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Welcome to Yokai Quest

Yokai Quest is a game where players lead a group of heroes who must face a multitude
of enemies and dangers.
The main enemies of the heroes are the Yokai, mythological creatures from Japanese
folklore. Each Yokai has its own distinctive traits and abilities, from the evil Oni, to the
funny Tengu, to the prankster Tanuki. But they are not the only enemies the heroes
must face, the world of Yokai hides a multitude of hidden dangers.
Throughout the campaign, the players will follow the plot of a story that will take them
through different scenarios, where they will have to face all kinds of challenges. After
each scenario, win or lose, the plot will continue until the story is complete.
Yokai quest has been designed with simplicity in mind, so that anyone, of any age group
and knowledge, can play yokai quest after just one reading of this rulebook.

But let’s not waste anymore time! We know you are itching to start, so let us go right
into the world of Yokai Quest.

Ramper Design and Zenit Miniatures want to thank all the backers that
made possible this game.
Thanks for relying on us once more.
New game rules: Ramon J. Perez Muñoz (Ramper Design)
Development: Joan Ferragut Barcelo
Revision: Daniel Domingo, Catalina Llull, Philipp Lesmana and GPdMG
Illustration: Vicent Gisbert Cardona @vigiscar
3D Design: Eugenia Suarez
Production and Logistic: Zenit Miniatures
Layout: Ramon J. Perez Muñoz
Translation: Philipp Lesmana and Ramón Pérez
Testing new edition: Francesc Marí, Pau Pérez Llull, Corneja, Loboferreo, Artyom, Dhanae, Faqman
and Pere Antoni Perez

2 Thanks: Mauro Guidolin and Philipp Lesmana

Introduction - 4 Icons on the cards- 26
Components - 6 Icons Explanations - 28
Preparing the game- 8 Effects - 29
States - 30
Game rules - 10 Skill List - 31
1st phase: Heroes phase - 11
Hero Actions - 12 Unique skills - 34
The Square - 12 Items - 39
Line of Sight - 13 Obtaining items - 43
Action: Move - 14 Pets - 43
Action: Basic attack - 15 Yokais - 44
Dice Throw - 15 Yokai intelligence - 51
Health - 16
Action: use skills - 17 Scenario elements - 54
Action: Interact - 17 Game Boards - 54
Remove Tokens - 17 Terrain elements - 54
2nd phase: Yokais phase - 18 Spawn Area - 55
3rd phase: Adventure phase - 20 Treasures - 56
Yokai appear - 20 Story tokens - 56
Take a Breather - 21 Turn counter - 56
Scenario events - 22 Yokais List - 57
Move turn counter - 22 Yokai spawn deck - 58
Hero boards - 22 Difficulty level - 58
Little heroes way - 59
Skills - 23 Yokais substitution - 60
Skill cards - 23 Introductory Scenarios - 57
Skill cost - 24
Starting skills - 24
Skill types - 25
Incompatible Skills- 25

Tora Region
Having been invaded by mythological creatures known as the Yokais, terrif-
ying demons and ghosts now roams the roads and towns of the area.
There have been many attempts to free the population from this terrible
evil. But after so many failures, it seems that the people of Tora region
have been left to their own devices.
In a last desperate attempt, a group of heroes make their way to Tora
region to defeat evil and become legendary heroes.
Will they be able to defeat the Yokais?
Will they survive the challenges that lie ahead?
The success of this great adventure depends on you.
Before we begin, be sure you have all the required components to play the game.
These are included in the core box as well as in the expansion box.

Yokai Quest core box content

5x red.
170x Playing Cards 5x blue.
1x Rules book*

2x token punch boards

6x Heroes boards 8x Game boards.

Miniatures: 6 Heroes (Grey) & 48 Yokais (Purple).

1x Hero: Katsu 2x Yoroi
1x Hero: Ryo 2x Obake Dono
1x Hero: Haruma 8x Akatsume Ninja
1x Hero: Ami 8x Furu Utsubo
1x Hero: Sai 8x Hone Bushi
1x Hero: Takako 6x Obake
1x Tengu (Boss) 6x Yurei
1x Akatsume´s Leader (Boss) 6x Shikigami Inu
*This rulebook replaces the original Kickstarter V.1 Rulebook.

Oni Invasion expansion content

1x token punch board

50x Playing Cards

1x Rules book*

4x Game boards 2x Heroes boards

Miniatures : 2 Heroes, 2 Pets (Grey) and 20 Yokais (red)

1x Hero: Masaki (Shinobi) 2x Aramusha Oni.
1x Hero: Satomi (Shinobi) 8x Aka Oni.
2x Hero´s Pet: Baku. 8x Ao Oni.
1x Oni´s Leader(Boss).
1x Dark Champion Oni (Boss).

Mystic Forest expansion content

1x token punch board

50x Playing Cards

1x Rules book*

4x Game boards 2x Heroes boards

Miniatures: 2 Heroes, 2 Pets (Grey) and 20 Yokais (Green).
1x Hero: Nobu (Bushi) 2x Forest Guard
1x Hero: Midori (Sennin) 8x Kamaitachi
2x Hero´s Pet: Tanuki 8x Tokon
1x Kami from the Mystic Forest (Boss)
1x Dark Champion (Jefe)
*This rulebook replaces the original Kickstarter V.1 Rulebook.

Preparing the game
In order to grasp an idea of how to use all the components, please read the rulebook in
its entirety prior to preparing and beginning your first game.

Picking a hero
Yokai Quest is designed for 1 to 4 players. Depending on the number of players, the
scenario difficulty is adjusted to offer a challenge that is as balanced and interesting
as possible. To begin a game of Yokai Quest, each player chooses a hero.
If you are continuing on a campaign, you must choose the hero you played last.
If you are starting a campaign or playing a solo scenario, then you can choose any
Each player must also take their hero’s miniature, hero board, their 5 skill cards, 4
energy tokens, a handful of recharge tokens and other effect and states tokens they
may need.

Single player-solitaire mode

The game has been designed and tested for 2 to 4 heroes. If you’d like to play solo,
simply pick 2 heroes and use the levels and rules accordingly.

Common components
Place common components such as dice, energy deck, yokai spawn deck, treasu­res,
and the remaining tokens, within reach of all players.

Preparing the scenario

If this is your first time playing, we recommend that you play the tutorial scenario
“Let’s practice a little” on page 61.
Once the tutorial game has been played, there are two types of game modes:
1. Campaign: to play the Campaign consult the campaign book.
2. Free mission: you can play any scenario included in this book to play without any
relation to the campaign.
You can find the individual scenarios on page 61.

You can optionally play any scenario in the campaign book independently, but we
only recommend this once you’ve completed the story.

Place the game components as indicated by the selected scenario. An example of a

prepared scenario is shown below.

Everything is now ready for our game of Yokai Quest. Next, we will delve further
into the gameplay rules.

Game rules
We are now ready to play! The mechanics of Yokai Quest is very simple. In this section
we shall explain how the game works in general, how to move and attack, and how to
interact with elements of the board. Before we start, we’d like to explain two important

Yokai Quest does not use a clock. In Yokai Quest, Turns are used to measure game
time. Each turn is divided into phases. When a scenario indicates that it has a cer-
tain amount of Turns, it means that the scenario will end as soon as the last phase
of the indicated turn is completed.

Each turn is divided in three phases, which is further divided into multiple steps,
according to an established order :
1ST- Heroes phase:
During this phase the heroes make their actions.
2ND- Yokais phase:
Yokais act.
3RD- Adventure phase:
In this phase the players will advance the turn counter, remove recharge tokens,
add more Yokais to the board and apply any story elements as required by the
More on this phase on page 20.

As soon as the three phases are completed,

the turn ends. The game then proceeds
to pass on to the next turn and so forth,
until the final turn of a Scenario.

The following section will explain the phases

in further details.

1st: Heroes phase
The Heroes phase is the most important phase, one where players decide on their
strategy when confronting the Yokais in order to achieve the Scenario goals.
Each Hero phase has to follow the three steps below, in order.
All of the heroes replenish their Energy. Each player
takes a card from the Energy deck and adds the
quantity of energy tokens revealed, to their hero’s
energy reserve on their hero board. Note that the
energy token is double-sided; one side shows 1 ener-
gy symbol, while the opposite side shows 2 energy
symbols. The maximum energy a hero can obtain is 8.

NOTE : A few Energy cards have extra icons at the

bottom that can be used in game when playing with
your little heroes (young kids). More on this mode on
page 59.


The players decide the order in which the heroes activate. On activation, a hero
may perform up to two actions. The active hero must complete their two actions
before the next hero activates.
A hero’s skill can only be used during his or her activation, whether or not an
action is required for it to be used.


Once the active hero completes their two actions, the
player removes states tokens he may have on his hero

More on states tokens on page 30

Hero Actions
During their activation, a hero may choose 2 out of 4 possible actions.
MOVE: This action allows the hero to move around the board.
BASIC ATTACK: An attack using the basic hero weapon.
SKILL USE: Certain skills may require an action in order to be used.
INTERACTION: Use this action to gather objects, talk to other game characters,
boost influence, etc.
Actions may be combined and repeated. Once a hero has carried out their two ac-
tions, their activation ends and the next player activation starts - until every player
has carried out their actions.

The Square
Before we delve into the Hero actions, it is important to understand the concept of
Square and Line of Sight.
Yokai Quest scenarios are played on game boards divided into squares. Heroes and
Yokais miniatures are placed in the squares; some large sized miniature may take
up multiple squares. No two miniatures can ever occupy the same square at the
same time.
Squares are always counted orthogonally when moving or attacking - diagonal
movements and attacks are not allowed. Note that the orientation of the miniature
placed on the board does not matter: the miniature may move and or attack in any
orthogonal direction as long as they have actions available, and there are no terrain
or other elements blocking their way.
Special terrain elements and other board elements are described further on page

Line of Sight
Now that you understand the concept of Squares and how to count them, it is time
to introduce the concept of Line of Sight.
In order to perform a Basic Attack against a Yokai, a hero must have Line of Sight
to the Yokai. In order to verify a Line of Sight between two miniatures A and B,
you must be able to draw a straight line from any part of a square occupied by
miniature A, to any part of a square occupied by miniature B, without coming into
contact with any part of a square occupied by a third miniature C or other Line of
Sight blocking terrain elements.

Note 1: Shrubs do not interfere with Line of Sight.
Note 2: Special Skills area of attack is depicted on the Special Skill card, and is
not affected by Line of Sight.

Below are some examples:

Haruma is facing a Yokai horde. Haruma has a Basic Attack distance of 6 (Refer
to Haruma hero board). Let us examine which of these Yokais can be attacked by
Haruma using his Basic Attack.

1. A straight line can be drawn from one of of Haruma’s Square edges to one of the
1st Yokai Square edge, and so, there is Line of Sight (see blue line).

2. A straight line can not be drawn

from Haruma’s square to the 2nd
Yokai’s square without touching the
Lamp post square, and so, there is no
Line of Sight.
3. In this case, there is Line of
Sight between Haruma and the Ninja
Akatsune. However, there is no line
of sight between Haruma and the 3rd
Yokai Hone Bushi as any line drawn
from Haruma’s square towards the
Hone Bushi’s square will touch the
Ninja Akatsune’s square.
4. A straight line can be drawn from
Haruma’s square to the 4th Yokai’s
square, as such, there is Line of
Note : Shrubs do not interfere with
Line of Sight.
5- Remember that line of sight may starts from any point of the square, not neces-
sarily from the edges.
6- In this example you could not draw the vision line against Ninja Akatsune, as he
is covered with two Hone Bushi.

Action: Move
This action is used to move the Hero around the board. The maximum number of
squares each hero may move is indicated on his Hero board.
In addition, the hero can decide how to spend their allowable
movement allotment during their activation.
For example: if a hero with 4 maximum square movement performs the move
action, he can move 2 squares, perform the other action and then move the 2
remaining squares.
During a hero’s movement, the other heroes do not impede his movement, but you
cannot finish his movement on a square occupied by another miniature (Yokais also
do not impede the movement of other Yokais).
Keep in mind that a hero may only perform orthogonal movement; diagonal move-
ment is not allowed.
When you move you must take into account any terrain elements, as well as special
board squares with coloured outlines (Red, Green and Blue).
Red squares: This area of the board is blocked; a hero may not move through these
Blue squares: Leaving these squares costs double. If you don’t have enough move-
ment left, you cannot leave the blue square.
Important : A square adjacent to a Yokai is considered a blue square. This means,
moving out from a square adjacent to a Yokai will cost a hero 2 points of move-
This effect is not cumulative with any other effects on special square (if any).
Green squares: Same as the blue squares for movement purposes, but in this case
if a hero is on a green square in the adventure phase he receives a wound.
Sai can still move 3 squares. He can move to
any of the highlighted squares. As shown in this
example, Sai can move through Takako. Sai can
also cross the Green Squares (this movement
cost 2 points of movement), but he is unable to
pass through a Yokai.

The number of squares that a yokai can move and their direction is determined by
their behavior pattern. The yokai can pass through other yokais, however, unless
otherwise indicated, a yokai’s movement is affected by the heroes and by the
Action: Basic Attack
This action is used to attack using a Hero’s basic weapon. The attack range and
type of dice required is indicated on the Hero board.
Here is an example of the
attack range and required dice
for Haruma’s Basic attack.
When selecting an enemy to attack using your Basic attack, keep in mind your
hero’s attack range as well as the yokai’s distance from your hero, as explained in
the section “Square” on page 12.

Tanako is situated near 4 Hone

Bushi. Tanako’s attack range is
2, and so one of the Hone Bushi
is out of Tanako’s attack range.

Once you have determined the target yokai within your attack range, you will exe-
cute the attack by throwing the specified dice. Remember that the number of dice
used may be altered by special skills or other conditions.
Next, we will see how dice works in Yokai Quest.

Dice Throw
The success of an attack, defense, or skill use is determined by dice throw.
There are two types of dice : Blue and Red. Both types of dice are 6-sided, with
the only difference between them is the type of symbol showed on each.

Blue dice have 4 faces with helmet, and 2 with katana.

Red dice have 4 faces with katana, and 2 with helmet. .
Katanas Helmet

The number and type of dice thrown during an attack is determined by the Attack
Dice Combination shown on the Hero board or the Special Skills card. During an at-
tack, the number of Katanas represents the number of successful attacks.
DEFENSE In the example shown below, there is
The miniature attacked (either a Hero or a yokai) only 1 Katana. This means, there was
must attempt to defend themselves. The number only 1 successful attack.
and type of dice thrown during a hero’s defense is
determined by the Defense Dice Combination shown
on the Hero board. The number and type of dice
used during a yokai’s defense is shown on their
description. (Starting from page 44).
During a defense, each helmet represents a suc- Unless defended successfully against,
cessful defense against 1 successful attack. each successful attack reduces a
miniature’s HP by 1.
Successful attacks reduces the health of the target miniature.
Remember that each Katana result of the Attack Dice Combination represents a suc-
cessful attack, however at the same time each Helmet result of the Defense Dice com-
bination represents a successful Defense that negates one of the successful attacks.
Remaining undefended Successful Attacks reduces one health token from the target
Health tokens: The red tokens are used to represent
hero health and the purple ones the Yokais.

The initial amount of health a Hero start with is indicated on the hero board. At the be-
ginning of the game, you must place as many health token as indicated on their board.
A hero can not exceed their initial health for any reason.
In the case of the Yokais, the number of health point each yokai has is reflected in the
description of the yokai (starting from page 44).
In the case of Yokais with low health, it is more easy to put the health tokens when you
inflict damage on them.
When a miniature loses all health tokens, this miniature is removed from the game.
Haruma has 6 health tokens at the start of the sce-
nario. If all of them are lost, Haruma is knocked out.
Remove Haruma’s miniature from the game.
Action: Using skills
In order for a hero to activate a skill that
contains the Action symbol, the player must
perform this action.
More on Skills : Page 23.
Action Symbol
Some skills may not have the Action
symbol. In this case, a hero can activate
as many of them as he/she wants, as
long as there are no recharge tokens on
it. More on recharge tokens : Pages 21
and 23. A hero’s skill can only be used
during their activation, whether or not
they require an action to be used. Example of skills that require
an action to activate.

Action: Interact
This action allows the heroes to interact with scenario or terrain elements.

Treasures: The most common use of the Interact action is to pick up the treasure
tokens placed on the board by the particular scenario. The hero must be on the
same square as the treasure token to pick a treasure up using the Interact action.
Board Interaction: Some scenarios may require the hero to perform the action
Interact in order for the hero to advance the story These may include things such
as, moving a lever, opening a door, talking to an NPC...

Remove Tokens
At the end of the hero phase, the player removes any states tokens he may have
on his hero board.
We have now reviewed all of the actions available to the heroes. Next, we’ll move
on to the 2nd Phase: Yokai phase.

2nd Phase: Yokais phase
In Yokai Quest the enemies of the heroes are the Yokai. The term Yokai can be
translated as “monster” or “ghost”. In the game, Yokai represents a wide range of
Common Yokais such as the Hone Bushi, Obake or Yurei appear frequently in the
game and can be easily defeated.
But there are also more dangerous Yokais. Some are formidable enemies, with
more stamina, more attack power, and have more complex behavior patterns. On
page 44, you can find the list of Yokais, their characteristics and some special
rules related to their behavior.


All Yokais Are Busy. During this step, all Yokais on the board are activated. You
must always activate the Yokai closest to a hero first. In case there is more than
one Yokai at the same distance to the hero, the players decide which of the Yokais
is activated first.

Each Yokai miniature has its own characteristics as described on page: 44
Name and portrait: these are used to identify the different yokai.
Health: Like heroes, when their HP reaches 0, the Yokai is removed from the
game. It is not necessary to place a Wound token on a yokai with an HP of 1. As
soon as a Yokai with 1 HP receives a successful attack that they failed to defend
against, they are removed from the game board.
Defense: these are the defense dice combination that the Yokai
roll to defend themselves from an attack .
Behavior pattern: this determines how the Yokai acts.


During the Yokai phase, when activating a
Yokai, you must follow their behavior pattern
as described further on the next page.

When activating a Yokai, you must follow their behavior pattern. Behavior patterns
are made up of the following parts:
Green circles: These denotes the beginning and end of the
yokai behaviour pattern. You must start with the green circle
with the word “Start” and follow the arrows to the green circle
with the word “End”.

Black arrows: show the way forward in the pattern.

Blue diamonds: These are decision points. They will always

include a text with either a question or a process to be carried
out, such as “Hero within 1-2 squares?” or “Roll two blue
dice.” Follow the arrow with the correct answer.

Red rectangles: represents a Yokai action. Within the descrip-

tion you can find the details of how you must act to carry out
the action.

In short: start at the green circle marked “Start” and follow the black arrows.
When you get to a blue diamond, solve the question or roll the dice and follow the
arrow depending on the result. When you reach a red rectangle, the Yokai will
carry out the action indicated in the description.
Continue with the corresponding black arrows until you reach the green circle
marked “End”, at which point the Yokai activation ends.

Behaviour example of a
Hone Bushi

2. When a yokai completes its activation, remove all states tokens on it.
Once all yokais have been activated, proceed to the next phase.
3rd Phase: Adventure Phase
In this phase the players must carry out the following steps, always in the same
Yokai Spawn: Spawn more Yokais to join the fight.
Take a Breather: Heroes remove recharge tokens.
Scenario Events: Specific events during the scenario will be applied here.
Move turn counter: the turn ends and the next one begins.

1.- Yokais Spawn

As a general rule, new Yokais will spawn in every turn.
Unless otherwise stated, during this step you must draw a spawn card for each
Yokais spawn point on the board.
If the spawn deck runs out, shuffle it and place it next to the board to continue
drawing cards.
Note: Some scenario may have special rules regarding yokai appearances. Some
Yokai may spawn during other phases of the turn, or not at all. In these cases,
follow the special scenario rules.
Card number: this number is used to crea- Card number
te the spawn deck. The description of the
scenario indicates which cards is included in Spawn
the relevant spawn deck. Level
Spawn level: Choose the spawn level that Type and
correlates to the number of heroes and the quantity of
difficulty level (see page 58) yokais
Type and quantity: This indicates which
Yokais spawn and how many.
Once the amount and type of Yokais that spawn in a spawning area
have been determined, you must deploy them on it.
Start with the two boxes in the same spawn area and fill in the
squares as indicated in the image to the left.
If multiple types of Yokai spawn in the area, players can place them
however they want in the order indicated on the image.
Players only need to spawn Yokais if the relevant Yokai miniature is available
during the Yokai Spawn phase.
For example: a spawn card calls for 3 Hone Bushi, but there are only 2 Hone
Bushi miniatures left in the box. Only those 2 spawn.
If more Hone Bushi becomes available during the course of the game, these can be
spawned during the next Yokai Spawn phase (if the spawn card calls for them).

2.- Take a breather

This phase consists of two parts: Remove recharge tokens and reorder hero inven-
In this step, each Hero skill that is currently recharging is
given one charge.
If the token has two X markers, turn it over.
If the token only has one X marker, remove it from the skill.
How to place recharge tokens on a skill is explained on page
Force recharge:
You can use your available energy token to recharge. For
each energy token you remove from the hero board, give 1
charge value to one of the Hero’s skill.
In this step, any trinkets and spells currently placed in the Hero’s board may be
swapped out with the one in the Hero’s inventory.

Some skills or items grant temporary buffs to heroes. These benefits end at this

All game effects end during this step (Come to me !, magic barrier, etc.)

3.- Scenario Events
Some scenarios may indicate story elements to be applied during specific turns. It
is at this specific point when it must be applied.
The scenario will further describe how the players should proceed. Scenario Events
steps are marked in the Game Preparation stage as Altars.
For a visual example, see Turn Counter section on page 56!

4.- Move turn counters

Now the players must move the turn counter by one square.
An edge of the game board is used as a turn counter, where it is assumed that
there will be no action.

More on this on page 56.

Hero Boards
Hero board is a very important part of Yokai Quest. Please refer to the image
below in order to review how the Hero board is used.
Attack Dice Defense Dice Health
Name Combination Combination
Health Movement Range Tokens


Spell Trinkets Skills

Having reviewed all the rules related to the game, we are now going to review all
the cards included with Yokai Quest.

Skills Cards
Skills are the Yokai Quest heroes’ special abilities. There are two types of skills :
Class Skills and Unique Skills. Yokai Quest heroes are able to purchase new skills
as the story unfolds during the campaign.
Let’s review the components of a skill card:
Portrait: This shows which hero this skill belongs to.

Illustration: Represent the card´s effect.

Name: This is the Skills’s name.

Activation Cost: The cost to activate this skill.

Energy tokens that you need to discard
to activate the skill.
More on Energy tokens : Page 11.

Recharge tokens that must be placed on

the skill when using it. A skill cannot be
Skill Effects: The effect of the used if it has any recharge tokens on it.
skill is described using symbols. More on recharging : Page 21.
More on these symbols can be If this symbol appears an action is
found on page 26. needed to use the skill.

IMPORTANT: A hero cannot benefit from two skills that increase his attack and /
or distance dice at the same time. In case it happens he must choose which of the
different effects he is going to apply.
Skills Cost
As the heroes progress through the campaign, they earn victory points.
Before starting a scenario, a player can spend victory points obtained in previous
games to purchase new skills.

Note: When a skill is removed from a hero board, any victory points already spent
on that skill is regained by the player.
For example: A player who obtained 1 victory point in the last scenario is preparing
to start a new scenario. The player discards from his hero board a skill with a cost
of 3 victory points. The player now has a total of 4 available victory points to be
used towards acquiring a new skill.

For a list of skill purchase cost, please refer to the skill descriptions on page 31-
38. The purchase cost of each skill is located inside parentheses next to the name
of each skill.
For more on Victory points, please refer to campaign book.

Starting Skills
Every Yokai Quest hero has at least 3 starting skills (2 class skills and 1 unique
skill). These starting skills has a purchase cost of 0. Refer to the heroes’ descrip-
tion to find out more about these starting skills.
Below is a quick summary of each Hero’s starting skills, and which core or expan-
sion box the hero belongs to.
Takako: Inseki, Okora Seru and Masayoshinaru Chikara no Senshi.
Ryo: Inseki, Okora Seru and Kpoukan.
Sai: Kakushi, Makibishi and Barettotaimu.
Haruma: Kakushi, Makibishi and Ten Kakeru Yumizukai.
Katsu: Seki, Chiute and Kakutou-Ou.
Ami: Seki, Chiute and Fubuki no Majo.
Satomi: Kakushi, Makibishi and Tsuki.
Masaki: Kakushi, Makibishi and Onami.
Nobuo: Inseki, Okora Seru, Uchiotoshi Waza and Ame no Tajikararo,
Midori: Seki, Chiute and Mori no Kage.

The Neko brothers’ miniatures can be used in single scenarios to replace any Bushi
(Yuji-warrior) or Sennin (Yoichi-monk).
However, as the Neko brothers are part of the campaign story, they should not be
used during the campaign.

Skill Types
Each hero has 5 skill cards with 1 skill on each side, for a total of 10 available
skills. These skills are divided into two types: Class Skills and Unique Skills.

In Yokai Quest, each hero belongs to one of 3 classes.
Bushi: tough, front line warriors. They have a good reserve of health and are dan-
gerous in short distances.
Shinobi: specialists in distance fighting. They are highly mobile and employ many
tricks to confuse the Yõkai.
Sennin - Powerful ancient powers users. Sennins use their powers to punish their
enemies and help their allies.

Each hero has two cards that represent four skills that are unique to that hero.

Incompatible Skills
Each skill cards have 2 skills, one on each side. These two skills are incompatible
with each other : A hero can only have 1 of these 2 skills at any given time, but
never both at the same time.
If you purchase a new skill which is on the other side of a skill that you already
have on your hero board, when you turn the card over you lose the skill you had
and recover the purchase cost victory points for that skill (if applicable).

For example: These Hero Ami skills (Kami

no ibuki and Fubuki No Majo) are on the
same card, so Ami can only have one of
them at any given time on her hero board.

Icons on the Cards
Below are all the icons you may find on Yokai Quest game cards:



Uses a hero action Recharge Token Energy token Discard after use
for its activation


Hero health is Hero energy is Recharge tokens are

affected affected affected

Treasure tokens is Attack rolls is affected, Defense roll is affected

affected not the skills

Hero Range/Attack distance Hero movement altered Performs a straight dash ignoring
is altered all obstacles, special squares and
miniatures. (Note: Movement may
not finish on these squares)


Hero who used the skill Another hero at any The hero who used the All heroes at any
or object distance skill or an allied hero at any distance

To a Yokai at hero To all Yokais at hero To all Yokais and Replace the basic attack with
attack distance attack distance heroes on the indicated the indicated attack dice
(range) (range) squares combination. Additionally, this
allows the player to reroll the
dice result once.

Add or increase a value Quantity Helmet results Katanas results

Deduct or reduce a Red dice Blue dice



Place a magic barrier Locate a trap Hero becomes invisible Hero obtains effect
within range of the hero Get Over Here!

Resurrect a hero. The resurrected hero Unleash an attack with the

is placed on an adjacent empty square indicated dice.
The target receives a
with 2 health tokens.
paralysis token

Icons Explanation
Effect Distance: When a skill affects one or more Yokais, you must
take into account the hero’s attack range, indicated on his hero board.
The skill will only affect Yokais at that distance.
On the other hand, buff skills that affect other heroes have no distance limit, and
will affect any hero regardless of distance or line of sight.

Effect Squares and Friendly Fire:

When a skill affects one or more squares on the game board, you must treat each
yokai on these squares as an independent, separate target. Separate attack and
defense rolls must be made for each affected yokais.
Remember that friendly heroes on these squares also suffer the attack.

Icons and special effects: In the expansions you may find some cards
or effect not described here. The effect will be described in the corresponding

Certain skills or items may temporarily increase the abilities of the
hero or generate special effects on the Yokais.
When a hero uses any of these abilities the effect ends during the Take a Brea-
ther step in the Adventure Phase of the turn it was cast.

Example : Kami No Ibuki

Ami or another hero, recovers two health tokens and adds a
Helmet to his/her defense rolls until the end of the turn.
As this is a beneficial effect and not a state, the duration of
the beneficial effect of increasing defense roll by a helmet
lasts until phase 3.
More on States : Page 30


Invisible: Yokai cannot target this hero during their activations.

Attacks targeting board squares can still affect the hero.

Trap: The hero places a trap token in an unoccupied, adjacent space. The
trap remains and is not removed until activated by a Yokai.
Yokai can not see trap tokens, and as such, are not affected by trap
token placement when making a movement decision. When a yokai steps
on the trap token, it suffers the attack indicated on the skill card, and
the token is removed.

Get Over Here!: The Yokais must target this hero while ignoring
all the others. Only one hero can have this effect active at a time.

Magic Barrier: A magic barrier is considered a type of Fence.

It prevents movement, but does not block line of sight.
The magic barrier can be placed in any desired orientation, but one of the
squares must be placed within the hero’s range.

Some effects do not have a specific token. Players may use any available tokens to
mark these effects - just don’t forget about them!

Heroes and Yokai can acquire states that alter some of their characteristics or
behaviour pattern. Heroes and Yokais can have more than one states at once.
Some Yokais attacks or scenario events can affect the state of the heroes. When
this happens, place the corresponding states token on the hero board.
Each time a hero completes his activation, the States tokens affecting that hero are
removed from the hero board.

The states that affect heroes are:

Smashed: While in this state, one Helmet result is subtracted from any defense roll.
Stunned: While in this state, one Katana result is subtracted from any attack roll.
Tangled: While in this state, a hero’s movement range is reduced by half (rounded
Blinded: While in this state, the hero’s range is reduced to 1. This state does not
affect skills.

Smashed Stunned Tangled Blinded

Some hero attacks or scenario events can affect the state of the Yokais. When
this happens, a token of the corresponding state is placed next to the affected

The states that affect the Yokais are:

Paralysis: the Yokai cannot move or leave its space. Once Yokai completes its
activation, remove the paralysis token.
Empowerment: Some yokai can produce effects that enhance their abilities or the
abilities of the surrounding yokais. The possible benefits will be described in the
description of the particular yokai.

30 Paralysis Empowerment
Skills list
Class Skill: Bushi
[1] Kiri Susumu: Using the indicated attack dice
combination, the hero unleashes an attack to each
of the Yokais and heroes that are on the marked
[0] Inseki: Using the indicated attack dice combi-
nation,the hero unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
[2] Senpuu: Using the indicated attack dice combi-
nation, the hero unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
[2] Moui: Using the indicated attack dice combi-
nation, the hero unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
[0] Okora seru: Place a Get Over Here! token on
the hero. Yokais can only target this hero and will
ignore the rest of the heroes.
For more on effects, see page : 29
[3] Otabeki: All heroes recover 1 health, and adds
the indicated dice combination to their basic attack
dice combination when performing a basic attack
These are the Bushi class heroes:


Class Skill: Shinobi
[2] Kansei: The hero places a trap token on an
adjacent square. Any Yokai or hero standing on
that square receives an attack with the indicated
attack dice combination.
[0] Makibishi: The hero unleashes a paralyzing
attack to a Yokai within the hero’s attack range.
Place a paralysis token on the target Yokai.
[1] Bakugeki: The hero unleashes an attack on a
target Yokai within the hero’s attack range using
the indicated attack dice combination. Additiona-
lly, this skill allows the player to reroll the dice
result once.
[3] Kunai Odo: Using the indicated attack dice
combination, the hero unleashes an attack to
each of the Yokais and heroes that are on the
marked squares.
[0] Kakushi: This skill will cause Yokais to
ignore this hero.
[1] Kakekko: This skill increases the hero’s
movement by 3 additional squares.

These are the Shinobi class heroes:


Class Skills: Sennin
[0] Chiyute: the hero or another hero, recovers
two health tokens.
[2] Kaifuku Mahou: the hero or another hero,
recovers five health tokens.
[0] Seki: Place a barrier in any orientation wi-
thin the hero’s attack range. At least one of the
squares of the barrier must be within range of
the hero. More on barriers on page: 29
[2] Kigai no Joumon: The hero adds two helmet
results to their defense rolls until the end of the
turn. If you interact with a treasure token during
this activation, draw an additional treasure card.
[2] Soukatsui: Using the indicated attack dice
combination, the hero unleashes an attack to
each of the Yokais and heroes within their attack
[3] Byakurai: Using the indicated attack dice
combination, the hero unleashes an attack to
each of the Yokais and heroes that are on the
marked squares.

These are the Sennin class heroes:

Unique Skills
RYO Starting skills: Inseki, Okora Seru and Koukan.
Born in a farming village, Ryo learned to fight to defend his village from the Yõkai
of the forest. Impressed by his prowess, a feudal lord granted him the rank of
samurai and the title of “the Crescent Blade.” Motivated by his Lord’s passiona-
te spirit, Ryo has traveled the country assisting him where needed in the battle
against the forces of darkness.
Ichigekishin (3): Ryo performs a 6 squares dash ignoring
all obstacles and figures, using the indicated attack dice
combination to unleash an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Hononoken (2): Using the indicated attack dice combina-
tion, Ryo unleashes an attack to a Yokai or a Hero on an
adjacent square.
Koukan (0): Ryo swaps his position with another hero and /
or adds a helmet to Ryo’s defense rolls until the end of the
Suchu-Ryouku (2): Ryo adds 3 energy tokens and removes
3 recharge tokens from the hero board.

TAKAKO Starting skills: Inseki, Okora Seru and Masayoshinaru Chikara no Senshi.
The daughter of a feudal lord, Takako grew up being trained as a priestess,
surrounded by the opulence of the noble classes but also burdened by the rigid
protocols of courtly life. Yet it was only a matter of time before she changed: her
inner warrior emerged to protect her people in desperate times of need.
Kami no Odori-Te (4): Using the indicated attack dice
combination, Takako unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Masayoshinaru Chikara no Senshi (0): Using the indica-
ted attack dice combination, Takako unleashes an attack
to each of the Yokais and heroes that are on the marked
Fuhai no Ken (2): Add two Helmets to Takako’s defense
rolls until the end of the turn.
Kami no Namida (1): Takako or another hero recovers
two health tokens.

NOBUO Starting skills: Inseki, Okora Seru, Uchiotoshi Waza and Ame No Tajikararo.
When the forest awoke, so did the Yokais. During one fateful night the yokais attacked a
small village and forced its inhabitants to flee. Surrounded by several evil Kamaitachis, a
boy was left behind to die. But fate had other plans: a group of Okamis rescued the boy
and raised him to be a hunter and protector of the forest. Today, Nobuo is a hero who
liberates villages and towns from the evil Yokais.
Oniku Tappuri (2): Nobuo recovers 4 health tokens and
adds two energy tokens to his hero board.
Ame No Tajikararo (0): Place a barrier in any orientation
within Nobuo’s attack range. At least one of the squares
of the barrier must be within range of Nobuo. More on
barriers on page: 29
Yasei Masakari (2): Nobuo performs a 4 squares dash
ignoring all obstacles and figures, using the indicated
attack dice combination to unleash an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Uchiotoshi Waza (0): Using the indicated attack dice com-
bination, Nobuo unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais
and heroes that are on the marked squares.

SAI Starting skills: Kakushi, Makibishi and Barettotaimu.

In a dream, Sai’s grandfather saw how his granddaughter was destined to be a
hero. Believing that she was a child of prophecy, he undertook a journey in order
to find the ultimate weapon that would aid Sai in her task, discovering in a distant
land the secret he was looking for. Trained since childhood, Sai is adept at using
these weapons and fights with dedication in her quest to cleanse the world of
darkness. Pawaashotto (3): Using the indicated attack dice com-
bination, Sai unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais
and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Faia Doragon (4): Using the indicated attack dice com-
bination, Sai unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais
and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Barettotaimu (0): adds a red die to Sai’s basic attack
dice combination when performing a basic “attack” ac-
tion and increases her attack range by 2 squares until
the end of the turn.
Paasekyuutaa Roketto (2): Sai unleashes an attack
on a target Yokai within her attack range using the
indicated attack dice combination. Additionally, this skill
allows the player to reroll the dice result once.
HARUMA Starting skills: Kakushi, Makibishi and Ten Kakeru Yumizukai.
Haruma used to spend his days hunting in the forest to provide for his family. One day,
returning from a long hunt, Haruma found the charred remains of his village: his family had
disappeared. Since then, this tireless hunter has traveled the world looking for clues to
the whereabouts of his relatives, as well as those who were responsible for the disaster.
During his travel, he has helped everyone who was in similar conditions to his.

Ten Kakeru Yumizukai (0): All Heroes gain +2 to their

attack ranges until the end of turn.
Kaze no Kizu (4): Using the indicated attack dice
combination, Haruma unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Kiryokukuyshu Kougeki (2): Using the indicated attack
dice combination, Haruma unleashes an attack to each
of the Yokais within his attack range.
Kariudo no Juro Yumi (3): Using the indicated attack
dice combination, Haruma unleashes an attack to each
of the Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squa-

SATOMI Starting skills: Kakushi, Makibishi and Tsuki.

Satomi is a famous swordswoman known throughout Zipango perhaps not so much
for her skill with the sword, but for her courage and relentless hunt against the
forces of evil. Where the rest of the warriors run in fear, Satomi takes a step
Kirikaze (6): Using the indicated attack dice combina-
tion, Satomi unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais
and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Mikazuki Wagasa (2): Using the indicated attack dice
combination, Satomi unleashes an attack to each of the
Yokais and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Tsuki (0): Using the indicated attack dice combination,
Satomi unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares. In addition, the
target Yokais receive a Paralysis token.
Shinigami (3): Using the indicated attack dice combi-
nation, Satomi unleashes an attack to a Yokai who is
within her attack range.
MASAKI Starting skills: Kakushi, Makibishi and Onami.
Devoted from his youth to a criminal life at sea, Masaki soon became famous as a great
navigator and pirate. Despite his dishonest way of earning a living, Masaki possesses a
strong sense of honor, and this is reflected in his behavior, he only raids the emperor’s
ships and 10% of his profits always goes towards those who needs them most.

Kairyuu (4): Using the indicated attack dice combination,

Masaki unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Umi Hougan (2): Using the indicated attack dice combina-
tion, Masaki unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Onami (0): All heroes recover 3 health tokens.
Tsunami (5): Using the indicated attack dice combination,
Masaki unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.

KATSU Starting skills: Seki, Chiute and Kakutou-Ou.

Rescued from the smoking ruins of his village as a child, Katsu was entrusted to
warrior monks and became a member of their order. Now a powerful abbot, he has
vowed not to rest in his fight against the evils who are terrorizing the world.

Kakutou-Ou (0): Katsu performs a 4 squares dash ignoring

all obstacles and figures, using the indicated attack dice
combination to unleash an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Haien (3): Using the indicated attack dice combination,
Katsu unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and heroes
that are on the marked squares.
Seinaru-Mori (2): Katsu or another hero, recovers two
health tokens and add 3 energy tokens to his/her hero
Seinaru Chikara no Senshi (3): Katsu or another hero,
removes a recharge token from his/her hero board and add
two Helmets to his/her defense rolls until the end of the
AMI Starting skills: Seki, Chiute and Fubuki no Majo.
At the beginning of time, the goddess Hatsushana sacrificed herself to stop
Dayriuu no Mizu, who wanted to annihilate the world. A thousand years later, the
monks have identified in Ami the reincarnated avatar of the goddess, however, her
return also predicts the return of the evil one. Ami struggles to learn to control
her divine powers in time.
Kami no Ibuki (1): Ami or another hero, recovers two
health tokens and adds a Helmet to his/her defense rolls
until the end of the turn.
Fubuki no Majo (0): All Yokais (except bosses) in Ami’s
attack range receive a paralysis token.
Bakuryuha (4): Using the indicated attack dice combina-
tion, Ami unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Kaminari (5): Ami unleashes a 4 katana attack to a Yokai
who is within her attack range.

MIDORI Starting skills: Seki, Chiute and Mori No Kage.

From a young age, Midori was aware of her innate abilities for magic. She used
these magical skills to earn a living by robbing unsuspecting villagers who entered
her forest. A chance encounter with a strange monk who gave her an unforgettable
life lesson made her change her ways. Midori began to rescue distressed forest
animals as well as help the people who were lost in the forest.
Furuine (4): Using the indicated attack dice combination,
Midori unleashes an attack to each of the Yokais and
heroes that are on the marked squares.
Mori No Chikara (2): Midori performs a 6 squares dash ig-
noring all obstacles and figures, using the indicated attack
dice combination to unleash an attack to each of the Yokais
and heroes that are on the marked squares.
Shippou (3): All heroes recover 2 health tokens and add a
blue die to their defense rolls until the end of the turn.
Mori No Kage (0): This skill will cause Yokais to ignore

The heroes of Yokai Quest can collect and utilize different items. There is no limit
to the number of items a hero can carry. There are three types of items:
Consumables: food and simple single-use items that can be used at any time.
Trinkets: special items that grant upgrades to heroes.
Spells: Scrolls that contains the very magic that dwells within the world of Yokai
Quest. These spells can benefit the heroes greatly.

The inventory is an area near the hero board that the players use to store their
consumables, trinkets and spells. Consumables are never placed on the hero board,
they remain in the heroes’ inventory at all times.
On the other hand, to use trinkets and spells, they have to be placed in their co-
rresponding space on the hero board. During the adventure phase, the players can
exchange trinkets and spells from their inventory to the hero board.
For more on the hero board: page 22.

Here is a list of all the items you may find in Yokai Quest

Core Box items
Hano Hosikei no Yuwiba: Increases your hero’s movement by one square.
Hitai-ate: Spend an energy token to add one red die to your hero’s defense dice combination.
Kitsune Origami: Your hero or an ally recovers two health tokens.
Midori Ningyo: All heroes’ defense roll is increased by a Helmet result.
Ryokka no Yubiwa: Your hero’s attack distance increases by one square.
Omamori: When your hero interacts with a treasure token, you can draw an additional card. Keep
one, return the other and shuffle the deck.
Tetsui no Kago no Ishi: Your hero or an ally adds one blue die to the defense dice combination.
Tsuru Kanzashi: Spend an energy token to activate it. Your hero or an ally adds one blue die to the
defense dice combination.
Tsuru Origami: Your hero or an ally gains an energy token.

Akatsuki: All heroes add a Katana result to attack rolls.
Bura Bura: Your hero or an ally increases movement by two squares.
Doro Doro: Spend two energy tokens to add a red die to another hero’s attack dice combination.
Hakubo: Spend an energy token to increase your hero’s attack distance by 2 squares.
Hibana: Add a red die to your hero’s attack dice combination.
Ryoufou: Spend an energy token to add a blue die to another hero’s attack dice combination.
Senpuu: Add a blue die to your attack dice combination.
Uro: Your hero or an ally recovers two health tokens.

Tenpura, Gyoza, Nigiri, Onigiri, Maki Sushi: Your hero recovers 3 health tokens.
Ame no Makimono: Unleash an attack against all Yokais within your hero’s attack distance with 2
red attack dice combination and a Katana result.
Chiyu Hoseki: Your hero or an ally recovers 3 health tokens.
Dango: Your hero recovers 2 health tokens and gains 1 energy token.
Hinate: Unleash an attack against all Yokais in the squares indicated with 4 red attack dice combi-
Ikikaeru Rosoku: Resurrect another hero.
Kaifukuyaku: All heroes recover 2 health tokens.
Kiri: All heroes add 1 blue die to their defense dice combination.
Magatama: Gain 2 Energy Tokens.
Mahi Fuuin: Paralyze all Yokais within your hero’s attack range.
Mochi: The hero recovers 1 health token and gains 2 energy tokens.
Soba: The hero recovers 1 health token and moves 2 additional squares.
Toki-Sei Shuryoudan: Unleash an attack against all Yokais in the
indicated squares with 2 red and 2 blue attack dice combination.

Oni Invasión Items
Baku: Your hero gains this pet (see page 43).
Kiba kubikazari: Discard a health token to add two energy tokens to your hero board.
Onikamen: When you interact with a treasure token, discard one energy token and one
health token to draw two additional cards; keep one, return the others and shuffle the
Tora no haori: The player has an additional Helmet result on defense rolls.

Doumaru: Discard a health token so that you or an allied hero can add a red die to the
attack dice combination.
Honoomaru: Discard a health token to add a Katana result to your hero’s attack rolls.
Kajimaru: Discard a health token to add a red and a blue die to your hero’s attack dice

Butanikuyaki: Your hero recovers 2 health tokens and gains 2 energy tokens.
Dendendaiko: All heroes gain a Katana result to their attack rolls.
Furui youhishi: Your hero unleashes an attack within his/her attack distance using 6 blue
attack dice combination. Player may re-roll any dice from the result once .
Oni Ningyou: The targeted Yokai will attack the other Yokais, as if they were
heroes. This item does not affect bosses. Indicate this states with the token.
Riyuuen: Discard a health token to unleash an attack using 4 red attack
dice combination on all yokais standing in a straight line of 5 squares.
Tonkatsu ramen: Your hero recovers 4 health tokens.
Tonkatsu: Your hero recovers 2 health tokens and adds an extra blue die to his/her attack
dice combination.
Yougan kiba: Discard a health token to gain 3 energy tokens.
Youganen tsubo: Discard two health tokens to perform an attack against all Yokais in your

Mystic Forest Items
Ishi no mimikazari: All players adds a blue die to their defense dice combination.
Kamikemono no kanmuri: Choose one of the following two effects (You can’t switch your
chosen effect until the next adventure phase):
- Your hero or an ally adds a blue die to attack dice combination.
- Your hero or an ally adds a red die to defense dice combination.
Mori no haori: Your hero increases his/her movement by 3 squares.
Tanuki: Your hero gains this pet (see page 43).

Koishimaru: Discard two energy tokens to gain an additional Helmet result on your hero’s
defensive rolls.
Kokemaru: Your hero or an ally recovers 1 Health Token and gains 1 Energy Token.
Momomaru: Choose one of the following two effects, then discard the card:
- Your hero or an ally recovers a health token.
- Your hero or an ally gains an additional Helmet result during defense rolls.

Doragon Furutsu: Your hero adds a red die to his defensive dice combination and gains 2
energy tokens.
Insen: Your hero recovers 1 Health Token and gains 3 Energy Tokens.
Mori no kiba: Your hero unleashes an attack to Yokais in the indicated squares with 3 red
attack dice combination and adds 2 additional Katanas result.
Mori no shushi: Choose one of the following two effects, then discard the card:
- Your hero or an ally recovers 2 health tokens.
- Paralyzes the target Yokai.
Mori no suigyoku: Choose one of the following two effects, then discard the card:
- Your hero or an ally recovers 2 health tokens.
- Your hero or an ally gains 2 energy tokens.
Muzumuzu no houshi: Your hero unleashes an attack with 5 blue attack dice combination on the
indicated squares.
Run sekishi: Choose one of the following two effects, then discard the card:
- Your hero or an ally recovers 3 health tokens.
- Resurrect a hero.
Ten no hikari: Choose one of the following two effects, then discard the card:
- Unleash an attack against all Yokais in range, with 3 red attack dice
combination and an additional 1 Katana result.
- Paralyzes all Yokais in range.
Umeboshi: Your hero recovers 3 Health Tokens and gains 3 Energy Tokens.

Obtaining items
Now that we’ve reviewed all the items in game, we are going to explain how you
can obtain them.
Item cards are separated into 3 different decks. A deck with all the consumables
(Supply deck), a deck with all spells and trinkets (treasure deck), and the boss
reward deck. More on the boss reward deck on the campaign book.

At the end of a scenario, the heroes can rest to recover. But not only that, they
also prepare the supplies for the next scenario. To represent that, at the end of a
scenario each player must draw a card from the consumables deck.

In the scenarios there will be squares in which there will be a treasure token. A
hero can perform the interact action to remove that token and draw a card from
the treasure deck. Place the card directly into the hero’s inventory.


When setting up the decks, keep in mind that cards from the expansions and the
core box may not be mixed together.
For example, when you play a Mystic Forest scenario, the trinkets, spells, and
consumables will only be the ones you can find and can craft in the mystic forest
area of the yokai quest world.
When you play a scenario in any of the expansions, you must build the consumables
deck and the treasure deck with the cards from the respective expansion.

Pets are special items. You can only find pet cards in the expansions sets. When a
hero has a pet card, he can summon it at the cost indicated
on the card. Pets act like yokai, each of them has its own
pattern of behavior, with the exception that they act at
the end of the activation of the hero who summoned it.
You can find pets’ pattern of behavior in the respective
campaign book.

Let’s describe the different Yokais that you can find during your adventures! In
this rulebook only the most common Yokais are described, but they are not the only
ones. Some Yokais only appear in specific scenarios, as they are rarer and usually
more powerful.
Yokais that are not described here can be found during story missions within the



Sword thrust!: Hone bushi attacks a hero within 2 or less squares from
him with
I will catch you!: The Hone Bushi moves 4 squares following the shortest
possible path to the nearest hero and attacks a hero within 2 or less squares
from him with



There is food there: Furu Utsubo moves 5 squares towards the nearest hero and
attacks all heroes within 2 or less squares distance from him with
Let us go to eat!: Furu Utsubo unleashes an attack against all heroes within 2 or
less squares distance from him with

*Special: Special: Furu Utsubo does not block the line of sight of heroes or other



Stealthy Movement: The ninja Akatsume moves up to 5 squares towards the

nearest hero, bypassing red squares, terrain elements or other miniatures. If he
is going to end up on one of these squares, he moves one less square until he is
placed in an unoccupied square. More on red squares see page 14.
Akatsume Sword Skill: Ninja Akatsume attacks a hero within 1 square distance
from him with
Suffer the red claw : Ninja Akatsume attacks a hero within 2 or 3 squares distan-
ce from him with In the case where several heroes are within
similar distance to Ninja Akatsume, the players choose which of them will suffer
the attack.



I Smell Prey: The Shinigami moves up to 6

squares towards the nearest hero, bypas-
sing red squares, terrain elements or other
miniatures. If he is going to end up on one
of these squares, he moves one less square
until he is placed in an unoccupied square.
Bite: The Shinigami attacks a hero within 1
square distance from it with



I better get closer: the Yurei moves up to three squares towards the nearest hero
and makes an attack against a hero within 6 squares distance or less from her
Look what a beautiful light: the Yurei makes an attack against a hero within 6
squares distance or less from her with If the hero loses a health
token for this attack, the hero also receives the Blinded state.


Burn it all!: The Chochin moves up to 4 squares towards the nearest hero. At the
end of the movement it makes an attack against all heroes within 2 or less squa-
res from it with
If a hero loses a health token from this attack, he/she also receive the stunned

Special: During the “scenario events” step, all heroes remove a health token from
their hero board for each Obake Dono that is one square away.

HEALTH* 2/4/6


Variable Health*Depending
on the number of heroes
the boss modifies his initial
2 heroes: health 2
3 heroes: health 4
4 heroes: health 6

Hard Blow: Yoroi attacks a hero within 1 square from him with
If there are several within that distance, Yoroi will target the hero with the grea-
test number of health points.
Military March: the Yoroi moves up to 4 squares to the nearest hero. At the end
of its movement, the Yoroi executes an attack against all heroes within 2 squares
or less distance from him with
- Huge: Yoroi is a giant! It towers over everything else. As such, it is always within
Line of Sight. No obstacle or other miniature blocks line of sight to Yoroi.
Consequently, no terrain element or miniatures blocks Yoroi’s Line of Sight either,
unless they occupy more than 1 square.

Yokai Intelligence
Yokais are not very clever. However, neither are they stupid. Their movements and
actions are controlled by a certain logic. In this section we are going to explain the
logic behind Yokai’s behaviour pattern, as well as show some examples.
Example 1
1. By Proximity
As a general rule, the activation order of
yokais starts with the Yokai that is closest
to a hero. If there is more than one Yokai
at the same distance to a hero, the pla-
yers decide which Yokai activates first.

Example 1: In this example we see that the 3 Yokais are 3 squares from Haruma. In
cases like this, players can choose whichever Yokai to activate first.

2. By Groups
The general rule of Yokai activation is activa-
tion order by proximity. Example 2
However, it is likely that many Yokais will
spawn during the course of a scenario, ma-
king it difficult to follow the general rule of
activation order.
In these cases, players should activate
Yokais by groups or by zone
Example 2: In this example there are several
Yokais positioned within the same distance
to the heroes. It is more practical for the
players to activate one group of Yokais com-
pletely, before moving on to the other.
For example, activating all the Yokais that
are within close proximity to Takako, and
then activate the rest of the Yokais who are
near Haruma.

Example 3
When the behavior pattern of a Yokai dictates that the Yokai should
move, the Yokai will always strive to move as close as possible to its
Example 3: a Hone Bushi is executing I Will Catch You! to Move As
Close As Possible to the hero.

Example 4
The Yokais are in solidarity with each other. Each Yokai
will strive to not obstruct other Yokais as long as they
are able to move according to their behaviour pattern.
Example 4: In this example, Yokai 1 is activated first
(proximity rule), and can move down 2 squares in order
to be as close as possible to its target. However, by
doing so, Yokai 1 would prevent Yokai 2 from reaching
the same target. 2 1
Be Mindful of Others Rule means that Yokai 1, being
mindful of Yokai 2, would move further down the map
so that both Yokais can Move As Close As Possible to
the hero.

Example 5
In some cases there’d be a horde of Yokais in front of
the target hero - making it impossible for a Yokai to
reach the hero. In these cases, the Yokai will attempt
to go around the blockage (of Yokai and other terrain
elements) in order to reach the hero - even if taking
such route will not place the Yokai within attacking

Example 6
Some Yokais occupy more than one space
in the
board, 4 or even 9! There is a very simple
trick to moving these giant Yokais:

1. Lets say you’d like to move Yoroi.

Choose a corner square closest to the hero
you’d like for Yoroi to move towards, as a
reference point. (Example 6)
2. Calculate Yoroi’s movement as if you are Example 7
trying to move only the reference point.
(Example 7)
3. Place Yoroi’s miniature on the destina-
tion square of the reference point. (Exam-
ple 8).

Example 8


It could happen at some point during a game that what is indicated in this rulebook
does not apply to the situation in hand. In these cases, the yokai behaviour is left
to the players’ decision. Try to to be as logical as possible
about how the Yokais would act!

Scenario Elements
The following are some of the scenario elements typically found within a Campaign
Game Boards
Each scenario will specify the game boards required for the scenario and how to
place them. Boards are numbered, and have an A and a B side.

Terrain Elements
On the game board, in addition to special squares, you may find terrain elements
that may help or hinder the heroes’ movements. There are two types of terrain

Similar to the special red squares, obstacles impede movements, and block line of
sight. Example of obstacles: altars or monoliths.
Note: Although these obstacles are sometimes depicted flat on the game board,
they are actually standing upright, perpendicular to the game board. See example
on the next page.
Fence is a type of terrain element that prevents movement, but does not block line
of sight.
Example of Fences: Shrubs or Magic barriers.
These terrain elements can occupy more than one square. Note: If a fence (Shrubs
or Magic barrier) is placed in the center of a group of squares, consider all of the
squares as part of the fence.

54 Shrubs Monolith Altar

Example 1:
As shown in the example to the left, both the
monolith and the altar
occupy only the space of the red squares, as
they are placed perpendicular to the game

Example 2: The shrub is placed in the center

of 4 squares. This means that it occupies all
4 squares.

Use any props such as 3D prints or the scenery pack from the first kickstarter to
give more variety to your game board

Spawn area
On the boards you can find two types of spawn areas, the Yokais spawn area and
hero spawn area.
This is the area where Yokais appear. Typically, they
are marked in a different color, to help you easily iden-
tify which spawn area the scenario is referring to. For
more info on how yokais spawn area works, please refer
to page 20.


Before starting turn 1, you must place the heroes by this
spawn area.
Place the first two heroes on the spawn area, and the
rest (if any) in the squares adjacent to the heroes
spawn area.

In Yokai Quest there are many hidden treasures. Magic permeates
everything and it is relatively easy to find objects of power anywhe-
To represent this, a treasure token is placed on the game board
where a treasure is hidden.
When a hero interacts with one of these tokens, remove it and draw
as many cards from the item deck as there are treasure icons on
the token. See how to create this deck in the campaign book.

Story Tokens
These Blue and Orange Tokens are Scenario Story Tokens. Except
indicated otherwise, these can not be interacted with. Typically,
these tokens are automatically activated during the events step of
the Adventure phase.
Instruction Example: When you get to turn 3, read section A23 of
the campaign book. In this section there will be an instruction to
“Replace token number 2 on the board with a spawn area”.

Turn counter
Use a Recharge token to keep track of the turn count. Place the recharge token on
the corner square of one of the game boards, as indicated in the scenario descrip-
tion. At the beginning of each turn, move the recharge token one square towards
the other end of the board.

See the above example on where to place the recharge token, and the direction in
which to move the token. The example shows altar tokens on turn 5 and 9, which
means that there will be events taking place during the scenario events step of
turns 5 and 9.

Yokais List
Some scenarios may start with Yokais already placed on the board. In these cases,
the scenario description will show the game board with yokai tokens placed on
them to indicate their starting position.
To help you identify the Yokai tokens, here is a list of all the
Yokais that you can find in the core box and the expansions:

Hone Bushi Shikami Inu Ninja Akatsume Yurei

Furu Utsubo Yoroi Chochin Obake Obake Dono

Tengu Undead Red Claw Lider Akatsume


Tokon Kamaitachi Ao Oni Aka Oni

Morinobanin Forest Champion Aramusha Oni Dark Champion

God of the forest Mountain god


Hitachi O-Gorio Karakasa

Yokai Spawn Deck
Each scenario in Yokai Quest will indi-
cate which spawn cards are required to
create the Yokai Spawn Deck for the
For example: A scenario may indicate
the following cards required to create
the scenario’s Yokai Spawn Deck:
A1, A2, A7, B2, B3, B6, D6 and D7

Create a deck with the specified cards, and shuffle them. Then place the Yokai
Spawn Deck facedown in the play area.
Now let’s see what level of difficulty you should use.

Difficulty Level
On the spawn cards there are different rows
marked from 1 to 6. As a general rule you should
only look at row number 2, 4, and 6 (green
rows). These rows correspond to the number of
players in the game.
Row 2: for 1 and 2 player games.
Row 4: for 3-player games.
Row 6: for 4 player games.
Each time you draw a spawn card, place in the
yokai spawn area the indicated number of yokais
that corresponds to the number of players.
For example: in a 3-player game, according to the card shown in this example, you
should place 1 Hone Bushi and two Furu Utsubo in the yokai spawn area.
You might be wondering about row number 1, 3 and 5.
Fear not! We are going to explain these rows in the next section.

Little Heroes Way
This mode substantially reduces the difficulty of the game, lowering the number of
Yokais that appear in the spawn areas and giving a series of bonuses in the energy
This mode has been created for people new to board games, or for parents who
want to play with their children.
The Little Heroes Way mode uses the blue rows
in the spawn card.
Row 1: for 2 player games.
Row 3: for 3-player games.
Row 5: for 4 player games.


Some energy cards have icons at the bottom of the card.
These icons are only used in the Little Heroes Way game mode.
In this mode, these icons give the indicated effect immediately to the hero who
drew the card, in addition to the amount energy shown in the card.
The following is a list of energy cards that contains these icons:

Hero takes the indi- Hero moves +1 square Hero/heroes recover the indicated
cated amount of cards during their activation amount of health tokens
from the treasure deck
In Little Heroes Way mode, area attack skills do not affect other heroes.

Yokai Substitution
Yokais not shown on the spawn cards will generally appear during the campaign as
part of the campaign story. While only 3 yokais appear on the spawn cards, players
looking to practice or to try out other yokais are always welcome to substitute
them according to the following substitution chart.
For example, if the spawn card indicates that 2 Hone Bushi should appear, you may
place 2 Chochin Obake instead.

Hone Bushi Chochin Obake Ninja Akatsume Yurei

Furu Utsubo Shikami Inu Yoroi Obake Dono

You can find the description and behavior table of Obake Dono in the prologue

Note that we recommend expansion yokais to be played during campaign mode only.

You are now ready to begin your first game! Let’s prepare the scenario and try
everything you’ve learned.

Introductory scenarios
Yokai quest is intended to be played as a campaign, following the scenarios and
story events within the campaign book. The following are some introductory
scenarios we’ve created so that you can play Yokai Quest without having to fully
immerse yourself in the campaign mode.
We recommend playing a game in each introductory scenario before beginning the

E1: Let us practise a little

This is a scenario designed for you to put into practice what you have learned in
this rulebook. You can also use this scenario to introduce your friends into the
world of Yokai Quest.

Boards: 2A
Spawn cards:
A3, A4, B3, B4, C1,
C2, E1 and E2.
Scenario Events:
1. Do not draw any
more card from the
spawn deck - No more
yokai is spawned from
this point on.
2. At the end of this
turn, the game ends.

Victory Condition :
Players defeated all yokais before Event Marker #2.

E2: Hordes of enemies
Our heroes have encountered an ambush, there is no turning back now, they must go
through the village before the bulk of the Yokai forces arrive or it will be too late!
Boards: 1A and 3A.
Apparition pack: A3, A4, B3, B4,
C1, C2, E1 and E2.
Scenario Events:
1. Do not draw any more card from
the spawn deck - No more yokai is
spawned from this point on.
2. At the end of this turn, the
game ends.

3. Exit: This spawn token is the
Village exit - and should not be
counted as a spawn area.
This exit is guarded by 2 Furu Utsu-
bos. These Furu Utsubos have strict
orders not to leave their post - as
such, they will ignore their “There
is Food there” behavior pattern.
(See Furu Utsubo behaviour pattern
on page 45)
Inaccessible areas: these buildings
are considered red boxes, and is
inaccessible by the heroes during
this scenario.

Victory Conditions:
All of the Heroes must reach the
Exit before the end of the round.
Note: In order to claim victory, the
heroes must all be placed over the
Exit spawn token or in an adjacent

E3: Against the Boss
The Yokais have invaded the temple. Kill the Yokai boss to end the invasion quickly
and swiftly!
Boards: 2A and 5A.
Spawn Cards: A3, A4, B3, B4,
C1, C2, E1 and E2.
Scenario Events:
1. From this point on, activate the
Boss with the rest of Yokais.
2. Spawn areas Green and Yellow
is exhausted! Discard spawn
areas Green and Yellow. The pur-
ple spawn area is now activated.
3. At the end of this turn, the
game ends.
Special rules:
4. Reinforcements: this spawn
area is only activated at Scenario
Event #2.
5. The boss is not activated until
Scenario event #1

Yoroi - This is the boss. The

game ends immediately
when he is eliminated.

Victory Conditions: heroes must

eliminate the boss before the
game ends.

Turn guide summary
PHASES Each Turn consist of the following three phases, which in turn has
a number of Steps.
1.- Take energy card: 1 card for each player.
2.- Hero actions: Choose 2 out of 4 possible actions.
- MOVE: Move x number of squares up to the number of movement range indicated on
the hero board.
- BASIC ATTACK: An attack using the basic hero weapon.
- SKILL USE: Use a skill card that requires an Action to activate.
Note: Not all skills contain the action symbol, and in this case, a player can acti­vate
as many of them as they wish during their activation, as long as there are no recharge
tokens on them.
- INTERACTION: Use this action to gather objects, talk to other game characters,
boost influence, etc.
3.- As soon as a hero’s turn ended: remove all states tokens affecting the hero.
A new hero can not be activated until the current hero has finished their activation.
1.- All Yokais are busy: Activate Yokais closest to the heroes first. In case of a tie,
players decide.
2.- As soon as a Yokai’s turn ended: remove all states tokens affecting the Yokai.


1.- Yokais spawn: Draw a card from the spawn deck for each Yokai
spawn area on the boards.
2.- Taking breath: Each Hero skill that is currently recharging is given
1 charge. Additionally, you can use energy tokens to give charge value
to a selected hero skill. Some skills or items grant temporary buffs to
heroes. These benefits end at this time.
3.- Scenario Events: Specific events during the scenario will be applied here.
4.- Move turn counter: the turn ends and the next one begins.

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