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Table of Contents

1. Question A......................................................................................................2

Assuming the client wishes to expand the business and conjoin with other
businesses of the same kind through a network of suppliers, how would you
advise the client? Having said that, what recommendation can you give the
client in terms of e-commerce application if orders come from customers that
live outside of the region or state?

1.1 Introduction to E Commerce..............................................................2

1.2 Components of an Internet Business................................................3

1.3 Business Model...........................................................................4 – 6

1.4 SWOT Analysis............................................................................7 – 8

1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages in Cupcake Business.............9 – 10

2. Question B ...................................................................................................11

Apart from selling the client’s core product, discuss and explain how the
client can provide added value to customers by taking advantage of e-commerce
application. How can e-commerce application promote knowledge sharing
between the client, its customers and suppliers?

2.1 Business to Business (B2B)....................................................11 – 12

2.2 How to Benefit Business to Business (B2B)....................................12

2.3 Business to Consumer (B2C).........................................................13

2.4 How to Benefit Business to Consumer (B2C).................................14

2.5 Earning Profits in Lesser Costs...............................................15 – 17

2.6 Development of E Commerce ................................................18 – 25

2.7 Value Added Service...............................................................26 – 33

3. Conclusion....................................................................................................34

4. Reference.....................................................................................................35

5. Appendices...........................................................................................36 – 37

The End............................................................................................................38


Assuming the client wishes to expand the business and conjoin with other
businesses of the same kind through a network of suppliers, how would you
advise the client? Having said that, what recommendation can you give the
client in terms of e-commerce application if orders come from customers that
live outside of the region or state?

1.1 Introduction to E-Commerce

So what does e-commerce mean anyway? E-commerce is the pre-eminent

buzzword of the online business revolution. It captures the excitement and focus of
this fast emerging market. However, it is more than a slogan or glib party line. At its
core, it embodies a concept for doing business online.

Electronic commerce is the paperless exchange of business information using

electronic data interchange (EDI), e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax
transmissions, and electronic funds transfer. It refers to Internet shopping, online
stock and bond transactions, the downloading and selling of “soft merchandise”
(software, documents, graphics, music, etc.), and business-to-business transactions.

The concept of e-commerce is all about using the Internet to do business better and
faster. It is about giving customers controlled access to the computer systems and
letting people serve themselves. It is about committing a company to a serious online
effort and integrating the website with the heart of the business. If you do that, you
will see results!

It is a way for people to communicate with each other. It is also a way for a
consumer to communicate with a company’s computer systems without human
intervention. In fact, the Internet is a communication medium like the many others we
use in business every day.

When you cannot meet face to face, you may use any of a number of different
means to communicate a telephone, a fax machine, Federal Express, the Postal
Service, or maybe even a messenger service. These are all ways to deliver or
receive information, authorization, even shipments of goods and merchandise.

The Internet is a reasonable alternative to all of those means of communication. Any

place and any way that your business communicates with its customers, you should
think about how you could have done it online. That is the power of e-commerce.

When it comes time to pay for merchandise, use a secured server to pay by credit
card, or even digital cash! The opportunities and situations in which online business
is possible are limitless.

1.2 Components of an Internet Business

Every era of business yields new strategies and new ways of doing business. With
the advent of radio and television came the first mass-market advertising. Now, the
Internet has so radically changed business that the rules for corporate strategy that
held for the last 50 years (since the dawn of television) have begun to crumble.

There are some literal elements of commerce that are necessary for any
transactions to take place, which are as true for regular bricks-and-mortar commerce
as they are for e-commerce. First, whether you are doing business online or in the
real world, you have to have a product to sell or a service to offer. Then, you must
have a place from which to do business. In the traditional world of commerce this
can be a physical store or, in a more figurative sense, a catalog or phone number. In
the world of e-commerce, the place from which you do business is your Web site.

Adding a Web site is a means to enhance their business. For Internet startups, the
Web site is the only place that they do business.

In both regular commerce and e-commerce, you need to find a way to attract
customers to your place of business. This is embodied by your marketing strategy,
and everything from advertising to word of mouth fits into this category.

In order to do business, you also need a way to take orders and process payment. In
a retail store, there are no orders. Customers simply find the products they want, get
in a line at the register, and pay the cashier. In e-commerce, orders have to be
placed and items shipped. Orders are usually handled through interactive, online
forms. Money is another issue easily handled in traditional commerce.

Customers in a retail store pay by check, cash, or credit or debit cards. Online
customers cannot pay by cash or check, only through electronic means. In addition,
there are issues of security that surround online payment that do not come into play
in the traditional bricks-and-mortar world. E-commerce transactions have to take
place through secure electronic connections and special merchant accounts for
accepting payment.

Once payment is collected, delivery of the product must take place. Fulfillment in
traditional stores is as easy as putting the item in a bag and handing it over to the
customer. Fulfillment in the world of e-commerce is more difficult, requiring shipping,
transportation similar to catalog, and mail order businesses.
For businesses that integrate e-commerce into their existing business plan,
fulfillment is as easy as hiring an extra employee to ship online orders. In Internet
startup businesses, fulfillment must often be outsourced to a facility that can handle
order processing and shipping in a more timely and professional manner.

1.3 Business Model

A successful business model effectively addresses eight key elements:

1. Value Proposition

Typical e-commerce value propositions include personalization, customization,

convenience, and reduction of product search and price delivery costs. In the Web
site, there will be listing of cup cakes flavours, feeling and varieties ideas of
decoration believe. We also believe that you can offer a wide selection of different
cup cakes as this will give customer more choices and not selected items only.

2. Revenue Model

Major e-commerce revenue models include:

a) Advertising Revenue Model – This is where the Web site will offers its users
content, services and/or product such as Wattie’s cupcakes. This product will
be visible to customer. We also can provide a forum or blog for
advertisements and receive fees from the advertiser. Yahoo for instance,
derives a significant amount of revenue from search engine and other forms
of online advertising.

b) Subscription Revenue Model – A Web site where also offers Wattie’s

cupcakes a subscription fee for access to some of the offerings.

c) Transaction Fees Revenue Model – Other way round, Wattie will be

receiving a fee for enabling or executing a transaction. For example, eBay
and Amazon provide an online successful sales trend in selling the products.

d) Sales Model – In future, Wattie itself can own a company, which will, derives
the revenue by selling products, information and services as well.

e) Affiliate Model – This is a way for Wattie to affiliate with other company and
receive a referral fee of percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales.

3. Market Opportunity

The revenue potential within a company's intended market space. The marketing
plan will stay active and social media such as Face book, Twitter and Flickr to keep
people aware. It is the easiest way for reaching the clients.

Even though Wattie is operating without a storefront, she still can manage and focus
her energy on personal service. She must have a good conversation with them
online in Face book or Twitter before they even call her. In future, we have targeted
that 93% of her business will come from social media leads and surpassed her initial
revenue target numbers by over 600 percent.

She should have a relationship with the clients where there is a possibility of them to
invite her in their corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, and girls ‘nights. Even
though she’s selling primarily online, still she need to market to local restaurants and
also work with few other companies that provides offices and firms with vendor

4. Competitive Environment

The direct and indirect competitors doing business in the same market space. It
includes how many there are and how profitable they are. In current market trend
study, they are only few competitors in cupcake business, which goes online. Due to
this, the competitors cannot compete with Wattie’s cupcakes business.

For example:

a) The service will be just door to door delivery service

b) The quality of the product varies

c) Not much of offers and varieties of the cupcakes

d) Not reasonable pricing of the products

e) Time will consume (Period of holding and delivering time)

5. Competitive Advantage

The new move into the corporate market is mini customized cupcakes which can be
an advantage and huge success. Unlike the majority of the products, these shall be
delivered regionally as they are ‘courier proof’. Wattie can introduce these new
cupcakes, which can include an edible corporate logo. It’s a fantastic tool for
marketing as Wattie’s cupcakes is the last thing the client sees as the cake
disappears into their mouths.
6. Market Strategy

The budget for marketing may be small but this approach works perfectly. The
product is made by skilled craftspeople so a steady flow of orders is ideal, with no
big surges. Emailing the promotions to the customers online will really suit our
business model, and unless you get the advert just right.
In addition, all product packaging and delivery vans must be clearly branded with the
Web site address. Use Flickr to upload all the photos and join groups on there. Also,
write a blog on the Web site to keep people aware of what Wattie is doing. Wattie
can use cupcakes as a canvas to display specialty themes and custom design for
7. Organizational Development

Wattie’s big worries on hiring the team has gone very smoothly because she can
develop the team among her friends which also doing the cupcakes business in
smaller scales and at cheaper cost. The issue that was bothering her was to keep up
with the demand but now she can breathe easily when she has overcome this
situation of forming the team in a small scale at home itself.

8. Management Team

Working remotely means Wattie can live where she wants to and take an active role
in bringing up her young children, while her co partners are looking the Web site, the
delivery and the demands. In addition, each month, Wattie will email the photos of
the latest cupcakes designs, which has instantly uploaded to the Web site – it is a
great example of how the internet can work especially when it comes to e-

Having customized, user-friendly screen to enter these offline sales, which also links
to the web order system, means order management and reporting are far more
efficient. It is because of the back-office system that has more tailored to Wattie’s
needs as well as being integrated with future e-commerce development. The order
processing productivity can increase at least 30% because of the upgrade.



a) Menu changes in weekly basis. Some cupcakes are available every day of
the week, some only one day a week, and others at completely random days
of the week.
b) Different operating policies. It includes on working hours, days of operation,
delivery policies, price differences and unique menu items.
c) The product had to remain king. We had to design the site in such a way
that the cupcakes remained the heroes of the Web site.
d) Growth was imminent. Whatever plan was implemented had to be flexible
enough to accommodate rapid expansion through e-commerce in the next 12
e) Importance of the consumers. We believe in treating the consumers fairly
and friendly.
f) Owners play a big part on the site. The site has become the home base for
the growing family of franchise owners, including store policy statements, art
downloads, e-commerce, corporate communications and email.
g) Design. The site’s design had to live up to the high standards of the product.
Meticulously designed icons, typography and photography that made the
product shine.
h) Brand Value. The brand value of the business, awareness and easy
availability has proved to be great strength for the company.

a) Operating without a storefront. Wattie’s weakness is being operating the

business without a store or a café concept in the neighborhood.
b) Delivery range. The delivery ranges of the cupcakes are limited. They only
were delivering within the range of 100 kilometers to 120 kilometers.


a) Growth. Business of cupcakes has room for growth in market space

b) Making real life connections in person at networking events. Connecting

with social influencers on Twitter in the target markets (the only real social
networking platform we’ve used in which we’re able to interact with people we
haven’t met yet.)

c) Demand. The increasing demand for cupcakes among the young people,
wedding couples, family gatherings, birthday parties, special occasion, sports
leagues and local activities is an opportunity for the business.

d) More Choices. People like eating outside more these days. The expanding
demand of such foods and more varieties and flavors is an opportunity for the


a) A declining economy. Economy does sometimes play a major role in

affecting the country. It involves on sugar and flour price when it increase in
the market space. This will effect slightly on cost of the production of the
cupcakes and hence on increasing the selling price of the products. The
economic recession has affected the sales of the business badly. People in
the current economic situation do not have much spending power.

b) Various competitors. A lot of competitor nowadays competes in the market

level to introduce and sell the product at any cost.

c) Fast Food Outlets. Due to increasing number of food outlets and restaurants,
the customers can shift to other high quality affordable products from other
sources or business such as KFC, McD, Burger King, Ayamas and others as



Like any business, there are major advantages and disadvantages.

The top five advantages to starting a cake business from home are as follows:

a) You can run this business from home and do not require separate quarters to
do so. If you feel in the future you need more space for your growing venture,
then by all means upgrade!

b) A cupcake business is fun! Most people need cupcakes for special days or
events so what better way to make someone smile and earn a little extra
income while you are at it

c) Your cupcake business will allow flexibility in your schedule. You can decide
when and how many orders to take. You do not have to ask for vacation days
off and you can spend time with your kids or family anytime you like.

d) Low startup costs! Since you do not have to rent some space, then rent can
be taken off from the budget list. In addition, cake supplies are relatively
cheap and definitely easy to come by. Moreover, as your business grows, so
can your supplies and equipment.

e) High mark-up for cupcakes. Since cupcakes are easy to make, you can price
them according to what you feel they are worth. Your prices do not have to be
set in stone! Some are worth more than others are but either way; you are
going to make a nice profit!


This is not to deter you but to make you aware of some of the things you need to
keep in mind before starting a cupcake business from home.

On the other hand, you are going to have some disadvantages and they may vary
from person to person but they are as follows:

a) You might have to sacrifice time from other activities to get the job done. You
will find that certain orders have to be completed at certain times. Time
management will be your greatest ally!

b) Most events have been scheduled for weekends when people are off work.
Therefore, you will need to be sure that you have this time available to deliver
cakes or be available for pick-ups.

c) Depending on the size of your kitchen, you may need extra storage space for
your supplies. This may require purchasing an extra cabinet or rearranging
your kitchen.

d) You may have to budget for classes or courses if you need a little extra help
learning the ropes in the beginning.

e) Lastly, as with any business from home, there may be zoning requirements
that you have to look into.

You will find that a cupcake business, just like any other business is full of
advantages and disadvantages.

Cupcake businesses are fun and fulfilling but it is up to you to decide if it is the right
avenue to take. However, if you do decide to take that leap then remember to enjoy
and have fun!


Apart from selling the client’s core product, discuss and explain how the
client can provide added value to customers by taking advantage of e-commerce
application. How can e-commerce application promote knowledge sharing
between the client, its customers and suppliers?

2.1 Business-to-Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business (B2B) electronic commerce is now universally recognized as

the e-commerce segment with the largest potential. The growth of the Internet and
commercial web-based applications is offering ever-increasing operational cost
savings to large enterprises, extending trading communities and lowering the
financial barriers to ecommerce participation.

When you are thinking of creative ways to enhance your business relationships, treat
clients to our gourmet cupcakes. Keep front and center with custom gourmet
cupcakes that will be a hit with your clients and their staff.

Our services include:

a) Customization
b) Logos
c) Pictures
d) Personalization with writing
e) Themes to fit client interests or hobbies
f) Flavors (minimum quantities may apply)
g) Pre-packaging of orders for pick up

h) Delivery to your clients (fee based)
i) Invoicing for corporate accounts or credit card on file
j) Email or phone orders (ecommerce site pending)

We provide:

a) Short lead times for orders

b) Assistance with marketing efforts
c) Professional baking staff
d) Large production capacity
e) No minimums required other than flavor customization
f) Priority attention for business clients


a) Save time and money by increasing the cupcakes business supply chain
efficiency and reducing the costs.
b) Increase the customer retention rates by servicing and anticipating their
needs and expectations in the B2B arena.
c) Gain competitive advantage through an understanding of the massive cost
reductions associated with B2B technologies.
d) To plan more successful B2B e-commerce strategies with understanding of
the latest B2B trends and technologies.
e) Increase the supply chain efficiency by maintaining successful supplier
relationships and modernizing the business processes.
f) Affiliate suppliers.
g) Franchising among the friends and develop a healthy environment.
h) Purchasing the core products in bulk system and at the same time ensure not
to store raw products excessively.

i) All deals are closed with signing up agreements with all the suppliers, small
business associates such as retailers, transportation agency, Courier Service
and friends as well.


While the term e-commerce refers to all online transactions, B2C stands for
"business-to-consumer" and applies to any business or organization that sells its
products or services to consumers over the Internet for own use.

When most people think of B2C e-commerce, they think of, the online
bookseller that launched its site in 1995 and quickly took on the nation's major
retailers. However, in addition to online retailers, B2C has grown to include services
such as online banking, travel services, online auctions, health information and real
estate sites.

1. What is the difference between B2C and B2B e-commerce?

For one thing, the customers are different — B2B (business-to-business) customers
are other companies while B2C customers are individuals.

Overall, B2B transactions are more complex and have higher security needs.
Beyond that, there are two big distinctions:

a) Negotiation

Selling to another business involves haggling over prices, delivery and product

Not so with most consumer sales. That makes it easier for retailers to put a catalog
online, and it's why the first B2B applications were for buying finished goods or
commodities that are simple to describe and price.

b) Integration

Retailers don't have to integrate with their customers' systems.

Companies selling to other businesses, however, need to make sure they can
communicate without human intervention.


a) Focus on personalization: A wide array of promotion is available to help e-

commerce sites create unique boutiques that target specific customers. For
example, American Airlines has personalized its Web site so that business
fliers view it as a business airline and leisure travelers see it as a vacation
site. Amazon, which built its own personalization and customer relationship
management (CRM) systems, is well known for its ability to recognize
customers' individual preferences.

b) Create an easy-to-use customer service application. Providing just an e-mail

address can be frustrating to customers with questions. Live chat or, at the
very least, a phone number will help.

c) Focus on making the site easy to use.

d) Will be entitled with discount voucher whenever there is purchase made in


e) On special occasion, there will be special request on custom made cupcakes

directly from the relatives, neighbors, walk in orders and last minute orders.

f) Deliver free samples to several local schools, businesses and restaurants.

Use your imagination; the possibilities are endless for cupcake customers.

g) Don't forget bridal shops. They may recommend your cupcakes to brides for
the wedding or rehearsal dinner. Make sure you also deliver contact
information and price lists. Be friendly and dressed in business attire.

h) For the web-savvy we provide best practices in search engine optimization

and social media marketing while also providing step-by-step instructions

guide you every step of the way. Cupcake businesses are using the web and
social media to reach vast audiences and grow their market share.

i) Link Exchange

When determining just where YOUR site should rank in the search results,
Google relies HEAVILY on how many links you have coming to your site.
When you purchase the book or eBook, we will provide links from our Web
site and Facebook page to yours, helping your site get higher in the search
engines than your local competition.


In business, there are two primary ways to pursue profit. One is by pulling in more
money; the other is by putting out less money.
Sometimes you cannot cut an expense item, but you can often get more from it and
thus increase your profits. For this reason, you should always use percentages when
analyzing expenses rather than actual dollar amounts.
For example, if you increase sales and keep the dollar amount of an expense the
same, you have decreased that expense as a percentage of sales.
When you decrease your cost percentage, you increase your percentage of profit.
On the other hand, if your sales volume remains the same, you can increase the
percentage of profit by reducing the specific item of expense.
Your goal, of course, is to do both -- to decrease specific expenses and increase
their productive worth at the same time.
Beyond the break-even point, every dollar of sales should earn you an equivalent
profit percentage.
Remember, once sales pass the break-even point, the fixed expenses percentage
goes down as sales volume goes up.
Also, the operating profit percentage increases at the same rate as the percentage
rate for fixed expenses decreases (provided of course, those variable expenses are
kept in line).

The following are five ways to cut your expenses and thus increase your profits.


Rod Jorgensen, Director of Counseling at the Small Business Development Center,
quotes the old adage, "If you watch the pennies, the dollars take care of
themselves." Seldom is that more true than in cutting expenses.
He recommends that Profit and Loss statements are checked often, starting with the
large expense items first, and then working down. As you move down the list, look at
line items like dues and publications, office expenses, supplies, fuel, and
entertainment. "You tend not to spend a lot of time on these," he says, "because they
are small dollar amounts," but these are the categories where you can nickel and
dime yourself into profit, by taking into account their cumulative effects.
If you can shave RM300 a year off each category, you are looking at a substantial
savings. While you don’t want to spend so much time on the smaller categories that
you suffer from the law of diminishing returns, you should at least periodically scan
the items; to be sure that habit or oversight is not costing you money.


"We’re all creatures of habit," says Jorgensen, "we say ‘this is how I did it last year,
this is how I’ll do it this year.’" This is especially true for busy business people.
However, it is this kind of thinking that can keep us paying more than we should.
Don’t wait until a crisis to start trimming the fat from your budget. One of the big
dollar items for a business is insurance. Periodically, if not every year, you should
shop your insurance around to different agencies and compare quotes.
A small percentage in savings here can lead to big dollars added to the bottom line.
Vendors may offer competitive prices as well. Everyone wants your business; find
out how much they are willing to offer you in savings. Everything from leasing
computer equipment, phone service, vehicle leasing, office supplies, equipment
repair contracts, and office space can potentially save you money.
Every few years, send your needs out for quotes and compare. Make sure you are
getting a fair rate.
If customer service has been tremendous, you probably won’t want to change for a
small savings. But if you find savings could be significant, you may want to
reevaluate your current vendor.
Along those same lines, check what you are paying in credit interest rates and
merchant fees. Jorgensen says business owners tend to become comfortable with
whomever they are using to process merchant transactions.
But a tenth to half a percent of merchant fee savings can have a tremendous impact
on your profitability.

Advertising is another potential habitual loser when it comes to expenses. Using the
same method of advertising all the time (be it the same radio station or same
newspaper ad), assuming nothing in your business or clientele has changed can be
dangerous to the bottom line.
Advertising expenses as well as patterns should be evaluated yearly or
semiannually, according to Jorgensen.
Compare agencies for pricing, but also reassess your customer and client base as
well. The profile of your customer can change without you even noticing, and if it
does, you need to be ready with a different line of attack for your advertising and
public relations.


There are a hundred ways to reduce waste in any given business. From recycling to
extended use to quality training to understanding production needs, every business
can reduce waste.
The question again comes back to the law of diminishing returns. While reducing
waste can save a lot of money, it can also cost if too much time is spent.


Employee turnover and poor training can strangle the bottom line of any company.
This might begin with more attention to screening job applicants, making sure that
the people you hire are qualified, well-suited to their positions and fit in with the staff
you already have.
It is also important to maintain open lines of communications with employees, look
for ways to make people feel they are part of your company’s team, and review your
benefits package periodically to make sure it is competitive.
When you think of training, you may just think of that initial push to get an employee
up to speed in your workplace. But training employees to do more or to multitask,
can also increase profit by decreasing costs.
If you train a salesclerk to make multiple sales at higher unit prices, you increase
productivity without adding dollars to payroll expense. If four sales clerks can be
trained to sell the amount previously sold by seven, the payroll can be cut by three


Taxes may come but once a year, but you can plan all year long. Every dollar saved
in costs is added right to the bottom line. Learn to maximize your profits by
vigorously reviewing business products, processes, and materials for opportunities to
lower costs.

A key to the effectiveness of your cost-cutting action is the worth of the various
As long as you know the worth of your expenditures, you can profit by making small
improvements in expenses. Keep an open eye and an open mind. It is better to do a
spot analysis once a month than to wait several months and then do a detailed
Take action as soon as possible, and remember you can refine your cost-cutting
plans as you go.


Appendix 1: Web Layout Design of Gigi’s Cupcakes


a) Big cupcake image randomly changes every time customer revisits the site,
and the scrolling cupcake gallery has rollover effects that make an immediate
and lasting impact.The design statement goes to the next on the site’s interior
pages. The deliciously elegant cupcake images in the header randomly
change with every page load and link directly to their respective.

Appendix 2: Web Layout Design of Gigi’s Cupcakes (Inner)

b) There is a lot to discover at the new site, but the "wow factor" certainly hits
you at the home page.

c) The big cupcake image randomly changes every time a customer revisits the
site, and the scrolling cupcake gallery has rollover effects that make an
immediate and lasting impact.

d) The design statement goes to the next level on the site's interior pages. The
deliciously elegant cupcake images in the header randomly change with every
page load and link directly to their respective "Hero page" (like the one here,
which features the cupcake Gigi appropriately named Chocolate Malt).


a) Home

b) Gift Shop Header

c) Contact

d) Gigi’s Story

e) Meet our Cupcakes Subheading

f) Place your Cupcake Order

g) Main Contents

h) Courses – Left Navigation

i) Home

j) Meet our Cupcakes (Gallery)

k) Place your Order

l) Today’s Menu Footer

m) Privacy

n) Terms of Use

o) Owner’s Login

p) FAQ


The site used many of the unique features of our content management system,

a) Photo galleries
b) Mass Email marketing

c) Coupon codes

d) credit card processing

e) Blog

f) Flash

g) Site Membership

h) Forms

i) Email list signup

j) Invisible pages

k) Search engine optimization

l) Password protected pages

m) Daily menu display

n) Random image loads without the use of Flash


To place an order for cupcakes please email your requirements

to  and we will email you back with a link to pay

This is via PayPal secure payments system, but if you don’t have a PayPal account
just click the option to pay with a credit or debit card.

To order cupcakes for delivery by courier, please see our cupcakes by courier page

for the available selection of cakes. For collection orders, you can choose any of our
cupcake designs from the main gallery. We need at least 3 working days for mail
orders, and longer for bespoke cakes and custom designs. Please email us to check

Appendix 3: The Secure Order Form

Terms of sale:

a) Your purchase will appear on your bank statement under the name

b) Click Bank will, at its discretion, allow for the return or replacement of any
defective product within 60 days from the date of purchase.

c) The geographic location of your computer has been determined and recorded.
All attempts at fraud will be prosecuted.

d) Information submitted in conjunction with this order is handled within the

constraints of our privacy policy.

e) Your name and email address may be provided to the original vendor of this
product upon completion of this purchase.

f) The Click Bank Marketplace is not a chartered bank or trust company, or

depository institution.


Our couriers love cupcakes too and we deliver anywhere in state. Choose from the
cupcakes below. Delivery is by Next Day courier so your cupcakes will be as fresh
as possible. Cupcake delivery days run from Tuesday to Friday inclusive. 

Cupcakes are safely packed into compartmentalized bakery boxes and dispatched to
a location of your choice.

We were always nervous waving our cupcakes off to some far away land, like
southern region such as Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, so we use packaging to
ensure your cupcakes won’t be squished or turned on their heads.

We do not pluck our oldest cupcakes off the shelves and send them out to you like
some companies; we bake and decorate fresh to order.

Therefore, we cannot make singles of cupcakes; the minimum order of a single

flavor is half a dozen.

We usually need at least 3 days notice for all mail orders but to check availability or
to place an order, send an email to  stating what you
would like, when you would like it and also providing full delivery name, address,
phone number and if you’d like gift wrapping with a message.
You will then be emailed an invoice to pay securely online with either a PayPal
account or any debit or credit card.

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There are choices of flavours for the cupcakes:

1. Vanilla
2. Lemon
3. Orange

4. Rose
5. Chocolate
6. Coffee
7. Almond
8. Coconut


If your cupcakes are a present for somebody, we also offer a gift-wrapping and
message service.

This includes ribbon and a card with your own personalized message.
Gift-wrapping is available for RM8.50 per box; just let us know at the time of


Our wedding cupcakes are available in an array of flavours with exquisite wedding

designs – custom made, just for you.

Our colour matching service means your cakes will be perfectly co-ordinated with
your bridesmaids, flowers or theme. It is like Dulux, only tastier! Heck out our
Gallery for a few design examples to get you started.

Stack your cupcakes high on towering tiers or box individually for your guests to take
away a sweet moment of wedding bliss in all it is decorative glory. Long gone are the
days when your guests is been sent away with a boring bit of cake in a napkin! Our
customers speak so highly of our cakes we are sure you will feel the same way.

Simple cupcakes start from just RM1.00 each for example with swirl frosting and
glitter or sprinkles. Decorations custom made to fit your colour scheme start from
RM2.50 each. Handmade roses are RM3.00 each.

Please Contact Us for an exact quote or to arrange a design consultation.

a) Top Cakes

Even with your super original cupcake wedding, we still appreciate the importance of
tradition and are happy to supply individual standard cutting cakes for the top tier of
the stand. These traditional wedding cakes are available in vanilla or chocolate
sponge and are iced in smooth fondant, which can be decorated in keeping with the
design and theme of your cupcakes.

Simple cutting cakes with ribbon start at RM60.00, with additional decorations from

There a few reasons to go the gourmet way for your wedding…

i. We NEVER make cupcakes sooner than the day before your

wedding to ensure maximum freshness.

ii. Ingredients matter. We use the best, which makes our cupcakes the
best too.

iii. We believe in our cupcakes and therefore offer a free sample

service when you place your order with us.

iv. We take the stress away from you and liaise with your venue
directly to arrange delivery and set up.
v. We are total, utter perfectionists. In addition, your cupcakes will be
just that.

vi. Stands & Delivery

please see our Stands page for more details on hiring. We also
offer a personal set up and delivery service within 120 kilometers.
Please supply us with your venue postcode when enquiring for an
exact delivery cost.

b) Buy Cupcake Kits

If you fancy baking your own cupcakes, our Cupcake Kits contain everything you
need to get started with the tastiest hobby around! Get professional materials and all
those tricky to find items all wrapped up in one pretty package. You will also receive
an instruction leaflet with tips and tricks on how to use all the items in your kit.

Each Cupcake Kit comes packaged in its own gift bag making it a perfect present

Cupcake Kits contains the following items:

i. 50 of our high-quality coloured cupcake cases – that do not go see

through when you bake!
ii. “Perfect Swirls” Piping Nozzle

iii. 6 Icing piping bags

iv. 25g Pot of pink paste colouring

v. 25g pot of blue paste colouring

vi. 25g pot of yellow paste colouring

vii. 2g pot of lustre dust

viii. Pot of Edible Glue

ix. 200g pack of white sugar florist paste for making decorations

The kits cost RM80.00 plus RM12.00 postage. Contact us now to order your very
own cupcake kit!

c) The *Original* Cupcake Course

The *Original* Chelmsford Cupcake Course.

a) Come and learn from a professional baker with vast experience

b) Small classes of 4 people so you get the very best attention

c) Gigi Cupcake taste sampling session!

d) 10% discount off our future courses to *Original* Cupcake Course


d) Course Information

Classes are a daylong intensive course starting at 10:15am and wrapping up by

around 3:30pm. Classes are hold in the house itself. Lunch is been provided with
refreshments throughout the day.

e) Prices

Courses are RM600.00 for weekdays and RM800.00 for weekends. This includes all

sugar craft materials, recipe sheets, your free cupcake started kit, all baking
ingredients, and lunch/refreshments and of course, your dozen beautifully baked and
decorated cupcakes to take home.

There are also available to purchase after the class are our high quality coloured
cupcake cases.

Alternatively, why not invest in one of our fantastic Ultimate Cupcake Kits and start

baking again as soon as you get home?

f) How to Book

We do not take bookings over the telephone so please email us to request a course

booking form. There are details of how to pay in the course booking form.

Please email if you require dates further into the future. Note places on the courses
are not held until actual payment is received. 

The Web site is updated regularly but it is advisable to email and check your chosen
date is still available before sending payment.

g) Course Content

i. Baking a dozen of your own cupcakes – The Basics

ii. Cupcake Recipes & interesting recipe variations

iii. Perfect cupcakes EVERY time – Tips & Tricks

iv. Icing Techniques including colouring and flavouring

v. How to make Buttercream Icing

vi. Piping perfect buttercream swirls

vii. How to ice cupcakes with Fondant Icing

viii. Introduction to sugarcraft – how to work with special sugarcraft


ix. Sugarcraft tools and techniques

x. How to embellish cupcake decorations

xi. Edible painting

xii. Making sugar decorations

xiii. Flower modeling

xiv. How to make beautiful handmade roses

xv. Troubleshoot your cupcake problems with an experienced baker plus

handy hints along the way….

h) Next Courses Dates

New dates are added frequently so do check back from time to time…

i. Monday 13th December – *Christmas Cupcakes* – FULL

ii. Thursday 16th December – 1 space left!

iii. Friday 17th December – 3 spaces left

iv. Monday 10th January – Spaces

v. Thursday 13th January – Spaces

vi. Saturday 15th January – 2 spaces left

vii. Wednesday 19th January – 2 spaces left

viii. Thursday 27th January – Spaces

ix. Tuesday 1st March – Spaces

i) **NEW** Cupcake Course Gift Vouchers

The cupcake course gift vouchers make a unique and thoughtful gift that is
guaranteed to please! Gift vouchers can be purchased by emailing to

Vouchers are valid for 6 months and can be used by the recipient to book a date that
is suitable for them. (Vouchers are RM60.00 for weekdays, if the recipient would like
to attend on a weekend a RM15 supplement will be charged either to you in advance
or to them on booking.) In the event of cancellations and no shows no refunds will be

Cancellations requiring rescheduled days may be possible via another cancellation,

but only at a days notice if a place on a course is free the following day. This cannot
be guaranteed however as courses usually fill up in advance.

j) Buy Cupcake Cases

Cupcake cases are available to purchase by course attendees at the end of the day
or customers purchasing a cupcake kit (the kit includes 50 cases of your choice

Our muffin sized Swedish greaseproof cases are made from very high quality paper
that does not fade, go greasy or see-through after baking thus retaining all their
vibrancy of colour as you see them here.

There is top quality of cases with range of RM10.00 for 50.

k) Contact

We love a good old chin wag, especially if it’s about cake.

To place an order for cupcakes, book a place on a course, or to order cupcake

vouchers, give us a call on +6012 4528398 (from 9am to 6pm only please) or email
details of your order to

If you have a question, have you checked our FAQ first to see if your question is
answered there already?

Feel free to drop us a line if you are not sure what you want, or if you already have
an idea that you need bringing to life! 
H/P : +6012 452 8398
OFF: +605 265 2919

l) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

i. How do I place an order?

Just send us an email to stating what you
would like, quantity, and when and where they are to be delivered.
Alternatively you can give us a call on 05265 2919.

ii. What payment methods do you accept?

We send invoices via Paypal online. If you don’t have a paypal account you
can still pay the invoice using any credit or debit card. You can also pay by
regular bank transfer if you prefer, or by sending a cheque if there is enough

iii. How far in advance do I need to order?
For regular orders we like to have at least 3 working days’ notice. For larger
orders and weddings it is advisable to book in advance as once the day is
gone it’s gone! For wedding orders we take a RM150.00 deposit to secure the
day for you with the balance being paid a month before the big day.

iv. Where do you deliver?

Anywhere in Perak, southern that is Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, and up to
northern of Penang and Kedah by overnight courier. Please see our delivery
page for prices in the website.

v. When do you send your cupcakes out?

We dispatch cupcakes Monday to Thursday. Your cupcakes will always be
baked fresh to order.

vi. What days do you deliver?

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. To ensure maximum
freshness of the cakes we don’t tend to do courier deliveries on a Monday as
this would mean the cupcakes were sent out on the previous Friday. All
orders will need to be signed for.

vii. Can you deliver at weekends?

Yes, if you are having a large event such as a wedding and using our
personal set up and delivery service.

viii. How are they packaged?

Cupcakes are sent in sturdy bakery boxes, with compartmentalized holders
for each one to ensure they don’t slide around.

ix. What size are your cupcakes?

Standard cupcakes are quite a bit bigger than your old school ‘fairy’ cakes,
measuring around 7cm across and about 7cm high when decorated. Mini
cupcakes measure around 4cm across and 4cm high when decorated.

x. How long do cupcakes keep?

In the rare occurrence that Gigi’s cupcakes are not gobbled up right away,
you can keep them in their box and they’ll be good for at least a couple of
days. Transfer them to an airtight container and you’ll get a day or two more.
We don’t use preservatives that would exist in shop bought cupcakes so
basically you can expect them to last as long as any home baked cake. Be
sure not to put fondant iced cupcakes or cupcakes with fondant decorations in
the fridge as this will melt them!

xi. What is the minimum order?
The minimum order is 6 cupcakes, also known as a half a dozen! Minimum
order for mini cupcakes is 36. Minimum order for weddings is 100 cupcakes.

xii. Can I order an odd number of cupcakes?

All orders being sent by courier must be in multiples of 6 or 12. However, for
large orders and events over 60 cupcakes where you are using our personal
delivery and set up service, orders can be any number and need not be an
exact multiple of 12.

xiii. Do you hire out cupcake stands?

Yes, we have a silver wire cupcake stand that holds 23 cupcakes and for
weddings and large events larger tasteful tiered clear acrylic cupcake stands
holding up to 100 cupcakes. We also have retro styled black or white mid-
sized stands ideal for any occasion. Please see our Gallery page for more

xiv. I like a particular cake, but I want a different decoration, can I change it?
Of course! Feel free to mix and match our decorations. We can also change
the colours for you too. Just ask us to give you a quote for any bespoke

xv. Can I have a different coloured cake case?

Absolutely you can. Just let us know when you order if you would like to
change the colour of your cake cases. You can see our massive range of
cases here. We can also coordinate the decorations for you too.

xvi. I want to order a large number of cupcakes for my wedding, can I try
before I buy?
Or course; just tell us what you’re thinking. See our Samples page for more

xvii. Do your cakes contain nuts?

Whilst our menu cupcakes do not contain actual nuts, there may be nuts in
our kitchens from time to time so cannot guarantee totally nut free for those
with a very sensitive allergy.

xviii. I want to make cupcakes like yours! How do I do that?

Our courses will show you everything you need to know to create wonderful
quirky cupcakes of your own. See our courses page for more details. Courses
are RM600 per day (RM850 at weekends).

Terms & Conditions: 

1. In the event of cancellations and no shows no refunds will be given.
Cancellations requiring rescheduled days may be possible via another
cancellation, but only at a days’ notice if a place on a course is free the
following day. This cannot be guaranteed however as courses usually fill up in

2. If for unforeseeable reasons we have to postpone or cancel a course, you will

be offered the choice of a full refund or to book one of the other dates

3. Attendees wishing to amend the date of their course must do so with at least
one months’ notice before their original course date, and will incur and admin
fee of RM50 per person. 

4. All content on Gigi Cupcake’s website is the intellectual property of the Gigi
Cupcake. By attending a course with The Gigi Cupcake, you agree not to
copy or imitate this content for your own commercial purposes following the
course. This includes The Gigi Cupcake cake designs and courses

All said and done, I think that e commerce is a great way to start businesses.
Moreover, it is a great addition to any business-marketing plan. It does not have to
be a major investment, and for the right personality, it can be a lot of fun. Just be real
and transparent.


Starting a business is not an easy task BUT applying e-commerce in the business
will lead to a successful business.

There are a lot of things to consider that are interrelated with each other and so each
must be given the right attention for the business to succeed. This same principle
remains true to starting a cupcake business through e-commerce.

Cakes is seemed to be like a staple food in almost every special occasion. For many
years, it has been a symbol for celebration and happy events. One of the breeds of
the traditional cakes that have been in the market since then is the cupcakes.

In starting a cupcake business, the first thing you need to be sure of is the recipe.
The recipe should be competitive enough that even without aesthetics will guarantee
sales for you. It is better to try different recipes until you come up with the taste that
passed your criteria or best cater the taste concept you would want to deliver.

Next is to incorporate uniqueness to your cupcakes. Think of something that will

make your products stand out in the competition. What will define or make your
cupcakes distinct in the market that will make the customers prefer your cupcakes to
the other?

It will be helpful to select a distinct target market. Like making your cupcakes sugar-

free, for example, to make it more appealing to health conscious customers. This is a
way of creating first impression or on how you would want to be popular or known of.
However, later in your operation, you may gradually offer more varieties of cupcakes
to get the other market segments.

Marketing is a very important aspect in starting the cupcake business. To initialize

letting your prospective customers aware of your product, make sample cupcakes
and start distributing it. Start with local businesses such as bakeries in the
community. They might get interested on making you one of their suppliers for
cupcakes. Attending trade fairs may also increase the popularity of your product.

Before distributing samples of your cupcakes, make the costing by listing the amount
you have spent on the ingredients and how much you have paid for the labor. Add a
reasonable mark up for it and that will be the price of your cupcakes.

It is also equally important to study the demand for cupcakes. Forecasting demand
will help you on determining where your product will most likely to be in demand.

Putting up a business is not an easy task. But with the determination, the skills, and
the right attitude towards business, you can be certain of success.

Summary: With the continuous reinvention and integration of usage, cupcakes

are getting in demand replacing and or complimenting the traditional cake in
many occasions such as weddings and birthdays.


1. Hello cupcake: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make by

Alan Richardson and Karen Tack. Pub. Date: April 2008

2. Cupcakes: Luscious bakeshop favorites from your home kitchen by

Shelly Kaldunski. Pub. Date: September 2010

3. Betty Crocker Just Cupcakes: 100 Recipes for the Way You Really
Cook (Betty Crocker Books). Pub. Date: August 2010

4. Cupcake Magic: Little Cakes with Attitude by Kate Shirazi. Pub.

Date: May 2009

5. Little Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse: Cupcakes, Small
Cakes, Muffins, and Other Mini Treats by Kaye Hansen and Liv
Hansen. Pub. Date: June 2008


Appendix 4: Varieties of Cupcakes on Display

Appendix 5: More Varieties of Cupcakes on Display

Appendix 6: Cupcakes for Delivery

Appendix 7: Cupcakes for Wedding Delivery

Appendix 8: Cupcakes Delivery for Small Occasion or Birthday Parties

Appendix 9: Cupcakes Delivery for Special Occasion


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