relaxes
the LES and stimulates stomach acid, is a major contributor.
How does heartburn happen? When you eat, food goes from your mouth down tube called the
esophagus into your stomach. In between the esophagus and the stomach Is an opening called
the lower esophageal sphincter. This muscular value acts like a door to let food Into your
stomach. It normally closes quickly behind the food to keep stomach acids-which break down
the food-from backing up into your esophagus.
If that valve does not close all the way stomach acid backs up, or refluxes, into the
esophagus. Stomach acid irritates the lining of the esophagus and causes a painful burning
sensation. The feeling may be worse after bending over or when you lie down.
Certain foods and drinks-like tomato products, alcohol, citrus, coffee, and fatty or spicy
foods-may be more likely to Irritate the lower esophageal sphincter and make heartburn
worse. Being overweight, eating big meals, wearing clothes that are light around the waist,
and smoking also raise your risk for heartburn. Learning what triggers your heartburn can
help you ease the burn.

16. Which of the following reflects the authors attitude toward the topic of the passage?
A. Persuasive
B. Indifferent
C. Informative
D. Skeptical
E. Optimistic

17. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses …..
A. other factors causing heartburn
B. kinds of food recommended
C. overweight related to heartburn
D. smoking effect on heartburn
E. the best way to cure heartburn

18. The passage can be best summarized as follows

A. certain food and behaviors can trigger reflux that is the main cause of heartburn
B. stress and lack of sleep can increase acid production and can cause heartburn
C. understanding causes, symptoms, and how heartburn occurs helps sufferers prepare for its
D. the muscular valve in the abdomen works in a certain way that can lead to heartburn
E. the feeling of heartburn can go from bad to worse when doing some physical activities

19. What will happen when the lower esophageal sphincter does not close after entry of food?
A. The esophagus may close down.
B. It may cause the sufferer to vomit.
C. It may irritate the lining of the esophagus
D. Stomach acid backs up into esophagus
E. The food it breaks down may open the esophagus.

20. The school provides good facilities; still, many students ……

A. have enjoyed studying here
B. have her friends join the school
C. have a great hope from this school have
D. so much to complain about
E. have been satisfied with them

21. 'Why didn't you wash your car at car-wash service?'

'Due to the crisis, all fares are killing me. Washing the car there is …… expensive that I can't
afford it.'
A. such
B. very
C. so
D. such an
E. very much

22. ….. hundreds of teenagers have been arrested for possessing and consuming narcotics, the
police do not figure out the main supplier yet.
A. Although
B. However
C. In spite of
D. Since
E. Despite

23. "I have called him several times to no avail. He must have forgotten to bring his mobile
This means that he ....
A. Didn't have a mobile phone
B. Didn't remember to bring his mobile phone
C. Remembered bringing his mobile phone
D. Could not remember his mobile phone
E. Didn't forget to bring his mobile phone

24. "Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I should take to get to Plaza Indonesia?"
"Sorry, I don't know. You ….. ask the driver."
A. Could have
B. Had better
D. Must have
C. Ought to have
E. Would rather

25. She didn't answer when I knocked on the door. She ….. sleeping.
A. Must
B. May be
C. Can be
D. May have been
E. Might have been

26. (1) Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that
occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses
from dependency to increasing autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a predictable
sequence yet having a unique course for every child. (3) It does not progress at the same rate
and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. (4) Because these
developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during
prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of
child development.
(5) Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child
development. (6) Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled
processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most
commonly involves an interaction between the two. (7) It may also occur as a result of human
nature and our ability to learn from our environment.
Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?
A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
C. Sentence 4
D. Sentence 5
E. Sentence 6

27. “I would rather have graduated from the University of New York last year.” The sentence
means that I …….. from the University of New York last year.
A. wouldn’t graduate
B. won’t graduate
C. don’t graduate
D. didn’t graduate
E. haven’t graduated

28. Cassano: Business people complain that there is a sharp increase in Chinese product
flooding the Indonesian market.
Cha Young: It ……. due to the last year’s trade agreement between Indonesia and China.
A. must be
B. has to be
C. would be
D. should be
E. would rather be

29. Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles have
overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a vehicle, divers
often become sluggish and their mental concentration becomes limited. Because of undersea
pressure which affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or
impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations by means of instruments
which are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water.
Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep‐diving
submarines. Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and
cruise at depths of thousand feet. Radio‐equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in
order to transmit information back to land‐based laboratories.
Which of the following statements is the most suitable concluding sentence of the paragraph?
A. In short, the technology in undersea exploration should be improved.
B. Therefore, divers should avoid undersea pressure to be able to communicate.
C. In fact, deep-diving submarines are the best means for oceanographers to conduct
undersea exploration.
D. To conclude, the radios divers use to communicate that makes undersea exploration
E. Thus, successful communication in the exploration of the ocean greatly depends on the
divers and vehicles.

30. “Had there been good teaching facilities in the school, every teacher would have been
able to teach their students effectively.” From the sentence above, we can conclude that
A. Teaching and learning will be effective.
B. The quality of teaching was good.
C. There was no difference in the teaching method.
D. The teachers taught the students effectively.
E. There were no good teaching facilities in the school.

31. Tari was punished by the teacher not only because she forgot to bring her book ……
A. And she didn't do her homework too
B. But she didn't do her homework either
C. But also for not doing her homework
D. As well as she didn't do her homework
E. But also because she didn't do her homework

32. My friend got the job as a manager not because of his uncle's position in the company …..
A. But because he is very well qualified for the job
B. But because of his good qualifications
C. Also because he is very well qualified for the job
D. But also because of his good qualifications
E. But also because he is very well qualified for the job

33. "I wonder how Laura will ever manage the business after her father died in the car
"She has both the expertise in running the business and …….”
A. The strong support from all the member of her family
B. All the members of the family strongly support her too
C. She is also supported by all the members of her family
D. There is the strong support from all the members of her family
E. She has the strong support from all members of her family

34. This project is a huge construction project which needs the use of high technology; it is
therefore most likely that the government will have an established foreign company do the
From the above sentence we may conclude that ….
A. The government seems to be incapable of doing the job
B. The construction project should be completed within a short time
C. There are not enough technicians to be involved in the project
D. The government may not have the necessary financial resources
E. The project is performed based on a 40-60 share

35. Many people in the world are against the construction of nuclear power plants in their
neighbourhood for fear of the accidents that may harm their lives, nevertheless, ……
A. Government insist on using nuclear power as alternative energy
B. Most recently established stations are closed
C. There is no future for nuclear power industry
D. People still prefer various traditional kinds of energy
E. Nuclear energy has many disadvantages over traditional ones

36. Scientists used artificial intelligence (AI) to study the spatial relationships between main
earthquakes and their aftershocks. In tests, AI predicted the aftershock locations better than
the traditional methods that many seismologists use.

In 1992, a series of earthquakes prompted an outbreak of interest among seismologists. They

were trying to map out where exactly an aftershock might occur based on how a mainshock
might shift stresses on other faults. After 1992, researchers began trying to refine the
complicated stress change patterns using different criteria. The most used criterion, the
Coulomb failure stress change, depends on fault orientations. However, stresses can push on
the faults from many directions at once. Consequently, fault orientations in the subsurface
can be complicated.

Using AI, the data included more than locations and magnitudes. The data considered
different measures of changes in stress on the faults from the quakes. The AI learned from the
data to determine how likely an aftershock was to occur in a specific place. The team tested
how precise the system could pinpoint aftershock locations using data from another 30,000
mainshock-aftershock pairs. The AI consistently predicted aftershock locations much better
than the Coulomb failure criterion.

However, the study focuses just on permanent shifts in stress due to a quake. Aftershocks
may also be triggered by a more momentary source of stress. A quake’s rumbling through the
ground could produce this kind of stress. Another question is whether AI-based forecast
system could leap into action quickly enough after a quake. The predictions in the new study
benefited from a lot of information about which faults slipped and by how much. In the
immediate aftermath of a big quake, such data wouldn’t be available for at least a day.
The tone of this passage is. . .
A. critical
B. pessimistic
C. concerned
D. informative
E. persuasive

37. The picture is not here anymore; it must have....

A. Been taken away
B. Been taking away
C. Took away
D. Taken away
E. Being taken away

38. "Having seen the movie before, I did not find it as exciting as it had been."
The above sentence means …..
A. The movie is very interesting
B. She has watched the film at least twice
C. Because the movie was not exciting, she did not watch again
D. She watched the movie and she did not like it
E. She likes watching movies

39. Plastic bags are often thought of as free, no-brainer solutions to carry your groceries or to
use as trash can liners. However, research has shown that as a consequence of carefree usage
of plastic bags, millions of tons of plastic particles ……. in our seas each year.
A. accumulate
B. accumulator
C. accumulation
D. accumulating
E. accumulative
40. Encouraged by the good result of the math test, ......
A. There will be two class sessions for math each week
B. Today's math lesson has been cancelled
C. The results of the other subjects are also considered
D. The math subject is getting easier and easier
E. My brother is now studying even harder than before

41. Invited to present a paper in a seminar, …..

A. Mr. Suryadi's soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee by email this morning
B. The committee was sent a soft copy of the paper by email this morning
C. The soft copy of the paper was sent by Mr. Suryadi to committee by email this morning
D. An email with the soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee this morning
E. Mr. Suryadi sent the soft copy of the paper to the committee by email this morning

42. Although gluten has gained a bad reputation, the majority of people would struggle to
explain what it actually is. The truth is that gluten is just a mixture of proteins found in the
seeds of certain cereal plants, such as wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is stored in a tissue inside
the seed called the endosperm, which surrounds the plant embryo and provides a dense
source of energy as the plant starts to grow. In wheat, gluten is formed when the proteins
glutenin and gliadin cross-link into a net-like structure that provides elasticity and viscosity. 

Once food reaches the stomach it must be broken down by enzymes in the process of
digestion. Large proteins are broken up into chains of amino acids called peptides. Normally
these peptides are easily broken down further, but the gliadin peptides in gluten are difficult
to break down as they are part of a group of peptides called prolamins. Prolamins are made
up of lots of glutamine and proline amino acids, which digestive enzymes have difficulty
breaking up. This means that unlike most proteins gluten digestion can leave strands of amino
acids intact in the small intestine. These strands can be up to 10 amino acids long and are
known as oligopeptides. For most people gliadin oligopeptides are harmless. However, a
small proportion of the population will produce an immune response known as coeliac
disease, a condition caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking itself. Coeliac
disease is caused by a reaction to gluten.
According to the passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Most people are actually unsure about gluten.
B. Coeliac disease occurs in many people. 
C. Endosperm is a food reserve tissue inside the seeds. 
D. Endosperm nourishes the developing embryo. 
E. Gliadin is a protein difficult to digest.

43. Anto : Did you join the trip last holiday?

Dedi : If my father had given me permission, I would have joined it.
From the dialogue we know that …..
A. Firdaus joined the trip
B. Andre didn't join the trip
C. Firdaus really wanted to join the trip but he didn't
D. Andre wanted Firdaus to join the trip.
E. Firdaus'father permitted him to join the trip

44. You didn't forget your appointment, did you?

……., I might have forgotten it.
A. If Tom hadn't reminded me
B. Had Tom reminded me
C. If Tom didn't remind me
D. When Tom didn't remind me
E. Even if Tom reminded me

45. If I miss the math class, I don't feel sorry, for ....... anyway.
A. I don't have to study math
B. It is not an easy subject
C. The class is too big
D. I don't like it
E. The teacher is very smart

46. "Most of our company rules were set up in 1980;

I think some need to be revising."
"That's right, until now, none of them ……”
A. Is ever revised
B. Was ever revised
C. Will ever be revised
D. Has ever been revised
E. Had ever been revised

47. "Where's Kevin? I haven't seen him."

"Well, he …… the reports when I arrived.”
A. Had typed
B. Was typing
C. Has typed
D. Is typing
E. Typed

48. Despite the current government's efforts to put an end to any practice of corruption, it
……. at almost all levels of administration.
A. Continues
B. Had continued
C. Will continue
D. Continued
E. Will have continued

49. The personnel department required the application form …… by air mail.
A. Was sent
B. To be sent
C. Being sent
D. Is sent
E. To send

50. There appears to be increasing numbers of children who specialize in a single sport at an
early age. The lure of a college scholarship or a professional career can motivate young
athletes to commit to specialized training regimens at an early age. However, the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding specializing in one sport before puberty.

Once puberty begins, both boys and girls go through their adolescent growth spurt (AGS).
The change and the age at which they occur can have an impact on a child’s sports
performance. Going through this can have a significant impact on athletic performance in
both positive and negative ways. Increases in body size, hormones, and muscle strength can
improve athletic performance. Nevertheless, there may be a temporary decline in balance
skills and body control during the AGS. Quick increases in height and weight affect the
body’s center of gravity. Sometimes, the brain needs to adjust to this higher observation
point. As a result, a teen may seem a little clumsy.

This phase is especially noticeable in sports that require good balance and body control (e.g.
figure skating, diving, gymnastics, basketball). In addition, longer arms and legs can affect
throwing any type of ball, hitting with a bat, catching with a glove, or swimming and
jumping. Coaches that are aware of the AGS can help reduce athletic awkwardness by
incorporating specific aspects of training into practice sessions.
The most appropriate title for this passage is … 
A. Adolescent Growth Spurt and Sport 
B. Effects of Puberty on Sports Performance 
C. The Rising Popularity of Sports among Children 
D. The Impact of Poor Balance and Body Control 
E. The Side Effects of Specializing in Sports on Children

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