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Jeepneys- Jeepneys are non-air con vehicles servicing the commuting public, roaming the

streets in a parade of colors. It’s the cheapest, most common way of getting around.

Buses -Buses ply longer routes to rural and suburban destinations from major cities. Some
of them are hired as transport exclusive to tourists. Public buses congregate at designated
terminals and pick up or drop off passengers at specific stop points.

Taxis- Taxis usually operate within the city, but may reach outlying areas within the
province for an extra charge. Taxis charge P40 plug down plus P2.50 incremental charge.

Trains- There are trains in the country, but they only service Metro Manila – they are the
Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Manila Metro Rail Transit (MRT).

Vans- Vans for Hire or V-Hires service provincial routes where other modes of
transportations are scarce or unavailable. They usually have terminals or park within
shopping malls for added convenience.

Motorcycles with Cabins (Tricycle or Motorela)- Tricycles (standard three wheels) and motorela
(jeepney-like cabin with four wheels) service many parts of the country including large
cities, although routes may be limited to ease traffic.

Motorcycle Taxis (Habal-habal)- The roads to mountainous regions may be unpaved and very
steep, and only habal-habal is available as transport. Habal-habal is a standard motorcycle
used for public transport carrying at least two passengers at the rear.

Bicycles with Cabins (Pedicab or Trisikad)- Pedicabs or trisikads are non-motorized versions of
the tricycle. They are bicycles fitted with passenger cabin for transport purposes. It’s
common to find pedicabs where there are tricycles.

Horse Carriage (Kalesa)- There are still horse carriages serving certain city streets throughout
the country. Kalesas are period modes of transport dating back many centuries, but the
cabins usually only have two wheels, so the ride can be bumpy even on paved roads.

Wooden Scooter (Palayon)- Palayon or wooden scooter is a famous mode of transport in

Banaue. It may not technically be for public use, but it’s an interesting ride nonetheless.

Hand Tractor Ride (Kuliglig)-In rural areas and certain urban areas, hand tractors or kuliglig
(vehicles) are used to haul two-wheel trailers that carry passengers.

Railroad Trolley (Riles Kariton)- As said, Filipinos have some of the weirdest modes of
transport, and some of the riskiest, too. The riles kariton is one of them. Railroad trolleys
are makeshift modes of transport that ply along the railroads with the driver pushing a
shabby passenger cabin. It’s the Philippine version of the handcar.
In my own experience the public transportation in our country need to improve in order to provide
convenience for every commuters

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