Desenvolvedor de Aplicativos

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Brunno Guitti De Mello- Developer An Application.

What does an app developer do?

An application developer operates in the design, planning, development,
implementation and dissemination of focused solutions for mobile devices. For this, he
works with key concepts in the Information Technology area.
The person must have a curious profile, seeking to understand the main trends in the
area, the demands of users and organizations. In addition to what are the new languages
and technologies used in the sector to achieve better results, the evolution of the user
experience, among other points.
It is also necessary for him to get used to always studying, as new practices routinely
emerge in the sector, as well as new languages are created or implemented, making the
person have to be attentive to these issues.
Other fundamental points that must be observed in the profile of a professional in this
segment are:

Like what you do; diversify their knowledge and activities; continually investing in
expertise; have empathy to think about the user experience;
like to research and learn more about the market for which the solution is being
developed. Some of the main functions of an application developer are:

Area study: mapping the area in general, it is possible to find existing demands that can
be improved by an application. Think, for example, of the urban transport and mobility
issues that have been resolved with the emergence of apps like Uber;
development: it's time to get your hands dirty, corresponding to the technical part of
writing the codes and the actual creation of the application. The team's developers plan
all software functions, observe and repair possible bugs (code failure that causes the
solution to malfunction), promote testing of improvements and implement user
experience throughout the process;
updates: the development team must offer new features, updates, bug fixes, usability
improvements, among other fundamental points, especially with regard to information
How much does an app developer make?
An early career app developer can start with a salary between R$1500 and R$2500 on
average depending on the location. Close to metropolitan regions, the starting salary can
reach R$ 4800. In some cases, as in hiring made by project and not permanently, the
values may vary.
More experienced professionals in the sector manage to achieve salaries of up to R$
7500. The tendency is for these values to rise, due to the constant increase in demand.
See where to start!
A mobile developer does not necessarily need to have higher education in a specific
area. Many companies do not require, for example, a degree, but this will depend on
each particular company.

Essentially, the fundamental thing is that the person has training courses for the
development of mobile applications, which provide the technical background in the
area. So it may be an option to train in a shorter duration course and specialize with
other courses throughout your career.

Some of the specific knowledge that the programmer should master are:

programming logic;
programming language for Android;
programming language for iOS;
user experience;
design and interface;
integrated development environments (IDE);
Unified Modeling Language;
testing and Quality Assurance;
knowledge of marketplaces (Google Play, Apple Store, among others).
In addition, it is essential that she has knowledge of English, as most databases and
platforms operate in this language.

Another point is that the application developer needs to continually observe the areas in
which he performs his work. For example, for those who deal with the urban mobility
sector, it is essential to understand what are the dynamics operating in this area, in order
to know what the needs of the people who use it are and to meet these demands.
How is the market for app developers?
When we talk about the application development market, we are talking about an area
with strong growth. Brazilians are among the main users of mobile technologies and

In addition, organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of investing in the

use of technological solutions to achieve better long-term results and to insert
themselves in the context of digital transformations. Therefore, there is a constant
demand for this type of professional in the market.

At the same time, precisely because it is an extremely promising area, the trend is
towards greater competition. Therefore, people should focus on acquiring higher
qualifications and generating differentials that place them ahead of the competition over

In general, we have the following panorama in the area, according to research by App

113 billion app downloads in 2018;

Spending on paid apps grew 20% compared to 2017, reaching $76 billion;
average user spends approximately 3 hours a day with applications.
In other words, we are talking about an area that will not suffer from crises in the
coming years, due to its growth trend. After all, it is a market whose estimate is to move
US$ 6.3 trillion by 2021. Professional people who adapt to this scenario will be able to
leverage their careers to achieve good gains over time.

In order for them to grow and become people of excellence by developing applications,
it is essential to have the know-how, or the “knowledge to know how to do it”,
necessary for the area. Specialization and good courses offer this option for those who
want to learn. Remember that it is essential to look for courses that focus on practical
learning, teaching you to get your hands dirty.

So look for serious, responsible companies that have good teachers to teach what is
most modern in the area and never stop studying. This is the recipe for success in the
field as an application developer.

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