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- G8), Mivioproceceor (AV ieowDtocesear fo a clip postin tagfe SRAM, ROM, one nef % ‘mesrgertled af lormeantvaller Pave RAM, ROM Ala ri ee a and esr dows | in sue erate sah ning oe eensis ALD, registers YARRA comtnst “unile. pie of EP ar x She Proeasal, (4s above 4 Gig <0 lipase font? trom Mee | Oar, . i ly Bt soe ice 4 \ i ren ate. aot. are baked on Von- Deumann arclitielitre on tarvared aolikelivve Dhure| There program and dald moumy, Pregram and dala | Sioa fw ene mommy mel Beper ale. wnt eae | i { erance taiwan Miwwproeessor amd Migween dole Mieweortroller 1 wdenevom palit EEPROM embedded Ym “OY. J Pooustemtrrstler~ aa ae subside voneld ciyemgh Po +. Pooh land fs perits. Profs can i pieces and aba aera upon contref als. 4a consisle coh seas amd rear _aorial aud pacity a/o; “Witons , ertornal em Swlnal Gwclerru gs. est ey ee boul @Miig to soMHg. Bp wses Mess ore os EU has itferont poder oowing, wedles . pias fara hy intoxscontitl and es complea - mM lenceontrallene ane based ‘Scanned with CamSeanner —— LS % an 3-0 yronceon teller . ee te a on Horvand Archilietire, py Aks ‘operalig clock wanes fe 11s 0642 Mig C2 ng Ape] > Bos1 was ecblaped with Nmog technology» bul lala Version ow developeat with CMos dechrologg +o save, dew. | week 138 byte Sdlinal RAM (dole memurny ) a | on chip ROMC prrgram ream’) —A6a1 has foun” a ele fupur/Oukpuk Ports Leet hos bao te bil counlér. sas B05 Aupports Bull dupe ULAR T com runiedlion 8k eon suppmt 64K tatornal dala maemo an — oxwal todo memory 7 Thos 3 Ywlimnal awd 2 external Valerrupls. | | St hs 32 General purpose registers. | @ Pin Diagram ox S05). 3.0 po ea ee | Pid — ae p06 CAP) ole 3 par 0 | Poxof L ‘ a 0.2 CAPD | ’ Ply —as 3 3o-—— 70.309 | 9 Pa Ae if 35— Pry APD ls ° 34+ Pes 08) : | 23 —— fb.6 (Add) \ est ——lg 5 nv) 4 RD) P3. ax—— P07 © Cres} te $ re | 31. EA/v pe CENT) pa. a 30 ALE/ PROG —— i 24; PeEN INT x — i PSEN forks ‘ a fon — 28 — 92.4 (A) | tm) ps hh 2a — past (AND UR) P36 ic 24} 92.5 CAD | (RD P37 —z 25} ~ pat, cA) | forek 2 xTAL2 —_hig 24 -—— P2300 XTAL; —19 2 2.2 CAI) 4Nb ——|20 22 P21 ON) = 2 P20 (A8, ‘Scanned with CamSeanner [oc yo provides cup ply volhage do He chip. She volkage <0uruee he cy, A 128'mA euroent Ye drawn from Su4P 1 gosl. and madinum, poder dissipalt tf abet 19+ END, ey ground » Tis ‘sa ground pen & upply: > XTAL 1 amd TAL - he G091 has an on-chip oscillalr tub requbus aan oot” Glock fo rum Lk. Most oflén quarts euystol os ail Me eonvedid to vipnls XTALL Cpin 14) amd Tare CP TB! DF anwsk G2 wveted tnak tore Ore, Farkous “epeds a We |) $0 Si family. Speed refers othe mand oeetllater Frequenei|! (pred to XTAL __ RST eee Ping fe tHe RESET pin BF te om input oud 0, galive Ma“ a Aaigh pulse rnSvierruen WO moaclive alittle. Shins 2 oy den ade ok As Getcoentlee whl resek and pani liar ul 2% poo ox ef reutnal eset “pre weet ne Ne fe resol the ceontiml oy pc, Ace, e in Jd he contouk ap is 0007 H Psw and perR ase ssoon O% Ko aslie low “EA Ghands Extornal Access, pm No 34. Bk Is om, pale any and be con to elHur Vee or gromd- ay “Dhon Gost exec pregrar from bolimmal om wow ani, pf mush be convedied to Vec.ome Up ered L pregram from external program meme Tynis pin is week qrecrea | va > FEN PsEN lands lore enable. At & an aslive lo eukpak pin Se uaa ae Q teed ofgnal Jer mending dae feo external program " Ly ALE (Address Lateh Enable) ALE wud wr clemulktptexing te address and dala bus whe Boe 36 tnlir facing wath Sukernal memony lhmugh pont Whom ALE a1 ,pank 0 $6 waed as odelress bus Ao to Ay dk ALE=O, pont o ¥ wad as He dah bus. a2) aaa. i ‘Scanned with CamSeanner r r Port © CP0.0- Po-F 9 ' Per cde a Wr gl-ctredbinal 2/0 port pls, Shere Wil addressable. PO ack, o% mulliplexcel Vd Ordor oda ' dalk bus ADT- Ado. ALE Pe ward fer de-rnutiplesing address ond dali tows. che poof o pins axe open chramm #/0, To wae the pins oq penfo, each pin must te contd excbmnallig toa 40K ohm pull-up register « > Por \-CP1.0- PF) | Bets pins cam tae aed og cher Supul or cutpnb, PorsP 2 CP2.0- Po-4) > Pook 9 aleo on & ir quest bi-d’retlional 2/0 pork. PowP2 Bravos Algor B- bus a oddwess CAis- Ag) clung oxtornal Pergror end dato wmonisiy Oueenes , > Port 3 Ch 3.0- p34) for? 3 fe also an abl bt- directional 2/0 port. Shere cre chur funcins multiplied cotth ports as gion belo» ciara Atturndilive Fumction a P3.0 Aele on 4udal ‘vaput- data pin CRxd) . Baa Aelé os suital output Asta pin CTxDD oa P3.2 Acke os external Iwlirrupt pin o CINTo) P3.3 Acts os -extormal Wlirupt pint CNT) P3.4 [rele o« external Ynpul to -tibeer 0 (To) P35 Ale ov external Tupub to awe C71) P 3-6 Ale as so oes aes foe 2etoreral dala mmomory (wR P3-t | Aelo a6 spin comb? algal for extornad data eran read oper alim « ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Areellos tna operation Extormal Onterrept 0 Timer o Echorenal Mnlerrept 1 ak at “tal “teine five riugt Patines Aer the gost 24. iB 2 ae wad proewlt ony whieh $s wed to stave “the program 9 ‘tie whe rmiotarroler Gost Lee. Ral Keron as ede Bbs ROM Mies tervtrollit vite a memsmn Karn on alta AM. fo store’ dal oo war “used to shore dali ontrg on RAM. 805 has | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner bug Ag to AIS. P23 alo Fave dul well os each pur Y biw and dala bus. > Serctaal Poo Y e PO can poxhenon ce | tows CADD- Al D) multiplexed £2 cam be vacd OS 2/0 powF | So commmurienkt wut the - addrescable. works. St also wred o% Loder order occ ress cot @ bil Aol bus. os well ov Aigher orckr addvess fn Sk ean be ned Os 2/0 pow Se Pa mas spect fie wel \ P2.0 —» RxD P22 INTO PBy- TO Pab—~ wR | Pad > TxD © PAS—HINTL PS5-TH PRE RD [Oren external fs Whi faced coith gos1 then Poaud P2 Card tae soortud 4. i Show are to ping avoilwole poadiving’ the coda dala? Shoe + 2/0 pont. Shey work as adress : oubcide wareld 4ne og Ros A, pairs poot “ue PO, Pl. P2, P3- Lach pont is @- tar for curial eommunredin TD Lttidg aural dali wide ‘Scanned with CamSeanner 1 1 als Fac aval pals spr tole tnpul pot. Ky weend Re eel Perimme J Nereate abh fas i | | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Merce Ongouhced or ah aeee ‘memomy. is See Gece nde oo only - Yate CRomi), the dad mévory a ete alee ae nite | Beth “he program vo call lols mremony Gam lox Ftlatn| the o- oulcice . Memory I Progra Manors Aal. momsry, Prlinal KB). Exterwel ayuts) nbtenal (ine byl) Eetmnanad (sxe) Fro oe Goede Me . Pa Dee) ona tee toda or ‘makwabiong fp baa erected crea shred an nemony, (ROM). She B091~ee Ras 4ke elirral Po. “4 tr ease Ak Yliznal Rom othe address apace Speco to OFFF HH. Qf he address apace fo “Ha pleogram ae ereoods wig value thon " epu il auttomaltenlly Spttel Code Fevm tHe txtonmal p, For See he extemal Arecoss, phn CEA FY wash eae ie “Ren +e EA pin fe High, te CPU Fibre foore +ne Intvenal - am, Meme tn Im the Sie OK oreo H to OFFFH amd he Unik, Hon ite Snatrniitene one Gebdted from “te ator "Pou fw le addrece range gy looo nto FFF EHH +5V ‘Scanned with CamSeanner fla. memory pi | ean daalx oud BN Eirvnadiste | ato dala memory or owe ak one woled amd used | \ \ Sosi Ke have 256 Pape q [12a @ te memory con to FH ts dodfedled \ rroqielir loanlt, @ir- Atetrecsobele- mommy Gand Coens omothen oy to Geteh he Tahara oor to | all Ue Srfuudions only Pores Memorny Pee Hs seanarto tue waked 4 “GUD, Dy Huis cone he meng be from cosor to J ExTeRWAL Feogram Memory RAM -shoes te tug We vowma a sue mieucondallen RAM, Tn tats 250 6 He ftast t addresses sess RAM also Kirn a6 oratelpad RAM - an ‘nee q Ram, ofiest 926 & bol to 1F# covvsiale a 32 al O52. Saline be 74 engi sine banks. ath folie on dae 2 She 4 banke sare ou Conk o, 2, Banko ond frank>, Fach bank costal oy 2 Eegislies named o% RKO- RF, Fach ccagistir eam be acllrecsecl Yn “ho tO ; App A, R2 = Add the value contained Ro te the ceenwmulalin| Stren R2 ‘happens to be mamon, lserlion ooh tn “ne RAM Crna , He fpllowing Snshmuslion Aronia dome ebfeek as sta olesve webruzlion” ADD A, O24. To address Te atc by ame, First Hee corr otperding ban, musk be delechrd. “piel dentin whlelr allows To She sosl Aupponts a Beeoce bk vositables 20H +o 2FH ae. bth addre able Vee ollon. Show. ele a melee epee "eats ft ‘Scanned with CamSeanner | | amd be adh ced Gnd ° A baib vootatle Com too wh a chmod dua oe SETB and choad wit, ®mmaond dueh of G@LR. Examples : SETS, 25H ~The oH teeglim 202 | ZLR gon = She 25H teslin cleans, | or laceomes 'O', Note unk wiubiosh fs celivally vibes Ynlzemal RAM | location 244), &® She So bylés veolGnnak preoong memory ove anvoiltele general ot code Caen to TAH) . She Pwxpose RAM com tot ame wang direct or “und? zee OAd ressing mode. Ercan pte 4 el?reet oddransing : MoV A, GA, => ride +e eombenls og CAH to ceeumulaler. | Airect address ing i MOV R81, HAH, reve. Prmedioll GAH to R41. MoV A, @RL. FPH og [OS oe, 0s o4 0d On o Cat) Set BPDLDS HD DDD Ramk- 0 - Bbent body Rank 2 & fons. J20H $0/ (GH 1H | 40H = eH o8- orn 00 - O¢4 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Jina eam fe from son to FH sna Cates), 3FRe een Ae ea able. Even +h 08 Ne ae ene to ser len used O86 om anuas SERS ee: Seed fundlimge gq “te goss. Nome oy te Ragistie itn adie | on geven. elon > Se Register oe - FO ; Aecumulaler FO é Rregrm Shale worel (Ps) bo Srikinndieph Poimtor (2° te Ports wagister CPD ee Tonternept Enable (E>) Ag | Port 2. ragislin CPD aa SCON a8. S6UF Ponts isle 0 | Hg cel qo. ~ rMoDd 4 -TLO BA | | TL 26 THO | i 25 ‘ 1) ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ann Anlelvess. a ee 7 Oparodrons Bke Addition, Subbrasbin , Mubttobiendt ole + —> legienl Opurcihrong Aike AND, eR, NoT ete. => Dak Tramsfer Opursdinns Carheen sosi ancl Extun Memerd) < s a —J i © 0 Oo 0 0 0 0 o> VAue onrniet | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner itn mele oud emnort oy the Logica! Opiredivons . St fe hte relerred to os “tw vegial. atone Slim te atl wide, only ewirg Hae ead tae ee ae Fred fragt - 4 e Dtetl | opuraeon 0 oo = Cvolun on Ruset Oo 6 Oo 0 oO [a] bb [es bh vs | be or] & | Addvess> OH Me ~ LSe aolled conditional Gr amaoes Hak Sd eye gl contin apy TE in ae | Swe LE pattem Sag ps ove then 209 _ PawT Cx, the a LI ° D | onan tne eo a weit f by tne Grchuitbim “seT Be” ond “ALR ¢ 5 ; Of there te Be 1S Dy cluniing anv ADD or S0O oper ais wk fs ach o feo 2b fe ebeoned. Pswe pews pswy psws PSW2 few! Rswo on S- addition wk fo Lor 0 ctredlly 2 tre Poole flag > | fee Re Bea. fa tae numoue og t's Pome aeettmulatiy wt Aly. af tM A" meal ammbalis an odd numlaer eqite tues fet, ond UA hes even number g ts then P20 ab yor Hae vresulk oy a Signed quando fe Ae Cadi al oe Eee pel — vi a ne A ‘Scanned with CamSeannet rls He 22 bik, She ow & acd 4 NI eros bn Sad | ontthenabie Se le ed may eA Rio, ton tam, snfelie > “ete BOS one wed fo abel He aan vagistin . Bank © is tie wegpalir bank, Repialee bark Rank 0 Ranlk | frank Rank 3 | | | | ht ond Psw 5 Buz ane aecral pocpase abel pag « aud — red by He Pitog kan mor ) . odd rose Space provided fer Pew ragishix is Dos Y ola. Poulin CoPTe- DPL andopH) + he dake potulir is a 6 Gir regislir amd fe fioaly tne | Corns nalion % PPL Cea potnlir low) amd pew Caala pow UP all She DalR Patni com be was? as a ralugle 16- | fslir Cox DPTR) or cho g wil aegislis Cas Det avd) » pew DETR doeswof Rove a huy>ieal Meum Addvecs but HS) DPL Clear bite q bere), ca DPH CrdlsPar ogee ay DPTA)| ad Powe dresses in the SFR De i | | DPL = o2 H and DPH= ee by te samarnon | Regphir % “salem csday “oe bonmal Cte omony ee RAM) [ow big] b13 Jo12 | bu [bo bq | be be] bs |B] by scuay DPH — i DPTR = 4 SSS ‘Scanned with CamSeanner trdleal tne work cola “fo be ascessed Shack Poli, is oo. 3- bik vregistir oma Gr gesof tHe ldele Poinlin 6 me WUT OFH. The Shack, foinlie eam le ests VSH, POP, CALL omd RET Ynahoualtons seks “ <— alaele,, 1, 2 Them aorddlong anew dala bk nls, tM OT Gain Fs conn aussmalizallfl Geremenlid Wy) ob clad fron oli, oat on addfess sP+t. oa addlece ‘Pp oma she dota is roheteved from ~ Ghat tne 8P ig deenontorled byt GP ig SAH. | se 0] ° of{o jo ti] edhe address 9 SP { Je Vodue vesel. is © MsB ad howe [Counters , 20/5 {The 8051 wigweentmter Have hoo 16 Gh Adimens /Cournlines auth | OS Timer 0 and Témert, The 16- bi 9 Helmer | counlins . ° be TH: and lever TLx, coherre x mm. wend one oe Thay 1, TH Fe"the Bigher bite and TLI Je the lower ogle , Similar dy THo Fs tee flip ] Timer 0 oud THO fe He levoer byte Lime O 5 Abnm a RE below ; tien . a TTT Tplnalye. Inte teeth. Solel Tet [Dis Dig | raj DI2j Duy: Dio} D4 | D8 [DE | de | De Dy D3 D2 DI’ Do | ab kk a $e | THo/t. Teme ofregiotes TH of Each timer ean bo. Pkogrammed 4o eount Mlaval ae p wink ontsival aloe io pulley eer tale Shee Wrers one used For | > Calewlaling lime cel. bebreon fro events a i nuuenteenr oY evorle > Gouorote baud wile for aval pails. - 7? Frequens ynenquemen > Pulse whicEln meotunemerl, fod? ‘Scanned with CamSeannet TAHOD restos Yo Dt de OF Dh pg v2 Dt ODD [Gate | €/t| ma no | ate c/t mt | mo © ——_. << “Veneers, Timed a ° Re GMOD or “Temer Made Ragtelin 5 used to ab -the used 45 Modis che “aor To and 7 she omer ae s Hath, one Contour Tha tmwro oud the igh 4 Goli +s Ry TRx 9 Teon vegislit fe sob nd ole = 1 rlémer /eountir v wu opercdie orly. hen INTX pin Page A Ferddare | forked. dohon Gar =0, Hor / Coulis will run onle X=1 fe i AY TRx=1 fe Aefteoare combi, & @/T> Gre C/F latk wm Toop weatelir fe used to talee, dechaton hell | “tre “limon is used ae a tenes or on county By a C/T =o Lb ts’ wed ac alk to geno dle ao Lime delay. | when e/a bk te wed ac a Veounlim. . M1 oud Mos Timer / Couniler ppomaling wmode’ Aaletlor bi Shs wih fs men cleaned ley pibgram to Aoleel rrrde. af = | Sealtal mi mo Fundlinns z) | Mode o | O [13 WF Aner vrede ' | THK aS @ wth ond TL oe BUT tine! eounlir | Mode 1] 0 1 Wie Gtk hemer - mde | | 0 ath auld reload timer/ tountix ride, | | | Medea} t- 5 i THX Arid a eounk value which i fo be reloaded info TLx oflir gach Ovarr flow. Modle @f 1. Splil Uimene rode. Thins 0% vad ae ge 8 GEL huang. Thr 1 court ow -tlming » TS m eed | ‘Scanned with CamScanner 7 ee. “4 ejent ox clop He tihay Contest or eon Regictir Re uagd 48 ONT Glande Hy “te gon Mieiotertrdller, 2, aléo v4 | {£0 [79] 51 «(DD aeons Aras oversloned- pepo i TF) [res [ro free [is D3 | [ | pI be | «DSH pot Ti soe Overtlery) TEI (Timer be ee ay by He AronadiQove. ashon “Umar oon sor vector Three 4 ovis lows 9 we 4 ovendlowss ae) bay Ahebneloane Oe ee [to the Swileermept prpusien, Heine + TRI > (Tne Zaeot Dew mvde) “Tron 4 neue earira’ ik: The Be cack 1° pdffinare phogreun So enable ~Mimon 1 +0 count. 2 fs clean fo © oy phegraw [TRO (tine zane owls) / [Timer © overflow at i ab dna Pordidare when Umar Counlir 0 ov Pa) ts Saendld vohen “te proecssor Voates to exconle Wlirrept rice Bae. TRO (Tha Kare Dan Mo de) [TEs O rume conba? Blk. & ie veh bo 4 ba nearer oe Dan) | io mabe bmn D to epunt. Bt fe clean to 6 by Dard te Rolk mer, 2 ed Prenat intcanp)- 1 C Caton Dun annupt 1) | Extzamal ee edge _ Sts % root to L eshen a Figh te » C-tne falling) Atnal “% veesived on port pin 3. at is” cleared “Data protecnon eae era eae EOGney aie & [Grdernapt 1 type corshe? bab, Sms bik ts aeb alg cared orld agg tO TEO > Eat ant Tntanupls anv, ° External IAleernpt i oe HB BL fs ach to 1 by program loud (fallug odge’ «i al. Ths fs act fo 0 ake te 8 Una Lael’ aigral on eelzvona) silent 1 geuuralt oe ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Trterapt ° conbinf Guest fo 4 by External telirrupt o > Timer 6 ® ~ Exteel Orierrupt — Teer 4 | ea port. a 4 Date: bean too enablad ondlly and Onell gulir os a Pee niece addyecs. faked Tilkevrupte eon ae Megrenramed for edge or level soneldivtty, : tubermpt Vectr Addvees. Trkerrupt Sour] Flag Veehor address. Bekernal Frkerupt 0} EO 0003H € INTO) - Temer 0 CT.) TRO 0o0BH Cxkernal Snbernupt TEL 6o13n There 4° CT) Te ponent Serial powt coxa en ora 0023" Trhery Cortes? ¥ iohig oe 7 AU Hee Enlerrupti Conhiold by cofhoane The tdiirrup| contenl x folie ore > ‘a “th — Pnberupt Lroble (TE) Kegiclir > Trberrupt Plortlg (£P) Regfelir > Timer Conte? Gofelie (Toon). ‘Scanned with CamSeanner | EA Global les 0 — disables all ilirrep ' 1 Prables oll Endfvelual Srirrupt aquest €5-5 Smabls or Afoable solal Edarrupt | o- VART Contvengal Aechinnes Ghestvor | rontntr) yn | com | 1 — VART eyslin enabls aun Slzrousp 2 fi) 3 Erabls or deables | ) — Tmo 1 counst 4 \ (Ho — Erabs or feeder a pea Cre) Rogier _ anto coment xoli om = enables or pibomnal Blirrupt O on the pin INTO. Atmos Enlipoupt. ouerale On fnlizerapt blip - Satpal Ontirrupt 0. ips emt it x1 Pro P20: oe et 1 " 7. Bebemnal Interrupt one ont he [ees teerag oO ° Pie no “ero Trpen 9 Bete | ad External Fekaonupt 1 «sf prtondlg, Leu LS | et z) ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ; ©, dekenuine Drlowusph Poly CD Regtst Fw eT ahh adda SRE plaid,
  • Timer o CTF) > Exkomal Dnlevrupt — Temr 1 © = Sental Porf. Exeailion of Palerrupt Assume ‘that ‘the misweerheoller is exceiiling the ana. fg coed the oxtermal inliioupt INTI geeuns, She 805! Se oe | the excedlton oy cunt fnahurtltn and rave pag rent taahl, ene cofool 9 couwlir CP¢) to Hue task. She ewvunk bobs gf ok He iceruph ie tue conten, TE magilir f aleo coved -to% tha clack, Sry 21 flag ts clfeabicsh | Se that owother INTI Boltreupt ill ae kuhi itil . Shon ne progam. eoumlir {s loaded votllr “the vealore doesn ogni] hich is the Prditimed address WT) Dhowfere tee neg. | Lxecclim Pros leon, roms rect to He mower tneabein dooisn A LIMP Ywahudhin %. Pregrammed at tee mewn loealion Conrsequontly » Hee Pkegrun “exesilion Gump to tno Vepeeiffod shelling cBlress 4 ‘Tnfernept Sow toate (Ise), The 25R fo cordliean, ay the programmer amd “Habs Auab program abl what eperdlion cot be ey ie INT teilerrugt | i Digit fg Leeuwen & the aon | . P1 —> 9oH p2 > AOH | | Ps — RoH \ ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Boch vik Sn SPRs eorresperclg to one phy at NY im Ane gosy Pet these Porot Keniahing ove bot. addressable aud Rage Addressalble. ~ Arneetbn toro oN Poref Regfetes Bur eotll tuck O45 an appropriate Volkan’ CSV amd ov) on “the eorredpendting pir. Ss 2 8b © powt Qi LeekSET Cdecloned os 1 He eorres— Ponds PowF pir will be conf Eqroecl as tnpubh and Shah a a powf buU- fe CLEARED Ccleclaned a 5) ab : “the eorvZapendi pork Pin & eonBiqevd as owlput, pen Recot al the Pook MLS are eres oat Arornen OU ne pork pin one confqeoecd ons iapulé. _ Po POF | Poe] Poe Por | Poa} Poo | Port fd. 2 BE Lbs | ws |b 6} |? | br | Be Addressee | Pht] ene [tT pie Jers] pia fr The bi fee [os | eh [ea{ bo | bi | up I Adres 295 92.7] Pt. | Pr! Po. | #2.5] 02.0 | pn) | Pow ~ in a be [or me ra = . * bo | Advese = Ap = PEF {PHL |P3.S~ | Pdy | P3.m |P3.2 | Pat | £3-0 Px ut bs | ox by | 63 [ez] &! | 60 | Auvecs = 65 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner me | sale 6 . neal Comvmuwiesdim “a omest adaly weed eller fe control from an ombbaAded micwprowssor, Ine eormuniealion b> that fre number aie compared to Hab Ue poral corms Avual commuuieslin > Synchnonous commuterlin. : Aaynchnonows Commusiexon. 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