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Laryngeal Mask Airway

Jeffrey Dawson

A laryngeal mask airway may be used to provide an emergency airway during resuscitation of a profoundly
unconscious patient who needs artificial ventilation when endotracheal intubation is not readily available or has
failed in establishing an airway.1


• The requirement for rapid airway management in an unconscious patient should be understood.
• The anatomy and physiology of the upper airway should be understood.
• The design of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) available to the practitioner should be understood (Fig. 7-1):

FIGURE 7-1 Components of the laryngeal mask airw ay. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

An airway tube connects the mask and the 15-mm male adapter.
The mask’s cuff, when inflated, conforms to the contours of the hypopharynx, with the opening of the air tube
positioned directly over the laryngeal opening. Two aperture bars cross the opening where the tube exits into the
An inflation line is fitted with a valve and a pilot balloon that leads to the mask’s cuff.
• The final placement of an LMA in the airway should be understood (Fig. 7-2).
FIGURE 7-2 Dorsal view of the laryngeal mask airw ay show ing position in relation to pharyngeal anatomy. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction
manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

• The ability to ventilate an unconscious patient adequately with a mouth-to-mask or bag-valve-mask device is
• An understanding of the limitations of the LMA is needed. Limitations are as follows:
The LMA does not protect the airway from aspiration of stomach contents, and the risks of insertion and aspiration
must be weighed against the need to establish an airway.12
The presence of a nasogastric tube may make regurgitation more likely because of its effect on the esophageal
sphincter tone and may also prevent the LMA from properly sealing the hypopharynx.12,13
The LMA should not be used on patients who need high ventilator pressures (e.g., patients with pulmonary fibrosis,
significant obesity) because the LMA provides a low-pressure seal.12
The LMA should not be used in an emergency situation in which the patient is not profoundly unconscious and
may resist insertion of the device.12
The LMA should be used with caution in patients with oropharyngeal trauma, only when all other means of
establishing an airway fail1 and when the risks of insertion are weighed against the need to establish an airway.
The LMA can cause local irritation that leads to coughing and pressure lesions, which may cause 12th cranial nerve
• There are no absolute contraindications to the LMA if the alternative is loss of the airway with its associated
• The LMA may provide a more viable means of ventilation than a self-inflating manual resuscitation bag-valve-mask
device in patients with a beard or without teeth.11
• Initial and ongoing training is necessary to maximize insertion success and minimize complications.8,11
• This procedure refers specifically to the LMA-Unique, a disposable model of the nondisposable LMA-Classic. Other
types of LMA devices are available and provide additional features, such as endotracheal intubation through the LMA
or gastric suctioning.
• The LMA-Unique is latex-free.7,12

• Two LMA-Unique devices of the appropriate size for patient weight3
Weight ranges listed for LMA-Unique sizes are only approximations; the size used may need to be adjusted for
individual body habitus variations (i.e., patients who are short and obese may need a smaller size). Emerging
clinical data suggest that use of a larger size provides an effective seal without associated higher pharyngeal
Size 3, 30 to 50 kg
Size 4, 50 to 70 kg
Size 5, 70 to 100 kg
Size 6, ≥100 kg
• 60-mL Luer-tip syringe
• Water-soluble lubricant
• Gloves, mask, and eye protection
• Suction equipment (suction canister with control head, tracheal suction catheters, Yankauer suction tip)
• Mouth-to-mask or self-inflating manual resuscitation bag-valve-mask device, with peak pressure manometer, attached
to a high-flow oxygen source
• Bite-block, at least 3 cm thick
• Tape or commercially available tube-securing device


• If time allows, provide the family with information regarding the LMA and the reason for insertion. Rationale: This
information assists the family in understanding why the procedure is necessary and decreases family anxiety.


Patient Assessment
• Verify correct patient with two identifiers. Rationale: Prior to performing a procedure, the nurse should ensure the
correct identification of the patient for the intended intervention.
• Assess level of consciousness and responsiveness. Rationale: In an emergency situation, the LMA should be inserted
only into a patient who is profoundly unconscious and unresponsive.12 Laryngospasm and inability to ventilate may
occur if an LMA is introduced into a conscious or semiconscious patient.
• Assess history and patient information for possibility of delayed gastric emptying (e.g., hiatal hernia, recent food
ingestion, poorly controlled diabetes). Rationale: In a patient with delayed gastric emptying, the benefits of LMA
insertion must be weighed against the possibility of regurgitation.12
• Assess history and patient information for possibility of decreased pulmonary compliance (i.e., pulmonary fibrosis,
obesity). Rationale: The high pressures needed to ventilate a patient with decreased pulmonary compliance may
override the occlusive pressure of the LMA.12

Patient Preparation
• Perform a pre-procedure verification and time out, if non-emergent. Rationale: Ensures patient safety.
• Ensure adequate ventilation and oxygenation with either a mouth-to-mask or bag-valve-mask device. Rationale:
The patient is nonresponsive and apneic without assisted ventilation before the LMA insertion.
• Ensure that the suction equipment is assembled and in working order. Rationale: The patient may regurgitate
during the insertion or while the LMA is in place and need oropharyngeal or tracheal suctioning.
• Anything that is not permanently affixed in the patient’s mouth (e.g., dentures, partials, jewelry) should be removed.
Rationale: Inadvertent dislodgment and aspiration might occur with the placement of the LMA.
Procedure for Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA-Unique) Insertion
Table 7-1
Test Cuff Inflation Volumes

Laryngeal Mask Airway Size Air Volume for Testing Only

3 30 mL
4 45 mL
5 60 mL
6 75 mL

(From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

Table 7-2
Maximal Cuff Inflation Volumes

Laryngeal Mask Airway Size Cuff Inflation Volume

3 20 mL
4 30 mL
5 40 mL

6 50 mL

(From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited:Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

FIGURE 7-3 Method for deflating the laryngeal mask airw ay cuff. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

FIGURE 7-4 Laryngeal mask airw ay cuff properly deflated for insertion. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005,
FIGURE 7-5 A, Method for holding the LMA for insertion. B, With the head extended and the neck flexed, the caregiver carefully flattens the LMA tip against
the hard palate. C, To facilitate LMA introduction into the oral cavity, the caregiver gently presses the middle finger dow n on the jaw . D, The index finger
pushes the LMA in the cranial direction follow ing the contours of the hard and soft palates. E, Maintaining pressure w ith the finger in the tube in the cranial
direction, the caregiver advances the LMA until definite resistance is felt at the base of the hypopharynx. Note the flexion of the w rist. F, The caregiver
gently maintains cranial pressure w ith the nondominant hand w hile removing the index finger. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-
Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)
FIGURE 7-6 A, Method for holding the LMA for thumb insertion. B, With the fingers extended, press the thumb along the posterior pharynx. C, Advance the
thumb to its fullest extent. D, Press LMA gently into place w ith the nondominant hand w hile removing the thumb. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited:
Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

FIGURE 7-7 Inflation w ithout holding the tube allow s the mask to seat itself optimally. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited: Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San
Diego, 2005, LMA.)
FIGURE 7-8 The bite-block and airw ay tube are taped together w ith the tube taped dow nw ard against the chin. (From The Laryngeal Mask Company
Limited:Instruction manual: LMA-Classic, San Diego, 2005, LMA.)

1. American Heart Association. Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). Dallas: AHA; 2006.
2. Birnbaumer, D, Pollack, C, Jr. Troubleshooting and managing the difficult airway. Semin Respir Crit Care Med.
2002; 23(1):3–9.
3. Brimacombe, J, Berry, A, Insertion of the laryngeal mask airway. a prospective study of four techniques.
Anaesth Intensive Care 1993; 21:89–92.
4. Duk-Kyung, K, et al. A heated humidifier does not reduce laryngo-pharyngeal complaints after brief laryngeal
mask anesthesia. Can J Anesthesia. 2007; 54:134–140.
5. Hand, H, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. the laryngeal mask airway. Emerg Nurse 2002; 10:31–37.
6. Idris, AH, Gabrielli, A. Advances in airway management. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2002; 20:843–857.
7. LMA, Inc. LMA., 2008. [retrieved February 25, 2009. from].
8. Lopez, AM, et al. A clinical evaluation of four disposable laryngeal masks in adult patients. J Clin Anesth. 2008;
9. Ocker, H. A comparison of the laryngeal tube with the laryngeal mask airway during routine surgical
procedures. Anesth Analg. 2002; 95(4):1094–1097.
10. Radu, AD, et al, Pharyngo-laryngeal discomfort after breast surgery. comparison between orotracheal intubation
and laryngeal mask. Breast. 2008; 17(4):407–411.
11. Shuster, M, Nolan, J, Barnes, TA. Airway and ventilation management. Emerg Cardiovasc Care. 2002; 20:23–
12. The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited. LMA instruction manual. San Diego: LMA; 2005.
13. Ulrich-Pur H, et al. Comparison of mucosal pressures induced by cuffs of different airway devices. Anesthesiology.
2006; 104(5):933–938.

Additional Readings
Bogetz, MS . Using the laryngeal mask airway to manage the diffic ult airway. Anesthesiol Clin North Am. 2002; 20:863–870.
Burns, S M. S afely c aring for patients with a laryngeal mask airway. Crit Ca re Nurse. 2001; 21:72–74.
Gabrielli, A, et al. Alternative ventilation strategies in c ardiopulmonary resusc itation. Curr Opin Crit Ca re. 2002; 8:199–211.
Maltby, JR, Loken, RG, Watson, NC, The laryngeal mask -airway. c linic al appraisal in 250 patients. Can J Anesth 1990; 37:509–513.
Nolan, JD, Prehospital and resusc itative airway c are. should the gold standard be reassessed. Curr Opin Crit Care 2001; 7:413–421.

This proc edure should be performed only by physic ians, advanc ed prac tic e nurses, and other healthc are professionals (inc luding c ritic al c are nurses)

with additional knowledge, skills, and demonstrated c ompetenc e per professional lic ensure or institutional standard.

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