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LIST 05 (401 – 500)
Sr. # Words Synonyms Antonyms
401. Radiance brilliancy, sparkle, glow, dullness, dimness
402. Ragged unkempt, raggedy, tom, jagged untorn, even, fixed
403. Rancid reeking, tainted, sour, rank sweet
404. Random casual, desultory, haphazard formal, invariable, orderly,
405. Reciprocal shared, communal, mutual, individual, independent,
correlative unilateral
406. Rectify repair, renew, remedy, renovate destroy, save, keep, conserve,
407. Redundant jobless, exuberant, excessive essential
408. Relinquish abandon, abdicate, cede, retain, cherish, possess, maintain
renounce, resign, yield
409. Renegade traitor, defector, deserter, zealot, adherent, loyal, disciple,
turncoat, betrayer partisan, follower, militant,
loyalist, fanatic, supporter.
410. Reprehensible deplorable, disgraceful, delectable, welcome, encouraged,
discreditable, disreputable, innocent, satisfying,
shameful unobjectionable
411. Repudiate disclaim, renounce, reject, deny allow, admit
412. Repugnant inacceptable, obnoxious, agreeable, pleasant
distasteful, offensive
413. Repulsive abhorrent, abominable, admirable, alluring, amiable,
disgusting, loathsome charming
414. Resolute staunch, determined, firm, irresolute, undecided
415. Revolt rebellion, uprising, mutiny loyal, obey, submit
416. Ridiculous ludicrous, laughable, absurd grave, serious
417. Righteousness virtue, uprightness, goodness ungodliness, dishonesty
418. Robust strong, hale, stout, lusty, portly thin, lean, weak, fragile
419. Ruinous disastrous, dilapidated, harmful whole, sound
420. Rupture disagreement, estrangement, union, attachment
breach, break
421. Rustic rural, simple, rude, clownish urbane, polished
422. Sacrilegious violating, profane, impious pious, reverent
423. Saddle lumber, load, burden unload, disburden
424. Salubrious healthy, health-giving, healthful, insalubrious, noxious, delicate,
beneficial unsanitary, worn-out, injurious,
unhealthy, unsound, weak,
425. Sanguine confident, optimistic, cheerful, pessimistic, hopeless, pallid
426. Sarcastic biting, caustic, cutting, sardonic complimentary, flattering,
427. Savory piquant, tasty, palatable, spicy unsavory, tasteless
428. Scanty insufficient, meagre, inadequate, abundant, plentiful, adequate
429. Sceptic agnostic, atheist, doubter, believer, bigot, pietist, religious,
unbeliever zealot
430. Seclusion privacy, quiet, separation, publicity, union
431. Sedate calm, composed, sober, serious, perturbed, agitated, fighty, light-
solemn, staid hearted
432. Slender slim, fragile, weak, thin fat, bulky, stout, strong
433. Sojourn stay, visit, stop, stopover, dwell, go, leave, depart
434. Solace console, comfort, peace vex, pain, irritation
435. Solitary lone, single, secluded sociable, combined
436. Sordid dirty, foul, filthy clean, polished
437. Sovereign royal, regal, authority subject, subordinate
438. Speculation conjecture, thought, theory action, fact
439. Splenetic spiteful, imitable, waspish, agreeable, benign
440. Spontaneous voluntary, without preparation involuntary, with prior
441. Spurious illegitimate, forged, counterfeit, genuine, authentic, accurate,
shoddy sincere
442. Squander misuse, dissipate, waste save, economies
443. Staunch faithful, firm, resolute, stem infirm, unsteady
444. Steadfast unwavering, fixed, established, unfixed, infirm
445. Steep vertical, abrupt, precipitous flat, gentle, level, low
446. Stout stalwart, strong, robust, portly thin, lean, weak
447. Stray wander, err, deviate stay, continue, domesticated
448. Subtle nice, delicate, rare, thin, crafty rough, coarse, unrefined, simple
449. Susceptible vulnerable, sensitive, insusceptible, hard, resistant
450. Suspicious distrustful, doubtful, questionable certain, trustful, clear
451. Taciturn close, reticent, uncommunicative, communicative, open,
secretive unreserved, talkative
452. Tangible palpable, tactile, substantial impalpable, unreal, abstract
453. Tantamount undistinguishable, equivalent, unequal, non-equivalent, diverse
454. Tenacious sticky, adhesive, clinging, gluey, irresolute, hesitating, docile,
gummy, glutinous, viscid, vacillating, faithless, non-
viscous, mucilaginous adhesive, yielding
455. Terrestrial native, earthy, worldly heavenly, celestial, cosmic
456. Terse compendious, laconic, concise, lengthy, talkative, tedious
457. Testimony testament, witness, deposition concealment, denial, opposition
458. Thrifty frugal, provident, economical prodigal, uneconomic, wasteful
459. Thwart oppose, frustrate, balk, foil, help, advance, permit, allow
460. Torment nuisance, pain, torture comfort, tranquil, ease
461. Tranquil calm, quiet, composed, peaceful disturbed, agitated, frustrated
462. Transcend go beyond, rise above, cut across lose, fail, diminish
463. Treachery disloyalty, perfidy loyalty, faith, fidelity
464. Triumph conquest, victory, achievement fail, defeat, loss, fiasco
465. Turbulent blustering, riotous, stormy, violent tranquil, peaceful
466. Turmoil bustle, confusion, hurry quiet, peacefulness
467. Tyrant oppressor, despot, autocrat constitutional, sovereign,
468. Unanimous undisputed, accordant, discordant, disagreeing
469. Uncanny striking, remarkable, expected, commonplace, natural,
extraordinary, unusual, evident, everyday, prosaic,
exceptional, astounding, regular, wonted
astonishing, incredible,
470. Unwieldy cumbersome, unmanageable, practicable, serviceable, practical,
unhandy manageable, handy, functional,
useful, graceful, wieldy
471. Usurp seize, take over, expropriate, take relinquish, abdicate, bestow
possession of
472. Utopian ultimate, ideal, imaginary, naïve practical, real
473. Vacillation indecisiveness, hesitation, decision, firmness
474. Vagrant nomadic, wandering, roaming settled, homely
475. Valiant courageous, brave, gallant cowardly, unheroic
476. Vanquish conquer, overcome, subdue surrender, capitulate, submit
477. Venerable respected, reverend, grave trifling, light, loathsome
478. Veracity truth, reality, correctness fiction, unreality
479. Verbose wordy, diffuse, long-winded, terse, silent, speechless
480. Vexatious annoying, harassing, irritating, satisfying, pleasing, soothing,
knotty easy, simple
481. Vicious faulty, defective, corrupt, perfect, incorrupt, moral
482. Vindictive revengeful, spiteful, malevolent, benevolent, kind, forgiving,
malicious friendly, generous
483. Voracious insatiable, greedy, ravenous satiable, satisfied
484. Vulnerable weak, exposed, untenable, fortified, strong, invulnerable,
defenseless guarded, invincible
485. Wan dim, faint, weak, feeble, pale blushing, clear, bright, colorful,
486. Wangle contrive, manipulate, manoeuvre, leave alone, ignore, mishandle
engineer, devise, orchestrate
487. Whiff brief smell, trace, sniff, scent, gist, essence, kernel, abundance
odor, aroma
488. Whimsical freakish, fanciful, eccentric, serious, staid, sensible,
capricious predictable
489. Wistful pensive, thoughtful, dreamy, cheerful, happy, heedless, airy,
moody, nostalgic flippant
490. Wrangle dispute, quarrel, squabble, row peace, agreement, harmony
491. Wretched unfortunate, sad, miserable, fortunate, happy, joyous,
dismal, sorry contended
492. Wry ironic, sardonic, satirical, straight forward, clear
mocking, scoffing, sneering,
derisive, scornful, sarcastic
493. Xenophobia fear of foreigners, racism, impartiality, tolerance, open
nationalism mindedness
494. Yearn hanker, long, pine, crave, covet, be satisfied, be contended,
long for dislike, abjure, hate
495. Yield forgo, give in, surrender, resist, withhold, refuse
relinquish, concede
496. Zeal passion, eagerness apathy, weakness
497. Zealot fanatic, maniac, enthusiast moderate, deserter
498. Zenith top, apex, climax, pinnacle, base, bottom, foot, abyss
499. Zephyr waft, draught, gentle breeze storm, tornado, hurricane
500. Zest brio, dash, drive, energy, gusto, dullness, blandness, exhaustion,
pleasure, spirit dislike, weariness, distaste

LIST 05 (U – Z)
Sr. # Words Meaning
Unable To Not Be Able To Do Something:
To make someone able to do something, or to make
1. something possible:
Urban Of or in a city or town:
(Especially of a man) confident, comfortable,
2. and polite in social situations:
Vain Unsuccessful; of no value:
Vein The frame of a leaf or an insect's wing
A flat, narrow part of a fan, propeller, etc. that turns because of
3. the pressure ofair or liquid against it
Vale Used in the name of some valleys:

Veil A piece of thin material worn by women tocover the face or head:
Wail To make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:

A type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you
Vocation should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that
a type of work suitsyou in this way:

5. Vacation
Wait To be done or to happen at a later time:
6. Weight The amount that something or someone weighs:
To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear
purpose or direction:

Wonder To ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something

An unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy,
abilities, etc.:

Waist The part of the body above and slightly narrower than the hips:
To raise your hand and move it from side to side as a way of greeting
Wave someone, telling someone to do something, or adding emphasis to an
To not demand something you have a right to, or not cause a rule to
9. be obeyed:

Way A route, direction, or path:

Weight The amount that something or someone weighs:

The conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain,
or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area:

(Used especially in reporting questions and expressing doubts) if, or

11. not:
A period of seven days, especially either from Monday to Sunday or
from Sunday to Saturday:
12. Weak Not physically strong:
Wet Covered in water or another liquid:

To increase someone's interest in and wish for something, usually by

giving them a small experience of it:
14. Willing To be happy to do something if it is needed:
(Of something bad) done intentionally, or (of a person) determined to
do exactlyas you want, even if you know it is wrong:

An alcoholic drink that is usually made from grapes, but can also be
Wine made from other fruits or flowers. It is made
by fermenting the fruit with water andsugar:

Any type of plant that climbs or grows along theground and

15. has twisting stems:
Yolk The yellow, middle part of an egg:

A fitted part of a piece of clothing, especially a strip that goes around

theshoulders or waist, to which is sewn a looser piece of material

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