Annotated-Iwb 20assignment 20-1-1

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TPACK Template

Content Subject Math

Grade Level 2

Learning Objective Measurement and Geometry

The objective of the lesson is
what students will be able to do
2.7 The student will
as they finish the activity. For this a) count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels,
objective, use the Standards of
Learning (SOL) to say what you dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less;
want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs at
g/ look on the right of the screen
for the subjects and go from

Pedagog Complete the sentence below:

Planning In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to
move and sort and learn about money values .

For example: In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch
the board to move and sort authors by time period and learn about literary

Pedagog Activity Describe what the In this activity the students will be learning about the
learning activity will be. What will
y different money values. This activity has a lot of
the students and the teacher be
doing? (This includes what they different activities for the student to use.
are doing with the technology).
The first slide is where they will have to match the
coin into the box that they belong in.
The second slide will be where the students must
draw a specific shape for the specific coin. This is a
good way for the students to become more familiar
with the different values and what they coins look
The third slide is where the students must sort the
coins into the proper value that they belong to.
The forth slide is where the students will need to
place the proper amount of money under each price
In the final slide the students will have to complete
the pattern with the money values.
Each slide is a drag and drop on the board. It is all
very fun and interactive for each child. They will
properly learn how to use money values in a variety
of different ways.
Technology Please
provide the direct link to the IWB

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