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West Philippines Institute Of Tourism Science and Technology Inc.

National Rd., Brgy. Townsite, Limay, Bataan




A Research Project

Presented to the Faculty of

West Philippines Institute







February 2022

Approval Sheet


First, we would like to thank God for giving us the strength to finish this study;

To our family, especially to our mother, father, sister, brother, and guardians for their

moral and financial support to finish this study;

To all our friends and classmates and to all teachers who had helped the researcher to

do this study presentable;

And lastly to all the respondents for all their full cooperation that made them a big

part of this study.


This research is all about online advertising. It tackled what is online

advertising if it is convenient, accessible, and effective in business. Since social

media become a big part of everyone’s life it also tackled which is the better platform

to use in advertising. This researcher used the explanatory sequential mixed-method

design in explaining, analyzing, and classifying the data and it has 10 respondents

from WPI students in Limay, Bataan. The researcher uses the IV-DV model to

determine the variables; the research design is the sampling technique is the random

sampling in the form was utilized in the study. The major point of this study is to

determine whether online advertising is convenient, accessible, and effective with the

help of the tools that were used in this study.

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Background of the study…………..……………………...………. 6- 10


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………...……………….. 7

Objectives of the study..................................................................................................9

Significance of the Study............................................................................................. 9

Scope and Delimitation.................................................................................................9

Notes in Chapter


Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Theoretical Framework...11 - 17

Review of Related Literature…………...……………………….........…………..... 11

Review of Related Studies………………………………………..…......…………..13

Conceptual Framework………………………..……………...........................…… 15

Hypothesis of the study………………………..…………......……..…….……….. 15

Assumptions of the study……………………...……….………………......………. 16

Definition of Terms……………………………………..…………….…………… 16

Notes in Chapter II……………………………………………………..……………17

Chapter III: Methodology…………………………………….……...………. 19 -


Research Design………………………...………………………………..………… 19

Respondents of the Study…………………………………………..……………… .19


Instrument of the study………………………………...……………...……………. 20

Validity and Reliability……………………………………...………….....…….…. 20

Data gathering procedure ………………….……...……………..………...………. 20

Statistical treatment of data……………………………………..…………………..21

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data…….…..… 22-27

Results……………………………………………………………………..………. 22

Chapter V: Summary of findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation…... 29 - 32

Summary of findings………………………………………………...……….……. 28

Conclusion…………………………………………………………….………..….. 31



Appendix A: Sample Survey-Questionnaire…………………….……....………. 33

Appendix B: Respondents’ Answers……………………………………..……….34

Appendix C: Profile of the Researchers………………...…………...……………35


Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background

Nowadays it is hard to build a physical store or a business because of the

current pandemic that everyone's facing. Almost all are having a hard time leaving

their houses and can't go to a retail outlet. And to make it easier for the business

owner or the one who's planning to build a business they can just do it online. It is

easiest for both the seller and the buyer at the same time they can prevent going

outside and a possibility of having a virus.

The first chapter gives the reader an overview of the research study. It will

provide you with a more in-depth examination of the subject, focusing on the

effectiveness of social media marketing as a marketing strategy or tool. It will also

give you a general understanding of the issue that will be addressed in this study.


According to Wikipedia (2019), Online advertising, also known as online

marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising, or web advertising, is a form of

marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to promote products and services to

audiences and platform users. [1] Online advertising includes email marketing,

search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, many types of display

advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising.


Advertisements are increasingly being delivered via automated software systems

operating across multiple websites, media services, and platforms, known as

programmatic advertising. [2]

Like other advertising media, online advertising frequently involves a

publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser,

who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the publisher's content. Other

potential participants include advertising agencies that help generate and place the ad

copy, an ad server that technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and

advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

Nowadays, online marketing is becoming more and more important for small

businesses of all kinds. In the past, online marketing was something local brick-and-

mortar businesses could legitimately ignore. There was no point wasting time and

money on online marketing when your entire business was local. When it comes to

online marketing and direct marketing, great benefits are seen for businesses. Online

marketing can provide a variety of information to customers, but also has

disadvantages due to unsecured online transactions and the presence of online fraud.

Direct marketing is now the most expensive and time-consuming way to promote

products and services.

Statement of the Problem 

General Problem

The study aimed to determine the perceptions of business owners on the

effectiveness of online advertising in Grade 12 students of West Philippines Institute.


The main problem of this study is to comprehend if the effectiveness of online

advertising has effectiveness in promoting products selected by business owners in

Grade 12 students of West Philippines Institute.

Generally, this study aimed to determine business owners’ perceptions using

online advertising. It sought to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

2. What is the better social media platform to use in business?

2.1 Facebook

2.2 Instagram

2.3 YouTube

3. What is the level of business owner’s perception of using online advertising

effectively in terms of?

3.1 Convenience

How social media platforms can easily use for online advertising than for

physical stores?


How’s social media platform cost effective way of promoting a product

when it comes to online advertising?

3.3 Accessibility

As an online business owner student how is the social media platform easy

to use to advertise and can see and know about your product?

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this research study is to;

1. Identify the level of perception of business owners utilizing online advertising.

2. Know why the business owners use different types of platforms using online

advertising as a marketing strategy

3. Identify and evaluate how social media marketing good features or benefits


4. Examine and evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising to promote

products and services.

Significance of the study

The researchers believe that this study is helpful for the following:

Future business owners. With this study, the people who are planning to

build a business would know that online promotion is very helpful in their business;

especially at this time when online is the most popular thing in this generation.

Future researchers. This research may serve as their source of information

in related studies in other educational research specifically on business-related topics.

Also, it can be their guide while doing their research and they can get ideas from this.

Scope and delimitation

This study focus on the perception of business owners on the effectiveness of

online advertising wherein they can say that online advertising is a really big help for

their business as a marketing tool. Whether online advertising is helpful to attract

customers, fast and quick way to advertise their product. Maximize the cost, instead

of spending too much to make a billboard or to print it, online advertising can lessen

the cost.

This study is limited to 10 business owners on the effectiveness of online

advertising in Grade 12 Senior High School students in West Philippines Institute.

Notes in Chapter I

Maya Dollarhide. (31 August 2021).Social Media. 

(18 October 2019).Online


Chapter II

Review of Literature and Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature

This chapter shows a retrospective presentation of the previously written

material. This includes the research literature; related studies, and the conceptual

framework that shows relevance to the research investigation

According to Cox, Sarah (2012), small businesses needed to understand

today’s social media-driven environment. They should also know the strategies

behind using social media such as Facebook and Twitter for growing their business

and staying competitive and reaching their target markets. However, many small

businesses did not have a strategy when they began using social media.

Firms track consumers’ shopping behaviors in their online stores to provide

individually personalized banners through a method called retargeting. We use data

from two large-scale field experiments and two lab experiments to show that,

although personalization can substantially enhance banner effectiveness, its impact

hinges on its interplay with timing and placement factors. First, personalization

increases click-through, especially at an early information state of the purchase

decision process. Here, banners with a high degree of content personalization (DCP)

are most effective when a consumer has just visited the advertiser’s online store, but

quickly lose effectiveness as time passes since that last visit. We call this

phenomenon over personalization. Medium DCP banners, on the other hand, are

initially less effective, but more persistent, so they outperform high DCP banners over

time. Second, personalization increases click-through irrespective of whether banners

appear on motive congruent or incongruent display websites. In terms of view-

through, however, personalization increases and effectiveness only on motive

congruent websites but decreases it on incongruent websites. We demonstrate in the

lab how perceptions of ads in formativeness and intrusiveness drive these results

depending on consumers’ experiential or goal-directed Web browsing modes.

(Alexander Bleier, Maik Eisenbeiss2015.)

Advertising has come a long way today. More new medium is being explored

each day to make a successful advertising campaign. Internet which has in recent

times picked up as advertising medium has become the favorite of the advertiser in no

time. Online advertisement, also called internet advertising uses the internet to

deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing,

search engine marketing, social media marketing, and many types of display

advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. This study

reveals the effectiveness of online advertising its usefulness and the reasons for using

the online advertisement. (G. Anusha 2016).

Online advertising accounts for almost 9 percent of all advertising in the

United States. This share is expected to increase as more media is consumed over the

Internet and as more advertisers shift spending to online technologies. The expansion

of Internet-based advertising is transforming the advertising business by providing

more efficient methods of matching advertisers and consumers and transforming the

media business by providing a source of revenue for online media firms that competes

with traditional media firms. The precipitous decline of the newspaper industry is one

manifestation of the symbiotic relationship between online content and advertising.

Online-advertising is provided by a series of interlocking multisided platforms that

facilitate the matching of advertisers and consumers. These intermediaries

increasingly make use of detailed individual data, predictive methods, and matching

algorithms to create more efficient matches between consumers and advertisers.

Some of their methods raise public policy issues that require balancing benefits from

providing consumers more valuable advertising against the possible loss of valuable

privacy. (David S Evans, 2009).

According to Halligan, (2009) Social media enables companies to

network with customers in order to build relationships and achieve a better

understanding of customer needs. Businesses want their message to reach as many

people as possible. To maximize this reach, a business must have a presence where

customers are hanging out. Increasingly, they are hanging out on social networking

sites. Social media is really having a big impact in the lives of people and it can help

not only to have a communication with your love ones but it can also use in business.

Through this, business can build a good relationship and can get the trust of the


According to Victoria Kiarsis (2020) Video is quickly becoming a huge part of

marketing. Social media platforms have made it easy to display advertisements with

the highest likelihood of engagement to date. Videos have become the most-shared

type of content and are a key way for businesses and brands to increase their

engagement, convert users, and build brand awareness. YouTube is the second

largest search engine behind Google and has 2 billion users. Facebook is the #1

platform to watch branded videos. Not only does Facebook prefer videos, but their

users do too. And Instagram gives options for square or landscape videos, although

square is typically better. On a business page, you can post all of the branded videos

you’d like from product, tutorial, educational.

Review of Related Studies

This study refers on how effectively the digital marketing on business owners;

According to the similar study of "Challenge of social media marketing &

effective strategies to engage more customers" by Bae and Zamrudi (2018) analyzed

social fulfillment aspects of social media marketing, concluding that these

characteristics were perceived to be useful in satisfying the motivations of consumers.

The study assessed the motivations of belief, community participation, and


psychological factors, positioning these as significant motivators of perceptive social

media marketing and relevance for consumers

According to the study of "Is Snap chat a good place to advertise? How media

characteristics influence college-aged young consumers’ receptivity of Snap chat

advertising" by Chen and Lee (2018). Companies use numerous social media

platforms for social media marketing, such as Facebook, Snap chat, Twitter etc. The

choice of platforms depends on target consumers and marketing strategy. They

investigated the use of Snap chat for social media marketing while targeting young

consumers. The study findings highlighted that Snap chat is considered as the most

intimate, casual, and dynamic platform providing users with information,

socialization, and entertainment. The study identified that young consumers seem to

have a positive attitude towards Snap chat engendering similar feelings toward

purchase intention and brands advertised on the platform. According to Halligan, (2009) Social media enables companies to network with customers in order to

build relationships and achieve a better understanding of customer needs. Businesses

want their message to reach as many people as possible. To maximize this reach, a

business must have a presence where customers are hanging out. Increasingly, they

are hanging out on social networking sites.

According to the study of “Online search and buying behavior” by Lim, Yap

and Lau (2010), the internet has transformed the way business is done for it now

enables retailers to offer unlimited range of products and services to all consumers

from around the world at any point in time. They also went on to add that it can be

considered as the most significant direct marketing channel for the global


Conceptual  Framework


• Profile of Respondents •The level of perceptions

of business owners on the
effectiveness of online
•Good features or benefits
of online advertising.
•Better social media
platform to use in business

Figure 1 Research Model.

In this study, the determinant, namely the Level of business owners’

perception, had a significant relationship between business owner’s perception and

online advertising.

Hypothesis of the Study

There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ profile and their

perception using of online advertisements.

Assumptions of the Study 

The following statements are assumed by the researcher: 

1. Online advertising is the easiest way of promoting a product.


 2. Today’s business owners or businesses are more on using online as a way of


3. Online advertising is effective in attracting customers.

 Definition of terms

Convenient- According to Merriam Webster it is suited to personal comfort or easy

performance or suited to a particular situation. Operationally it is used as the easiest

way of approaching a customer and for the customer to approach it and fitted in our

current situation.

Accessible- According to Merriam Webster it is capable of being reached.

Operationally it is used as easily seen or reached by the customers and can easily use

or can be accessed by people with disabilities.

Advertising- According to Merriam Webster advertising is the action of calling

something to the attention of the public, especially by paid announcements.

Operationally, advertising is used in this study as a way of promoting a product

through paid advertising or not online to catch people’s attention 

Online- According to Merriam Webster online is connected to, served by, or available

through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system (such as

the internet). Operationally, online used in this study as the tool for the product to be


  Notes in Chapter II

Cyberclick Academy (May 2021). Types of Online Advertising.

Copyright © 2021 Features of Internet Advertising.

Online asset partners. (Published October 2017) Last updated on October

2021.Retrieved from The Real Benefits of Online Advertising.

Statista Research Department. (Sept. 16, 2021).Social media in the

Philippines- statistics & facts.


Sarah Cox (2012) Social Media Marketing in a Small Business: A Case Study.


Alexander Bleier, Maik Eisenbeiss. Marketing Science 34 (5), 669-688, 2015.

G Anusha International journal of research–Granthaalayah 4 (3), 14-21,



David S Evans Journal of economic perspectives 23 (3), 37-60, 2009.

Victoria Kiarsis.The Power of Video Marketing: YouTube, Face book,

Instagram, And TikTok.2022.


Halligan, B., Shah, D., & Scott, D. (2009). Inbound marketing: get found

using Google, social media, and blogs (Vol. 1). John Wiley & Sons Inc.

T. C. Lau, Y.M. Lim, C.S. Yap. Online search and buying behavior:

Malaysian experience\recherche en ligne et habitudes d’achat: experience

malaisienne. Canadian Social Science, 6 (2010), pp. 154-166. Cited from Contaduria

y Administration. Volume 60, Supplement 1, October-December 2015, Pages 107-


I.H. Bae, M.F.Y. Zamrudi. Challenge of social media marketing & effective

strategies to engage more customers: Selected retailer case study International Journal

of Business Society, 19 (3) (2018), pp. 851-869.

H. Chen, Y.J. LeeIs Snap chat a good place to advertise? How media

characteristics influence college-aged young consumers’ receptivity to Snap chat

advertising International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16 (6) (2018), pp. 697-



Research Methodology

Research Design

This study used an explanatory sequential mixed-method design. The mixed

methods study design combines the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative

approaches to answer research questions. This design includes quantitative and

qualitative phases, and each phase is undertaken independently, followed by

combining quantitative results and qualitative are integrated into one mixed methods

research design. This study, a sequential explanatory design, commenced with a

quantitative phase and was followed by a qualitative phase. Both quantitative and

qualitative data were collected, analyzed separately during the research process, and

then integrated. Findings from the qualitative phase were used to explain and provide

a more comprehensive contextualization of endings and interpretations drawn from

quantitative phase.

Respondents of the Study 

The researcher considered the business owner grade 12 senior high school

students in WPI with the total of 10 as the respondents. The study population was use

simple random sampling procedure. The researcher needs a respondent who are into

business or related to business. The respondents can reject if they are not comfortable

to be respondents and the researcher will respect their decision.


Instrument of the Study

In this study, the researcher will use an online survey questionnaire as the

research instrument that is based on the topic of online advertising. A questionnaire is

a series of questions prepared to collect the information or answer from the


 Validity and Reliability

The ability of the instrument used to utilize the data is accurate to get the

result and to measure the intended data that needs to measure. The instrument used is

reliable because there was no bias answer and the respondents answered the same

survey questionnaires.

The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was determined using experts’

validation. Relevant information requires careful planning to ensure that the

information is linked to the purpose of the study and is collected from the people who

are best suited to present the information. To get information that is full and is

correct, is well plan information gathering tool and survey control procedures are

required. To ensure the reliability of the research findings, the researcher designed

the questionnaires in a simple short format, to avoid respondents’ confusion. 

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the distribution of the online survey questionnaire to the respondents,

the survey questions were approved by the subject teacher of this study. After

ensuring the required permit, a letter was sent to the chosen respondents of this study,

which is asking for the permission to conduct the survey questionnaires.

 After the necessary approval has been obtained, two weeks was allocated for

the distribution and as well as the retrieval of the survey questionnaire. The amount

of time allotted would be enough to simplify the distribution and retrieval of the

survey. Finally, after all the data were retrieved, these were tabulated, analyzed, and

interpreted using appropriate statistical tools and their answer of each question.  

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study involves using the weighted mean of the evaluative response of the

students on using online advertising in their business during pandemic.

The researchers utilized descriptive statistics to interpret the data

gathered. Below are the five-point scale used to interpret the responses for

each item.

4.60 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.70 – 4.50 Agree

2.80 – 3.60 Neither Agree or Disagree

1.90 – 2.70 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree




This chapter provides the presentation of statistical data relative to the

problems posted in the SOP. The corresponding analysis and interpretation of data

are incorporated in this portion of the study. This study included the bar graph that

utilize in profile of the respondents and the results of descriptive statistics

(Quantitative) and findings of text analyses (Qualitative).

Figure 1.Profile of the respondents

1.1 Gender of the respondents

The representation of the data below shows the gender of the respondents

having 7 (70%) female students and 3 (30%) male students as the least. 

1.2 Age of the respondents

The representation of the data below shows the age of the respondents having

10 (100%) 18-25 years old students as the most common age of the respondents

Figure 2. What is the better social media platform to use in business?

Social Media Mean Descriptive Equivalent

1. Facebook 5 Strongly Agree

2. Instagram 5 Strongly Agree

3. YouTube 5 Strongly Agree

OVERALL MEAN 5 Strongly Agree

According to the data shows Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are both same

have a weighted mean of 5 as well as the descriptive equivalent are Strongly Agree

which results that Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are both helpful social media

platform to use in business for online advertising. According to the findings of

Victoria Kiarsis (2020) Video is quickly becoming a huge part of marketing. Social

media platforms have made it easy to display advertisements with the highest

likelihood of engagement to date. Videos have become the most-shared type of

content and are a key way for businesses and brands to increase their engagement,

convert users, and build brand awareness. YouTube is the second largest search

engine behind Google and has 2 billion users. Facebook is the #1 platform to watch

branded videos. Not only does Facebook prefer videos, but their users do too. And

Instagram gives options for square or landscape videos, although square is typically

better. On a business page, you can post all of the branded videos you’d like from

product, tutorial, educational.

Figure 3. What is the level of business owner’s perception of using online

advertising effectively in terms of?

3.1 Convenience

How social media platforms can easily use for online advertising than for physical


"Since a lot of people nowadays are invested in social media you can use it to

advertise something so that people can easily notice your business than physical

store because we are still conscious to go outside sowed can't notice the

advertisements that easy"

"'s easier to use since in just one click, you can see and buy the item you want"

"...You can browse anytime on your home."


"...It easy for me to cite the availability of my desire products."

According to the result of the answers of respondents, it shows that online

advertising is convenient to promote a product. Through this the seller can easily

reach out to the customers. Instant feedback and trust, in internet, in particular social

media websites such as Facebook, helps people connect with their friends and family

all over the world. Since a lot of people are now investing in social media they can

use it to advertise something about their product. It’s easier for people to notice their

business than the physical store since they're still conscious to go out. They just

browse and click easily to purchase and sell their desire products on the social media

applications. According to the findings of the study Anusha (2016) Internet

advertising uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.

It includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, and

many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile


3.2 Effectiveness

How’s social media platform cost effective way of promoting a product when it

comes to online advertising?

"I think it's effective because people in social media can easily notice the

advertisements while scrolling on it"

"It is cost effective in a certain situation wherein consumer’s advertisement can

reach anytime anywhere, that leads to better engagement since they are more likely

to be seen by the people that matter most for product given that nowadays people

use social media"


"...makes the advertising more effective and attracts customers."

This study reveals the effectiveness of online advertising its usefulness and the

reasons for using the online advertisement. The online advertising is effectively

nowadays, wherein consumer easily reaches advertisement online anytime anywhere

that can leads a better engagement in business. This way can efficient more attracts

customer and can easily discover just scrolling on media apps. According to the

findings of the study "Challenge of social media marketing & effective strategies to

engage more customers" by Bae and Zamrudi (2018) analyzed social fulfillment

aspects of social media marketing, concluding that these characteristics were

perceived to be useful in satisfying the motivations of consumers.

3.3 Accessibility

As an online business owner student how is the social media platform easy to use to

advertise and can see and know about your product?

"They can advertise it by sharing it to others through social media too"

"By posting on social media platforms, people can easily know your

business/products. You can also reach your target consumer in different platforms

like in Facebook and in TikTok."

"...different social media platforms have different advantages to offer to everyone

to help to advertise your product because everyone has access to different social

media platforms.."

"By using good product display, putting the right information and spreading good

reviews/feedback about the product"


Using different social media platforms it can be accessible to promote their

product to everyone and it has advantage to their businesses. Sharing it others

through social media also, as well as by using the good product display, good reviews,

fact information about those product. Through this they can easily get the feedback of

every customer by monitoring it online and it is less hassle for the both party.

Accessible media applications it can easily to reach out the target consumer by

posting or advertising on the application. According to Halligan, (2009) Social

media enables companies to network with customers in order to build relationships

and achieve a better understanding of customer needs. Businesses want their message

to reach as many people as possible. To maximize this reach, a business must have a

presence where customers are hanging out. Increasingly, they are hanging out on

social networking sites. Social media is really having a big impact in the lives of

people and it can help not only to have a communication with your love ones but it

can also use in business. Through this, business can build a good relationship and can

get the trust of the customers.


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

The study aimed to determine the perceptions of business owners on the

effectiveness of online advertising in Grade 12 students of West Philippines Institute.

The main problem of this study is to comprehend if the effectiveness

of online advertising has effectiveness in promoting products selected by a

business owners in Grade 12 students of West Philippines Institute.

Generally, this study aimed to determine business owners’

perceptions using online advertising. It sought to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?


1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

2. What is the better social media platform to use in business?

2.1 Facebook

2.2 Instagram

2.3 YouTube

3. What is the level of business owner student’s perception of using online?

advertising effectively in terms of;

3.1 Convenience

How social media platforms can easily use for online advertising

than for physical stores?

3.2 Effectiveness

How’s social media platform cost effective way of promoting a

product when it comes to online advertising?

3.3 Accessibility

As an online business owner student how is the social media

platform easy to use to advertise and can see and know about your


This study focus on the perception of business owners on the effectiveness of

online advertising wherein they can say that online advertising is a really big help for

their business as a marketing tool.

Whether online advertising is helpful to attract customers, fast and quick way

to advertise their product. Maximize the cost, instead of spending too much to make a

billboard or to print it, online advertising can lessen the cost. This study is limited to

10 business owners’ students on the effectiveness of online advertising in Grade 12

Senior High School students in West Philippines Institute.

Based on the data gathered, the following were the findings:

1. Social Media Platform


The social media platforms in terms of Facebook app have a better platform

used in online advertising of Grade 12 WPI students and was rated as strongly



The social media platforms in terms of the Instagram app have a better

platform using in online advertising of Grade 12 WPI students and were rated

as strongly agree.


The social media platforms in terms of the YouTube app have a better

platform using in online advertising of Grade 12 WPI students and was rated

as strongly agree.

2. Convenience

Online advertising in terms of convenience is easy to advertise online than to

physical stores using a platform for Grade 12 WPI students and this is the

result of convenient.

3. Effectiveness

Online advertising in terms of effectiveness is an effective way to advertise

online using a social media platform for Grade 12 WPI students and this is the

result of effectiveness.

4. Accessible

Online advertising in terms of accessible is can access all the media platforms

to promote and sell their product to Grade 12 WPI students and this is the

result of accessibility.

5. On the significant relationship between respondents' profiles and the

perception using online advertising.


It was revealed that there is a significant relationship between the respondents'

profiles and the perception using of online advertising.


Online advertising is a big help for the businesses to gain again especially

almost everyone are affected of covid-19 and the most effective way to get back again

without costing so much is advertise the product through online.

Based on the result of the study, it says that Facebook, Instagram, and

YouTube are both better platform to use in advertising a product. Online advertising

in terms of convenience it is convenient because through this the seller can easily

communicate with customers and it is accessible because through online advertising

the product can be easily showcased to the customers and it is easy to use especially

now people are engaged with social media or the internet on how efficiently using the

platform to advertise.


If you are going to business it’s good if you use online advertising to promote

your product and it is more convenient for both buyer and business owner to do the

transaction than in a physical store and not just because more customers can see your

business but it can also lessen your costs. And in terms of online platforms to use,

Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are the best three worldwide known apps and

everyone can easily have access to it.


Appendix A: Sample Survey-Questionnaire


APPENDIX B: Respondents’ Answers

Appendix C: Profile of the researchers


Name: Sheanne A. Guerrero.

Address: Puting Buhangin, Orion Bataan


Date of birth: October 15, 2003

Place of birth: Putting Buhangin Orion, Bataan

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Height: 154

Weight: 40

Father's Name: Bergie P. Guerrero

Mother's Name: Sherrie Ann A. Guerrero


Current School: West Philippines Institute

Secondary: Justice Emilio Gancayco Memorial Highschool

Primary: Puting Buhangin Elementary School Orion, Bataan


Name: Mariell Ablan

Address: Lucanin Mariveles Bataan



Contact number: 09669569363


Date of birth: December 18, 2003

Place of birth: Mariveles Bataan

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Height: 156

Weight: 42

Father's Name: Pedro Ablan

Mother's Name: Mary Ann Ablan


Current School: West Philippines Institute

Secondary: Mariveles National Highschool- Cabcaben

Primary: Lucanin Elementary School

Affiliations: None

Name: April Ren C. Carlos

Address: 1924 Fajardo St. Lamao, Limay, Bataan



Contact number: 09692729769


Date of birth: April 07, 2004

Place of birth: Lamao, Limay, Bataan.

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Height: 150

Weight: 42

Father's Name: Reynaldo R. Carlos

Mother's Name: Anna Marie D. Carlos


Current School: West Philippines Institute

Secondary: Lamao National HighSchool

Primary: Lamao Elementary School


Name: Nicole Paguio Bagtas

Address: Sto. Domingo Orion Bataan



Contact number: 09634906243


Date of birth: December 14, 2003

Place of birth: Sto Domingo Orion Bataan

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Height: 160

Weight: 60

Father's Name: Noel Santos Bagtas

Mother's Name: Adora Paguio Bagtas


Current School: West Philippines Institute

Secondary: Justice Emilio Angeles Gancayco Memorial Highschool

Primary: Sto Domingo Elementary School

Affiliations: None

Name: Melanie Bautista Ramos

Address: Marsteel Alangan Limay Bataan



Contact number: 09502525412


Date of birth: December 05, 1999

Place of birth: Nagsirialan Camiling Tarlac

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Height: 170

Weight: 62

Father's Name: Ramil Baldovi Ramos

Mother's Name: Elizabeth Bautista Ramos


Current School: West Philippines Institute

Secondary: Limay National Highschool

Primary: Caputikan Elementary School

Affiliations: None

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