Manufacturing Execution System

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Epicor ERP

Manufacturing Execution
System Course
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
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date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
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particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
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of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
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Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
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Revision: April 10, 2017 5:49 p.m.
Total pages: 49
Manufacturing Execution System Course Contents

Manufacturing Execution System Course.............................................................................6
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7
Modules Licensing...........................................................................................................................................7
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................9
MES Overview......................................................................................................................10
Application Setup.................................................................................................................13
Company Configuration................................................................................................................................13
Data Collection.......................................................................................................................................13
Data Collection Fields......................................................................................................................13
Employee Maintenance..................................................................................................................................14
Workshop - Modify Employee Record.....................................................................................................15
Daily MES Processing............................................................................................................16
MES Main Menu and Submenus....................................................................................................................16
MES Main Menu Programs.............................................................................................................................17
Clock In / Log In......................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Clock In........................................................................................................................18
Issue Material.........................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Issue Job Material.........................................................................................................19
Review Job Details....................................................................................................................19
Issue Job Material.....................................................................................................................20
Review Transaction Details.......................................................................................................20
Start Setup Activity.................................................................................................................................21
Start Production Activity.........................................................................................................................21
End Activity............................................................................................................................................21
Workshop - Start and End Activity..........................................................................................................21
Start Setup Activity..........................................................................................................................21
End Setup Activity...........................................................................................................................22
Start Production Activity..................................................................................................................22
End Production Activity....................................................................................................................22
Clock Out...............................................................................................................................................23
Workshop - Clock Out.....................................................................................................................23
MES Production Programs..............................................................................................................................23
Work Queue...........................................................................................................................................23
Workshop - Review the Work Queue...............................................................................................23
Material Queue Manager........................................................................................................................24
Move Inventory Request Transaction.......................................................................................................25
Move Material Request Transaction........................................................................................................25

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Contents Manufacturing Execution System Course

Move WIP Request Transaction...............................................................................................................25

Report Quantity......................................................................................................................................26
Return Assembly Material Request Transaction........................................................................................26
Return Miscellaneous Request Transaction..............................................................................................27
Return Salvage Request Transaction........................................................................................................27
MES Material Programs..................................................................................................................................27
Adjust Inventory.....................................................................................................................................27
Workshop - Adjust Inventory...........................................................................................................27
Adjust Inventory.......................................................................................................................27
Count Tag Entry.....................................................................................................................................28
Issue Assembly........................................................................................................................................28
Issue Miscellaneous Material...................................................................................................................29
Kanban Receipts.....................................................................................................................................29
Mass Issues to Manufacturing.................................................................................................................30
Material Request Queue.........................................................................................................................30
Serial Number Tracker.............................................................................................................................31
UOM Split/Merge....................................................................................................................................32
MES Package Control Programs.....................................................................................................................32
Package Control ID Tracker (Handheld)...................................................................................................32
MES Shipping/Receiving Programs..................................................................................................................33
Bill of Lading Entry..................................................................................................................................33
Customer Shipment Entry.......................................................................................................................33
Customer Shipment Tracker....................................................................................................................34
Master Pack Shipment Entry...................................................................................................................34
Miscellaneous Shipment Entry.................................................................................................................35
Miscellaneous Shipment Tracker.............................................................................................................35
Subcontractor Shipment Entry................................................................................................................35
Stage Ship Confirm.................................................................................................................................36
Receipt Entry..........................................................................................................................................36
Return Material Authorization.................................................................................................................37
RMA Disposition Entry............................................................................................................................37
Receive Transfer Order............................................................................................................................37
Transfer Order Shipment.........................................................................................................................38
Void Pack...............................................................................................................................................39
MES Service Programs....................................................................................................................................39
Equipment Tracker..................................................................................................................................39
Maintenance Job Entry...........................................................................................................................40
Maintenance Job Tracker........................................................................................................................40
Maintenance Request Entry....................................................................................................................40
Maintenance Request Queue..................................................................................................................41
Meter Reading Entry...............................................................................................................................41
MES Supervisor Programs...............................................................................................................................41
Inspection Processing..............................................................................................................................41
Lot Tracker.............................................................................................................................................41

4 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Contents

Project Tracker........................................................................................................................................42
Purchase Order Tracker...........................................................................................................................42
Receipt Tracker.......................................................................................................................................43
Sales Order Tracker.................................................................................................................................43
Shop Tracker..........................................................................................................................................43
MES Context Menu........................................................................................................................................44
Workshop - Work with Context Menu....................................................................................................44
Review User Settings.......................................................................................................................44
Change Company and Site..............................................................................................................45
Launch the Developer Mode............................................................................................................45

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 5

Manufacturing Execution System Course Manufacturing Execution System Course

Manufacturing Execution System Course

This course discusses the Manufacturing Execution System (MES), an easy-to-use, online application that allows
you to enter labor and inventory transactions while work is done on the shop floor.
The MES provides accurate labor reporting, which is a vital concern in job costing and job status. Online transaction
tracking gives management a current picture of what occurs on the shop floor by employee and by job. Because
the MES is integrated with Job Management and Scheduling, the latest shop floor scheduling issues are always
This course reviews the clock in, work queue review, material issue, start and end activity, and clock out processes
that shop employees use MES to perform. Workshops guide you through these processes.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify module configuration settings pertinent to the MES.
• Clock in and out for the day.
• Log in and out of a job.
• Navigate through the MES screen and the functions available.
• Perform shop employee tasks in the MES, such as viewing the work queue and issuing material.
• Start and end setup and production activity.

6 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Modules Licensing
The following modules must be licensed to complete all the workshops in this course:
• Inventory Management
• Job Management
• MES Data Collection
• Multiple Warehouse
• Shipping Receiving


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• COO/Operations Manager
• Shop Floor Employee
• Shop Floor Manager
• Production Manager


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.
It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.
• Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
• System Flow Course - This course introduces a basic quote to cash scenario that includes the process from
the initial customer quote to final cash receipts and payment of supplier invoices. This course emphasizes the
series of processes that make up the quote to cash process by using a simple scenario to highlight various
transactions. Your organization may have more complex processing routines than those described in this

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Before You Begin Manufacturing Execution System Course

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same version as the Epicor application. The
demonstration database is installed from the Epicor Administration Console using the "Add Demo
Database" command under Database Server. See Epicor ERP installation guides for details. If you are an
Epicor Cloud ERP customer (and have licensed embedded education), the demonstration database is
installed for you.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP
customer see section below.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials epicor/epicor. If you are logged into your training
environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

MES Shortcut Creation

If the MES launch icon does not display on your Desktop after the installation, follow the steps below:

1. After the installation completes, navigate to the Start > All Programs > Epicor Software > Epicor ERP
Version 10 folder.

2. Right-click the Epicor 10 MES icon and select Send to > Desktop (create shortcut).

Epicor Cloud ERP Specific Information

Note If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP customer, then note the following about your Epicor-hosted education
company. All logins referenced in the course (such as manager, or epicor) should be changed to be the

8 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Before You Begin

<site ID>-. For example, if your site ID is 98315, then wherever you are instructed to use the login manager,
instead use 98315-manager. The password is the same as the login name.

Note To refresh your Epicor training data, send a request that includes your site ID to Refreshing your training data may take up to 72 hours after the request is

Workshop Constraints

The workshops in this course can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) shared
database. If a user has already completed these workshops in the database, the database must be restored
(refreshed) before another user can complete this course.

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 9

MES Overview Manufacturing Execution System Course

MES Overview

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is an online application that allows you to enter labor and inventory
transactions while work is performed on the shop floor. This provides management with a current view of what
is occurring on the shop floor by employee and by job.
The MES interface is designed for smaller workstations (usually stationary) that are positioned at remote locations
on the site floor, such as on your forklifts. The interface is based on use of a 640x480 pixel display, rather than
the higher resolution display normally used for the standard Epicor application. It is designed for bar code scanners
and portable, roaming personal computers, though it can be run from an ordinary workstation. The MES interface
also automatically loads to your workstation memory and runs in the background, enabling it to work faster on
your screen.

10 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course MES Overview

Other features of the module include:

• Work queues have a prioritized work schedule and provide information directly to the shop floor such as part
drawings and job operation information.
• Employee pictures display to assist with security.
• Hours can be distributed over multiple jobs when one employee performs multiple jobs. Also, when two or
more employees work on one job operation, the hours can be split.
• Use a mouse, touch screen, bar code, and keyboard interface to increase transaction speed when updating
labor and inventory transactions. These methods help reduce data entry errors. Run a labor edit listing to
review labor activity and draw management's attention to potential errors and possible corrections.
• Use the MES functionality to manage inventory quantities, along with parts, bins, lots, and serial numbers
directly from a screen-based interface. Similar functionality can also be operated on handheld RF (Radio
Frequency) devices if you have purchased and installed a separate Handheld license.

Note Refer to the Handheld course for more details on the Handheld functionality.

Quality Assurance Module Integration

MES can also interface with the Quality Assurance module to enable transactions from the shop floor, such as:
• Non-conformance reporting with accompanying reason codes
• Miscellaneous employee job operation comments
• Report setup inspection, first article, and piece counts

Advanced Material Management Module Integration

MES can also interface with the Advanced Material Management module to provide:
• Material requests for raw material to move into work-in-process (WIP)
• Material requests for parts to move from one work center to another
• Information on WIP parts at each resource group
• The ability to move WIP parts into inventory or to the shipping dock

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MES Overview Manufacturing Execution System Course

12 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Application Setup

Application Setup

This section reviews configuration factors and maintenance file setup that affects Manufacturing Execution System

Company Configuration

Use Company Configuration to define the module options for companies in the Epicor application. Use these
options to define how this company will interact with the module licensed for it.
When you install the Epicor application, one company record is created by default. You first use Company
Maintenance to define overall options like email setup, document attachments, and external BAQ sources. You
then use Company Configuration to define how the company interacts with the various modules you have
Tip You can purchase a Multi-Site license that enables you to set up multiple companies within Company
Configuration. To do this, first create the company within the Epicor Administration Console. You can then
display the new company in this program and configure it as necessary.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration

Data Collection

Use the Data Collection sheet to define options and parameters for the Data Collection module (which includes
Handheld and MES functions). The Data Collection module configuration settings also define many job defaults.

Data Collection Fields

The setting of following fields impact Handheld and MES functionality. Some of the fields in the Company
Configuration > Modules > Production > Data Collection sheet are not discussed in this course; to learn
more about these fields, refer to the Application Help.

Calc Idle Time

Select this check box to indicate that the Epicor application should generate idle time entries for logged in
employees when using the Handheld or MES functions. Idle time records the difference between employee total
time and the sum of the detail labor transactions reported.

Consider Grace for Labor Detail

Select this check box to indicate that system-adjusted clock-in and clock-out times should appear on the Labor
Edit Report. If the check box is cleared, when there are late clock-ins and early clock-outs, only the actual clock-in
and clock-out times appear on the Labor Detail Report. This setting applies only to late clock-ins and early

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Application Setup Manufacturing Execution System Course

Early (Clock In Allowance)

Enter the number of minutes before (Early) a scheduled shift starting time that an employee can clock in and still
be considered as starting at the shift start time. These determine the system-adjusted Clock-In times during Labor
Entry or Data Collection Entry.
Example: You define the early clock-in allowance time as 10, and the late clock-in allowance time as 2. Your
first shift starts at 7:00 a.m. if John clocks in at 6:50, his clock-in time will be adjusted to 7:00, since it is within
the 10-minute early allowance. If Jane clocks in at 7:03, her clock-in time will remain at 7:03, since it is not within
the two-minute late allowance.

Early (Clock Out Allowance)

Enter the number of minutes before (Early) a scheduled shift ending time that an employee can clock out and
still be considered as ending at the shift end time.
Example: Your first shift ends at 4:00 p.m, you define the early clock-out allowance time as 0 and define the
late clock-out allowance time as 12. If John clocks out at 3:59, his clock-out time will not be adjusted, since you
have not defined an early clock-out allowance time factor.

Late (Clock Out Allowance)

Enter the number of minutes after (Late) a scheduled shift ending time that an employee can clock out and still
be considered as ending at the shift end time.
Example: Your first shift ends at 4:00 p.m, you define the early clock-out allowance time as 0, and the late
clock-out allowance time as 12. If Jane clocks out at 3:08, her clock-out time will be adjusted to 3:00, since it is
within the 12-minute late allowance.

Prevent First Article Bypass

Select this check box to indicate that materials finished through the Work Queue, if marked for First Article
inspection, should be forced to go through First Article inspection.

Employee Maintenance

Use Employee Maintenance to create an employee record. Employees perform work on jobs and enter labor
in Time and Expense Entry. If an employee is connected to a User ID, the associated password is required for the
employee to log into the Handheld functions or the Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
Employee Maintenance is most valuable if you do not have the Payroll module. The Job Management module
uses an employee file separate from the Payroll module.
• If the Payroll module is installed, enter employees. They automatically display in the Employee file, where you
can activate other fields. If necessary, update the employee details. When you update employee details in the
Payroll module, the employee record updates automatically.
• An employee added to Payroll Employee Maintenance cannot be added again in Employee Maintenance. If
you select the Active Employee check box in Payroll Employee Maintenance, the employee is automatically
part of Employee Maintenance. You can always return to Payroll Employee Maintenance to select this check
An employee can start a shift when the payroll administrator is unavailable. In this scenario, the employee is
entered in Employee Maintenance to allow them to record time. The payroll administrator can pull the entry into
the Payroll module at a later time. Temporary employees who report time must also be entered in Employee

14 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Application Setup

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > External Payroll Integration > Setup > Employee Information
• Material Management > Data Collection > Setup > Employee
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Employee
• Production Management > Data Collection > Setup > Employee
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Employee
• Service Management > Expense Management > Setup > Employee
• Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Employee
• Service Management > Project Management > Setup > Employee
• Service Management > Time Management > Setup > Employee

Workshop - Modify Employee Record

In this workshop, modify Jack Sawyer's shop employee record so the Manufacturing Execution System functions
are available for the remaining workshops.
Navigate to Employee Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Data Collection > Setup > Employee

1. In the ID field, search for and select Jack Sawyer.

2. On the Detail sheet, verify or select the following information for the employee:

Material Handler Shop Supervisor Shipping and Production Worker Payroll Employee
Select Select Select Select Select

3. Navigate to the Production Info sheet.

4. Verify or select the following information for the employee:

Department Request Material Report Quantity

Assembly Department Select Select

5. Click Save and exit Employee Maintenance.

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Daily MES Processing Manufacturing Execution System Course

Daily MES Processing

This section covers the main actions a shop employee performs using the MES module.

MES Main Menu and Submenus

Use the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) interface to enter MES data. This interface is valuable for anyone
who wants to perform inventory, quality, or data collection functions, as well as material movement.

16 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Daily MES Processing

This interface is designed for smaller workstations that are positioned at remote locations on the site floor, such
as on your forklifts. The interface uses a 640x480 pixel display, rather than the higher resolution display used for
your Epicor application. It is designed for bar code scanners and portable, roaming personal computers, though
it can be run from an ordinary workstation. This interface also automatically loads to your workstation memory.
When you launch the MES, its interface loads in the background and the MES interface works faster on your
For more information on the Autoload functionality, refer to the Favorites Bar - Autoload topic in the Application
You can set up a portable workstation network to take advantage of the MES menu. For more information,
contact your Epicor sales representative.

MES Submenus
The middle area of the main MES Menu contains five submenus:
• Production
• Material
• Shipping/Receiving
• Service
• Supervisor
These submenus correspond with the role an employee is assigned in the Status section of Shop Employee (Payroll
Employee, Service Technician, Material Handler, Shop Supervisor, Shipping/Receiving, or Production Worker). A
shop employee has access to specific MES functions depending on their assigned roles, as assigned in the Shop
Employee file using Employee Maintenance.
Note These sheets, and the programs contained in each, are covered in detail later in the MES course.

MES Main Menu Programs

The top area of the main MES menu contains buttons for functions and programs that are common to shop
employees who use MES. These buttons are:
• Log In/Log Out: Log into or out of MES.
• Clock Out: Clock out for the day.
• Part Tracker and Job Tracker: View job or part information.
• Start Production/Indirect/Setup/Rework Activity: Start activity.
• End Activity: Report on and end production, indirect, setup, or rework activity.
• Close: Close the MES session.
• Help: Display the MES Application Help.
Most of these programs will be covered in detail as you move through the workshops in the MES course. Some
programs selections that appear on the main MES Menu are not covered in this course.
Note The order in which the MES program topics appear in this section corresponds to the approximate
order in which you will be operating these functions, not the order in which they appear on the MES Menu.

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Daily MES Processing Manufacturing Execution System Course

Clock In / Log In

When a shop employee arrives for the day, he or she must log in (or clock in) to report indirect or direct time
within the Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

Workshop - Clock In

At the beginning of each day, an employee must clock in to report indirect or direct time.

1. Launch Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

It is usually a separate icon on your desktop with the MES acronym in the name, for example, Epicor MES.

2. In the Log On window, in the User name field, enter manager.

3. In the Password field, enter manager.

4. Click OK.
The MES Menu displays.

5. In the Employee ID field, enter 101 (Jack A. Sawyer) and press Tab.
The Select Shift window displays.

6. Click OK to accept a default shift.

7. Remain in the MES Menu.

Issue Material

Use Issue Material to issue material from inventory to a job. This program issues material to a job one part at
a time. To issue the required parts to a job at once, use Mass Issues to Manufacturing.
When you issue material to a job, several events occur:
• The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record update with the quantity issued
and the extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity multiplied by the current inventory
Average, Standard, or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
• The On Hand quantity and the Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the
quantity issued.
• A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-MTL (job material issue).

Important To use the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to issue job material, the Advanced Material
Management (AMM) license must be installed in the Epicor application. Once you install this license, you
can define shop employees as Material Handlers in Shop Employee Maintenance; these users can then
issue or move material on the manufacturing center.
An AMM license must also be installed for proper access to the To Warehouse and To Bin fields in Issue
Material. If it is not, warehouse and warehouse bin numbers display in each respective field, but the fields
themselves are disabled and cannot be accessed. When this occurs, an Issue Material error displays when
you attempt to save the transaction. To save the transaction and get rid of the error message, you can use
the following workaround procedure:

18 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Daily MES Processing

1. Navigate to Resource Group Maintenance located in the Production Management > Job
Management > Setup folder.

2. Search for and select a resource group.

3. Verify the Detail sheet is active.

Note The Detail sheet contains three warehouse fields, labeled Input Warehouse, Output
Warehouse and Backflush Warehouse.

4. Click into each warehouse field once; even if the field is empty and displays as disabled.

5. Change another control or field in the group (for example, by populating a field or selecting a check

6. Click Save.

7. Navigate to the Resources sheet and repeat steps 2 - 5 for each resource that displays in the sheet.
Remember to click Save after changing a resource, and moving on to the next one. Do this for each
listed resource, and resource group.
Note If you complete this workaround properly, the error message should no longer display
in Issue Material and the To Warehouse field still displays as disabled, but also as empty (no

8. Click Save to complete the transaction and Exit Resource Group Maintenance.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Material
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Issue Material

Workshop - Issue Job Material

This workshop demonstrates how to research job materials and issue materials to the job before you start the

Review Job Details

1. In the MES Menu, click the Job Tracker button.

The Job Tracker displays.

2. In the Job field, search for and select job 2037.

3. Navigate to the Job Details > Materials > List sheet.

The Tool2 material has a previously issued quantity. The other two materials do not.

4. Exit the Job Tracker and remain in the MES Menu.

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Daily MES Processing Manufacturing Execution System Course

Issue Job Material

1. In the MES Menu window, verify the Material sheet displays.

2. Click the Issue Material button.

Issue Material displays.

3. Verify the Detail sheet displays.

4. Enter the following information:

Field Data
Job 2037
Assembly 0
Mtl 10
Warehouse Main
Bin 01-02-02
Quantity 4
Note This is the quantity that displays in the Required Quantity
field. If a different quantity displays in this field use this quantity value

Note Press the Tab key after you enter the required quantity.

5. Verify the Issued Complete check box is selected.

6. Click OK.

7. Exit Issue Material and remain in the MES Menu.

Review Transaction Details

1. In the MES Menu, click the Trans Log button.

The Transaction Dates window displays.

2. Accept the default date range and click OK.

The Transaction Log window displays.

3. Review the transaction.

4. Exit the Transaction Log window and remain in the MES Menu.

20 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Manufacturing Execution System Course Daily MES Processing

Start Setup Activity

Use Start Setup Activity to start a setup, direct labor activity.

Important A red Attention icon displays at the top of the window if you are entering information for
labor you are currently working on and have not clocked out of yet.

Two different employees can start work on the same setup activity, but the same employee cannot start the same
setup activity twice for the same Job, Assembly, Operation, or Scheduled Resource.
Important The Start Setup Activity button is inactive if the Job Management module is not licensed.

Start Production Activity

Use Start Production Activity to start a direct labor activity or production on a job. This is labor that is
manufacturing part quantities on a job.
Important A red Attention icon displays at the top of the window when you are entering information
for labor on an item for which you are currently clocked in. You can start a direct labor activity, such as an
operation, whether or not you are already clocked in to an indirect activity.

Two different employees can start work on the same production activity, but the same employee cannot start
the same production activity twice for the same Job, Assembly, Operation, or Scheduled Resource.
Important The Start Production Activity button is inactive if the Job Management module is not licensed.

End Activity

Use End Activity to report the end of labor activity.

The highlighted line on the Production sheets determines the activity type to end when you click the End Activity
Important The End Activity button is inactive if the Job Management module is not licensed.

Example To end an indirect activity, highlight an Indirect type line and click End Activity. The Epicor
application automatically enables the fields applicable for indirect labor.

Workshop - Start and End Activity

To apply time to a job, a production worker must start activity, and when they finish, they must end activity to
report the quantity complete.

Start Setup Activity

1. In the MES Menu window, click the Start Setup Activity button.
The Start Setup Activity window displays.

2. Enter the following information:

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Field Data
Job 2037
Assembly 0
Operation 10

3. Click the More Info button.

Job Details displays.

4. Navigate to the Job Details sheet and review information.

5. Exit Job Details.

6. In the Start Setup Activity window, click OK.

7. Remain in the MES Menu.

End Setup Activity

1. Click the End Activity button.

The End Labor Activity window displays.

2. In the Setup % Complete field, enter 100

3. Click OK.

Start Production Activity

1. In the MES Menu window, click the Start Production Activity button.
The Start Production Activity window displays.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Data
Job 2037
Assembly 0
Operation 10

3. Click OK.

4. Remain in the MES Menu.

End Production Activity

1. Click the End Activity button to report the production activity.

The End Labor Activity window displays.

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2. In the Current field, enter 4.

3. Click OK to finalize the transaction.

4. Remain in the MES Menu.

Clock Out

Employees can always clock in and out of the Manufacturing Execution System, for example, if employees are
away for a period of time during their shift or at the end of their shift.

Workshop - Clock Out

At the end of the day, shop employees must clock out.

1. Click the Clock Out button.

2. To the Clock out Employee? message, click Yes.

The screen is now blank for the next shop employee who clocks in or out for the day or who logs in or out
of an operation.

3. Remain in the MES Menu.

MES Production Programs

The following production programs are available on the Production sheet in the MES Menu.
Note The most commonly used MES production programs appear first in this section of the course; the
remaining production programs appear in alphabetical order. Some programs selections on the Production
sheet are not covered in this course; the programs covered earlier in the course do not appear in this

Work Queue
Production > Work Queue

Use Work Queue to list job operations scheduled in each resource group. This queue informs the shop employees
of the operations to perform and the order of operations according to the schedule. To start direct labor entry,
the employee selects a job from the list.
Work Queue also provides quick access to other information useful to both the employee and supervisory
personnel, such as a picture of the part, extended operation, and job description. The work queue is an extended
Priority Dispatch report online that creates a paperless shop floor.

Workshop - Review the Work Queue

A shop employee needs to review the work queue to determine the job operations that are available for selection.

1. In the Employee ID field, enter 101 (Jack A. Sawyer) and press Tab.
The Select Shift window displays.

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2. Click OK to accept a default shift.

3. In the MES Menu, navigate to the Production sheet.

4. Click the Work Queue button.

The Work Queue displays.

5. Navigate or verify the Job Details sheet displays.

6. Click the Resource Group button.

The Resource Group Search window displays.

7. In the Department field, select Assembly Department and click Search.

8. In the Search Results grid, select ASM Bench and click OK.

9. Navigate to the Current Work sheet and review the information.

10. Navigate to the Expected Work sheet and review the information.

11. In the tree view, select a record (any record).

The Job Details sheet displays the detailed information.

12. Click the Close button.

13. Remain in the MES Menu.

Material Queue Manager

Use the Material Queue Manager to manage and manipulate queued material transactions, including pick
transactions generated when order items are allocated using selections on the Fulfillment Workbench Actions
You can perform the following tasks for single queued transactions, or groups of selected transactions:
• Change priorities on transactions, moving them up or down in order of importance.
• Place transactions on hold to prevent workers equipped with handheld devices from processing them.
Conversely, on hold transactions can also be released for handheld device processing.
• Clear or change user and warehouse team assignments for selected transactions.
Once you have selected transactions and have made the required changes, the Epicor application requires you
confirm the changes before saving them. The Material Queue Manager locks transactions you are working with
to prevent them from being changed by other users, and conversely, locks transaction records that are currently
being modified by other users, or are being displayed on handheld devices. This prevents you from selecting them
for processing until they are released by the current user.

Filtering and Paging

You can filter data and set paging as follows to improve the performance of the Material Queue Manager when
it retrieves and displays material request transactions:
• Using the Material Queue Rows Per Page field in the Site Configuration Control > Modules > AMM >
Material Queue sheet, you can designate the number of data records that display per page in the Material
Queue Manager.

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• From Date / To Date - Using these fields, you can specify the date range for the material request transactions
you wish to select.
• Transaction Type - Using this field, you can select the type of transaction you wish to retrieve.
• From Warehouse / To Warehouse - Using these fields, you can specify the range of warehouses for which
you wish to select material request transactions.
• Selected Employee - Using this drop down, you can select material request transactions for a specific
employee; if left blank, the Material Queue Manager selects records for all employees.
• Only Unselected – If selected, only material request transactions that are unassigned to specific employees
are returned. If selected, it clears and disables Select Employee field.
• Tab Count - Displays the total number of material request transactions displayed on each sheet in the Material
Queue Manager.
• Total Records – This control displays the total number of material request transactions that matched the
filter criteria.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Advanced Material Management > General Operations > Material Queue Manager

Move Inventory Request Transaction

Use the Move Inventory Request Transaction window to enter a movement request for inventory. This window
is valuable when you want to request movement for a part to another job or warehouse.
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.

Move Material Request Transaction

Use the Move Material Request Transaction window to request a movement transaction for materials. It lets
you indicate that you want to move materials from one warehouse/bin to another warehouse/bin.
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.
Important PartWIP records will not be added for job operations that are complete. Negative WIP lines
will not be created as a result of material movement.

Move WIP Request Transaction

Use the Move WIP Request Transaction window to request a movement transaction for Work in Process (WIP)
jobs. This program is valuable when you want to request that a WIP job be moved from one warehouse/bin to
another warehouse/bin.
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.

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Use Nonconformance to add or update non-conformant materials during job production. Generally,
non-conformance records are entered because the material is bad, defective, suspect, or warrants inspection.
The material can be an assembly, raw job material, scrap, items from a subcontractor, or parts from another
source. The information you enter is sent to an inspector, who then inspects the material and uses Inspection
Processing to disposition it.
When non-conformant materials are reported through Time and Expense Entry as part of the employee’s work
record, and that record is saved, a non-conformance record is created that is then accessible in this program.
For these types of records, you can only modify the quantity and the reason fields in Nonconformance. The
other fields are unavailable.
For more information on the discrepant material flow through the Quality Assurance module, review the Quality
Assurance Module Flow topic in the Application Help. Additionally, you can find information on how the
movement of discrepant materials from a job are costed in the Job Costing Technical Reference Guide in the
Application Help.
Tip If your Epicor application is integrated with the IQS Advanced Quality Module (AQM), the AQM
application performs the inspection processes for jobs, inventory receipts, and purchase receipts.
To track these AQM records within Non-Conformance, Service Connect uses an identifier to link the AQM
record to the non-conformance record. This field, AQMNCMNum, is located on the List sheet. This label
is an abbreviation for Advanced Quality Module Non-Conformance Material Number and displays the
identifier originally generated by the AQM application.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Nonconformance

Report Quantity

This program lets you report that a production quantity is complete against a specific operation. It also lets
you request that the skid or pallet be moved on to the next operation.
If you have the Override Job Number check box selected on your user record within Shop Employee
Maintenance, you can do this without being clocked into the operation. If you do not have these rights, however,
you can still do this without having to end the activity.
Important In MES, the Report Quantity button is inactive if the Job Management module is not licensed.

Important You cannot report labor quantities for job operations with Labor Type = Time – Backflush Qty.
For such operations, this button is inactive. For more information about the Time – Backflush Qty labor
entry, refer to the Labor Backflushing topic in the Application Help.

Return Assembly Material Request Transaction

Use the Return Assembly Material Request Transaction window to request that an assembly or a material
from a WIP job be returned to stock.
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.

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Return Miscellaneous Request Transaction

Use the Return Miscellaneous Request Transaction program to request that a part quantity be returned from
one warehouse and bin to another warehouse and bin. This window is valuable when you want to request that
part quantities be returned that are not linked to a job.
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.

Return Salvage Request Transaction

Use the Return Salvage Request Transaction program to request that salvaged parts be moved from a job to
These requests can then be processed by a user within the Material Queue. When the request is processed, it
then creates a material transaction that can change the cost, quantity, and/or location of this material.

MES Material Programs

The following material processing programs are available on the Material sheet in the MES Menu.
Note The most commonly used MES material processing programs appear first in this section of the course;
the remaining production programs appear in alphabetical order. Some programs selections on the Material
sheet are not covered in this course; the programs covered earlier in the course do not appear in this

Adjust Inventory

Use Quantity Adjustments to adjust the part master quantity on-hand. You can adjust the quantity either up
or down.

Workshop - Adjust Inventory

You need to add an inventory quantity to a part from the shop floor because of a cost manufacturing variance.

Adjust Inventory

1. In the MES Menu, navigate to the Material sheet.

2. Click the Adjust Inventory button.

Quantity Adjustments displays.

3. In the Part field, enter DCD-100-SP and press Tab.

4. In the Warehouse, verify the Main warehouse defaults.

5. In the Bin field, verify bin 01-01-01 displays.

6. In the Quantity field, enter 15.

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7. In the Reason field, select the Cost/Manufacturing Variance reason code.

8. Click Adjust.

9. Exit Quantity Adjustments.

10. Remain in the MES Menu to review other programs as necessary.

Count Tag Entry

Use Count Tag Entry to add or update the physical count information for count tags or sheets in a selected
cycle sequence. Open tags can be updated, and blank tags can be added only until the cycle sequence has been
posted using the Post Counts selection in the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu.
If the tag for which a count quantity is being entered was not originally generated as a blank tag, you cannot
change the displayed part number, bin, lot, UOM (unit of measure) code and serial number information. If you
are entering a count quantity for a blank tag, you can only change the UOM code if the Track Multiple UOMs
check box has been selected for the part in Part Maintenance in the Part > Detail sheet. Before entering count
quantities for a tag or sheet, you must:
• Create a cycle count schedule in Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.
• Generate tags for the cycle sequence using the Generate Tags selection in the Count Cycle Maintenance
Actions menu.
• Start the cycle sequence using the Start Count Sequence selection in the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions
Note Count or blank tags cannot be deleted or voided in Count Tag Entry. They can only be voided using
the Void Tags by Part or Void Blank Tags selections in the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu.

Note Part quantities associated with a PCID are excluded from inventory counts.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Tag Entry

Issue Assembly

Use Issue Assembly to issue an assembly from inventory to a job.

Assemblies can be issued when the job assembly has specified a pull quantity from stock. Because the demand
is for a sub-assembly part, this demand is different than a typical material requirement. Some of the quantity will
be manufactured through a job, while the rest of the quantity will be pulled from stock. This stock quantity may
be the result of overproduction on another job.
When you issue an assembly to a job, these events occur:
• The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job assembly record are updated with the quantity issued and
extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard
or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
• The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the quantity

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• Also, a transaction history record is created for the part. The inventory transaction type is STK-ASM (job
assembly issue). For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types
List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Assembly

Issue Miscellaneous Material

Use Issue Miscellaneous Material to enter a dispensation of miscellaneous parts from inventory. To begin,
enter the part number of the item you are issuing and then select the bin from which you are taking the part
from the list in the Warehouse Bins grid.
A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-UKN, which indicates the transaction
is a miscellaneous issue of stock. For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory
Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Miscellaneous Material

Kanban Receipts

Use Kanban Receipts to enter production, scrap and non-conformance quantities for an assembly part number.
This program allows you to quickly create a job based on a production Kanban generated by the Epicor application.
Note For more information on the Kanban functionality, review the Kanban Implementation topic in the
Application Help.

Based on entered information, the Epicor application generates a job, pulls methods, and backflushes the materials
and labor to complete a job. This program also includes subassemblies that use bills of material (BOMs). It then
adds the good quantity to Finished Goods inventory, scraps the scrap pieces, and moves discrepant pieces into
Quality Assurance (QA) inspection. If no pieces are discrepant, the application closes the job.
Kanban Receipts also handles processing of lower level lot tracked component and phantom BOM parts. The top
level assembly parts themselves can be non-tracked, lot tracked or serial number tracked.
• If the top level assembly contains a bill of materials with one of more lot tracked components, a Lower Level
Job Materials window displays after you click Update in Kanban Receipts.
• Lower Level Job Materials prompts for entry of lot numbers for each of the lot tracked components. If the
specified lot does not have enough quantity to fulfill the required Kanban quantity, you must enter multiple
lot numbers to cover the requirement.
Note If the method of manufacturing defined for the specified assembly part contains lower level
components (materials or subassemblies) that are flagged as serial tracked, Kanban Receipts does not
create a job or material transactions for that assembly. If one of the components is a serial tracked, a
message displays stating that the top level assembly part itself cannot be used in Kanban receipt processing.

Note An error message appears if you attempt to enter an assembly part number designated as a Pull as
Assembly item in the Engineering Workbench > Method of Manufacturing > Materials sheet. This
processing restriction applies regardless of the type of components (normal, lot tracked or serial tracked)
associated with it.

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Non-Stock Parts
The Kanban Receipts program will automatically generate, complete, and close a job for manufactured parts
marked as Non-Stock in Part Maintenance, under the following conditions:
• It must own a valid revision.
• It must include a valid method of manufacture with at least operation and material.
• It cannot be marked as Phantom BOM.
Note Non-Stock parts used in Kanban Receipts can be Serial Number and Lot tracked.

Planning Contracts
You cannot assign a Planning Contract to a kanban job using the Kanban Receipts. Materials marked as Link To
Contract either in Part Maintenance or part's Bill of Materials (BOM) in Job Entry will not be tied to a contract,
as the Epicor application will ignore the Link To Contract logic.
Note Normally, once you link a job to a planning contract, all the job materials marked as Link To Contract
is automatically linked to that contract.

Mass Issues to Manufacturing

Use Mass Issues to Manufacturing to quickly issue the planned materials to a job, rather than enter each
transaction individually.
The main advantage of Mass Issue to Manufacturing is that it issues material to the subassemblies at the same
time. Part transactions generated through this program reduce inventory quantities and post material costs to
jobs. This program is useful if your material estimates are accurate.
After you select the parts listed in the Pick List for Jobs report, they can be issued from inventory to the job or
assembly that requires the material. You can do this line by line or with the mass issue function.
When jobs have several raw material requirements, you can use the mass issue function to expedite the issuing
process. The mass issue function works well with job materials not controlled by serial numbers. If the job calls
for lot-tracked or dimension-tracked material, select the appropriate lot number or dimension code when you
process the mass issue. You will receive prompt messages when you save the transaction.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Mass Issue to Mfg
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Mass Issue to Mfg.

Material Request Queue

Use Material Request Queue to view a listing of queue material movement requests. The requests are created
whenever parts have to be moved from one location to another. Programs such as Receipt Entry, Fulfillment
Workbench and the Replenishment Workbench can generate these requests.
The Material Request Queue is valuable when you want to both view and take action on material quantity
• You select, process, and clear material requests in the Unselected sheet.
• When you select queued material transactions in the Unselected sheet, they also appear in the My Selections
sheet, allowing for a more granular view of the selected material requests.

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• You can also print inventory tags for the requested material requests.
Note The Auto Refresh selection on the Material Request Queue Actions menu can be used to designate
if the Material Request Queue should automatically be refreshed after each individual transaction is
processed. You can elect to auto refresh the Material Request Queue after each individual transaction is
processed, or to disable the Auto Refresh function; this has a substantial effect on transaction processing

Filtering and Paging

You can filter data and set paging as follows to improve the performance of the Material Request Queue when
it retrieves and displays material request transactions:
• Using the Material Queue Rows Per Page field in the Site Configuration Control > Modules > AMM >
Material Queue sheet, you can designate the number of data records that display per page in the Material
Request Queue.
• Using the From Date and To Date fields, you can specify the date range for the material request transactions
you wish to select.
• Using the Transaction Type field, you can select the type of transaction you wish to retrieve.
• Using the From Warehouse and To Warehouse fields, you can specify the range of warehouses for which
you wish to select material request transactions.
• Using the Only My Selections check box, you can designate if you want to view only your own selections
in the My Selections sheet.
• Tab Count - Displays the total number of material request transactions displayed on each sheet in the Material
Request Queue.
• Total Records – This control displays the total number of material request transactions that matched the
filter criteria.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Advanced Material Management > General Operations > Material Request Queue

Serial Number Tracker

Use the Serial Number Tracker to display information about serial-tracked part records including the serial
number status, location, and serial-tracked transactions.
This tracker displays information in a dashboard format. A dashboard provides you with current information and
processes so you can more efficiently perform your tasks. You cannot add or edit records in a tracker.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Serial Number Tracker
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker

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• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Serial Number Tracker

UOM Split/Merge

Use Split Merge UOM to split an inventory quantity expressed in a specific unit of measure (UOM) into one or
more alternate units. You can also use this program to merge inventory quantities expressed in several alternate
UOMs into a single UOM quantity. It can only be used for parts for which the Track Multiple UOMs check box
is selected in Part Maintenance.
• For example, for a Split UOM transaction, 100 units on a pallet be broken into one bag (two base units), one
box (four base units), or nine cases (10 base units each or 90 total).
• Conversely, if your inventory is stored in bags and boxes, you can use the Merge option to merge them into
a single pallet of 100 base units.

When you save the transaction, the Epicor application uses the conversion factors defined in UOM Class
Maintenance to determine if the quantities selected for merging or splitting add up to the resulting UOM merge
or split quantity. Entering split or merge transactions has the net effect of zero on the total physical on-hand
inventory quantity for the part. The program updates two or more on-hand tracking part records and creates
STK-ADJ PartTran records to reflect the changes.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > UOM Split/Merge

MES Package Control Programs

The following programs are available on the Package Control sheet in the MES Menu.

Package Control ID Tracker (Handheld)

Use Package Control ID Tracker (Handheld) to view high level details related to a specified Package Control
You can enter or scan the PCID number, or access Package Control ID Search to search for and select a PCID
number. After you do this, associated information displays. This includes the PCID label type, print status, packing
slip number, return dock and other fields that indicate if mixed child PCIDs are allowed, if the PCID is returnable
or expendable, and if an Advanced Shipping Notice has been sent.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Package Control > PCID Tracker
• Production Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Package Control > PCID Tracker
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

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MES Shipping/Receiving Programs

The following programs are available on the Shipping / Receiving sheet in the MES Menu.
Note The most commonly used MES shipping/receiving programs appear first in this section of the course;
the remaining shipping/receiving programs appear in alphabetical order. Some programs selections on the
Shipping/Receiving sheet are not covered in this course; the programs covered earlier in the course do
not appear in this section.

Bill of Lading Entry

Use Bill of Lading Entry to enter and update bills of lading. A bill of lading is a shipping document that carriers
use to identify cargo. These documents can be created automatically from existing pack IDs or they can be created

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Bill of Lading Entry

Customer Shipment Entry

Use Customer Shipment Entry to process customer shipments. You can either relieve inventory or ship directly
from a job.
Important If a part ships via Customer Shipment Entry, it is standard costed. Shipment from the
work-in-process (WIP) transaction (MFG-CUS) captures the standard unit cost for the part rather than actual
costs from the job. If there are variances between the standard cost of the part and the actual costs of the
job, a MFG-VAR transaction is also created for the remaining WIP balances.

• If you select the Save Shipment for Invoice check box in the Company Configuration > Modules > Sales
> Order sheet, you can use the Get Shipments function in AR Invoice Entry to quickly create invoice entries
for the customer shipments entered into Customer Shipment Entry.
• If you try to enter shipments for customers on credit hold, you receive warning messages. For more information
on customer credit checking, refer to the Customer Credit Checking topic in the Application Help.
• If you use the Advanced Production module, you can ship multiple part quantities from the same job and/or
batch job. The quantities available to ship are defined on the quantity available on the final operation. For
more information, refer to the Advanced Production Module topic in the Application Help.
• If you use the Document Management module, you can attach Certificate of Compliance documents to the
customer shipment.
If the ERS Orders check box is selected for the order in the Demand Entry > Header > Detail, Sales Order
Entry > Header > Detail and Sales Order Entry > Summary sheets, Customer Shipment Entry automatically
generates ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement and Self Billing) invoices for billings for the customer. ERS invoicing
allows your customer to pay invoices based on packing slip information they receive from your company.
• The ERS invoice is created for the amount of goods shipped in the pack, at the prices set in the sales order.
• If designated for the company, the invoice also generates a legal number for the resulting invoice. This
information prints on resulting AR invoices and packing slips.

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• When the pack is marked as Shipped, the invoice automatically posts. If the pack is marked as Unshipped,
the Epicor application automatically generates a cancellation invoice; the next time the pack is marked as
Shipped, a new invoice is automatically generated again.
Note ERS and non-ERS orders are not allowed in the same pack. If the first order release is added to a
pack that belongs to an ERS order, non-ERS order releases are not allowed in that pack.

Tip If you install the Advanced Material Management license, and enable the Package Control
functionality for the current site, you can use a PCID (Package Control ID) to add items to a pack for sales
order for items with the same customer and ship to locations you previously picked through the handheld
SO Pick transactions.

Note A warning message appears if you attempt to mark a pack as Shipped if it contains lines for an order
that has been marked as Ship Complete (in Order Entry), but the actual shipment is only partially complete.
This message simply attempts to warn the user of this situation. but can be dismissed, allowing shipment
of the pack.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

Customer Shipment Tracker

Use the Customer Shipment Tracker to locate shipments and analyze shipped items.
The Customer Shipment Tracker is a very useful tool to view shipment information and provides one place to
view shipment-related information.
Note The Subcontractor Shipment Tracker and the Transfer Order Shipment Tracker provide the same
functionality for transfer order shipments and subcontract shipments.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Customer Shipment Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Tracker
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Customer Shipment Tracker

Master Pack Shipment Entry

Use Master Pack Shipment Entry to combine separate pack IDs (master packs) into one master pack group to
ship as a single shipment.
You can select the shipment type for the master pack, but then pack is then restricted to only shipments of that
type. Additionally, all pack IDs must have the same ship-to address as the first pack ID added to the group.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Master Pack Shipment Entry

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Miscellaneous Shipment Entry

Use Miscellaneous Shipment Entry to enter packs for miscellaneous (non-billable) material. Use this program
to enter and print packs for the return of discrepant parts to a supplier from a Discrepant Material Report (DMR)
Packs entered in this program are not invoiced, but they are tracked in the Miscellaneous Shipments Tracker.
You can also insert references to orders, jobs, or projects.
Tip Use Customer Shipment Entry to enter shipments to invoice.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Entry
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Entry

Miscellaneous Shipment Tracker

Use the Miscellaneous Shipment Tracker to review packs for miscellaneous (non-billable) material. Use this
tracker to view and print packs for the return of discrepant parts to a supplier from a Discrepant Material Report
(DMR) record.
This is the read-only version of Miscellaneous Shipment Entry.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Miscellaneous Shipment Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Tracker

Subcontractor Shipment Entry

Use Subcontractor Shipment Entry to enter shipments to subcontractor suppliers for Work in Process (WIP)
parts that require outside processing. By entering the shipment, you can process the part movement when they
are outside your site and track the material shipped to subcontractors.
You can use the Attachments selection, located on the Actions menu, to associate documents (and files created
by other applications) to specific shipment transactions.
Example You can attach a picture graphic file (.jpg, .bmp) of the actual load shipment as a proof of
shipment. This could function as a legal document, which affects payment of supplier invoices, billing for
customer invoices, liability of product and transfer of title.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Subcontractor Shipment Entry

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Stage Ship Confirm

Use Stage Ship Confirm to confirm shipments of staged Pack IDs or Master Packs.
The Stage process allows you to group Pack IDs which are intended to be shipped together into stages. Once
Pack IDs are moved into position for shipment, have a stage assigned, and their status is set to Staged, they are
available in Stage Ship Confirm. In Stage Ship Confirm, you can select a group of Pack IDs and mark them as
shipped all at once.
Note A warning message appears if you attempt to mark a pack as Shipped if it contains lines for an order
that has been marked as Ship Complete (in Order Entry), but the actual shipment is only partially complete.
This message simply attempts to warn the user of this situation. but can be dismissed, allowing shipment
of the pack.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Stage Ship Confirm Entry

Receipt Entry

Use Receipt Entry to record the physical receipt of purchased materials to stock inventory, directly to a job, to
a job subcontract operation, or to manually enter the receipt of non-inventory parts such as office supplies.
Receipt line items are either Purchase Order receipts (material received that are recorded against a purchase
order), or Miscellaneous receipts (material received that is not associated with a purchase order). Receipt
information updates the purchase order and creates transactions to update inventory or job quantities and costs.
If you have the Document Management module installed, you can add Certificate of Compliance documents to
the receipt line.
Receipt entries can be saved to generate accounts payable invoice entries. Use the Modules > Finance > Accounts
Payable sheet within Company Configuration to indicate whether you want to save receipt entries for accounts
payable. If the Quality Assurance module is enabled in your environment, you can also receive parts to inspection
using Receipt Entry. To complete this process, use Inspection Processing in the Quality Assurance module after
inspecting the parts you received.
Note You cannot use Receipt Entry to receive purchased items tied to a sales order release and designated
for drop shipment to the customer. An error message displays if you attempt to receive a drop ship release
in the Stock Detail sheet. You must use Drop Shipment Entry to mark a drop shipped release as "received".
This marks the sales order release as shipped and also marks the PO release as received.

Important Use RMA Processing to receive parts returned by the customer.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

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Return Material Authorization

Use Return Material Authorization to control and track customer returns. Enter information about the return
and communicate that information to the different groups that need to take action, such as inspection, billing,
and order processing.
The Epicor application does not automatically create credit or shipping transactions, or rework jobs based on
these returns. RMA Processing provides the communication tools to ensure the necessary actions are taken for
customer returns. Based on the reason for the return and customer needs, you can enter or change jobs, create
credit transactions in the Accounts Receivable module, or re-ship parts as necessary.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > RMA Processing

RMA Disposition Entry

Use RMA Disposition Entry to dispose and complete Return Material Authorization (RMA) receipts from
The inspector determines whether the RMA receipts are placed in stock, sent to a job, or rejected altogether.
Tip You can also access this program through Inspection Processing in the Quality Assurance module.

Note If the parent assembly returned is a serialized part number and the RMA is being dispositioned for
rework using a job, the RMA Dispositions program verifies if the Reassign Serial Number to Assembly
check box has been selected for the returned item in the Engineering Workbench > Method of
Manufacturing > Materials sheet. If it has been selected, the serial numbers from the job
material/subassembly can be reassigned as the serial number of the parent assembly (top assembly or n
deep subassembly).
If the Reassign Serial Number to Assembly check box has been cleared for the returned item, the Epicor
application discards the original serial number assigned to the top level part number and creates a new
one, regardless of the specific serialized materials or subassemblies that were originally issued to the job.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Dispositions

Receive Transfer Order

Use Receive Transfer Order to enter the receipt of inter-site transfer order packs.
The processing sequence for transfer order receipts is as follows:

1. You first enter the transfer order into Transfer Order Entry in the Inventory Management module.

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2. You then use Transfer Order Shipment to ship one or more lines from the transfer order to its destination
Note If a site definition allows it, shipments can be made to another site without first entering a
transfer order. Refer to the Transfer Order Shipment - Direct Shipment topic for more information.

3. Personnel located at the destination site use Receive Transfer Order to record the receipt of the transferred
items when they arrive.

When you receive the transfer order into the receiving warehouse, the Epicor application uses the following logic
to create the resulting inventory transactions:
• It generates a PLT-STK type transaction, which contains the "to" bin specified for the primary warehouse
designated for the part in the Part Maintenance > Part > Site > Warehouse > Primary Bin sheet.
• If no primary bin has been specified in the part record for the receiving warehouse, it sets the "to" bin (in the
PLT-STK transaction) to the first bin in the receiving warehouse in which the part is currently stored. If the
part is not currently stored in a bin in the receiving warehouse, it sets the "to" bin to the first alphabetic bin
number in the warehouse.
• If the transfer order is received into the primary warehouse or warehouse bin, and you do not change or
override the default receiving location, it generates a putaway transaction that can be processed in the
Material Request Queue or Material Queue Manager, located on the Advanced Material Management
General Operations menu.
Note The Epicor application does not create a putaway transaction if you do override the designated
primary receiving location in the part record for the transferred item (you are receiving it into a warehouse
other than the default receiving warehouse designated on the part record).

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receive Transfer Order

Transfer Order Shipment

Use Transfer Order Shipment to enter the shipment of an inter-site transfer. This program is valuable when
you want to satisfy inter-site demand.
This program allows you to ship an existing transfer order entered in Transfer Order Entry in the Inventory
Management module; or, if your site definition allows it, you can use the Direct Shipment functionality on the
Actions menu to ship parts to another site without the benefit of an existing transfer order.
Use Receive Transfer Order to enter the receipt for the site that receives the parts on the transfer order.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Transfer Order Shipment Entry

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Void Pack

Use Void Pack to void a Pack ID prior to you shipping the Pack ID. In Void Pack you have the ability to void a
Pack ID and leave an audit trail, before you ship the selected Pack ID. You can then reassign a PCID if it is requested
by the customer. If a Pack ID is marked as shipped or invoiced you cannot void the Pack ID.
• When you void a Pack ID you delete the line items from the Pack ID and clear the pack number and pack line
numbers from a corresponding PCID.
• When you void a Pack ID you also create updates to the ShipHead status and the label status of PCID that is
Label Print Controlled that is in the selected pack.
• After you select a Pack ID to void and click the Void Pack button, you mark the ShipHead for the selected
pack as Voided. You also update the label statuses of the PCIDs contained within a pack.
• If there is a PCID associated with an Individual label type, when you void a Pack ID you update the label
status to Stock.
• If there is a PCID you associated with a Master or MixedMaster label type, you update the label status to
Confirmed when you void a Pack ID. You can view the status for the current pack in the Status field.
• You can also select to cancel the void of a pack.
When you click the Void Pack button, Shipper Comments displays. You must enter a reason why the pack is
being voided. If you do not enter a reason for the void pack, you receive an error message you that notifies you
that you have yet to enter a comment. The pack does not void until you enter a comment.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Advanced Material Management > General Operations > Void Pack

MES Service Programs

The following Maintenance Management module programs are available on the Service sheet in the MES Menu.
Note MES service programs appear in alphabetical order. Some programs selections on the Service sheet
are not covered in this course; the programs covered earlier in the course do not appear in this section.

Equipment Tracker

Use Equipment Maintenance Tracker to review master records in the EquipID table for equipment installed
and used in a manufacturing or distribution facility. This includes internal capital equipment, tools, gauges and
fixtures such as air conditioning units, forklifts, shelving, and shop floor tools.
Each equipment master record contains crucial data required to track and manage preventative maintenance
tasks in the Maintenance Management module. Detailed maintenance plans can be defined for the equipment
item that are triggered based on specified time or meter intervals. Free-form quality assurance specification and
comment text can also be added for the equipment record.
Note This only includes internal equipment you use and maintain in your own operations. You must use
the Field Service module instead of the Maintenance Management module to manage preventative
maintenance performed on equipment sold to customers.

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Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Equipment Tracker

Maintenance Job Entry

Use Maintenance Job Entry for direct entry of maintenance jobs used to initiate and track the progress of
preventative maintenance performed on a piece of equipment.
Maintenance jobs can be directly entered into Maintenance Job Entry by a trades person or management. It can
also be used to update or modify maintenance jobs that have been generated:
• When a maintenance request is approved in the Maintenance Request Queue
• By the Maintenance Plan Processor for equipment maintenance plan, or
• By the Create Maintenance Jobs selection on the Case Entry Actions menu
Maintenance Job Entry is a tailored version of the standard Job Entry, designed for use with maintenance jobs
only. For more details, refer to the Job Management module Application Help.

Maintenance Job Tracker

The Maintenance Job Tracker is a display-only version of the primary entry program. Use the tracker to review
current information about a selected record. You cannot add or edit records in the Maintenance Job Tracker.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Maintenance Job Tracker

Maintenance Request Entry

Use Maintenance Request Entry to request that maintenance be performed on a piece of capital equipment.
Maintenance Request Entry can be accessed directly from the Maintenance Management menu, or by using the
Create Maintenance Request selection on the Actions menu in Case Entry. You can search for an equipment
record based on many of the fields (Brand, Model Number, Serial Number) defined in Equipment Maintenance.
When you enter the maintenance request, you assign topic codes that identify the nature of problem and
maintenance work required. When you first enter a maintenance request, it contains a status of Pending; it can
be cancelled as necessary while still in this status. Pending maintenance requests display in the Maintenance
Request Queue for disposition by a manager or a trades person.
• The person who is disposing the maintenance request can reject it, or approve it and automatically generate
a maintenance job. Once a maintenance job is created, it displays in the Maintenance Job Queue or can be
updated in Job Entry. The Epicor application generates a maintenance job, and it automatically links it to the
maintenance request record. It sets the status of the linked maintenance request to Complete when you
complete the work on the maintenance job.
• The maintenance request can also be rejected in the Maintenance Request Queue. When rejected, the
manager or trades person enters a topic code that denotes the reason for the rejection. You can review request
rejections in Maintenance Job Tracker or Maintenance Request Entry, and resubmit them for re-approval
if necessary.
Maintenance requests can also be viewed on the Maintenance Request Report, which can be accessed from
the Actions menu.

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Maintenance Request Queue

Use Maintenance Request Queue to disposition maintenance job requests previously entered into Maintenance
Request Entry. Once a maintenance job request has been entered, a manager or trades person can use
Maintenance Request Queue to:
• Approve the maintenance request and automatically create a maintenance job. Once a maintenance job has
been created, it displays in the Maintenance Job Queue or can be updated in Maintenance Job Entry.
• Approve the maintenance request and automatically create a maintenance job, but place it on hold.
• Reject the job request. If rejected, a code must be entered that denotes the reason for the rejection. The
person who initially entered the request is then able to view this in the Maintenance Job Request Tracker or
Maintenance Request Entry.

Meter Reading Entry

Use Meter Reading Entry to record meter data for a specific piece of equipment. The Preventative Maintenance
Processor uses the meter data to determine when to create a preventative maintenance job.

MES Supervisor Programs

The following programs of interest to shop floor supervisors are available on the Supervisor sheet in the MES
Note These programs appear in alphabetical order in this section of the course. Some programs selections
on the Supervisor sheet are not covered in this course; the programs covered earlier in the course do not
appear in this section.

Inspection Processing

Use Inspection Processing Entry to inspect the non-conformance entries. You can also inspect purchase order
receipts and customer returns.
Important Once inspection information is entered for a non-conformance record, that record is considered
Closed; it cannot be updated or deleted.

For more information on the flow of discrepant/non-conformant material through the Quality Assurance module,
review the Quality Assurance module in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

Lot Tracker

The Lot Tracker displays lot information about part records.

This includes information such as lot numbers, on-hand quantities, and transactions. You cannot add or edit
records in this tracker.

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Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Lot Tracker
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Lot Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Lot Tracker

Project Tracker

This tracker is a display-only version of the primary entry program. Use the tracker to review current information
about a selected record. You cannot add or edit records in a tracker.
For example, use the Job Tracker to review information about a job, such as demand links, operations, and
Each tracker can contain sheets from the primary entry program and supplemental sheets unique to the tracker.
Information on primary sheets and fields is included in the Application Help for the entry program. Supplemental
sheet information is included in the Application Help for the specific tracker.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Project Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Project Tracker
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Project Tracker
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Project Tracker
• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Project Tracker
• Service Management > Project Management > General Operations > Project Tracker

Purchase Order Tracker

Use the Purchase Order Tracker to research details regarding a purchase order.
This tracker is a display-only version of the primary entry program. Use it to review current information about a
selected record. You cannot add or edit records in a tracker.
Each tracker can contain sheets from the primary entry program and supplemental sheets unique to the tracker.
Information on primary sheets and fields is included in the Application Help for the entry program. Supplemental
sheet information is included in the Application Help for the specific tracker.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Purchase Order Tracker
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker

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Manufacturing Execution System Course Daily MES Processing

• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker

Receipt Tracker

Use the Receipt Tracker to view receipts of purchased materials to stock inventory, directly to a job, to a job
subcontract operation, or to view receipts of non-inventory parts such as office supplies.
The Receipt Tracker is the read-only version of Receipt Entry.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Receipt Tracker
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Receipt Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Receipt Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Receipt Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Tracker

Sales Order Tracker

The Sales Order Tracker displays read-only information about open and closed sales orders, including shipment
activity, invoice activity, header and line item information, as well as sales order advances and deposit balances.
Each tracker can contain sheets from the primary entry program and supplemental sheets unique to the tracker.
Information on primary sheets and fields is included in the Application Help for the entry program. Supplemental
sheet information is included in the Application Help for the specific tracker.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Order Tracker
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Order Tracker
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Order Tracker

Shop Tracker

Use the Shop Tracker to review current information about shop activity. This includes information on resources,
labor activity, and shop warnings.
For more information on trackers, review the Tracker Overview topic in the Application Help to gain an
understanding of the elements of a Tracker and to learn how to navigate within the Tracker to obtain the needed
information. If you encounter a concept or term in this topic with which you are unfamiliar, please check the
Tracker Overview topic for its definition.

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Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Shop Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Shop Tracker

MES Context Menu

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Context Menu displays the following options:
• Change Company - Select this option to switch a company that the user logged into the MES is authorized
to work with.
Note To set up company privileges, navigate to the User Account Security Maintenance > Company
> Detail sheet and define the required company(s).

• Change Site - Select this option to switch a site that the user logged into the MES is authorized to work with.
Note To set up site privileges, navigate to the User Account Security Maintenance > Company >
Detail sheet and define the required site(s).

• Developer Mode - Select this option to launch the Selected Customization window. Use this window to
select or import an existing customization.
If you select this option and don't select an existing customization, right-click in the MES Menu and select
the Customization command. This launches the default Customization Tools Dialog window used to
create and save a new customization.
Important For the MES Context Menu to display the Customization command, you must activate the
Developer Mode.

Important Only users with activated customization rights can access the Developer Mode.
To activate the customization rights, select the Customize Privileges check box located on the User
Account Maintenance > Options sheet.

Note For more information about Customization, refer to the Select Customization, Begin
Customization, and Advanced Customization topics in the Application Help.

Workshop - Work with Context Menu

In this workshop, review and execute some of the Context Menu options.

Review User Settings

Navigate to User Account Security Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance

1. In the User ID field, enter Manager and press Tab.

2. Navigate to the Options sheet.

3. Verify the Customize Privileges check box is selected.

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Manufacturing Execution System Course Daily MES Processing

4. Navigate to the Company > List sheet.

5. In the Authorized Companies grid, review the list of assigned companies.

6. Minimize User Account Security Maintenance.

Change Company and Site

1. Launch Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

It is usually a separate icon on your desktop with the MES acronym in the name, for example, Epicor MES.

2. In the Log On window, in the User name field, enter manager.

3. In the Password field, enter manager.

4. Click OK.
The MES Menu displays.

5. Right-click in the MES Menu and select the Change Company option.
The list of authorized companies displays.

6. From the list, select Epicor04, Epicor FinancialCo.

You are now in the Epicor 04 company.

7. Right-click in the MES Menu and select the Change Company option.
The list of authorized companies displays.

8. From the list, select Epicor06, Epicor Education.

You are back in the Epicor 06 company.

9. Right-click in the MES Menu and select the Change Site option.
The Change Current Site window displays.

10. In the grid, select the EVN (Evanston) site and click OK.
You are now in the Evanston site.

11. Right-click in the MES Menu and select the Change Site option.
The Change Current Site window displays.

12. In the grid, select the MfgSys (Main) site and click OK.
You are now back in the Main site.

13. Remain the MES Menu.

Launch the Developer Mode

1. Right-click in the MES Menu to display the list of Context Menu options.
Notice the Customization option is not listed.

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2. From the list of Context Menu options, select Developer Mode.

The Select Customization window displays.
Note For the purpose of the course, you will not select or import customization. For more information
about Customization, refer to the Select Customization, Begin Customization, and Advanced
Customization topics in the Application Help.

3. Select the Base Only check box and click OK.

4. Click Cancel.

5. Right-click in the MES Menu and select Customization.

The Customization Tools Dialog (default) window displays.
Important The Customization command is only available if you activate the Developer Mode.

Note For the purpose of the course, you will not create a new customization. For more information
about Customization, refer to the Select Customization, Begin Customization, and Advanced
Customization topics in the Application Help.

6. Exit the Customization Tools Dialog (default) window.

7. Exit the MES Menu.

8. Maximize User Account Security Maintenance.

9. Navigate to the Options sheet.

10. Clear the Customize Privileges check box.

11. Click Save.

If the Row has been modified by another user message displays, click OK, refresh, clear the check box
again, and save.

12. Exit User Account Security Maintenance.

13. Launch Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

It is usually a separate icon on your desktop with the MES acronym in the name, for example, Epicor MES.

14. In the Log On window, in the User name field, enter manager.

15. In the Password field, enter manager.

16. Click OK.

The MES Menu displays.

17. Right-click in the MES Menu and review the list of Context Menu options.
The Developer Mode option is not listed.

18. Exit the MES Menu.

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Manufacturing Execution System Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Manufacturing Execution System course.

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 47

Index Manufacturing Execution System Course

I issue material 18
issue miscellaneous material 29
issue assembly 28

48 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

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Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
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