Abstract - Bringing Idiomatic Expression Acquisition in "World of Warcraft" Online Game Into Language Learning

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Teachers Training and Education Faculty, Department of Language and Arts Education, English
Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This final paper discusses idiomatic expression acquisition happened in the World of
Warcraft online game. The final paper also brings the idiomatic expression acquisition in the
World of Warcraft online game into language learning. World of Warcraft online game itself is a
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) made by Blizzard
Entertainment, United States. This online game uses English as the language and has worldwide
participants including gamers from Indonesia.
This final paper focuses on the idiomatic expression which is acquired unconsciously by the
Indonesian gamers. Playing World of Warcraft online game makes the gamers acquire English as
their second language. In this case they especially acquire idiomatic expression; the language
element consisted on the texts of the online game. The process of the idiomatic expression
acquisition is also discussed on this final paper which can be seen as a comprehension
acquisition. World of Warcraft online game gives language input to the gamers which need to be
understood in order to progress in the online game itself. The supporting factors to the idiomatic
expression acquisition while playing World of Warcraft online game are also discussed in this
final paper. The supporting factors are affictive filter, playing World of Warcraft online game is
having a low affective filter and the compelling input, the input provided by World of Warcraft
online game is very interesting which makes the gamers do not even realize that they are
acquiring a second language element, idiomatic expression, also emotional psychology, where
the gamers’ emotional condition is being affected by the input given. In the end, the final paper
brings idiomatic expression acquisition in the World of Warcraft online gine into language
learning as the form of the teaching and learning activity and material.
This final paper recommends the future researchers to continue the research by making the
material design using the idiomatic expression consisted on the World of Warcraft online game
and the application of the material designed into the classroom as a Classroom Action Research.
For the linguistic research, the future researchers can conduct a research to find out whether there
is a correlation between the idiomatic expression understanding and the text comprehension
inside the World of Warcraft online game.

Keywords: idiomatic expression, acquisition, computer assisted language acquisition, language


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