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Motivational Factors

BRAC University

Term Paper

Motivational Factors of BRAC University

Submitted to:
SyedaShaharbanuShahbazi Ahmed

Course Instructor, BRAC University

Submitted by:
Group IV Name Rafi UddinSharik Nur-E-Alam Md. TanvirAhasan Priyanka Das Katha Md. Saleh-Ibne-Rashid Student ID 09104040 09104149 09104092 09104033 09104117

Section 1, MGT201 SUMMER 2010

Date of Submission: 10th August, 2010

10th August 2010 Ms. SyedaShaharbanuShahbazi Ahmed Course Instructor, BRAC University 66, Mohakhali

Subject: Submission of term paper for completion of course.

Dear Madam, This is to inform you that we have completed the term paper on BRAC University; our chosen organization. This term paper focuses on the motivational factors as well as overview, working environment of BRAC University. The term paper, titled Motivational Factors of BRAC Universityhas been prepared for the completion of the course, Organizational Behavior (MGT201).

In the making of this term paper, we have followed all your specific instructions involving report writing so as to present our views and in the easiest manner. However, we will be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may arise.

Thank you. Sincerely yours,

Name Md. Saleh-Ibne-Rashid Priyanka Das Katha Rafi UddinSharik Nur-E-Alam Md. TanvirAhasan

Std. ID 09104117 09104033 09104040 09104149 09104092

Signature ...................

It i o o io to t MsSyedaShaharbanuShahbazi Ahmed, S io L t S ool ti l x o i o t o t o i t i ot li tio o t o ti l i t lli to t i t o i ll t i i t t ti . T b tw t o t o B i titl x ti owl i i o t t

BBS (BR C B i o P ot ti l it o owl i ,t

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Organizational Behavior, Course # MGT 201. W to i W U i bo t t W U i lo o i t b tw o o i i it . o ot t oi tit t x i it to l l ti . T oo l

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MrMonoji Kumar Ojha, H ot ti o tio i t i

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DrSanaulMostafa, Di l bl i o tio .

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Muhammad Intisar Alam, L t

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Executive Summery

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igher education as a ri ate uni ersit has been ossible because

o the major contribution o its aculties. Moreo er to ensure qualit education rom aculties o BR C Uni ersit , moti ation worked as a great actor. BR C Uni ersit continuall evaluates and reviews its acult s benefits to ensure that benefits are competitive and in line with the facult s needs and to manage their diverse life. mong the motivational factor the

most basic one is the competitive and attractive salary they pay to the faculties. They also provide a service of cost of living adjustment which stands different because of its yearly adjustment than other universities. BR C University also has the plan of extra cash incentive for superior performance. Mandated and other ben efits are provided such as health insurance, life insurance, medical plan, paid vacation, and pension. Moreover, it provides provident fund to the faculties as well as the employee of the administration too. BR C University is also able to ensure the job security of its employee because of its self dependency on its own fund collected from the students. When none cash motivational factors comes, BR C University plays an excellent role through praising its employee as encouragement. BR C University provides a favorable environment to all the employ and they also provide medical facilities. The job flexibility in BR C University is favorable then other corporate job. The salary package of BR C University is attractive and they give opportunity to the employ fo higher r study. There are some reason to join BR C University those are nvironment, high salary, Lack of Complexity, Responsibility and goodwill of the university. BR C University follow xpectancy Theory, Reinforcement theory and in some case theory X to motivate their employ.

Table of Contents

2 a b c 3 a b c d e 4 a b c

a b c d e f

Ch pt 1

S tion

opi Introduction Origin of the Study Main Objective S ecific Objective Methodology Scope Limitations Overview History eneral Idea Objectives Motivational Factors Motivation in Teaching Motivation in Private Universities Cash Incentives Non-Cash Incentives Application of Theories Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Recommendation References

Number 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 24

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