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Start of the Session

Good morning Trainees I am Juanito N. Mangaoang your trainer for DomRac

Welcome to the Aklan State University Training Center
To start with our today’s activity. May I call on Raymond Briones to lead the
prayer AMEN!
Benjie can you give the recap of our lesson yesterday. Thank you Benjie
Rose May can you lead the trainees for an energizer. Thank you Rose May

Let me first check your attendance before we go on to our training

1. Auto, Michael N.
2. Briones, Raymond T.
3. Cahilig, Genard S.
4. Campo, Rose May T.
5. Gegato, Niña C.
6. Olid Benjie C.
7. Torcuator, Danilo B.
8. Tropa, John T.

Very good you are all present!

Raymond, Benjie and Rose proceed to the learning resource area

(LRA). In this area you are going to read the information sheet 3.1-1
troubleshooting and repair domestic refrigeration and air-conditioning
(DomRac) system.
After reading, answer self check 3.1-1.
After answering compare your answer to the answer key.
I will give you 1 ½ hour to do the task, time now is 8:00 am you will
end at exactly 9:30 am, any questions, clarifications and reactions. If none
here’s your Competency Base Learning Materials (CBLM), start reading now.
I’ll be back at 9:30.

After 1 1/2 hour

Back to the Contextual Learning Area

Welcome again RAC trainees in the Contextual Learning Area (CLA)

This morning I am going to conduct an orientation regarding the

Competency Base Training. I am JUANITO N. MANGAOANG, your trainer in
Domestic and Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (DomRac) Systems
Welcome to the Aklan State University-Teacher Education Center!

Power Point:
Goals and Objectives:

Let us now proceed to our discussion of CBT


Ideal Area

1. Learning Resource Area – This provides knowledge requirements

-Read on CBLM and information Sheet
2. Contextual Learning Area-Conduct Orientation and provide underpinning
-Knowledge on science, math & communication (Basic Subjects)
3. Practical Work Area-Learner acquire skills and knowledge
On what you from learning resource area.
4. Institutional Assessment Area- Conducting an assessment
-If the trainee were able to comply the requirements. Whether the trainee is
competent or not yet competent for a certain learning outcome or
5. Trainer resource Area Center-This is your office/area of a trainer, it could
be seen inside are training regulation, and curriculum examples.
6. Computer Laboratory- Computer were available, for watching video
presentation and gain knowledge on IT competencies.
7. Distance Learning Area- In this area provides provision outside the
training institution.
8. Quality Control Area- It maintains the efficiency of facilities and
equipment-base on industry standards.
9. Support Service Area- Value adding competencies (Computers, equipment
or technicians, janitorial services

After the Orientation

That’s the end of our orientation any question verification, clarification? If

none, you are now dismissed, you can relax, review your notes and be back
tomorrow at 8:00 AM for the start of your training.

In the Learning Resource Area

Are you done trainees

Did you read your information sheet and did you answer it? That’s good!
Now let us compare your answers to the answer sheet, Very well! You all got
the perfect answer.

Trainees let us now proceed to the Practical work Area. Welcome to the
practical work area. In this area. I will demonstrate on how to PLAN,

Before we go on to the demonstration here are the different; tools,

equipment and materials to be used .
Are you now familiar with the tools, equipment and materials used in plan
and prepare for troubleshooting and repair.

Now let us go to procedures:

1. Trace and interpret the wiring diagrams, charts and manuals of the
2. Identify the tools. Materials and equipment
3. Select tools, materials and equipments used in troubleshooting

Can you follow class! Yes sir!

Any questions and clarifications regarding the demonstration

If none, you can perform the demonstration

Ok each of you will be given task .It is now 10:30 you have one hour after 1
hour I will check your performance.

Ok you may now start working with your task

It’s now 11:30 did you finish your task! Ok very good, you can now have
your lunch and be back at 1:00 PM

PM- Institutional Assessment Area

Good afternoon trainees! Welcome to the institutional Assessment Area.

In this area I will conduct institutional assessment

Here are the tools, Materials, equipment and air-condition units, I will
allow you to demonstrate the procedures in plan prepare for troubleshooting
and repair of AC units, I will be observing while you are demonstrating.

Assessment plan will be used in the demonstration checklist with oral

questioning and written test.

Time now is 1:00 you will finish the task at exactly 2:30. Begin now the

Are you done trainees! Its now 2:30 time is up!

I have here the questionnaire, you are going to answer for 30 minutes it’s
now 2:30 PM finish the written exam at Exactly 3:00 PM ok start now
answering the exam. Are you done trainees!

Its now 3:00, time is up passed your paper.

Mr. Briones sit here in my front, I have a question for you.

what is the first procedure in Plan, prepare for troubleshooting and repair of
air-condition units, Good Answer,

Another question,

can you now state the procedures in troubleshooting?

Ok you are Very good in demonstration

Mr. Briones only one comment I have for you,

if possible arrange your tools first before you proceed to demonstration so
that you can easily pick them up when you need them,

Congratulations you are now competent for L.O. 3.1-1 of plan, pepare for
troubleshooting and repair of AC units.

I will now check your progress chart so that you can proceed to next L.O.

Let us now proceed to Contextual Learning Area for the session evaluation.

Welcome to the contextual learning area,

here I am going to conduct session evaluation,

I have here with me the session evaluation form,

you will be given one by one, then evaluate my performance as your trainer
in Domestic Refrigeration and Air-Condition (DomRac) Units and our
training center too.

Are you done trainees!

Ok pass now your evaluation form, that’s all for today. Return tomorrow at
8:00 o’clock AM for our next training. Goodbye and God bless us.

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