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1- Introduction to research
1.1 project overview
With the evolution of technology, it became a necessity to have a space where youth can have
the freedom to think, innovate and create new ideas. A space that gathers all the disciplines to
encourage and strengthen the modern interdisciplinary approaches. That’s why our
graduation project for the year 2023 is creating an innovation hub, that groups together
entrepreneurs, creators, researchers, and innovators to grow ideas into industry-changing
products and services. It can be the focal point of a city or a center of activity within an
innovation district that encourages collaboration, serves as a springboard for new ideas and
helps innovators pursue creative solutions. The project is not exclusively about creating a
business centered place, it’s more about creating a co-living community, a hybrid place and a
mixed-use space where one can live, work, socialize, innovate and interact with others and
with nature.
Our project includes four scales of design which are:
1- Architecture: in which smart, ecological and efficient buildings should be designed to
inhabit different activities and spaces of different scales starting from co-working
spaces for startups and small businesses to large companies and corporate
2- Urban: in which a whole process of regeneration and requalification for the urban
fabric in the chosen area should be done to keep up with the ecological and
sustainable approaches of the 21st century.
3- Landscape: in which open green spaces that enhances the quality of the built
environment should be designed along with spaces dedicated for urban agriculture to
make this community self-sufficient and productive.
4- Street Furniture: in which new smart furniture typologies should be designed for the
open spaces.

1.2 Proposed sites

There are three proposed sites for the project, as seen in figure 1, of different urban contexts
and backgrounds, and each with a unique set of qualities and environmental challenges. The
three sites are:
Figure 1: Proposed sites for the project

1- Cairo: in the heart of downtown in Ramses square.

2- Alexandria: in Moharam bek district.
3- Sohag: in an island in the Nile river.
Each one of our teamwork will choose the site suitable for his/her idea and theme.

1.3 Research methodology

Our methodology for studying the three sites is closely investigating and analyzing every site
from three main aspects which are
1- The physical aspect: includes studying the accessibility, traffic, transportation and
topography of the site along with the context analysis which includes urban fabric,
adjacent buildings’ uses, heights and conditions, architectural style, landmarks and
any recognized problems.
2- The socio-economic aspect: includes studying the population, demographic structure,
economic base and culture of the city.
3- The environmental aspect: includes studying the climatic conditions and the suitable
design guidelines for these conditions along with searching for the suitable urban
agriculture methods and elements.

And at the end, creating a SWOT analysis as a conclusion for each site to help each one of us
develop a full vision about the site that will be suitable for his/her concept and idea.
Selection Criteria Matrix
Creating a comparison matrix, as shown in the figure below, between the three proposed sites
and evaluating each site based on 10 main factors with a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is the
lowest and 5 is the highest.

Figure 2: Selection criteria matrix

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