CSC 208 Java Programming

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CSC 208


CLASS 1: Structured Programming)
JAVA is an object-oriented programming language... What makes it object oriented is because
all concept are object... Other object-oriented languages are python, c sharp, c plus plus, php and
the likes...

What make Java oop (characteristics of Java)

1. Polymorphism: means when object can exhibit in more than one form e.g. +...+ can be used
for addition and concatenation. An example is sum =a+b; and Name = "jesu" +"tomi".

2. Inheritance: is when an object acquires properties from another class. Types of class are
super and sub.

E. G

Class A {int x;

Class B extends A {int y; int z;}

3. Abstraction: is not given background details of an object e.g. use of interface

* interface is a collection on abstract methods

* abstract methods are methods without a body I.e.

Public void run () {

The run () is a method, A method without a body

Public interface A implement B {

Public void run () {}

Public void eat () {}

Abstract method has name but no statement in their body

4. Class is a collection of objects e.g. school, university, fruit etc.

Fruit carrot = new fruit ();

Virus Corona = new virus ();

5. Encapsulation : is when a data and the method that is accessed the data is in a single unit.

Both data and method in the same class. A variable in a class declared as private can only be
accessible by method in that class


Private class A {

Int x;

Int y;

The class is declared private I.e. x and y is only meant for class A

And finally note

*** Object Is an Instance of a Class

Java has some attributes similar to c.

First is comment

Comment is a descriptive statement

It can come in three styles

Single line

Multiple line

And inline comment

// single line

/* multiple line */


/* */



/* inline */


Package: After comment is package though it is not that compulsory, but most time when u use
NetBeans u will see it created for u automatically I.e. package addition;


It allows you create many classes, Package is like collection of classes

IMPORT: Next is d import, import statement av to follow, is just like the include statement.

I.e. import java.util.*;

Import javax.swing.*;


*Public class newapplication {

*public class addition {

The public must start with small letter

Main method: like in C (Int main () in c), In java it is static void main(String [ ] rags), The main
method signify the beginning of program execution


1.// java programming comment here

package display

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]arcs){


2. // java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

}( with this you are a java guru)

3. program to display I love Crawford

// java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

System.out.println("I love Crawford university");

System.out.println() is used just like println,to display outputs.

Class work.

Write a java code to display your bio data.


// java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]args){


Ogunfuye Samuel");

System.out.println("level: 200lvl") ;

System.out.println("matric no. : 180502021");


Department: comp science ");


Class 3
Did u all remember that java can compile and interpreter, It compile into bytecode and later can
be interpreted into target code...

So today we will start with java concept

Comment is a descriptive statement, it can come in three styles

1. Single line

2.Multiple line

3. And inline comment

*// single line

*/* multiple line */


/* inline */


Next after comment is package, Though it is not that compulsory, But most time when u use
netbean u will see it created for u automatically, I.e. package addition; It allow you to create
many classes, Package is like collection of classes.

*Next is d import, Import statement have to follow just like d include statement, I.e. import
java.util.*;Import javax.swing.*;

*Next is d class name, Every program must have class name and must be save with that name
with .java extension

public class addition {

*Next is the main methodU remember we av Int main() in c, In java it is static void main(String [
] args), The main method signify the beginning of program execution

// java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]arcs){

*Let us write our first code Program to display I love Crawford university

// java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

System.out.println("I love Crawford university");

System.out.println() is used just like println, To display output

*Write a java code to display ur biodata

// java programming comment here

package display;

public class display{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

System.out.println("Name:Alonge Joshua ,level: 200lvl, matric no. : 190502062,

Department: computer 💻 science ");

public class demostration {

public static void main(String[]args)

double a,b, sum;

Scanner obj = new Scanner(;

a= obj.nextDouble();

b= obj.nextDouble();

sum = a+b;



Program control is a way a program is executed. There are three of them;



Sequential control is when a program is written and executed statement by statement. Like all the
basic programs we have written. Area of circle etc...

Selection/branching are your If condition , if else condition.


// java programming comment here

package display;

import java.until.Scanner;

public class areaCircle{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

double r,area;

Scanner obj = new Scanner(;

r = obj.nextDouble();

if (r>=4.0){

area = 3.142*r*r;


This is a Program to find the area of a circle if r is greater than 4 or equal to 4.

// java programming comment here

package display;
import java.until.Scanner;

public class areaCircle{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

double r,area;

Scanner obj = new Scanner(;

r = obj.nextDouble();

if (r>=4.0){

area = 3.142*r*r;



System.out.println("check ur radius");

This program will only find the area of the circle if the radius is greater or equal to 4. Othewise,
it will print:

"Check your radius"

This is a simple grading system.

// java programming comment here

package display;

import java.until.Scanner;

public class grading{

public static void main(String[ ]args){

Scanner obj = new Scanner(;

score= obj.nextInt();

if (score>= 70 & & score <=100){

String grade= "A" ;

if (score>= 60 & & score <=70)

grade= "B";

if (score>= 50 & & score <=60) {

grade= "C" ;

Else {

grade= "F" ;



for(int index= initial; condition ; increment)



This program sums up all the numbers from 1 to 50

public class Sum{

public static void main(String[] args) {

int num = 50, sum = 0;

for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)

sum += i;

System.out.println("Sum = " + sum);

package class2;

import java.util.*;

public class demostration {

public static void main(String[]args)

int sum =0;

for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) {

sum = sum +i;


package class2;

import java.util.*;

public class demostration {

public static void main(String[]args)

int sum =0;

for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) {

if(i%4==0) continue;

sum = sum +i;


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