Digital Analytics Individual Assignment - BHATT Alok

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Digital Analytics Individual Assignment – Cirro Technologies

Name: Alok Bhatt

Group: MSc Marketing A
Professor’s Name: Andrew Walker
Word count: 3083
Date: 15 May 2022
Table of Contents

Strategic Context ................................................................................................6-7
Data Analysis and Actionable Insights…………………………………………………….……….8-14
UX & UI Issues…………………………………………………………………………………………………15-20
Managerial Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………21-23
Google Certificates.............................................................................................27-29

Cirro technology is an IT consulting company which focuses on delivering the best enterprise
cloud computing solutions that help organizations solve complex business problems with
ease. They provide enterprise cloud solutions to help redefine the way businesses interact
with data daily and services for businesses such as data protection, data analytics and data
compliance. Being industry agnostic, they aim to solve complex business problems in
multiple sectors by delivering the best enterprise-grade cloud computing solutions for
businesses of all sizes. Ciro’s technical specialists spend time to first understand your Data
Protection & Cyber Security needs and help strategize the path ahead so your organization
can meet the requirements of today’s global standards. Cirro offer fast turnaround times
with minimal downtime aimed at faster disaster recovery and ransomware protection
ensuring that your business always remains operational. Their services include:

1. Backup and Restore, DR:

• Backup Modernization
• Ransomware Protection
• Remote and Branch office setup
• SaaS Backup
• Cloud native backup and recovery
• NAS Backup

2. Managed Services:
• Secure cloud

The company uses lead-generation B2B brochureware Website, social media, Blogs, and
Pre-Assessment tool to generate B2B leads and display the company’s wide area of
expertise. The company uses social media but doesn’t have many followers. Facebook and
Twitter have very few followers whereas, LinkedIn has not more than 329 followers. They
post on social media frequently. They have Veeam, Acronis, Commvault and Druva as their
solution partners. As for their competitors they have Ace-Data Clouds, 22by7 Solutions and
Optimistic Technology Solutions (OTSP) Pvt. Ltd which offer similar kinds of services.
Source: Twitter account of Cirro Technologies

Source: LinkedIn account of Cirro Technologies

Source: Facebook account of Cirro Technologies

Source: Website of Cirro Technologies

Strategic Context

Web Marketing Maturity Model was used to understand the current situation in digital
marketing in the company (Figure-1 Digital Marketing Maturity Model). It is quite evident
that the company is on Level 1 – Initial

• Plan – The company has not enabled Goals, Channels and Multi-Channel funnel under

• Reach – Cirro has used a list of keywords but have kept very less budget. They use SEA
without proper planning, and they do not use it frequently. Under google ads you can see
that they launched one campaign by the name of Lead Generation 1 and in this campaign,
they used keywords with medium and low search volume to have less competition and to
pay less for cost per click.

• InterAct – The company has well organized navigation menu but on clicking on the logo it
doesn’t re-direct you to the home screen. On entering the website for the first time it
collects details of the clients and if you want to contact them there is email or you can fill
the form to get in touch with them. They claim that they are available 24*7*365 so I tried
contacting them through email. They can use live chatbot which gives the impression of
24*7 availability, and it makes the interaction more structured.

• Convert – Cirro does not use remarketing. Emails are handled manually, and the process
can be automated as it saves the time and efforts.

• Brand – Basic brand identity and brand benefits are conveyed well but there are no
customer reviews that are posted on the website.

• Governance – The company has set up analytics accounts with nothing activated in the
conversions. They use it to track basic KPIs like new users and page per visit. By activating
conversions, it can significantly help them in analyzing the website to each detail. It
indicates issues with speed and performance, mobile usability, device optimization, content
on your landing pages, and more

The main goal of the company is to generate leads by making the clients use the pre-
assessment tool to get the information of the users and convert them later into sales. The
company needs to analyze and make use of the Google Analytics data. Using analytics will
allow them to target specific audience in the specific region with similar interests and
behaviors. It will also allow them to see what the competitors are doing different which is
giving them the edge. Designing location-specific marketing campaigns for the Bangalore
Area which is very famous for being the home of the biggest IT companies. Acquisition tab in
the Analytics helps to understand that from which channel is the traffic coming and then the
company can improvise or focus time on channels that’s fruitful for them. The audience tab
in analytics gives the company much detailed information about the demographics,
interests, geographical, behavior, technology, and benchmark with competitors about the
users, which is very important to help to adapt the website to the customer's needs and
their behavior while they are visiting the website. Using Search Console to identify the right
keywords and enhance the visibility of the website. Analytics can help the company to
recognize key information that is making people stick to your website for a longer duration
and what is their journey i.e., which page they go onto next and what do they do before
exiting the page. On analyzing one can better develop the content and use relevant
keywords to reach the goal of getting more leads and not to forget that the leads can be
targeted as well therefore, the rate of conversion also increases.

Figure 1: “Web Marketing Maturity Model”

Source: Digital Marketing excellence benchmark template

Data Analysis and Actionable Insights
It is essential to identify strong and weak points of the company’s channels among the
industry. Direct channel has relatively high amount of session and high amount of users as
compared to other channels because people are directly searching for the company and
they go directly to the website.Paid and Organic search has extremely poor amount of pages
per session, Average session duration and the bounce rate matrix has some error in it.
Facebook and Twitter have very few followers whereas, LinkedIn has not more than 329
followers. They post on social media frequently.

Figure 2: “Google Analytics Benchmarking”

Source: Google Analytics (1 Jan – 10 April 2022)

Cirro technologies is using keywords that has medium and low competition but good search
volume. However, they invested not more than 20 Euros up to date. This shows that they
are over reliable on company’s name to reach the landing pages. As it is visible in the figure
below the website has low domain authority because they have just 11 backlinks and other
back links are not working or broken.
Figure 3: “Cirro Technologies Domain Authority”

Source: MOZ (April 2022)

Figure 4: “Cirro Technologies Backlinks”

Source: Ahrefs (April 2022)

Cirro Technology is currently unaware of the linking strategy for their site because of which
very few backlinks are working. This keeps you away from the targeted clients. Their
competitors like Ace-Data Clouds, 22by7 Solutions and Optimistic Technology Solutions
(OTSP) Pvt. Ltd are not doing anything so great as well. The choice and implementation of
the keywords is very poor, and many URLs are missing meta descriptions. They should focus
on building hundreds and thousands of backlinks over time and see what their competitors
are doing regarding this. It is recommended to use one Header 1 tag per page circumstances
where it might be appropriate to use more than one Header 1 tag on a page. Word Press
makes this pretty easy. Most themes simply take whatever the title is for the post or page
and automatically set it as the H1 text use Header 2 sparingly. The more H2s your page has,
the less useful they are.
Figure 5: “Headings H1”

Source: ScreamingFrog(May,2022)

Figure 6: “Headings H2”

The number of referral links used is very less as it is evident from the picture below and
company should also improve the number of referral links along with good quality

Figure 7: “Google Analytics Referrals”

Source: Google Analytics (1 Jan – 10 April 2022)

In Cirro’s Technologies landing pages almost none of the pages are receiving the clicks. The
Home page has the highest number of clicks and it is evident that people search the website
directly by its name and has not worked at all on improving the digital marketing aspect of
the business i.e., no goals set for any campaign till date and poor selection of keywords etc.
They should focus upon on long-tail keywords on their site. They should focus more on
backup modernization and secure cloud services etc.
Figure 8: “Cirro Technologies Search Console”

Source: Google Analytics (Jan 2021 - Mar 2022)

Figure 9: “Cirro Technologies Search Queries”

Source: Google Analytics (Jan 2022 - May 2022)

Figure 10: “Cirro Technologies Channels”

Source: Google Analytics (Jan 2022 - May 2022)

Figure 11: “Cirro Technologies Benchmarking - Channels”

Source: Google Analytics (Jan 2022 - May 2022)

To continue this analysis, and to identify and evidence key issues, it could be crucial to
analyze Cirro Technologies’ keywords strategy to explain the issues in the organic search.
the poor performance in organic search and it is again evident how reliable the company is
on its name and few keyword like Backup Modernization, Cloud Native Backup and

Figure 12: “Cirro Technologies Keywords”

Source: SERPROBOT and SE ranking (April 2022)

UX & UI Issues

Figure 13 : “Cirro Technologies Home Page”

Source: Cirro Technologies Website (May 2022)

Figure 14: “UX analysis of Cirro Technology”

Figure 15: “UX analysis of Cirro Technology”

Figure 16: “UX analysis of Cirro Technology”

During group work we found out many UX problems on the website. To start with
• the company logo is not linked to the home page.
• There is no contact information in the top right corner of each page.
• In the ‘contact us’ section, the contact form needs to be placed above, I
dropped and email to the company but didn’t receive any response so far
also there was no confirmation for the e-mail sent.
• The quality of the images is very poor
• There is confusion in the kind of services they are offering.
• The page speed is 7.9 seconds which is very high
• In Figure 17&18 a small test was conducted for UX and the problems and
recommendations to that is presented below in the figure.
• In figure 19 one can see the Heat Map of the website. They should use and
this put relevant keywords, CTA button and good images on the website.
Figure 17: “Website Grader”

Source: Website Grader( May 2022)

Figure 18: “Website Grader”

Source: Website Grader( May 2022)

Figure 19: “ Cirro technology heatmap”

Source: Attention Insight heatmap (9 Apr 2022)

I am suggesting a mix of recommendations covering many aspects such as organic search,
paid search, referrals, and UX. For building leads Cirro should use lead magnets like e-
newsletters, free consultations and free E-books having information about Cloud safety in
details. All these can be used to attract clients and help them satisfying the need for the
service offered by Cirro technologies. Downloadable Pdf E-books is an efficient way of
getting leads. Webinars collaboration with people or organization sharing the same goals
secure cloud solutions should be used generate more leads. Guest blogging with famous
tech bloggers Harsh Agarwal (ShoutMeLoud),Shradha Sharma (YourStory),Pardeep Goyal (,Prabhu Desai (,Raju PP (,Imran Uddin ( and Pradeep Kumar ( would help to create more
backlinks. A post on Reddit under cloud solutions would help them too. They should use
Comment Backlinks as their competitors are using it too on relevant blogs, posts, industry
forums and groups of websites with high domain authority. They should also include
keywords on webpage content to satisfy client needs and reaching out to their solution
partners to create Backlinks for Cirro. This improves credibility and it is a form of web 2.0
testimonials. Cirro should use tools like Mail Chimp. Goals are not set on analytics and
should be set to measure data more efficiently. They should make multiple landing pages
which can be very simplified. Here are multiple examples for the best landing pages
“”. According to one HubSpot survey companies with 30+ landing pages
on their website generated 7X more leads than companies with 1 to 5 landing page.Instead
of using one ad-campaign by the name of lead generation-1 they should use multiple ad-
campaigns targeting specific niche like disaster recovery and backup modernization. They
can further use ad-campaigns to find out which state in India is getting the greatest number
of leads. I used Ahrefs backlink-checker to check the number of backlinks and there are only
11 backlinks with 10 referring domains which is low as compared to their competitor ace
data which has 4217 backlinks and 269 referring domains. The company should build more
than 5000 backlinks. They can use Moz and Ahref to find high domain authority websites
and partner with them. Use the ones with domain score higher than 60 and remove the bad
ones. Add Anchor text to increase average session duration and pages per session. For
example, on the blogs there can be anchor text placed which directly leads to the relevant
services. If there is blog on ransomware protection an Exact Match Anchor Text can be
placed to directly lead to the relevant service. In the image below one can see the lack of
anchor text. Branded anchor text can be used to redirect back to the main website. Image
Anchor text can also be used to attach links to images, and it can lead user to the relevant
services on the page. it is important all the images have ALT- text. Screaming Frog SEO
Spider can be used for it. It is evident from the data that Ciro Technologies use social media
frequently, but they have no plan. Instead of posting about festivals they should continue
doing awareness posts. Bangalore is the IT hub of India. They should target users based on
specific customer persona. For e.g., people from 22-30 years of age interested in cloud
services. LinkedIn can be used more for picking up user personas based on similar interests
and background and awareness posts regarding cloud services or ransomware protection
can be used. Cirro technologies should join communities on social-media and be active on
these channels to help getting more leads. Topics related to the industry, how to
troubleshoot, why you need secure cloud or back up modernization can be used. Social
media is free and can be used effectively to build solid leads. They can communicate with
companies who require such services in Bangalore and lead them to their landing page.
Cirro technology can use searches that contain reviews or reviews for the competitor brand,
then you can appear above the 3rd party review sites and get your USP across. Integrate live
chat with the customer service to generate more leads. I sent an email to the company and
never got a reply which leaves a bad impression. They should use You Tube Collaboration
with any of their solution partner i.e., Veaam, Druva, Commvault, and Acronis to promote
both the company and the cloud solutions that they have. Picking suitable title from which shows what people are asking when it comes to cloud solutions
and data protection and the company can make an ad for that service which has a really
high volume search. New positioning for the free pre-assessment in the home page between
the service and the clients section. The graphics on the pre-assessment form should be
improved. Need to set a goal to understand data.They should add certifications and
testimonials to improve the brand image and help in conversion of leads based on trust. Add
alt text to all images, delete the old home page, a broken link in the privacy policy should be
fixed, all social media should be linked. New tagline and new positioning of CTA in the Home
Page to simplify user journey. The Data-to-Everything Platform Built for the Cloud The
Smarter Way to Backup Modernization. Banner ad with keywords like cloud solutions and
data recovery etc. can be displayed on which is an online media
platform dedicated to interviewing startup and entrepreneurs. It's a great way to get Cirro
Technologies in front of a large audience. There's no cost to get featured.

Figure 20: “Example of Display advertising”

Source: Canva (March,2022)

Figure 21: “Anchor text analysis”

Source: Smallseotools(May,2022)
Cirro technology is yet to harness the digital potential. They should activate goals to get
more data and run a systematic targeted campaign. They are too dependent on the
company’s name and can be in threat if a serious competition arrives. They should do e-mail
campaigns, improve referrals and backlinks, and improve organic search even more. In
marketing there is no right answer there is constant adaptation to the ever-changing needs
of the market and formula keeps changing. It is better to keep trying and find out which
thing is working out well for the company and which is not.

• Kaushik, A. (2010). Web analytics 2.0: The art of online accountability & science of
customer centricity. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
• Datafeedwatch: google ads ppc for b2b guide. Available at:
• Searchenginewatch: ppc budget strategy tips for success on a limited budget.
Available at :
• AnswerThePublic: that free visual keyword research & content ideas tool (2022).
Available at:
ac47fb599ceb (Accessed: 11 April 2022).
• E-marketing Excellence, chapter 7: Traffic Building by David Chaffey. (2012).
Available at: https://ggsb.grenoble-
• Driven, M. (2018) How to Use Google Analytics Benchmarking Reports - Data Driven
U, Data Driven U. Available at:
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• HubSpot, Axon Garside. B2B lead-generation checklist.
• Keyword Density Checker → SEO Review Tools (2018). Available at: (Accessed: 11 April
• Login - SE Ranking (2022). Available at:
11&top=100&keyword=19909458 (Accessed: 11 April 2022).
• Nielsen - 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design
• Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik. (2016). Be Real-World Smart: A Beginner’s
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analytics-guide/ [Accessed 12 Apr. 2022].
• SEO Monitoring Software: Track SEO Performance in One Place (2022). Available at:
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• SERPROBOT - (2022). Available at: (Accessed: 11 April 2022).
• The Ultimate Checklist for an Amazing B2B Website Service Page
• Website User Experience Checklist
• Whatsmyserp (2022). Available at: (Accessed:
11 April 2022).
• WordPress. 25-point Website Usability Checklist.
• Google Analytics (2022), Group Account –
• Facebook Cirro Technologies (2022), Available at:
• LinkedIn Cirro Technologies (2022), Available at:
Appendix: Google Certificates

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