Untitled Project By: Brandon Siddall

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Untitled Project

By: Brandon Siddall

Fade In.


We open on the typical retirement home. It is Cold and Dark, the

Retirement home is unkempt and looks to be on the verge of being
condemned. The building is one story with a modest parking lot but
not a lot of cars in it. GARF is printed on the side of a white van
which is double parked in a Handicapped area. As the we move slowly
closer to the building we see a sign that says “Golden Acres
Retirement Facility”


The hallways of Golden Acres are white and uncomfortable, a few

orderlies are walking through the halls and going in and out of
rooms. One orderly is pushing a cart with various items (Tissue
Paper, Toilet Paper, Cleaning Supplies) A few residents at this
Senior Facility are walking together slowly, with no ambition, and no
real agenda. No one is speaking except for 2 orderlies who seem to
be making some kind of joke.


There is a man laying in a hospital type bed. This man is BERNIE(66),

He is unshaven and his hair is unkempt. He is tucked in and is
sleeping. There is a TV on right beside him on some infomercial.
Right beside the TV is a phone. There is a tray on the other side of
the man with a half eaten chicken breast and some vegetables. The
room is not very different from the hallway except that the lights
are down low in this room. There are a few pictures of BERNIE and his
son Travis. The door is shut and aside from the low sounds of the
television the room is quiet. Bernie begins to stir.


There are two nurses behind a high counter, Julie (22) and Lydia
(21). They are your typical nurse type. Lydia appears to be a Latin
decent and Julie is a thin black woman. They are gossiping about
their relationships. They are dressed in baby blue scrubs. We join
them Mid-Conversation.

...and he was in bed with his sisters friend

Lydia gasps and puts her hand to her mouth.

You don't mean... you gotta be kidin'.
Lydia seems to know exactly who Julie is talking about. Julie rolls
her eyes and smirks

You got it

Lydia smiles and begins to laugh

Ge' outta here, thats nasty...

Lydia is cut off by the beeping from the multi-line telephone on

their desk. The beeping is accompanied by a flashing red light next
to the number 21. Lydia instantly knows this light and alarm. She has
been through this many, many times before. Julie just laughs.

Its your turn now, honey

fuck... Mr. Hesta again?


Bernie is out of bed now. He is wearing Boxers and a V-Neck
(Stretched out) White Shirt. He is screaming at his TV. His phone is
knocked off of the hook. The tray of food is now on the floor and the
vegetables are all over. Bernie is screaming his son's name.


Bernie knocks one of the pictures down in a fury he kicks his bed (on
wheels) and he falls on the floor. Clutching his shin. He begins
scrambling on the ground;


He begins whispering to himself and slightly whimpering from kicking

the bed.

You have to... help. Travis, please...

The door opens and the lights come on, two orderlies come into the
picture they are large strapping men with white clothes and black
belts. Bernie seems lost and scared, he begins to yell incoherently
and the men pick Bernie up off of the ground. In a very jerky motion.
He is uncooperative and he doesn't stand, he goes decides to go dead
weight so that the orderlies will put him down. They dont, put him
down. Everyone seems to be moving really fast. Nurse Lydia comes in
behind the two men and tries to calm Bernie down. Lydia tries talking
over Bernie's yelling, it is very loud.

MR. HESTER, you gotta calm down! MR. HESTA calm down already!

Bernie struggles against the men and yells at the nurse; this looks
to be routine for Lydia but for Bernie it seems like the first time.

Let me go! I wanna go home, Travis will take me home!

CALM DOWN HESTA!!! an' we will let you go! But ya gotta calm down,

Bernie pushes away from the orderlies and struggles, his left arm
comes free and he begins yelling again.


Lydia motions to one of the orderlies and he restrains Bernie against

a wall. They seem to be using more force than they would need with
Bernie. They slam him against the wall, knocking more pictures off
the wall, we can see the pictures tumbling off and onto the white
linoleum floor. Lydia pulls a syringe from off camera and holds it up
to the light. Flicking the syringe for air bubbles. The syringe has a
clear liquid inside. Lydia has had enough. She seems to be at wits
end. She begins talking as if he is docile and she completely
disregards the fact that he is frightened.

a'right now bernie, this is gonna hurt a lil' ok? But you give me no
choice. Sorry Mr. Hesta...


Lydia moves in closer to Bernie and his voice is muffled, and we blur
out quickly and cut scene.

Bernie is sitting in a chair with a blank expression on his face. In

the background other senior citizens are playing various table games.
They are out of focus. Some are just walking aimlessly around the
room. Bernie looks to be melting into the chair. His nose is running.
His mouth is hanging agape. It looks like there is no hope here for
Bernie. There is an empty chair on either side of him. He wipes his
nose very slowly. HARRY (60) walks up and sits in the chair on his
right. Harry is shorter and fatter than Bernie. He is wearing a
southern style button up collar shirt and baby blue polyester pants.
He is bald on top but has a horseshoe of black hair surrounding his
head. A gray push broom mustache shades his upper lip. He is carrying
a Newspaper under his arm.

I heard they done it to ya again, buddy, yeah?

Harry waits for Bernie to say something, a worried look comes over
Harry's face. He begins again when Bernie doesn't speak.

Its getting worse ya know, they are gonna give it to you everyday
now. You gotta stop with them damn episodes.

A woman walks up and tries to just take the paper. Harry brushes her
away and shoo's her.

Get outa here Alice, get your own damned paper.

He turns his attention back to Bernie

I got mail Bernie, I heard from my grand-daughter. She is graduating
next month isn't that grand?

Harry smiles at Bernie but Bernie doesn't seem amused.

Bernie? Did ya hear my little grand daughter is graduating. She is
making something of herself, she's gonna be a senator. Believe that..
My little pumpkin...


Bernie has the same empty look on his face, he is in bed and the TV
is off. He is staring at the small sliver of light that is barely
coming into his room from the outside. The room is really quiet and
we can only hear Bernie breathing. The phone begins ringing but he
makes no attempt to answer it. Bernie continues to stare at the
sliver of light. A Voice over plays while we look at Bernie in bed.

Bernie (VO)
My boy Travis is a real go getter, thats a boy that knows just where
he is going in life. Travis is the most caring and loving boy a
father could ever have.

Travis (Child – VO)

You know mom told me I could be whatever I wanted too be when I grew
up! Did ya know that pop? Did ya?

Bernie (VO)
And right she was Trav, you can be anything you wanna be. You mom was
one hundred percent right.

Travis (Child – VO)

Pop, when i grow up I wanna be a real life Astronaut.

Bernie (VO)
You will be son.

Bernie mouths the rest of this line.

Bernie (VO)
You will be.



There are a lot of cars in this parking lot, we are focused on a

green pickup truck. Older model but not too old late 70's maybe early
80's with a camper shell. The windows are fogged up. There is no one
in the parking lot but there are a lot of cars. Pan close to the


Inside the truck we meet Travis (30) a young man with black neck
length greasy hair. His face is littered with black stubble. He is a
fidgety and small framed young man. Very bony. His eyes are sunken
back. He is wearing a extra large navy blue sweater. The sweater is
way to large for him. He is an obvious junkie. He is very
uncomfortable, breathing heavy. He looks like he is on the brink of a
breakdown. We join him while he waits for his accomplice Luke (27) to
get back to the truck. He is fiddling on the steering wheel kind of
tapping, drumming away and looking in all of the mirrors. Travis
looks very nervous as usual.

Come on.. whats taking you... comeon comeon...

He messes with the dashboard and tries to wipe the windshield from
the inside with his sweater sleeve. Travis notices something in one
of his side mirrors.

Oh my god... herewego....

He straightens himself up and sniffles, he coughs and reaches over

and unlocks the passenger side door. Travis looks to be putting on a
front of not being nervous.

Alright man come on, you got it.

The passenger side door opens up and Luke jumps in with a ski mask on
and a duffel bag in one hand. He is wearing a black track suit. He is
out of breath and he rips the mask off. His black crew-cut hair is
sweaty and he is out of breath. He is frantic and yells.


Travis is visibly shaking and he fumbles with the keys, Luke seems to
be getting more and more pissed off. Luke looks all around and
apparently no one is chasing him but he still has a paranoid look
about him.

Sorry man, im fuckin sorry man!


Luke grabs the keys from Travis and puts them easily into the


Travis starts the truck and the radio blares the Classic Rock station
startling both Luke and Travis.

Luke turns it down and they pull out of the parking spot very

Sorry man, god im so sorry. Please...

Luke looks behind him and breaths a sigh of relief when they are
clear of the parking lot. Travis is frantic on the wheel, but he
steadies up and begins to drive normally. Luke sets the duffel bag on
his lap and opens it up. We now see Luke is a fairly built younger
man. He is clean cut and is always straight to business.

We got it right? Right man?

Luke seems agitated by the fact that Travis would even ask. We can
tell that Luke has a strained relationship with Travis.

What? I... I fucking got it? What do you think? Use your fuckin' head

Travis is very weary of Luke he doesn't really want to anger him.

Travis knows exactly what type of person Luke is.

Your right Luke sorry...

Luke is very agitated and is nearly screaming. He is shaking when he

is yelling at Travis.

Jesus fucking Christ Travis!

Luke shows four bundles of 20 dollar bills. The sight of the money
soothes Travis and Luke and they stop yelling.

Ahh... we got it...

Luke pulls his 9MM Hand Gun out of the duffel bag too.

Hey luke man, you didn't uhh...
Luke points the gun at the road ahead of them. He knows how to use
this weapon. Luke seems to of had some sort of Military training. He
doesn't turn his attention too Travis he just keeps aiming.

Shoot anyone?

Luke looks over at Travis who is nervous at the sight of the gun. It
makes him visibly uncomfortable.

No man don't worry, I did not discharge my weapon!

Luke says this mocking a drill sergeant. Travis keeps his attention
on the road ahead. He is mindful of the gun but he keeps to the road.

Just get us to Staci's place ok...

Ok, ok sorry man, don't worry about it. Its cool. I got it. Staci's

Shut the fuck up, stop fucking... what the fuck?

Sorry Luke, really...


Luke sighs and looks out of the passenger window and taps on the
glass with the gun a little bit. Than puts it on the seat next to
him. Travis looks like he is calming down. But he is still Nervous.


The truck speeds down the Highway and we can see that the highway is
virtually empty. There are a few semi trucks passing here and there.

Fade Out

Fade In

INT – Bernie's Room – Dim

Bernie is in bed in the similar manner that he was when we first saw
him, asleep. He has a new IV in his arm and he seems to be in a
really deep sleep. Nurse Julie is tucking him in and she turns off
the TV which is on a Bonanza rerun. The room is cleaned up from the
last episode. There is a slight knock on the door and Harry pokes his
head inside the room.

Oh, sorry i didn't know...

Harry seems embarrassed he turns to leave but Julie motions for him
to stop.

No its ok, Mr. Krumb, please...

Harry stops and turns, he comes back into the room and stands
nervously against the wall near the door.

Hi nurse julie... Hows he doin?

Harry seems really concerned for his friend here. He rubs his
mustache and fumbles with his hands.

Mr. Krumb how does Mr. Hester seem to be doing out in the recreation
area lately? Does he talk?

Harry thinks for a moment and puts his hand on his friends shoulder.
In a comforting manner. He is facing the nurse.

He's gettin' worse Ms. Julie i don't know, he just don't talk to

Harry turns his attention to Bernie, sleeping on the bed. Harry

studies his friend for a while. Nurse Julie puts her hand on Harry's
shoulder. He doesn't acknowledge the comforting hand on his shoulder.

Well I just gave him his meds... his “Episodes” are getting worse
though and I don't know how long until he loses it completely.

She takes a few deep breaths and turns to walk out of the room.

He will be out for a little while though

Harry just stands there looking down at his friend. He nods in

acknowledgment to the nurse.
Fade Out

Fade In


The green truck pulls up to the Apartment parking lot and quickly
pulls into a space. It screeches to a stop and jerks with the
momentum from the speed of the truck. The building is old and tall it
is in a very bad area. There are two or three people sitting in front
of the building. They are teens one of which has a tall boy can of
Beer in his hand. Both Travis and Luke get out of the truck at the
same time. Travis' pace is quicker than Luke. Luke has the duffel bag
over his shoulder and he puts the gun into his belt line. Very
casually, Travis twirls his keys and they both walk up to the front
door of this apartment. Travis walks up to the door, he looks to the
wall near the door where there is a Intercom System. He presses
Staci's apartment on the Intercom System. The Intercom buzz's like an
alarm clock.

Intercom System

Travis looks worried and nervously runs his hand through his hair,
and takes a deep breath. He tugs on the collar of his sweater. He is
very relived and nearly hugs the wall when Staci answers. Staci
sounds a little out of it.

Staci (VO)
What? Who is it?

Oh man, Staci, Oh man... Come on its Trav and Luke! Let us up man, we
got it.

Staci is silent for a long time, Travis looks worried again and he
paces away from the intercom box. Luke shifts his position standing
there but remains still.

Staci (VO)
Well get your asses up here and bring that shit!

Travis nearly jumps for joy and he waits for the BUZZ on the door,
with a lot of anticipation. Once the BUZZ goes off he throws open the
door and holds it open for Luke who strolls into the Apartment
complex. Travis follows behind.


Staci (17) walks to her front door and unlocks the deadbolt and lets
the door swing open a little. There is cigarette smoke in the air and
she is holding a baby in her left hand. Staci is a broken girl. She
is wearing no makeup and looks completely trashed. She is holding a
baby, her daughter Addison. Addison is bare except for a large
diaper. Staci is wearing a large man's robe and that seems to be it.
She has dirty blond hair. There is a dirtiness about this place. It
hangs everywhere. Staci seems to be hungover, she is coughing and
Addison is crying. We can hear footsteps coming down the hallway from
outside the apartment. We can hear Luke's voice from down the hall
way a bit.

Luke (OC)
...fuck... im tired!

Luke and Travis pour into the apartment, Luke walks up to Staci and
moves his hand past her crotch area.

...Stace... hows my girl?

Staci rolls her eyes and switches addison to her other arm. Staci
ignores Luke. And he moves on to the Living room.


Travis stumbles into the middle of the living room which is connected
to the kitchen and doorway. Luke plops down onto the couch. There is
a large pile of dirty clothes right next to the couch.

Why don't you clean this shit up?

Staci (OC)
Fuck you Scumbag! You really know how to greet a lady. fuckin

Staci coughs and nearly drops her baby. Addison cries louder, she
bounces Addison until she stops crying. Staci walks into the living
room and she puts Addison on the couch.

Is she ok?

Than Staci turns her attention to Travis. And begins walking too him.
trav you look like shit!

Travis forces a smile and rubs his face, he walks further into the
apartment. He sounds like he is going to be sick. Staci walks up
behind him and puts her hands on his hips. Travis tries to force out:

...yeah, i dont feel so good. Hows DeShawn?

Staci begins to answer but is cut off when Luke pounds on the couch.
Addison begins crying again. Luke seems really agitated that Staci
and Travis arnt talking business...

FUCK THAT (Angrily) Look Staci I got the money. Two Thousand dollars
just like we said. Now call Bug and we can get our shit. Right?

Staci snickers and turns to Luke

Alright... chill out, I'm just sayin' hi.

Well fuckin hurry up already, we don't give a SHIT about DeShawn! We
want our fucking Coke!

Luke shoots up from the couch and walks over to Staci the two get
inches from each other and Luke presses in close to her. He puts his
hands low on her back. She blows smoke in his face and pushes him
away. Travis uncomfortably moves over by the living room table. The
table is covered in trash. There is crusted liquids and old food on
the table. There is a phone there surrounded by old pizza and

Honey, Trav. Baby,

She says in a baby voice.

Trow me dat phone k?

INT – Travis' Truck Cab – Late Afternoon

Travis is alone now driving fast down the highway. His stereo is
blaring the Classic Rock station again. His sweater is gone and he is
wearing a black GWAR T-Shirt with holes in it. He is driving really
fast and he has a bag of cocaine next to him. He is dipping his
finger into the Cocaine, than he is rubbing the Coke on his gums. He
closes his eyes and seems really satisfied with the coke. He smiles
and than his eyes jerk open when we hear a car horn blast. He jerks
on the wheel and checks his mirrors.

Damn, asshole...

Travis cranks up his radio, he sings along with the song on the
radio. Than speeds up.

EXT – TRAVIS' Apartment – Late Afternoon

Travis' truck pulls up to the front of the apartment and he parralel

parks in a space right near the front of the apartment. The Apartment
building is a shrewd brown stucco covered building. There are patches
of dead grass all over the front of the building. Travis' music is
heard outside of the truck. Until he is parked and turns off the
ignition. A Man walking a small dog walks past the front of the
building and stares at Travis. Travis rubs more coke on his gums
before pulling his keys out of his ignition and stepping out of the


Travis stumbles up to the front of the building and shoots himself

around a corner.

EXT – TRAVIS' FRONT DOOR – Late Afternoon

Travis stumbles up to the front door of his apartment, a bright red

door with a 21 on it. He fumbles his keys out of his pocket. He pulls
the cocaine baggy out of his pocket and than his keys. He mumbles to
himself while he unlocks his front door and goes in.


Travis' apartment is in better condition than Staci's. The apartment

is dark there is now lamp and virtually no furniture. The carpet is a
harsh shade of gray. There are multiple stains. There is a couch and
small table in the Living room. The couch is blue and green floral
print. The table is a cheap Wal-Mart brand table. Travis walks past
his answering machine which is on the floor near the front door. The
machine is flashing 2. He presses play and slumps down on his couch.
The Answering Machine plays off camera.

Answering Machine (O.C.)

Mr. Hester... this is Julie from Golden Acres Retirement Facility. I
am calling because you need to Authorize us to up your fathers
medication. Our phone number is (521)582 – 1818. You will need to
talk to a Dr. Evans. Thank you for your time........Beep

The whole time the message plays Travis doesnt really seem to care.
He puts the bag of Cocaine on his table and puts a little on his
finger. He snorts some just as the Answering Machine starts his next

Answering Machine (O.C.)

Trav yo, this is DeShawn! I'm comin' over tonight. Trav... are you
there... come on dawg... Trav... Alright laters......Beep

Travis smiles and starts snorting a bunch of coke, he is using his

finger and shoveling it into his nostrils. He smiles while the
message is going on. He is getting really high and we can see this.
The room begins to get dimmer and there is a blue hue coming over the
entire room. Travis just keeps snorting the coke.

Time lapse shot of Travis snorting than walking away from the couch
and pacing and doing pushups. Than he sits down again and snorts some
more. The screen is getting bluer and bluer. There is a voice over of
his father and himself talking while the Time Lapse is going on.
Bernie seems to be really angry and you can here it in his voice. The
sound of a screen door opening and slamming shut is heard

Bernie (V.O.)
Travis, get back here... Where The HELL have you been? Its 2 in the

Travis (V.O.)
Dad? Why are you up?

There is some rustling and we get some images of a teenage Travis and
a younger Bernie standing in a dark living room. They are really
blurry and they just flash for a couple seconds. Bernie has his hand
tightly around teenage Travis' left bicep. Travis pulls away from

Bernie (V.O.)

Travis (V.O.)
You been drinkin, pop?

Travis is beginning to sound really scared. There are images of

Bernie with a bottle in his hand of Jim Beam the bottle is empty and
Bernie has a look in his eyes. He is clearly drunk.
Travis (V.O.)
Give me da bottle Pop

Bernie (V.O.)
I haven't been drinkin' bastard... your causin' trouble with those
piece of shit friends of yours arnt you?

The blue is a lot brighter now and Travis is slowing down, Travis is
pacing around his living room and eating something that he got from
his kitchen. The time lapse slows down too. Travis takes a snort of
the coke and rubs it on his gums. He tries to lay down on the couch
but he falls off onto the floor and knocks the rest of the coke down
onto the carpet.

The coke falls in slow motion

Bernie (V.O.)
Your a piece of shit just like your friends... I hope you end up on
the street you BASTARD!!!

There are crashing noises as we Travis falls onto the floor and we
are flashed with images of his father stumbling around the old living
room knocking over a table and crashing into the wall. The screen
starts to get lighter and lighter. We hear some knocking its very
faint. We are focused on Travis' face, he is extremely sweaty and he
is on the ground in front of his couch. There is a crashing sound
from off camera. Wood splintering. There is a much older sounding
Travis voice over. He mouths the words though.

Travis (V.O.)
My mind is a machine gun

Travis vomits and spews food and white foam from his mouth. The
screen is getting white now... We see Travis' eyes looking around
half open not really at anything. They are restless. A hand picks up
Travis' face... The hand is of a African American Male. This is
DeShawn (29) but we don't see him we only see his hand. All sounds
are muffled now and echoed.

DeShawn (O.C.)
Travis, Yo! Travis!!?

Travis responds but very quietly and silently almost whispering.


Fade to White

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