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2020-21 Spring

B1+ Main Course Week 13


 Watch the video in the link below on PARTICIPLE CLAUSES and answer the questions.

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Participle clauses are mainly used in written English to convey information in a longer / shorter form.
2. When making sentences containing participles, the two clauses should have the same / different subjects.
3. We use present / past participle for sentences in the active voice.
4. We use present / past participle for sentences in the passive voice.
5. To indicate the time difference between clauses, we use present / perfect participle.

B. Match the participles in the underlined parts (1-6) with their functions (a-f).

1. ____ The bomb exploded, destroying the building. a. To give the reason for an action

2. ____ Knowing she loved reading, Alp bought her a book. b. To show the action happened before the one
in the main clause
3. ____ Standing in the line, I realized I didn't have any c. To give a similar meaning to an if condition
4. ____ Used in this way, participles can make your writing d. To add information about the subject of the
more concise. main clause
5. ____ Filled with pride, he walked towards the stage. e. To give the result of an action

6. ____ Having been fired, he started looking for a new job. f. To talk about an action that happened at the
same time as another action

C. Choose the best alternative “a” or “b” to complete each sentence.

1. Totally confused by the problems,_______ 4. Watering the plants,_______

a) my grade on the test was very low. a) water spilled all over the rug.
b) I got a low grade on the test. b) I spilled water all over the rug.
2. Burned in the oven,_______ 5. Stunned by the explosion,_______
a) the rolls were inedible. a) the man was found wandering aimlessly.
b) we couldn't eat the rolls. b) the police found the man wandering aimlessly.
3. Walking to school,_______ 6. Watching a movie on TV,_______
a) an accident surprised us. a) the electricity went off.
b) we saw an accident. b) we were surprised by a blackout.

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