Ss Lesson Plan 2 Jobs in Our Communities

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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Business and Education

Name: Nina Schmidt Grade/Level 1

Topic: Jobs in the community

PA Core or Academic Standard(s): (1 point) 6.5. Income, Profit, and Wealth

Big Idea(s): (1 point) Different jobs and roles of people in our community

Essential Questions: (1 point) What are some of the jobs people do in our community? What is their
purpose? Why do we need these jobs done?

Objective/Performance Expectation: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this
lesson? (1 point)
The students will identify different jobs of people in the community by acting out the roles they
are assigned and then creating a thank you card draft in their journals.


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special needs. Explain how you
will meet the needs of ALL learners (Differentiated Instruction). (2 points)
This is a first-grade classroom. It is composed of twenty-one students, eleven girls and
ten boys. Three of my students have IEPs. I will meet the needs of all learners by using
choice boards, reading buddies, and presenting the material through visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic means. I have two ELL learners and have them use the reading buddy system
to help as well as visual aids. They also have materials in both Spanish and English for
easier translations. I have two ADHD students and I provide movement breaks often and
kick bands as well as balance ball seats to accommodate them. I will meet the needs of
the students with IEPs by addressing and following the goals that are presented in their

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA Core/Academic Standards
(SAS). (1 point)
6.5. Income, Profit, and Wealth
6.5.1.B. Identify different jobs and the purpose of each

3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this lesson and explain
how it is manifested in the lesson. (2 points)

The theorist I chose to use for this lesson is Vygotsky. He says that cognitive development stems
from social interactions from guided learning within the Zone of Proximal Development as
children co-construct knowledge. They will be working cooperatively in groups to pretend to be
different community helpers. I will be the knowledgeable teacher guiding my students on
descriptions of the jobs and assisting them with help while creating their thank you cards.


4. Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little or no loss of
instructional time. (1 point)
Classroom procedures have been set in place since the beginning of the year. The students know
when they come in to hang their bags and coats on their hook and place any homework into the
bin on my desk. Then we meet on the carpet to socialize for a few minutes before our day begins.
The students know how to quietly line up and walk quietly down the hall. We use timers and
music so we can quickly transition to a new task so there is little to no loss of instructional time.

5. Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior management of student
behavior. (1 point)
In the beginning of the year, I had the students help me create an anchor chart with our
classroom rules. I have a noise control stop light that lets students know if they are too loud. I
also have a noise control poster with five levels of noise five being loud as a lion and one being
quiet as a mouse. I also use a classroom ticket system that the students get to cash in at the end of
the week for individual student rewards. Also, as a class we fill up a bucket with beads and then
when it is filled, we will have free play Friday or an ice cream party.

6. Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student achievement. (1 point)

To establish expectations, I will give detailed instructions and model a sample thank you note
before students write their own. I will walk around to help if needed and after I will collect their
journals to assess them to make sure they understood the lesson. We will use these later to send
to policemen, mailmen, nurses, and other essential workers in our communities.


List Materials Needed

 Book “Whose Hands Are These?” by Miranda Paul
 “People in Our Neighborhood” song You Tube
 Journals

 Pencils, crayons
 Dramatic play outfits (doctor, police, mailmen, firemen)
 KWL chart
 Butcher paper
 Anchor chart
7. Motivation Activities/Strategies: (1 point)
How will you generate interest or focus your lesson for the students?
To get my students motivated and excited for this lesson I will start asking them questions about
community helpers like firemen, police officers etc.... Then I will show a short 2/3-minute video
to generate their interest.

8. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies: (1 point)

How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or review previous lessons?
They will fill out a KWL chart about what they know already about community helpers and
what they want to know about them. Then I will read a book called “Whose Hands Are These” to
introduce our new topic.

9. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to engage the students in the
learning? What will students do to use and apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if
relevant)? How will you monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary.
(Please use bullets to sequence your lesson) (3 points)
 I will start the lesson off by asking my students some questions to see what they
know about jobs
 Does anyone know what a job is? I will call on a few students to see what they
 I will tell them that a teacher is a type of job and that I am part of the community
 I will ask them if they know what a community helper is?
 I will call on a few students to answer
 I will give feedback on their answers and tell them great job!
 I will handout a KWL chart and they will have two minutes to write down all the
things they know and want to know about community helpers
 I will call on students to discuss what they wrote down for the K and W part of
the chart and we will leave the L part blank until later
 I will tell them that a community helper is anyone that helps keep our community
functioning well. These are people like firemen, police officers, mailmen and
doctors among so many others. These people all work within our community to
help people and this is their job.
 I will then address their want to knows
 I will then play a short video called “People in our neighborhood” it is a song to
get them excited and learn more people who are community helpers
 After it is finished, I will call on a few students to tell me some of the jobs that
they heard and how they help the community

 After we are done discussing the video, I will show them the book “Whose Hands
Are These?”
 We are going to learn some more about community helpers and the jobs they do
to help people
 I will read the book stopping often to ask questions to see if they are engaged and
check for understanding
 When we are all finished, I will ask a few questions to see if they grasped the
 I will then divide them up into four groups
 They will each get a dress up costume of one of the four roles (doctor, fireman,
policeman, and mailman)
 I will have them work with their groups to write down on butcher paper all the
things their community helper does
 For example, the students in the doctor group will write down all the things they
learned and know about that job like take care of sick people and describe the
tools they might need for that job like thermometers, shots, medicine, and that
they work at a hospital.
 Each group will write down what their community helper does
 We will come back as a class to talk about what everyone wrote down
 I will then put their answers onto an anchor chart, so we have this as a reference
 Then I will have the students take turns pretending to be their community helpers
 I will have each group go to the carpet and pretend to be their community worker
until every group has a turn
 When they are finished, I will praise them for all their hard work and reinforce
them along the way
 I will then tell them to go back to their seat and that we will be finishing the L
part of our KWL chart
 I will give them a minute to do so
 Then I will call on a one or two students to answer what they learned
 I will tell them that now we are going to be writing a rough draft of a thank you
card to their community helper
 I will show them an example on the white board by modeling how to write the
thank you note and will be walking around to help guide them with their cards
 Then we will get out our journals and they will write a letter thanking the
community helper and drawing them a picture.
 I will collect these later to assess
 I will end my lesson by talking about what we learned today that firemen,
policemen, doctors are all apart of our community and work to help the people in
our community
 I will call on a few students to tell me what a doctor does and what a policeman
 I will ask if they have any questions
 I will then tell them to put their journals in the bin

 I will tell the students that at the end of the unit we will be choosing one of our
favorite community helpers and writing a thank you card to them and mailing
them together and that today was practice for the special day
 I will let them know that we will be continuing tomorrow with this lesson and will
be introducing more community helpers and their roles. I will tell them to clean
up and get ready for their special today which is art

10. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence (1 point)

How will you know if students grasped the material? What techniques/strategies will you
use to assess learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Identify what informal and/or formal
assessments you will use to monitor student learning. Also identify if this will be
formative or summative.
I will have the students create thank you cards which they will color and write in. We will
use these as practice because at the end of the unit we are going to make another one to
send to different essential workers in our communities. This is a formal formative
assessment that I will collect later.

11. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize this lesson and
preview the lesson that will follow? (2 points)

To bring my lesson to a close I will summarize the lesson. I will ask a few questions
about new vocabulary such as what a doctor does, a mail man and a police officer, etc..
and have the students ask a few questions. I will tell them that tomorrow we will be
continuing with our jobs in our community’s lesson for this week. I will be introducing
new community helpers. We will now be getting ready to head to today’s special which is

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