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Understanding Newwww.getwsodo.

Metrics + VIDEO
When you launch your first YouTube ads campaign, you’ll notice some brand new
columns and metrics available to you.

Here are the most common ones that you’ll want to pay attention to:

Max CPV: CPV stands for cost per view, and is the equivalent of the max CPC
you’re used to from search and display.

Views: Similar to an impression or click, although this metric measures anyone

watching over 30 seconds of your video ad (if it exceeds 30 seconds) or interacts
within your video like clicking on the companion banner, an overlay, or a card.

View Rate: This is a measure similar to click through rate. It’s the people who
actually started viewing your video, divided by the people who saw your video

Earned Views: These views happen when a person sees your video ad, but then
looks at an organic video on your channel later within the span of seven days.

Video Played To: This is the percentage breakdown of how many viewers made it
to at least a part of your video. If all people watched at least 10 seconds of your 40
second video, then you’d have a 100% video-played-to-rate under the 25% mark.

Look over my shoulder in this video...



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