Case ST Luke

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CONTENT AND ANALYSIS...........................................................................................2
WORK DECLARATION................................................................................................9

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Revising the Performance Appraisal System at St. Luke’s Hospital

Basically St. Luke hospital is a modern hospital which is located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Company have 1325 employees. There are some issues in their performance appraisal which is
taking the hospital’s profile to the lower extent. As by the information given St. Luke hospital is
a modern hospital so they have some techniques which are used for the performance appraisal
system. They have such a lengthy and complex system for appraisal. St. Luke's performance
review system has grown into a 20-page document for each employee over the years. While
some of the length was due to concerns about complying with a myriad of federal, state, and
health-care-industry laws, other features of the system were designed for administrative
purposes. After getting the need of change HR needs to change the strategy to move forward.

The main objective of this course work is to get the knowledge about making HR strategies and
implementing in a real world scenario, so it will be easy to learn the new things from the
originated issue. This will also enhance the strategy making skills in the perspective of HR to
improve performance in any organization.


A. According to the previous literature, a performance management system is a continual
methodical process through which a company's human resources arm engages employees
in increasing the company's success by attaining the organization's stated vision, purpose,
and objectives[ CITATION Tec20 \l 2057 ]. Key resourse of human tasks are
communication regularly, training of staff for the performance increase, to recognize the
effective work and having real time feed backs[ CITATION Yit17 \l 2057 ]. The
following are the components of an effective performance management system: The
cycle of performance management is ongoing rather than annual. The buy-in of senior
leadership, executives, and upper-level management to performance management has
been achieved. Ensuring that verbal performance exchanges and assessments are
meaningful rather than routine to ensure that your supervisors are both willing and

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competent of providing daily performance management that is focused on results. Using
user-friendly performance management software that allows you to see what's going on
with your performance management[ CITATION Stu \l 2057 ]. There are few purpose of
the performance management which are to make company profit increase, To assist
employees in choosing a career path that is right for them, To provide relevant
progressive feedback to employees, To guarantee that employees achieve their SMART
objectives and to ensure that employee aspirations are aligned with and enhance
organizational goals. There are few types of performance management which are used by
the organizations according to their structure and strategies. Types of performance
managements are 360 degree performance appraisal, self-assessment employment,
manager performance appraisal, project evaluation and sales performance appraisal.
According to the research there are following steps which should be followed for the
performance management planning, designing, evaluate, review and then implementation
of the system. To begin with, solid measurement theory (theories) to underpin
performance measuring systems is few. Second, the essential and sufficient conditions for
those qualities of performance evaluation systems to exist must be effectively addressed.
Furthermore, there is insufficient attention paid to developing PM and management
subfields that may emerge as a result of technical, global, natural, and business trends.
The updated and new input in the performance literatures, as well as suggested future
research areas, will be the result of this review research. As a result, it is advised that
current performance measures be devised to bridge the gaps and limitations of traditional
performance metrics. However, there are flaws in the PM literature when it comes to
tackling the developmental difficulties that arise from changes in global trends, corporate
trends, and natural trends. Moreover, despite extensive research, the PM literature lacks
good measurement theories (Choong, 2013, 2014; Micheli and Mari, 2014) and requires
strong necessary and sufficient conditions that characterize Performance management.
B. This section is mainly consist of the issues and the challenges faced by the company in
implementation of the new performance management system. There are many issues
which are found to be more crucial when they want to implement the new strategy. One
of the main issue which the St. Luke hospital was facing moving to computerized job
descriptions is one of the most pressing issue by St. Luke's Hospital. Word documents

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and Excel spreadsheet databases are used to maintain the hospital's approximately 450
individual job descriptions. Due to product inefficiencies in managing job specifications
of these personnel, the organization's major purpose is to shift away from managing an
electronic system. Supervisors and managers rated employee performance on formal
weighted criteria and then summarized the information by compensation and benefits
class to complete an employee appraisal. Upper management checked the summaries for
uniformity, as one would expect. Because there were a total of 36 phases in the overall
performance review process, it was paper-intensive, slow, and irritating. For the
implementation of new strategy the main and the big issue was to design a data base
which fulfill the needs and the requirements of the hospital. The database design proved
to be the most difficult aspect. It had to be built from the ground up and integrate with
existing HR systems. There was a steering committee which was formed to evaluate the
changes in the performance appraisal. They wanted to use more technology oriented idea
then paper work so it can be easy for them. The other issue which was occur during the
implementation was about training the higher faculty. To implement the new strategy
they were need to train the managers and the supervisor as well which takes a lot of time
and money. Still they developed a training program according to the new system and all
the managers and 97 supervisors asked to attend the session. As St. Luke wants to
introduce and implement the new strategy the main challenge is to design the data base
then they have to make thing in access to the managers and supervisor so they can use it
effectively. As it is modern organization but the people or older age and having high
command on paper work will refuse to take the training. They will be more reluctant
towards the change. So it is a big challenge for the St. Luke to go for the new
implantation and they have to evaluate the things again and again to check either the
performance is increasing or not.
C. In this section we will discuss the difference between new and old performance
management. In old performance appraisal system, the old performance appraisal method
employed a combination of job descriptions and a performance appraisal. Furthermore,
health-care accreditation criteria demanded the deployment of a competency management
programme focusing on employee growth and education. As a result, St. Luke's had
linked the competency profiles to job descriptions and performance appraisal forms.

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Upper management checked the summaries for uniformity, as one would expect. Overall,
the performance review process was time-consuming, paper-intensive, and irritating. But
in the new strategy they wanted to be technology oriented and they designed data base.
The alternative chosen was to move the numerical criteria scores from separate job
description pages to a summary sheet that allowed up to six employees to be scored on
one form. The computer then calculated the total scores. Also, written comments were
transferred to a summary form that only dealt with standard deviations. Data base
designing was a major aspect. They had to build from beginning to match with the
existing HR system. The software program was made to do the calculations using the
same data base and other program was designed for the performance calculation. This
new performance system lowers the employee paperwork to 7 pages which was 20 pages.
There was comment sheets which was computerized and available to the heads like
supervisor and managers. This was a time saver technique and the issue of performance
was resolving both in positive and negative aspect. This documentation function
eliminated the need for many managers to use a separate note-keeping system.
Committee was designed to see the progress either the objectives are met or not.
Following the implementation of the new appraisal system, this indicated the progress
that 90% of the managers and the supervisors felt that this system is streamlined. By the
given information there is a big difference which are clearly written in the case that by
making and implementing a new strategy the objectives of the company were met and
next year they reconvened the whole idea and examined the results which was more
positive than that of past. So the minor revision help them to cope up with the challenges
and by the time they accepted and the hospital started improving their performance day
by day.

D. The effectiveness of the new performance system in the St. Luke hospital was it was easy
to work on the data base which is considered as timely information in getting all about
the person. The managers and the supervisors do not have to make long and extensive
sheets for keeping the record and evaluation so this new performance system helped the
hospital to cover up many things in one time. As by the name St. Luke hospital was
modern hospital but they were lacking in the technology by taking some steps and
revising the strategy they improved their scale and their performance level till the next

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years got high just because of a minor step they met their objectives. In old performance
system they have Word documents and Excel spreadsheet databases which are used to
maintain the hospital's approximately 450 individual job descriptions[ CITATION
Yit17 \l 2057 ]. Due to product inefficiencies in managing job specifications of these
personnel, the organization's major purpose is to shift away from managing an electronic
system. But when they started doing the new things which are computerized they
improved their performance which was the best thing for the hospital. Following the
implementation of the new appraisal system, an evaluation indicated that 90% of
supervisors and managers thought the process had been streamlined. The new approach
was thought to be easier to understand, with a large reduction in paper usage, fewer
arithmetic errors, and clearer and more concise appraisal information. The group met
again the following year to review the first year of operations and identify areas for
improvement. Since then, modest changes to the performance appraisal system have been
made, computer hardware and software updates have been completed, and data panels for
management users have been streamlined. In addition, work on fully automating the
performance appraisal system has begun.

The main objective of any organization is to be effective and efficient in their progress. As by
the case it was clearly defined that by taking one step towards the success and making
appropriate strategy by getting whole knowledge will help the firm to meet their objective.
Performance management system plays an important role in the growth of organization so the St.
Luke hospital also did the same but they have strong HR department which properly
identified the need and on the bases of their perfect analysis they designed the strategy which
was successful. Recommendation for this case is they have to more with the technology when
they need. Need analysis should be done before any training and implementation so it would be
more helpful for the organization to grow.


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