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5 Apps that use the SAMR

The SAMR Model is a four-level model used for selecting, using, and
evaluating technology in the classroom (Hamilton, 2016). SAMR stands
for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. 
Substitution and Augmentation make up the enhancement subgroup.
The substitution level substitutes analog technology with digital
technology, with no functional change (Hamilton, 2016). The
augmentation level technology is used, and the task's function is
positively changed (Hamilton, 2016).  Modification and Redefinition
make up the transformation subgroup. At the modification level,
the integration of technology requires a redesign of the task (Hamilton,
2016). The redefinition level is reached when technology is used to
create a task (Hamilton, 2016).

1 Mastery Connect
Mastery Connect is an app that allows teachers to take an
assessment on paper and turn it into an assessment on the
computer. This app would be in the substitution level of the
SAMR model because the teacher is not changing anything, just
substituting a paper assessment with a digital assessment. 

2 RecordCast 
RecordCast is a free app that allows students to record and edit
their videos. This app would be in the redefinition level of the
SAMR model because instead of having students write a
persuasive paper or assignment, the teacher could have
students create and present their arguments in a video they
create and edit. 

3 Virtual Dissection- The Science Bank

This virtual dissection website allows students to dissect creatures
ranging from frogs to earthworms to humans and learn about each organ
at their own pace. This website would be in the modification level of the
SAMR model because instead of studying dissection in person and
learning a limited amount of information from the teacher or being
limited to what they can dissect. They can use the interactive
computer simulation to explore and learn more about anatomy
and complete the dissection of several other creatures in several ways. 

Link to dissection website

4 Storyline Online
Storyline Online is a website that streams videos of famous
people reading children's books. Teachers can have students use
this website on a device to watch and listen to a read-aloud from
another person besides the teacher. This website would be in the
augmentation level of the SAMR model because the hand-held
devices add to the reading task.

Link to Storyline Online website

5 Google Forms
Google Forms is a website that allows teachers to create online
forms and surveys with multiple question types. Teachers can
take a paper assessment, input the same questions into the
Google Form, and create an online assessment. This app would
also be in the substitution level of the SAMR model because the
teacher is not changing anything, just substituting a paper
assessment with a digital assessment. 


Hamilton, E. R., Rosenberg, J. M., & Akcaoglu, M. (2016). The Substitution Augmentation
Modification Redefinition (SAMR) Model: A Critical Review and Suggestions for Its Use.
TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning, 60(5), 433–441.

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