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Business Canvas

Preface: the best interactions come when folks are in a good vibe, enjoy some small talk when
canvassing and try to bring up what folks say in conversation, and try to figure out where they’re
coming from so you can adjust the pitch appropriately

Hey, how’re you doing, what’s your name? ___ is the store owner around at the moment? Could
we speak to them?

My name’s NAME, and this is PARTNER, and we’re part of ORGANIZATION, we’ve been in
Jersey City advocating for the people for over decade, but we’re here today because, as you
know, folks are suffering more than ever right now. 

To give you a bit of a summary of our current project, we know that Winter is coming and that
things are only going to get worse unless everyday people band together to ensure one other’s
security. Security from cold, from hunger, and fear because we want to live in a city where we
know we’re all looking out for one another. To help with that, we’re beginning a food distribution
program. We’re hoping to send people care packages at least weekly with necessities and
staples like bread, canned goods, and produce. But we can’t do it alone, and so we’re hoping
that you’re comfortable making a contribution.

We’ve been canvassing across Jersey City to help the most vulnerable, we know there’s
housing for them, food for them, and heat for them. We want to make getting all those things
easier for those that need it. Would you be able to contribute?

(Fill Benefits Supply Form)

Great. Thanks so much, we’ll be following up soon. Also, are there any other local businesses
that you would recommend us reaching out to? (Maybe they can reach out for us?)
Also, would you be willing to introduce us to your food distributor?
Civil Canvas

*we should unify on the potential scope of this campaign (I included medical in the supply side
because i imagine it will be easy to get volunteer healthcare folks in this based on our demo,
and because of Mig’s current campaign. But we should outline that here, and also what we think
of dues since paper, ink, and maintenance aren’t free even for us


My name’s NAME, and this is PARTNER, and we’re part of ORGANIZATION, we’ve been in
Jersey City advocating for the people for over decade, and we’re here to talk about the Peace,
Land, and Bread program.

PLB is a free benefits program, supported by the people for the people. We’re going not just to
your door but to every door on this block to make sure no ones going hungry this Winter. We’re
not just interested in eliminating hunger in Jersey City though. We want to make sure folks are
clothed, healthy, and that their children have the supplies they need for school. That’s a bit on
our focuses right now, how are you doing?
[Listen! Ask follow-up questions, repeat what folks say back to them to make sure you’re
documenting it properly, on their terms. And sign them up for whatever we can provide which
they need]

Got it, we also have this form, would you mind filling it out? We wanna make sure we can
contact you when we’re dropping off supplies, and that we’re going to the right house. While you
fill that out though, let me tell you a bit about some campaigns our fellow organizations are
working on..

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