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Background of the Study

Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is typically grown in tropical and

subtropical regions. According to FAO CropStat (2012), many small-scale

farmers, primarily in Asia, use eggplant extensively as a cash crop. Based on

production area, the Philippines is one of the top 10 producers of eggplant

worldwide, along with China and India. Since the Philippines has an average

annual temperature of 25.85°C. In Sultan Kudarat, eggplant prices still range

from 40-50 pesos (Agri tayo Soccsksargen, 2022) in 2022 compared to last year

ranges from 45-60 pesos (Agri tayo Soccsksargen, 2021). Eggplant may not be

one of the major crops of Sultan Kudarat, but it is still one of the most important

and desired fruits for us tacurongnons.

. The most crucial factor in healthier plant growth is the soil. Soil serves as

a foundation and provides essential nutrients to plants. One of the factors in

enhancing soil quality is fertilizer, particularly organic fertilizers. Natural materials

or waste, such as manure and food scraps, are used to make organic fertilizer.

Farmers are figuring out ways to utilise the large amount of organic waste that is

produced every day for their own benefit.

One of the most common and well-liked spices in the world, onions

produce a large amount of organic waste each day. Onion peels contain nutrients
such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and copper

which are beneficial for plants (Sharma & Agarwal, 2021).

Farmers frequently utilize livestock manure as an alternative fertilizer to

supply crops with the nutrients they need to grow. About 63.7g of coarse organic

matter, 2.1g of total nitrogen, 0.9g of total phosphorus, 1.19g of total potassium,

1.8g of calcium, and 0.7g of magnesium are typically found in one kilogram of pig

manure. It is economically feasible to compost and granulate manure into organic

fertilizer, which is also environmentally friendly in relation to the proper disposal

of huge amounts of pig manure (How to Compost Pig Manure into Organic

Fertilizer, 2017).

The aim of the study is to determine which of these variables is more

effective on the growth of eggplant and to improve Filipino's knowledge in

agriculture. The researchers will test the effectiveness of the red onion (Allium

cepa) peel and pig manure as fertilizer on the plant growth of the eggplant

(Solanum melongena L.).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to compare and determine the effectiveness of red onion

(Allium cepa) peel extract and pig manure compost as fertilizer on the growth

rate and yield performance of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).

Research Questions
1. What are the effect the red onion peel extract and pig manure

compost on eggplant's growth rate in terms of:

1.1 Height of the plant

1.2 Size of leaves

1.3 Number of days it takes to produce flowers

2. To what extent do the red onion peel effect the red onion peel

extract and pig manure compost affect eggplant's yield

performance in terms of weight of the fruit.

3. Is there a significant difference among the positive control, red

onion peel extract and pig manure compost on the growth rate and

yield performance of the eggplant in terms of:

2.1 Height of the plant

2.2 Size of leaves

2.3 Number of days it takes to produce flowers

2.4 Weight of the fruit

Hypothesis of the study

H01: There is no significance difference among the positive control, red

onion peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms

of the height of the plant.

Ha1: There is significance difference among the positive control, red onion

peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms of the

height of the plant.

Ho2: There is no significance difference among the positive control, red

onion peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms

of the size of the leaves.

Ha2: There is significance difference among the positive control, red onion

peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms of the

size of the leaves.

Ho3: There is no significance difference among the positive control, red

onion peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms

of the number of days it takes to produce flowers

Ha3: There is significance difference among the positive control, red onion

peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant growth rate in terms of the

number of days it takes to produce flowers.

Ho4: There is no significance difference b among the positive control, red

onion peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant yield performance in

terms of weight of the fruit per plant.

Ha4: There is significance difference among the positive control, red onion

peel extract and pig manure compost on the eggplant yield performance in terms

of weight of the fruit per plant.

Scope and delimitation

This research will be conducted at King agri trading Alunan highway,

Tacurong City Sultan Kudarat. The study will focus on the effectiveness of red

onion (Allium cepa) peel extract and pig manure compost as fertilizer on the

growth rate and yield performance of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The

study will also be focusing on the growth and development of eggplant (Solanum

melongena L.) using the experimental research design.

Significance of the Study

The aim of this study is to compare and determine the effectiveness of red

onion (Allium cepa) peel extract and pig manure compost as fertilizer on the

growth rate and yield performance of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). This

study will provide data and to improve community understanding about

agriculture. This would benefit the following:

To the plant gardeners, this study may help them create an easier and

affordable alternative source of nutrients and fertilizer for their crops.

To the community, this investigation could improve their knowledge about

agriculture and could use it for their own crops/plants.

To the future researchers, this study may serve as reference to conduct of

the same topic.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Red onion
peel extract
Eggplant growth rate
and rate
performance in
terms of:
1.1 Height of the plant
1.2 Size of leaves
1.3 Number of days it
Pig manure
takes to produce flowers
1.4 Weight of the fruit

Positive control

Figure 1: The conceptual Framework is showing the flow of the study.

The right box is the independent variable which are red onion peel extract, pig

manure compost and the control and in the left box is the dependent variable

which is the growth rate and yield performance of Eggplant.

Definition of Terms

In order to help the readers to understand the study, the following

operational definitions is provided:

Compost – type of organic fertilizer where waste such as vegetable peel and

manure are applied to soil.

Eggplant – Solanum melongena L. also known as talong in the Philippines.

purple, the spongy, absorbent fruit is used in several cuisines.

Experimental Group – Red onion peel extract and pig manure compost.

Growth Rate – A measurement of change in size from one period to another of

eggplant. Those are the height of the plant, size of leaves and the number of

days to produce flowers.

Organic fertilizer – are natural fertilizers those are manure and plant wastes etc.

Red Onion peel – The peel layer of onion peel.

Pig manure – waste of the pig.

Positive control - Water

Red Onion peel extract– Onion peel that has been soak in water for 24 hours.
Yield performance – Weight of eggplant

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