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Page Quality Quick Guide:

Important Factors to Consider

Ultimately, the goal of Page Quality rating is to evaluate how well the page achieves its purpose. Here are the
most important factors to consider when assigning a Page Quality rating:

Purpose MC Quality & Website & Content

Amount Creator Info E-A-T Reputation
The amount of Reputation is based
Reason or MC is any part Every page on the experience of
reasons the of the page belongs to a real users, as well as
page was that directly website, and it
and trustworthiness the opinion of PQ Rating
created helps the page should be people who are
is very important
achieve its clear which experts in the
purpose. website that is. topic of the website

*Please note, different types of websites and webpages can have very different purposes, so our
expectations and standards for different types of pages may also be different (e.g. YMYL pages
have very high expectations and standards).

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Highest Quality Pages


Very high or highest

Highest quality pages
quality MC is created
and websites have a
with a high degree of Very positive
There should be clear very high level of
time and effort, and in reputation is often
information about the expertise or are highly
Highest quality pages particular, expertise, based on
website/content authoritative or highly
are created to serve a talent, and skill. prestigious awards or
creator so that users trustworthy.
beneficial purpose recommendations
feel comfortable
and achieve their A factor that often from known experts or
trusting the site. This Formal expertise is
purpose very well. distinguishes very professional societies
information is critical important for YMYL
high quality MC is the on the topic of the
for assessing E-A-T. topics such as
creation of unique and page.
medical, financial, or
original content for the
legal advice.
specific website.

*You can find examples of Highest quality pages in section 5.4 of the General Guidelines and in the PQ Feedback

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High Quality Pages


Reputation is
High quality pages
important and informs
have a satisfying There should be clear High quality pages
on the E-A-T of the
amount of high-quality information about the and websites need
High quality pages page. While a page
MC. Creating high website/content enough expertise to
achieve their purpose can merit the High
quality MC takes a creator so that users be authoritative and
well. These pages rating with no
significant amount of feel comfortable trustworthy on their
exist for almost any reputation, the High
at least one of the trusting the site. This topic. The standard for
beneficial purpose. rating cannot be used
following: time, effort, information is critical expertise depends on
for any website that
expertise, and for assessing E-A-T. the topic of the page.
has a convincing
negative reputation.

*You can find examples of High quality pages in section 4.6 of the General Guidelines and in the PQ Feedback Archive.

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TELUS International Digital Solutions shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Two Types of Medium Quality Pages


The page or website

The page achieves its has strong High
purpose, however, it quality rating
does not merit a High characteristics, but
quality rating, nor is also has mild Low
there anything to quality characteristics.
indicate that a Low The strong High
quality rating is quality aspects make
appropriate. it difficult to rate the
page Low .

*You can find examples of Medium quality pages in section 8.1 of the General Guidelines and in the PQ Feedback

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TELUS International Digital Solutions shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Low Quality Pages


Content is considered
The amount of
Low quality if it is The Low rating should
information needed Low quality pages
created without be used if the website
about the website or often lack an
adequate time, effort, or the creator of the
creator of the MC appropriate level of E-
Low quality pages do expertise, or MC has a mildly
depends on the A-T for the purpose of
not achieve their talent/skill. negative
purpose of the page. It the page.
purpose well because reputation.
is particularly
they are lacking in an The Low rating should
important for YMYL For example, a
important dimension. also be used if the For a YMYL website,
pages. If information cooking website
page has an a mixed reputation is
is lacking, it is a good providing tax
unsatisfying amount of cause for a Low
indication the page is information.
MC for the purpose of rating.
Low quality.
the page.

*You can find examples of Low quality pages in section 6.7 of the General Guidelines and in the PQ Feedback Archive.

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Lowest Quality Pages


Lowest quality MC is
YMYL pages with no
content created with If the E-A-T of a page
information about the
Lack of purpose such insufficient time, is low enough, users
website or content
pages should be rated effort, expertise, cannot or should not
creator, or other
Lowest quality. talent, and/or skill that use the MC of the
pages where the Use the Lowest rating
it fails to achieve its page. This is
available information if the website and the
Some pages also fail purpose. Lowest also especially true of
is inadequate for the creators of the MC
to achieve their apply to pages where YMYL topics. If the
purpose of the have a negative or
purpose and are users cannot benefit page is highly
website (e.g., an malicious reputation.
useless. These pages from the MC. inexpert,
online bank with only
should also be rated unauthoritative or
an email address),
Lowest. Lowest should also be untrustworthy, it fails
should be rated
applied to pages with to achieve its purpose.
little/no MC.

*You can find examples of Lowest quality pages in section 7.7 of the General Guidelines and in the PQ Feedback

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What Different Lowest Pages May Look Like
Type of Lowest Page What Pages Look Like

Pages that potentially spread hate - Promote hate or violence towards a group of people

Potentially harmful pages - Encourage harm to self or others

- Malicious pages, e.g. scams, phishing, malware downloads
- Extremely negative or malicious reputation
Pages that potentially misinform users - Demonstrably inaccurate content
- YMYL content that contradicts well-established expert
- Debunked or unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
Pages that potentially deceive users - Deceptive intent, e.g. websites created to deceive users
- Deceptive design, e.g. ads that are disguised as MC
Lack of purpose pages - No MC
- Gibberish MC
- Cannot determine a purpose
Pages that fail to achieve their purpose - Lowest E-A-T
- No/little MC or lowest quality MC
- Copied MC or auto-generated MC
- Obstructed or inaccessible MC
- Inadequate information about the website or creator of the
- Unmaintained websites, and hacked, defaced, or spammed

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TELUS International Digital Solutions shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.

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