Part 8 Building Services: Section 1 Lighting and Natural Ventilation

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Orientation of a Building
Orientating the buildings along with the micro climate General Climatic Zones
is what helps to make a building sustainable enough
and not a burden on the environment around.
Orienting buildings is an important criteria but another
aspect to keep the interiors also climate friendly is the
orientation of the voids that are the fenestrations and HOT AND DRY WARM AND HUMID MODERATE COLD
openings on the structure.

Winter Midday Shadow

The larger building face The planning & orientation Design should be well Orient houses on top of
should face N– S. mustn’t absorb more of thought to reduce heat gain slope & not at the bottom to
Orientation along the west warm radiations from E-W & maintain thermal comfort. avoid the katabatic flow of
is never preferred. slope. air.
Summer Midday Shadow

Solar Radiations Prevailing Wind Orientation Planting of Trees

Orient longer facades along the north. This will provide glare
free light in summer from north without shading and winter sun Evergreens block winter wind
penetration from the south. Not helpful for cooling

45 or 30

If a site has multiple buildings, they should be Place buildings at a 30 or 45 degree angle to the direction
arranged in ascending order of their heights of wind for enhanced ventilation. Form can be staggered in W E
and be built on stilts to allow ventilation the wind facing direction also to achieve the same result.

Block direct sunlight Block direct sunlight

Best for cooling Good for cooling

negative pressure S

Deciduous trees block summer sun

and allow winter sun.
Taller forms in the wind direction of prevailing
May interfere with passive or active
wind can alter the wind movement pattern for
solar design
low lying buildings behind them Staggered layout helps in accentuating wind movement

Principles of Lighting Daylighting

Realizations: Daylight

Using Controlling Careful

Complementing Static Overcast
Directional Glare Planning of Sunlight Skylight
Interiors and Exteriors Sky Condition
Lighting Brightness &
Promoting Activities Variable Sky
Minimizing Correlate Installing & Practical Conditions
Lighting throughout Emergency Functionality Direct Indirect
Flickering in
Building to Lightings Overcast Overcast
Artificial lighting
Reduce Risk of Accidents Skylight Skylight
Controlling Degrees Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
of Visibility Sunlight Sunlight Skylight Skylight

‘Direct Light’ ‘Diffuse’ Light ‘Diffuse Light’

Aesthetic Appeal

Climate-based daylight modeling- absolute values (luminance and Daylight factor- relative values
Influencing illuminance) founded on real climate data intensive to climate and orientation.
Perceptions, Creating
Visual Effects

Creating Pleasing

Recommended Values of Luminance

Components Of Daylight Factor

Colour Rendering


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