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Combined exercise of tenses:

1. By the time the cause of the pandemic was known, thousands _________.

a) died
b) were dead
c) had died
d) have died

2. The problem _________________________ ever since the 1980s and it shows no sign of

a) has grown
b) has been growing
c) had grown
d) had been growing

3. Every effort _____________ to ensure the safety of Hong Kong’s food supply.

a) makes
b) made
c) have been made
d) Is being made

4. Sixty years ago people thought antibiotics ___________ wipe out disease.
Now, they know they ___________ wrong.

a) can; were
b) could; were
c) can; are
d) could; are

5. It is the health authorities that must _____________ if the same happens again in future.

a) be held responsible
b) hold responsible
c) be holding responsible
d) held responsible
6. This kind of brain surgery presented a high risk to patients in the past. Such operation
_____________________ before the 1970s.

a) has never been performed

b) had never been performed
c) had never performed
d) has never performed

7. I ________________ my secondary education by the end of next year.

a) will finish
b) will be finished
c) will have finished
d) will have been finished

8. I can’t help myself scratching my skin! Next year when I turn eighteen, I ________________
from eczema for five years.

a) have suffered
b) will have suffered
c) will have suffering
d) will have been suffering

9. The patients _____________________ a long time before the doctor arrived.

a) had waited
b) have been waiting
c) had been waiting
d) waited

10. The gymnasium _______________ by Mr Fung for the last few years up until now.

a) has been run

b) has been ran
c) is running
d) was run

Answers: 1c, 2b, 3d, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8d, 9c, 10a
- Reported speech -

11. The scientists said that the sun ______________ in the east and _________in the west.
a) rise; set
b) rises; sets
c) rose; set
d) raises; sets

Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech:

12. “Where have you been yesterday?” my mum asked.

My mum asked _______________________________________________________________

13. “Could you pass me the salt please?” Johnny asked.


14. “You must submit the homework next week!” the teacher said.


15. Wait for me here and don’t run away!” my maid said to the dog.


11. b
12. She asked where I had been the day before.
13. Johnny asked me to pass him the salt.
14. The teacher told us to submit the homework the week after.
15. My maid told the dog to wait for her there and not to run away.
Proofread the following sentences:

16. Despite all the difficulties, he succeeded at the end.

17. To attend the conference, you need to return the enclose application form by the end of
this month.

18. All children under 5 must accompanied by an adult to either of these programmes.

19. The ambulance responses to emergencies in just a few minutes.

20. Thomas Edison devoted his life in the invention of electrical devices, such as camera and
light bulb.


16. at → in
‘in the end’ = can be used individually; ‘at the end’ = usually used as ‘at the end of
something’ e.g. at the end of the story

17. enclose→enclosed
18. must be accompanied
19. response (n.) → responds (v.)
20. devoted…to (x in)

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