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This Report aims to identify how the pandemic affects the mental health of Grade 10 High
School Students. We gave the students a survey on how their mental Health have been affected
because of the pandemic. The results indicated that Grade 10 Students' Mental Health were
most affected by schoolworks at the time of the pandemic. The report proves that school was
the main issue and it is recommended that students should communicate with family
members or friends about whatever that they are facing, as well as give themselves self-care or
a break.

This study will be discussing Mental Health, as we all know Mental Health includes our
emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. This
study would also like to discuss about the Mental Health of Grade 10 High School Students ever
since the Pandemic started. We will be finding out on this study what causes our students to be
stressed, or negatively impacted, and how we can help them. Being stuck in home and with a
possible bad house life and only escape is going out but they can't because of the pandemic is
truly mentally draining, It is important that we give our fellow students another way to vent
and express how they felt ever since all this problem started.

This research was conducted by a google form, and was distributed to Grade 10 Students of
Castillejos National High School. The google form used the likert rating scale to evaluate what
personal issues where the pandemic affected their mental health the most and the least, And a
rating scale of how The pandemic affected their wellbeing. A total of 21 Grade 10 Students gave
a response. This survey was made with anonymity and consentented.

This research was made possible with A Google Form and was Distributed to Grade 10 Students
of Castillejos National High School. Table 1 used the rating scale and below will be shown how
old our Students are and how mostly affected they are or least affected by the Pandemic.
Table 1.

For Table 2 we used the likert rating scale to evaluate what personal issues where the pandemic
affected their mental health the most and the least, a total of 20 Grade 10 Students gave a
response. This survey was responded with anonymity and was consented.
Table 2.
Being at home for a long period of time may or may not affect our mental health and well-
being. According to Think Mental Health’s definition, positive self-esteem and be better
able to cope with life’s ups and downs. There are a lot of ways on how to maintain and
affect the mental health of and well-being of a person. A lot of personal issues affect the
mental health of Grade- 10 students. Most particularly about their family issues, school
matters, political, social media and even the news that they encounter on their daily life.
Base on the table 1 45% of the students say's that they are affected a few times but not too
much.And according to the table 2 there are 50% students say's that school matters is the
greatest issue that affects our mental health and well - being while the least issue is the
politically which is 30%

School matter is the biggest issue that affects the most of students mental health and well
- being during this pandemic. One group particularly affected by changes in learning
system nowadays is high school students particularly Grade-10. We are facing challenges
this year that have never happened before on this scale. Young people today have a
quality to quickly cope up and adjust to the things around them. As a result, even though
we are in pandemic and the way of learning changed, we did not have much difficulty
with the new set up, but we passed it safely. We maintain our well – being and mental
health throughout the process.

It is recommended that consistently and systematical communicate with family or

friends about the concerns and problems that we are facing during this pandemic. Set up
clear and consistent communication mechanism, communication can go beyond COVID-
19. Below are the way that you can help yourself, others to manage mental health
problems/self care:

(1.) Take care of yourself physically;get enough sleep, eat and drink as healthy as possible,
do mindfulness exercises, aim to think positively. (2.) Studies have shown that meditation
relaxes both your body and mind. (3.) Maintaining a regular schedule is important to our
mental health. And lastly continue these self care practices and increase our ability to
cope with life's ongoing challenges.

Abelardo, D. I. (2020, August). Youth suicide rates have escalated in the Philippines.
Retrieved June 16, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 28). About mental health. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved June 17, 2022, from
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021, November 23). Covid-19:
How to manage your mental health during the pandemic. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved June 17,
2022, from

Tips for schools on how to strengthen communication with parents/caregivers. UNICEF

Romania. (2020, September 4). Retrieved June 17, 2022, from

Youth suicide rates have escalated in the Philippines9. Youth suicide rates have escalated
in the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2022, from

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