Components of Climate

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Temperature Measured in oC
Humidity Using mercury thermometer mounted in a louvered
Vapour pressure wooden box known as Stevenson screen.
Precipitation At a height 1.20 to 1.80 m above the ground.
Driving rain Maximum –minimum thermometer gives maximum
Sky conditions and minimum temperature reached in the 24 hrs.
Solar radiation Thermograph can be used to have a continuous
Wind graphic recording of temperature variations.
Special charecteristics Data required-
Vegetation Monthly mean maxima and minima
Monthly extreme maxima and minima
Monthly mean range

Absolute humidity(AH) is the amount of moisture present in unit mass or
unit volume of air.
Expressed as g/kg or g/m3
Saturation point humidity(SH) is the amount of moisture the air can hold.
Relative humidity(RH) is the ratio of absolute humidity to saturation point
humidity expressed as a percentage.
RH =AH/SH x 100%
Humidity is measured using the wet and dry bulb hygrometer.
This consists of two ordinary mercury thermometers mounted side by side.
First one measures the air (dry-bulb) temperature
The bulb of the second one is covered with a wet
gauze. Moisture evaporating gives a cooling effect, this Data required
reading is the wet-bulb temperature (WBT). Monthly mean maximum and minimum RH
Difference between DBT and WBT is greater when air values.
is dry. These readings are taken using a hygrograph.
DBT and WBT are same when humidity is 100% Otherwise readings are made at 0600 hrs(max)
With these two readings we can find the RH value using and 1500 hrs(min)
psychrometric chart, from a table or a special slide rule. PREPARED BY A.MISBA.
It is the partial pressure of water vapour Collective term of rain, snow, hail, dew and frost.
present in the air. All forms of water deposited( precipitated) from the
It is another expression of atmospheric atmosphere.
humidity. Measured using rain gauges.
P=Pa +Pv Expressed in mm/unit time( mm/ day or mm/ month)
Air is saturated when the vapour pressure is Data required
equal to the pressure of saturated vapour of Total precipitation for each month shows the pattern of
the same temperature(Pvs) wet and dry seasons.
RH= AH/SH X 100 = PV/PVS X100% Maximum and minimum values give indications of
Expressed in Newton/m2 reliability or deviation from the average.
Maximum rainfall for 24 hour period gives a guide for the
prediction of floods and for the design of surface drainage.
Rains associated with strong winds is driving rain.
Driving rain index characterises a given location and
expresses the degree of exposure.
It is the product of annual rainfall( in m) and the
annual average wind velocity (in m/sec)
Expressed in m2 /sec PREPARED BY A.MISBA.
Described as presence or absence of clouds.
Expressed as percentage or in tenths or in eighths.
Two observations are made in day.
Sometimes even a night time observation is taken.
Average of sky condition on a particular day may affect the
design of roofs and shading devices.
Sky luminance values are needed if day lighting in
buildings is to be predicted.
Data required
Average daily amount of solar radiation(
Duration of sunshine is recorded using a sunshine recorder.
MJ/m2day) for each month
Expressed in number of hours / day
Highest and lowest daily totals of each month.
For quantitative recording of solar radiation instruments
Hourly totals or hourly average intensities for
like solarimeter, heliometers, actinometer and
typically high and low radiation day of the year.
pyranometer are used.
Radiation intensities are calculated using a
Intensities are expressed in Btu/ft2h, kcal/m2h or langleys
series of protractors used in conjunction with
(cal/cm2)/ hour. But SI unit is W/m2
stereographic sun-path diagrams.
This is the instantaneous intensity, the incidence of energy
Daily radiation totals are estimated on the basis
in joules per square meter of the surface per second.
of sunshine duration records.
(W/m2 =J/m2s which is W=J/s) PREPARED BY A.MISBA.
WIND Data required
Measured by a cup type or propeller anemometer, Prevailing direction of
or by a pilot tube and its direction is measured by a winds
wind vane. Any recognisable pattern
Anemographs can produce continuous recordings of of seasonal winds.
wind velocity and directional changes. Any occurrence of storms,
Free wind velocities are recorded in open flat hurricanes, typhoons or
country at a height of 10m and in urban areas at a tornadoes. Also the
height of 10 to 20 m to avoid obstructions. frequency of occurrence in
Velocities near ground are lower than free wind the past 25 to 50 yrs.
Directions are grouped into eight or sixteen
categories: the four cardinals( N, E, S and W) and
four semi-cardinal compass points (NE, SE, SW and
NW) and possibly the eight tertiary compass points
Velocities are measured in m/sec
Wind force scale developed by Beaufort is still in
SPECIAL CHARECTERISTICS Graphic representation
Occurrence of unfavourable conditions like Difficult to understand a vast amount of data in the records.
hail and thunder-storms, line or arched Its necessary to sort, summarise and simplify the available
squalls, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes data.
and dust storms. Isopleth chart shows the diurnal variations of one climatic
Though rare it is a must to get data about parameter throughout the year.
their frequency, duration and nature.
These may affect human comfort, endanger
the safety of buildings and the lives of
Discomfort is accepted though its rare and
lasts only for a few hours.
Structural safety must be guaranteed.
Influences the local or site climate.
An important element in the design of sun-
shading and protection from glare.
Climatic survey ranges from noting local
species to major native trees, their colour and PREPARED BY A.MISBA.
shape, their preferred orientation and situation.

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