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Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia June 17-19, 2007


Recent Educational and Research Activities in Biomedical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung
Soegijardjo Soegijoko Biomedical Engineering Program, School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Tel/Fax : +62 22 2534117 ; email:

AbstractThis paper describes various educational and research activities in biomedical engineering, recently being conducted by the Biomedical Engineering Program School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The Biomedical Engineering Program at ITB was first launched in 1995 with a masters program. It was then followed with the undergraduate program in 1998, and the doctorate program in 1999. After more than ten years of operations, there are significant number of educational and research activities that involved graduate and undergraduate students as well as staff members. Five main fields of interests in biomedical engineering are currently covered, which include: biomedical instrumentation, biomedical imaging and image processing, biomedical informatics and telemedicine systems, biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering, biomaterials and drug delivery systems. Brief review on some typical examples of educational and research activities are presented. In general, continuous and consistent educational and research activities in selected areas of biomedical engineering are most needed. Keywords biomedical engineering, education, e-health, imaging, image processing, instrumentation, telemedicine

In general, we define biomedical engineering as: a multidisciplinary field that implements science, engineering and technological methods to help solving problems in biology and medicine, to enhance the quality of life through improving community healthcare and education. Biomedical Engineering involves the processing of different types of medical information, to support medical procedure. We have tried to implement a number of integrated activities that involved educational, research and service to the community whenever possible. In collaboration with various healthcare institutions (health offices, community health centers, clinics, or hospitals), students and staff members have been actively involved in different educational and research activities. In this paper, some important background information of the development of biomedical engineering at ITB has been introduced. Sections on the Biomedical Engineering Educational Activities at ITB, Current Research Activities, Professional Societies and Scientific Meetings, are then discussed. A number of examples are also presented, and followed by the Concluding Remarks.

I. INTRODUCTION n ASEAN Australia Regional Conference on Biomedical Electronics 1994 (BME-94) organized in April 1994 at Institut Teknologi Bandung was an important milestone of the development in Biomedical Engineering education in Indonesia. The very first regional conference in the biomedical engineering field was attended by 16 ASEAN participants, 7 Australian experts, and not less than 45 Indonesian participants [1]. The conference provided significant impetus for the first launch of the masters program on Biomedical Engineering in 1995, as an option within the masters program of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Three years later, in 1998, the undergraduate program was then offered, as an option within the study program of electrical engineering. Similarly, the doctorate program on biomedical engineering was also offered in 1999.
ISBN 978-979-16338-0-2

II. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES AT ITB Currently (2007), we offer three different programs on biomedical engineering, namely: the undergraduate program (about 20 students), masters program (16 students), and doctorate program (5 students). A number of educational activities currently being conducted within the BME program, which include: regular undergraduate program (as an option within the study program of Electrical Engineering), the integrated undergraduate & masters program (fast track), the regular masters program (conducted in bahasa Indonesia, as an option within the study program of Electrical Engineering), the International Double Degree Masters Program on Biomedical Engineering (in collaboration with the RUG


Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia June 17-19, 2007


University of Groningen, Netherlands), the masters program with additional e-learning facilities (under the CASECUBE Asia Link project). The staff members and students are actively involved in different types of educational and research activities. Until recently, the program has graduated 3 doctors, 48 masters, and 55 engineers majoring in biomedical engineering. A. Undergraduate Program The undergraduate program on biomedical engineering is currently offered as an option within the study program of electrical engineering. In general, the students are required to complete a total of 144 semester credits in 8 semesters. The courses include 35 semester credits of specific biomedical engineering courses, such as: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, Biomedical Physics, Biomaterials, Transport Phenomena, Computer Applications in BME, Selected Topics, and Final Year Project. A number of choice subjects on biomedical engineering are also offered, for example: Introduction to Biomedical Imaging, Biomedical Instrumentation, and Biomedical Informatics. Although bahasa Indonesia is used in the regular program, some courses may also use English if necessary. Undergraduate students are required to do practical works and final year project on specific topics of biomedical engineering. B. Integrated Undergraduate & Masters Program The fast track program is especially offered to excellent students willing to work harder to complete both undergraduate and masters program on Biomedical Engineering in 5 years (less than the normal 11 to 12 semesters). Each student joining this fast track program is required to complete a total of = 144 + 36 = 180 semester credits (i.e. to obtain both Bachelor and Masters Degrees). Faster time of study and less expensive tuition fee are the attractive advantages for the fast track students. C. Masters Program In general, this program requires 36 semester credits to be completed in 3 or 4 semesters. Beside specific biomedical engineering courses, students are also required to do internship and to complete research activities for her/his Thesis. There are three different masters programs currently offered at the Biomedical Engineering Program ITB that will be briefly described. Regular Masters Program This program is basically taught in bahasa Indonesia and is to be completed in 3 or 4 semesters. Double Degree Masters Program Students entering this program are required to stay at ITB for 2 to 3 semesters and to stay at RUG for at least two semesters. Upon completion of the whole masters

program, the students will obtain two master degrees: M.Sc from RUG and M.T. (Magister Teknik) from ITB. Masters Program with e-Learning Activities This is a CASECUBE (Common Asian European Curriculum on Biomedical Engineering), a collaboration between biomedical engineering programs from three European countries and three Asian countries, i.e.: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands), Ghent University (Belgium), Leeds University (U.K.), Indian Institute of Technology (India), University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia), and Institut Teknologi Bandung. Twelve students from four different universities constitute the first batch of registered pilot students that are entitled to access the web-based course materials presented in NESTOR ( Five of those pilot students are registered at BME ITB. A summer course on Biomedical Engineering will be organized at ITB on 23 27 July 2007 for those CASECUBE students. During the summer course, it is also planned to welcome new batch of students. D. Doctorate Program The Doctorate Program on Biomedical Engineering is currently an option within the doctorate study program on Electrical Engineering. It requires 54 semester credits that have to be completed in 3 to 5 years. In general, most credits are implemented in research activities and publications, although a number of course works may be required for the students. Besides regular program, a sandwich program is also available. Doctor students, masters students, as well as some selected undergraduate students involved in various research activities within specific research groups according to their research topics/areas. Biomedical Engineering students and staff members are continuously encouraged to publish their research works in national, regional, as well as international publications.

III. CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Until recently, there are five main research interests (areas) that have been and/or being conducted within the Biomedical Engineering Program and Research Division (KK = Kelompok Keilmuan). The current research interests include: biomedical instrumentation, biomedical imaging & image processing, biomedical informatics & telemedicine systems, biomechanics & rehabilitation engineering, and biomaterials & drug delivery systems. The number of research activities in each research are not equal; some research interests have more research topics than the others. A number of examples will be presented in the following paragraphs. A. Biomedical Instrumentation

ISBN 978-979-16338-0-2


Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia June 17-19, 2007


Most of the research topics involved the use of micro-processor/microcontroller or PC-based systems. In general, they cover both hardware and software modules. PC-Based & Microcontroller-based Instruments A number of research activities have been/are being conducted for the development of various biomedical instrumentation prototypes. Different research groups are in the development process of various prototypes which include: Portable Electronic Stethoscopes, Pure Tone Audiometers, Brainstem-Evoked Response Audiometers (with Click stimulus and Chirp stimulus), Simple 3 Lead ECG, Portable ECG, and Blood Glucose Monitor Prototypes. Continuous efforts are still required to come up with improved laboratory prototypes and production prototypes. B. Biomedical Imaging & Image Processing [2, 5] The imaging and image processing research topics mostly involve the use of PC, image processing algorithm and software developments. They may also involve some clinical applications. Early Detection of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Different image processing-based methods have been developed for early detection of both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis from easily available X-ray radiographs of proximal femur, clavicular cortex and knee joint. Algorithms and software modules have been/are being developed for the detection system. Diagnosis System of Early Diabetic Retinopathy A computer-aided diagnosis system of early diabetic retinopathy based on micro aneurysms detection from retinal system has been developed. The research works have been conducted in collaboration with the medical staff of the Cicendo Eye Hospital (Bandung). More research activities in the area of medical imaging and image processing are in progress. Encouraging results have been obtained leading to the teleophthalmology, telediagnosis of cataract, teleradiology, and teledermatology. Synergic collaboration with various parties is necessary. C. Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine Different types of telemedicine research activities have been/are being conducted that involve various groups focusing on different functions [3, 4, 6, 7]. Simple e-prescription system A simple paperless prescription system consisting of 3 to 7 PCs in a simple network with a specially developed e-prescription software module, has been designed, implemented, and field tested in one of a community health center in Bandung area. The system has been tested to replace the patient registration card and prescription, and thus almost a paperless prescription system has been obtained. There is a fundamental problem that should be solved before really implementing the system, since the current formal regulation requires the hardcopy prescriptions and patient cards. Thus this fundamental hierarchical and formal regulation problem should be first solved.

Mobile Telemedicine System with Multi Communication Links The development of a mobile telemedicine system with multi communication links for urban & rural areas is currently in progress, located in Sukabumi (West Java) [3]. The system uses VHF radio, mobile phone networks, and the internet. A telemedicine arbiter is also necessary to select the most appropriate telecommunication infrastructure at a particular position of the vehicle and at a given time. This mobile (ambulance) unit is expected to transfer the necessary medical information from the patient in the ambulance to the hospital (Syamsudin Hospital in Sukabumi). Disease surveillance & outbreak management A relatively simple telemedicine system for disease surveillance and outbreak management is currently under development. The system consists of: a Receiver station (a PC with centralized data base and special application software, connected to a number of mobile phones through an interface), Transmitter stations (each consists of a PC connected to a mobile phone), and the existing mobile phone networks. Typical information is edited at every transmitter station to obtain encrypted standardized information in 160 character SMS format (short messaging system). Editing is conducted in PC using a specially developed software module. The information is then further processed, encrypted and sent as an SMS message through the mobile phone. The information and the integrated data base can also be selectively and securely accessed through a special website. The resulted data base is then further processed for the disease surveillance & outbreak management. D. Biomechanics & Rehabilitation Engineering PC-based Continuous Passive Motion Machine and Microcontroller-based Continuous Passive Motion Machine are two consecutive works in the area [9]. Microcontroller-based Gait Analysis System is another topic of interest. E. Biomaterials & Drug Delivery Systems Development of BME ITB Beads (antibiotic-loaded beads) for the treatment of chronic bone infection. This research work is also supported by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands).

IV. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS The members of Biomedical Engineering Research Divisions, Research Groups, as well as other members of research divisions, lecturers and students have been actively participated in international and national professional societies. Different types of scientific meetings have also been organized and/or participated actively. The Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES, Masyarakat Biomedika Indonesia = MBI) is a

ISBN 978-979-16338-0-2

Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia June 17-19, 2007


national society in Biomedical Engineering that was established in Bandung on the 4th April 2001 by a group of staff members, and currently has about 50 members. IEEE EMBS chapter has been officially approved in April 2006. IFMBE (the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering) is another international organization; the IBES is currently in process of being a member of the society. A number of Biomedical Engineering seminars and/or conferences have been organized in the country, sponsored by various organizations and/or professional societies. For examples: BME Seminar 2007, and BME Days 2006. Staff members and students of the Biomedical Engineering Program ITB have also actively participated in different types of regional/international scientific meetings conducted in various countries. For examples: APT Telemedicine Workshop (2007, 2006, 2005, 2002), World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering (WC-2006 Seoul, WC-2003 Sydney), International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Kuala Lumpur (BioMed 2006, 2004), Healthcom (2006, 2005, 2004), APCMBE (Asia Pacific Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering 2006 Tsukuba, Japan). V. CONCLUDING REMARKS With the increasing real demand of biomedical engineers/experts in the country, the development of more and more educational programs and activities should be one of the important steps to be highly recommended towards improving the community healthcare in Indonesia. Further biomedical research activities, involving biomedical engineering staff members and students, in synergic collaborations with various parties are highly recommended to solve existing healthcare problems towards improving community healthcare in Indonesia. Continuous and consistent educational and research activities in selected areas of biomedical engineering should be conducted for obtaining more significant impacts. Further development efforts are also needed to continuously improve the educational curriculum and activities, as well as specific but realistic research topics.

[2] [3]


[5] [6]




Tati L.R. Mengko, et al, Image Processing & Recognition Research Group Activities An Overview, to be published Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Suhartono Tjondronegoro, ICT-Based Telemedicine System Development Activities Towards Improving Community Healthcare in Indonesia, APT Telemedicine Workshop, Chiangmai (Thailand), February 2007 Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Improving Marginalized Community Healthcare Through the Development of ICT-Based Telemedicine System: A Case Study in Indonesia, Korean ASEAN Academic Conference, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 25 27 January 2007 Tati L.R. Mengko, Andriyan B. Suksmono, Trio Adiono, Amy H. Salman, Integrated Telediagnosis Instruments, CICC 2007 Ediana Sutjiredjeki, Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Development of A Communication Arbiter for Mobile Telemedicine System with Multi Communication Links, Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering (WC-2006), Seoul (Korea), 28 Aug. 1 Sept. 2006 Ediana Sutjiredjeki, Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Tati Mengko, Suhartono Tjondronegoro, Development of A Mobile Telemedicine System with Multi Communication Links for Urban & Rural Areas in Indonesia, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering BioMed 2006, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 11 14 December 2006 Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Development of e-Health Kiosks and Telemedicine System for Disaster Area, Healthcom-2005, Busan (Korea), 23-25 June 2005 Hermawan N. Rasyid, Tati Mengko, Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Tjandra P., Design & Realization of PC-Based Continuous Passive Motion Device to Prevent Shoulder Joint Stiffness, APCCAS 2004, Tainan, December 2004.

S. Soegijoko (M-1989) born in 1942 received his Engineers degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia in 1964. His Doctorate degree was obtained from the USTL (Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc), Montpellier, France, in 1980. His thesis was on the Development of Microprocessor-based External Artificial Pancreas. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, ITB since 1966, as a teaching staff. He is currently professor in Biomedical Engineering at the School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics ITB, and has been developing the Biomedical Engineering Program since 1994. His current research interests include: Biomedical Instrumentation, Telemedicine System, and Biomedical Engineering education. Prof. Dr. Soegijardjo Soegijoko is a member of IBES (Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society), IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society), and IEEE-CAS (Circuits and Systems Society). --

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author thanks all the colleagues and students of the biomedical engineering program ITB, and all partners involved in the research and development works. Special thanks go to the Department of Health, Bandung & Sukabumi Health Offices and participating hospitals, as well as all the medical doctors & staff members of the participating institutions and community health centers.

[1] Proceedings of the ASEAN Australia Regional Conference on Biomedical Electronics 1994 (BME-94), Bandung (Indonesia), 27 29 April 1994.

ISBN 978-979-16338-0-2


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