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Grade Course Syllabus

Mrs. Little’s Pre K Class

Fall Semester 2022

Students in this class will receive age appropriate instruction that prepares them for a successful
transition to kindergarten. Teachers will work diligently with the students on social, emotional, and
academic needs.

Expectations and Goals

Children will:
● interact with their teachers and peers through adjusting to classroom routines,
following directions, developing independence, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.
● participate in classroom discussion and activities.

Behavior expectations:
● raise their hand and wait to be called on to speak.
● come to class on time and prepared to learn.

Teachers will:
● send home Quick Checks on the 2 days after assessing students.
● involve parents in their children’s education.
● respond to emails, ClassTags, and phone calls by the end of each day.

Grading Criteria:
Pre-K does not follow standard based grading. Students' progress or concerns will be discussed
with parents via phone call or conference. Any remediation will be given on an as needed basis.

Feedback is given to each student verbally throughout the day. Students may also receive stamps,
stickers, and smiley faces drawn directly on their work. Feedback will also be given via Quick
Checks that will go home 2 days after each assessment is completed.

● The Basic Skills Assessment for Kindergarten Readiness Assessment will be given at the
beginning and the end of the semester.
● Quick checks on covered material will be given every 2 weeks on Fridays.

Communication will be conducted between teacher and parent via ClassTag. Class Tag is a Free
Parent-Teacher Communication App that connects teachers and families with one easy-to-use app
for all their communication needs. Phone calls, emails are also welcomed. Requests for
conferences and face to face meetings will have to be scheduled.

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Course Schedule

Week Content Assessment Type Due Dates

Week 1 Pre-Assessment Basic Skills Assessment For Aug. 22 - Aug. 26
Kindergarten Readiness
Week 2 Letters SATIPN
Week 3 Parts of the book Pre-K Quick Check Sept. 9
Letter Review (week 2 and 3)
Week 4 Letters CKEHR
Week 5 Colors Pre-K Quick Check
Letter Review (week 4 and 5) Sept. 23
Week 6 Letters MDGO
Week 7 Numbers Pre-K Quick Check Oct. 7
Letter Review (week 2 thru 7)
Week 8 Letters LFBQU
Week 9 Shapes Pre-K Quick Check
Letter Review (week 8 and 9) Oct. 21
Week 10 Letters JZW
Week 11 Parts of the body Pre-K Quick Check
Letter Review (week 10 and 11) Nov. 4
Week 12 Letters VYX
Week 13 Patterns Pre-K Quick Check
Letter Review (week 8 thru 11) Nov. 18
Week 14 Thanksgiving Break
Week 15 Semester Review
Community Helpers
Week 16 Assessment Basic Skills Assessment for Dec. 5 - Dec. 9
Kindergarten Readiness
*Themes change weekly. Content is taught along with weekly topics/themes.

Major Assessments

Date Subject
Aug. 22 - Aug. 26 Basic Skills Assessment for Kindergarten Readiness
TBA Make-up day for Basic Skills Assessment
Dec. 5 - Dec. 9 Basic Skills Assessment for Kindergarten Readiness
TBA Make-up day for Basic Skills Assessment

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*All due dates are subject to change

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