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Anna Hendricks

Professor Williams


November 2nd, 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Koelsch, Stefan. “Brain Correlation Of Music-Evoked Emotions”. Nature Reviews

Neuroscience, March 2014. Accessed 2 November 2022.

The purpose of this article is to show that new studies have shown that music alters brain
structure. The brain, music, and emotions work hand in hand and are always involved and
interacting with each other. Music is universal for culture and age, and everyone is affected by
music differently. Babies like to move around to the beat of the music. Adults engage with music
through their emotions and moods. Researchers debate if music-evoked emotions and everyday
emotions are connected. Music affects the brain through emotions, feelings, and actions such as
clapping or dancing. Music has the power to help treat neurological disorders and abnormalities.
Music is deeply related to emotions and social behaviors.

Kunert, Richard. “A Commentary On: Neural Overlap In processing Music and Speech.”

Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, June 3, 2015. Accessed 2 November 2022.

The purpose of this article is to talk about the neural overlap in processing music and speech.
The main point that is discussed is how music and language share common brain regions. An
example is that music processing and language perception are both in the same region of the
brain. Due to the overlapping of music and language, there is still so much to discover and study.
The article states that understanding can only emerge when going beyond a focus on any one
method. If you have a broad vision or even a specific vision then there are many possibilities of
study when it comes to neural overlap.

Peretz, Isabelle. “Brain Organization For Music Processing.” Annual Review Of Psychology,

2005. Accessed 3 November 2022.

The purpose of this article is to show how music processing has fascinated neuroscientists for
centuries. Brain organization is a unique tool for music processing. For example, the brain
reveals neural networks that are distinct from the networks involved in other auditory functions.
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There are many different processing stages throughout the brain in the auditory neuraxis. For
instance, the posterior regions of the brain are important for processing pitch chroma.

Salakka, Ilja. “What Makes Music Memorable? Relationships Between Acoustic Musicalfeatures

and music-evoked emotions and memories in older adults.” PLoS ONE, May

2021. Accessed 2 November 2022.

The purpose of this article is to talk about how music is a phenomenon and experiencing music
takes part all over the brain. The primary reason for listening to music is because of the emotions
that music causes. For example, the majority of emotions are positive music-evoked emotions.
Music is universal and is used daily. Music can help spark memories for different periods of
time. We can study the relationship between music, brain structure, and emotions can be found
by looking at an MRI.

The Sentinal. “Futile To Try Altering How Emotions Work: Letters Religion.”

Stoke-on-Trent, 8 Jan 2022. Accessed 3 November 2022.

The purpose of this article is to show that emotions are a good thing and are influenced by many
different things. Many emotions are influenced by religion and politics. A person's religion
influences their beliefs which influences their emotions towards different topics. Emotions are a
good thing and extremely necessary, and they work together. For instance, without emotions, you
wouldn’t have love without hate, or joy without pain. Emotions make us who we are and when
we try and change them they lead us in the wrong direction.
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