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Course Code: Track Elective 3

Course Title: Advance Web Development using Laravel

Credit Units: 3


This course provides an overview and discussions of the web development framework Laravel.
This course include: brief history of web frameworks, introduction on PHP frameworks, the
development framework Laravel, Installation via composer, initial configuration, directory
configuration, Laravel file Structure, local development environment, Git bash, PHP artisan
commands, Routes, Middleware, CSRF protection, Controllers, Requests, Responses, Views, Blade
Templates, Session, Validation, Error Handling, Models, Database Migrations, Eloquent, and Simple
App Testing. This course focuses on developing a web application using Laravel framework with
CRUD+S – create, read, update, delete and search functionality as final output in the course

Instructor: Leo P. Paliuanan
UNIT 1 – Introduction to Web Development Frameworks


a. Top 10 Web development Frameworks

b. PHP frameworks for web development and Top 10 best PHP frameworks
c. Benefits of using Frameworks in web development
d. The php development framework Laravel
e. Installing Laravel via composer
f. initial configurations
g. directory configuration

Unit overview

Unit1 identifies and describes what is web development framework currently used in today’s
development of web applications. It specifically discuss the PHP framework Laravel as the main
web development framework for developing web applications. This unit also includes benefits
and installation, initial configurations and directory configuration in order to use Laravel.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 Describe the top 10 web development frameworks

 Identify a PHP frameworks for web development and top 10 best PHP frameworks
 Describe the PHP development framework Laravel
 Identify benefits of using frameworks in web development
 Perform Laravel installation via composer
 Demonstrate knowledge of the initial configurations
 Perform directory configuration

a. Top 10 of web development frameworks

10 Best Web Development Frameworks

Frameworks have become an essential part of web development, as the standards of web
applications are always rising, so does the complexity of the technology needed. It’s completely
unreasonable to reinvent the wheel for such sophisticated techniques -assuming that you can
reinvent all that. That’s why using frameworks endorsed by thousands of developers around the
world is a very sensible approach for building rich and interactive web applications. A web app
has a backend (server-side) and a frontend (client-side), so we discuss both best Backend
frameworks as well as frontend frameworks. Here goes the list of best web development
frameworks in 2021:
Web frameworks

A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is
designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources,
and web APIs. Web frameworks provide a standard way to build and deploy web applications
on the World Wide Web.

Best Backend Frameworks

From RESTful APIs to complete MVC frameworks, here are some of the most robust backend
frameworks in 2021 that you might be interested to learn.

1. Express
Thanks to the skyrocketing popularity
of Node.js, Express is quickly
becoming one of the most trending
best framework for web
development nowadays. It is popular
amongst Accenture, IBM and Uber,
and many other companies, and it’s
also compatible with other
frameworks such as Kraken, Sails, and
Express prides itself as a minimal, fast,
and unopinionated framework. It
provides some core framework
functionalities without obscuring the
features of Node and leverages the robust performance of the asynchronous Node.js. It’s also
quite flexible and supports full applications as well as REST API, as well. Perhaps the biggest
drawback of Express is the fact that there’s no defined way of doing things, at least for beginners.

2. Django
Django is a Model-View-Template
framework that uses Python for
web development. Big names such
as Google, Youtube, and
Instagram use this framework.
Django boasts its batteries-
included feature, which is a bunch
of features such as authentication
and messaging that Django has. It
follows the Convention Over
Configuration pattern
and the DRY pattern as well. Security in Django is essential. Django provides techniques and tools
for developers to build a secure website or implements the security features in the framework itself,
like preventing code execution in the template layer.
3. Rails
Rails is a Model-View-Controller
framework that uses Ruby, and it’s a
popular framework that is loved by
many developers. Airbnb, GitHub,
Hulu, and Shopify are primary users of
Rails. Rails is considered a beginner-
friendly framework, and the fact pros
and cons are debated, helps
beginners get started with web
development quite quickly. There
are many useful gems for rails, which are library-like dependencies that extend the functionalities
of your application and helps you develop even faster and more efficiently. The Rails community
is quite reliable and friendly, and there are many tutorials, screencasts, and resources that can
help you become a rails expert in no time.
The main disadvantage of rails lies in the fact that they take quite some effort to deploy and run
in a production environment, and the learning curve of rails becomes steep once you dive deeper
into the framework to unravel the magic behind it.

4. Laravel

Laravel is a Model-View-Controller framework that uses

PHP, which is one of the most popular languages of the
web. It’s relatively young compared to other frameworks
on this list.
Laravel comes with API support out of the box, and it also
possesses a decent amount of packages that could
extend its reach. Laracasts is a screencasts tutorials
website with over a thousand videos on PHP, Laravel, and
frontend technologies in the Laravel ecosystem that
could be considered to be a beginner’s heaven. In terms
of performance, however, Laravel doesn’t compare to
Django or Express, which might be a drawback for
massive projects.

5. Spring
Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework that
uses Java, the all-time popular language. Websites
like Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard are users of this
framework. Spring possesses many sister projects
that boost its performance and let you scale your
business quickly. The fact that it uses Java, a strongly
typed language, is a severe pro to many web
developers. The learning curve might be quite
steep tho, especially if you don’t know Java.
6. Angular
Angular is a front-end framework that
specializes in building rich Single-Page
applications. It’s a vibrant framework
able to build complete client-side
applications, and there’s so much to
do and learn in Angular. Angular 1.x
used Javascript, but later releases
adopted Typescript, which is a superset
of Javascript. Angular’s main cons are
its size compared to other frameworks,
and the fact it’s not SEO friendly by
nature, though it can be SEO
optimized. Google developed angular, and Google, Microsoft, and Paypal use it.

7. React
React is not a framework, it’s a frontend
library, but many developers consider it a
framework and it’s usually compared in
that context. React was the first to adopt
the component-based architecture that
Angular and Vue, and many other
frameworks started to adopt later on.
React’s virtual dom makes the dom-
manipulation much faster, and it’s quite
easy to pick up, mainly thanks to its JSX
syntax. React could be used server-side or client-side. It was developed and maintained by
Facebook, and Facebook and Instagram use it.

8. Vue

Vue.js is the new rising star; it started as an individual project and

quickly grew into becoming one of the most trending JS
frameworks out there. There are many cool things about Vue.
First, it’s a progressive framework, which means that if you have
an existing project, you can adopt Vue for one portion of the
project, and everything would work just fine. Second, it also brings
along the component architecture to play, and the Vue ecosystem can help
you build complete frontend applications. Some people are wary of using Vue since big
companies like Facebook or Google do not support it, but that’s quickly changing as big names
are starting to invest in Vue.
9. Ember
Ember was named the
best Javascript framework
back in 2015. Today, the Ember
community is enormous,
and it’s ever-expanding,
with new features, and
releases added regularly.
Ember possesses the two-
way data binding that
Angular boasts, and it
comes with a lot of features
and components that you
can use out of the box. Google, Microsoft, Heroku, and Netflix use this framework often. Ember
revolves around the developer’s productivity and attempts to maximize it by either eliminating the
need for time-wasting activities or adopting some JS best practices in its core design.

10. Backbone

Backbone is an extremely light front-end

framework that’s fit for building rich Single-
Page applications. It follows an MV* pattern
and partly implements the MVC design.
Backbone only has one core dependency,
which is the Underscore library, and it has a
vibrant ecosystem, that when added to
Mustache and Marionette, allows you to
build complete client-side applications.

b. PHP frameworks for web development

For years now, PHP has been one of the most used programming languages for developing
websites and applications. Although the language is considered to be quite stable and secure, it
has seen a fair share of evolution since its release. But as time has passed, the complexity of
websites has increased massively. Developers have to write hundreds and thousands of lines of
code to create these websites, which is a tedious task and takes a lot of time. Moreover,
developers have to start from scratch every time. This is where PHP frameworks come into the

A framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively

changed by additional reusable user-written code. These frameworks make swift development a
reality. The PHP frameworks provide well-organized and reusable code which can help you grow
over time as web applications running on frameworks are easily scalable. So if you are a beginner
or an expert developer, PHP frameworks will always assist you in completing your project efficiently
and swiftly. There are tons of frameworks of PHP these days so in this article we are providing a
brief overview of the 10 best PHP frameworks to help you choose the best one as per your need.

Top 10 Best PHP Frameworks

1. Laravel Topping our list is the new yet extremely popular (if not the most popular)
framework, Laravel. Released in 2011, Laravel
has swept the framework arena off its feet and
has been topping charts for quite some time
now. The immense popularity can be attributed
to its ability to handle complex web
applications with additional security and speed
when compared to other frameworks. It also
simplifies the process of development by
reducing the complexity of commons tasks,
such as sessions, routing, queuing and

Developers also prefer Laravel as it offers a vast ecosystem, which brings instant hosting and
deployment platform, along with screencast tutorials hosted by the official Laravel website. The
framework also features Homestead, a Vagrant box (prepackaged development environment)
which assists in hassle-free development. Other features include a strong encryption package(s),
overloading capabilities using dynamic methods and tons of out of box functionality. It is easy, to
begin with Laravel due to the availability of extensive documentation and plenty of online Laravel
tutorials resources to learn.

2. Symfony Launched in 2005, Symfony has existed far longer than most
PHP frameworks in the business, which showcases that it has held
the trust of developers for over a decade, maturing with its age.
The framework is an extensive PHP framework, and it is the sole
framework which follows the standards of PHP and web
completely. Symfony components are used by popular content
management systems such as Drupal, OroCRM, and PHP Bulletin
Board (PHPBB).
Symphony is the first choice for many developers due to the
availability of reusable libraries and components using which
you can complete a variety of tasks such as authentication,
templating, object configuration and much more. Symfony
comes out as the perfect choice among PHP frameworks when
it comes to large-scale enterprise assignments. Moreover, the
Symfony ecosystem is massive and is supported by a highly active programming community and
has tons of great online Symfony tutorials for you to get started.
3. CodeIgniter CodeIgniter is a lightweight framework that's known for its
small footprint and hassle-free installation with minimalistic configuration
prerequisites. Simple yet powerful, CodeIgniter is a mere 2MB in
size, which even includes the documentation. It is highly suitable for
the development of dynamic websites, as it offers many prebuilt
modules that help in the construction of strong and reusable

What adds to its popularity is its smooth working on shared as well

as dedicated hosting platforms. It is also considerably faster when
compared to other frameworks. Due to its solid performance and
faster speed, it is the best choice when developing lightweight
applications that run on simple servers. Multiple other features of
CodeIgniter include simple security, encryption steps, easy error handling, and negligible PHP
adoption struggle. The framework is very well documented, and it is an excellent choice for
beginners. Here are the community-recommended best online Codeigniter tutorials. One
important thing to note is that the framework updates are quite jagged, so it will not be the best
option for applications that demand high-level security.

4. Zend Framework Next on our list is the Zend Framework.

Extendable due to features such as interfaces and
inheritance, Zend is built on agile methodology, aiming to
deliver high-quality applications at an enterprise level. The
framework is entirely object-oriented and was built keeping speed, security, performance, and
extensibility in mind. Zend offers high customizability and stands with PHP’s top practices, which is
highly beneficial for developers who wish to incorporate project-specific functions.

Due to its concentration in enterprise applications, it comes with a surplus of components for tasks
such as authentication, services, forms and much more. But even though it comes with many tools
that make the life of a developer fairly easy, it is still not ideal for rapid application development.
Zend framework packs feature such as an easy to use drag and drop editor, coding tools, online
debugging tools and a scalable interface useful for complicated websites. However, the Zend
framework is considered one of the most difficult frameworks to learn, especially if you are a

5. FuelPHP FuelPHP is a flexible and extendable PHP framework which is

not limited to the basic Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern but also its
successor, the Hierarchical-Model-View-Controller (HMVC) at the framework
architecture level. It also adds a voluntary class known as the Presenter class
(previously known as ViewModel) in between the Controller and View
layers in order to hold the logic required for the generation of views.

The FuelPHP framework is security-focused and tackles the concerns

using a number of features, which include input and URI filtering along
with output encoding. Many other features that come with the framework
are HMVC implementation, URL routing system, caching system, and
vulnerability protection. FuelPHP is apt for delivering end-to-end web solutions
of different sizes and complexities.
6. Slim Looking to create simple yet powerful web
applications? Slim is the PHP framework you are looking
for. Slim is a micro-framework and the idea behind Slim
(and micro-frameworks in general) is to be excellent for small applications which do not require
the features of a full-stack framework.

Even though Slim is minimalistic in nature, it is packed with rich features such as URL routing, session,
and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching and the support to ‘flash’ messages across HTTP
requests. The framework is highly used by developers who aim to develop RESTful APIs and services.
An active user base and constant maintenance and updates make it extremely user-friendly. Slim
has good tutorials for beginners.

7. Phalcon Phalcon is a full-stack PHP framework that

was originally written in C and C++ programming
languages. Phalcon is basically a C-extension but you
need not worry about learning C. The most prominent
feature of the Phalcon framework is that it is blazing
fast. This is because it makes use of a handful of
resources, unlike other frameworks available in the
market. The speed can be extremely important for
developers who work with systems that do not offer
much overhead expense. The framework has been
updated continuously since 2012 and has seen quite a
few upgrades in the recent releases. The latest support
release has components such as ORM, MVC, and
caching; and also includes support for PHP 7.
Interested in Phalcon? Here are the best
online Phalcon tutorials for you to get kickstarted.

8. Aura Unlike other PHP frameworks we have mentioned, Aura is a collection of decoupled
libraries for PHP. Aura is frequently updated and maintained is
perfect for rudimentary applications. The primary feature of Aura
is that every available library is self-contained and may be used
independently in any project, without any dependencies.

This increases the framework extremely flexible and allows

developers to swiftly and efficiently integrate any number of
libraries as required in their projects. Documentation for each
library is also available in the framework. This framework can be
used by who have a preference for writing codes without any
dependence on a full-stack opinionated framework.
9. Yii 2 Based on the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
concept, Yii 2 is an object-oriented framework
and the successor of one of the oldest PHP
frameworks, Yii. Yii 2 is just right for large-scale website development as it can be easily integrated
with jQuery and AJAX features. The lazy loading technique of Yii2 makes it faster than other
frameworks in the mix.

Furthermore, it comes with an extremely powerful class code generator known as Gii. The function
of Gii is to ease out the process of object-oriented programming and rapid prototyping, which
provides a web-based interface, helping the programmer generate the desired code
interactively. Other features include a short rapid development time, availability of multiple
packages for security and sets of configuration for speeding things up.

10. CakePHP This decade-old framework is still among the most

popular frameworks, simply because it has adopted the
change and kept up with the time. With each new version, it
has offered new features which have kept its user base strong.
The latest version of the frameworks has introduced features
such as improved modularity and an increased ability to create
additional standalone libraries. The framework is also
straightforward to learn and easy to install, as it requires only a
web server and a copy of the framework.

CakePHP is a good option for commercial application projects as it offers high-end security with
features such as SQL injection prevention, cross-site request forgery protection and cross-site
scripting protection among many others. Other features include proper class inheritance,
validation, and fast builds. The framework receives premium support from its parent company and
has many support portals as well. You can find CakePHP tutorials on
c. Benefits of Using Web Frameworks For Web Application Development

Unlike many other development tools, frameworks provide a pre-defined codebase and
guidelines to facilitate seamless web development. At the same time, it accelerates the
development process and reduces time-to-market by shortening the application development
lifecycle. Below are the key benefits of using frameworks for web application development.

1. Easy Debugging Process

Web application
development using
frameworks focuses
primarily on improving code
quality and readability for
developers’ convenience.
In addition to providing the
most efficient way to code
and develop web
applications, frameworks
facilitate easy debugging
and software maintenance.
Several web frameworks
render built-in support for debugging and QA testing, enabling developers to perform unit tests
simultaneously. Nevertheless, high-level software testing requires QA engineers that are skilled at
using tools like Selenium, JMeter, and Katalon Studio.

Source: Stackoverflow

The above image clearly describes debugging process in Python language using the Django

Improved Code Efficiency

Web frameworks have their main focus on improving code readability and reusability, thereby
providing the fastest and most efficient
way to develop self-sustaining web
applications. Besides, developers get a
responsive coding environment and
advanced features like hot reload, live
reload that ultimately lead to faster
web development.

Source: GitHub

With many such built-in features,

developers can quickly finish complex code-related tasks (in minutes) that would otherwise take
hours to complete.
2. Easy Code Reusability

With web frameworks at their disposal, developers do not need to write complex code structures
containing hundreds of lines of code. Instead, they can use the pre-defined codebase and make
easy modifications to perform seamless bootstrapping. Many popular frameworks like Django and
React.js provide easy code reusability, enabling developers to use the same codebase to
develop multiple web apps. Similarly, web frameworks focus on reducing development
complexities by automating critical tasks like caching, URL mapping, session management, and

3. Accelerated Development

One of the main advantages of using web frameworks is that you don’t need to write extensive
lines of code. With a pre-defined template and an intuitive coding interface, developers can save
hours of strenuous coding effort. Besides, frameworks offer quick prototyping, easy debugging,
and real-time code changes to implement custom functionalities.

4. Enhanced Security

The increasing instances of cyber-attacks

have raised serious security concerns
related to web development. However, the
use of frameworks for web application
development lets you protect and
safeguard your web app against common
attacks like DDoS, SQL injection, and
prevents data tampering. It’s because of
the built-in security features that most web
frameworks bring to the table.
d. The PHP development framework Laravel

What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive,
elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and
starting point for creating your application, allowing you
to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat
the details.

Laravel strives to provide an amazing developer

experience while providing powerful features such as
thorough dependency injection, an expressive database
abstraction layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and
integration testing, and more.

Whether you are new to PHP or web frameworks or have

years of experience, Laravel is a framework that can grow
with you. We'll help you take your first steps as a web
developer or give you a boost as you take your expertise
to the next level. We can't wait to see what you build.

Why Laravel?
There are a variety of tools and frameworks available to you when building a web application.
However, we believe Laravel is the best choice for building modern, full-stack web applications.

For more details and information about Laravel please visit:
A Progressive Framework
We like to call Laravel a "progressive" framework. By that, we mean that Laravel grows with you. If
you're just taking your first steps into web development, Laravel's vast library of documentation,
guides, and video tutorials will help you learn the ropes without becoming overwhelmed.

If you're a senior developer, Laravel gives you robust tools for dependency injection, unit testing,
queues, real-time events, and more. Laravel is fine-tuned for building professional web
applications and ready to handle enterprise work loads.

A Scalable Framework
Laravel is incredibly scalable. Thanks to the scaling-friendly nature of PHP and Laravel's built-in
support for fast, distributed cache systems like Redis, horizontal scaling with Laravel is a breeze. In
fact, Laravel applications have been easily scaled to handle hundreds of millions of requests per

Need extreme scaling? Platforms like Laravel Vapor allow you to run your Laravel application at
nearly limitless scale on AWS's latest serverless technology.

A Community Framework
Laravel combines the best packages in the PHP ecosystem to offer the most robust and developer
friendly framework available. In addition, thousands of talented developers from around the world
have contributed to the framework. Who knows, maybe you'll even become a Laravel
About Laravel version 8.55.0

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We

believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly
fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing
common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as:

 Simple, fast routing engine.

 Powerful dependency injection container.
 Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
 Database agnostic schema migrations.
 Robust background job processing.
 Real-time event broadcasting.

Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing tools needed for large, robust
applications. A superb combination of simplicity, elegance, and innovation
gives you a complete toolset required to build any application with which you
are tasked.

Top 10 Advantages of Using Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel framework is very popular for custom software development. It is the Most Starred
PHP Framework on Github: more than 56 000 developers from all over the world (mostly
from the USA) greatly appreciate robust features of this platform. Why is Laravel so
popular? It gives the right tools to help build websites and web apps faster, more stable
and very easy to maintain.

 Authorization.
 Mail Services.
 Speed.
 Security.
 Error/Exception Handling.
 Automation testing.
 URL Routing Configuration.
 MVC framework.

Laravel benefit #1: Laravel makes implementing authentication very simple. Almost
everything is configured out-of-the-box. Laravel also provides a simple way to organize
authorization logic and control access to resources.
Laravel benefit #2. Laravel provides a clean, simple API over the popular SwiftMailer
library. Laravel also provides drivers for SMTP, Mailgun, Mandrill, SparkPost, Amazon SES,
PHP's “mail” function, and “sendmail”, allowing an application to quickly get started
sending mail through a local or cloud-based service. In addition to support for sending
email, Laravel provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery
channels, including SMS (via Nexmo) and Slack.

Laravel benefit #3. Laravel supports popular cache backends like Memcached and
Redis out-of-the-box. By default, Laravel is configured to use the file cache driver, which
stores cached objects in the file system. For larger applications, it is better to use an in-
memory cache such as Memcached or APC. However, with Laravel it is even possible to
configure multiple cache configurations..

Laravel benefit #4. Laravel helps to secure the web application by protecting it against
the most serious security risks: SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site
scripting. Laravel itself is secure. We can tell you first hand that the codebase is fanatically
guarded, and that the code has been vetted by several people.

Laravel benefit #5. Error and exception handling is already configured for any new
Laravel-based project. In addition, Laravel is integrated with the Monolog logging library,
which provides support for a variety of powerful log handlers.

Laravel benefit #6. Laravel is built with testing in mind. In fact, support for testing with
PHPUnit is included out-of-the-box and a phpunit.xml file is already setup for the
application. The framework also ships with convenient helper methods allowing for
expressive testing of the applications. It provides easy ways for simulating basic behavior
of users (making requests to the application and examining the output, for example,
clicking links, filling out forms).

Laravel benefit #7. All Laravel

routes are defined in the
app/Http/routes.php file, which
is automatically loaded by the
framework. The most basic
Laravel routes simply accept a URI
and a Closure, providing a very
simple and expressive method of
defining routes.
Laravel benefit #8. Laravel is an MVC framework, so separation is already done. See the
figure: the full MVC request cycle in a Laravel 5 application.

Laravel benefit #9. The Laravel queue service provides a unified API across a variety of
different queue backends. Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time-
consuming task, such as sending an e-mail, until a later time, which drastically speeds up
web requests to your application.

Laravel benefit #10. In the past, developers have generated a Cron entry for each task
they need to schedule. However, this is a headache. Such task schedule is no longer in
source control, and developers must SSH into the server to add the Cron entries. The
Laravel command scheduler allows for the fluent and expressive defining of command
schedule within Laravel itself, and only a single Cron entry is needed on the server.

e. Installing Laravel via composer

Process 1 – Before installing Laravel let’s first install a

Web Server for your local machine. Download and
Install local webserver on your local desktop pc or
laptop, in this subject we will be using XAMPP.
Please visit the link for the steps and procedure for
your reference:

Process 2 –
Download a dependency manager for PHP
“composer” latest version: 2.1.5. Please visit the link for
the download link and look for Composer-Setup.exe to
download, please refer to the link for your reference:

!important, make sure your laptop or PC is connected to

the internet.
Process 3 – Install the Composer-Setup.exe on
your local desktop computer or laptop.
Navigate into your download folder and run
Composer-Setup.exe, make sure to use the
specified installation destination
c:\xampp\php. !Important remember to use
the default settings upon installing.

Process 4 – download and install Visual Studio Code

– a code editing software that is free. Built on open
source that runs everywhere. Please visit the link for
the download link for windows (stable build):

f. Initial configurations

Process 1 – download and install

Node.js. Please visit the link for the
download link at

!important, remember to make use of

the default installation setup.
Process 2 – download and install Git. Please
visit the link for the download link at for Git for

!important, remember to make use of the

default installation setup.

Process 3 (optional) – Setting up git-cmd as default terminal on VSCODE development

environment. Please visit the site .

g. directory configuration

Process 1 – Open Visual Studio Code and click ‘ View ’

from the menu tab or press ‘ ctrl+` ’ to view terminal. You
should be able to see the terminal on the bottom
section of the VSCode development environment.
directory configuration cont…

Process 2 – from the VSCode TERMINAL, navigate to the

xampp/htdocs directory. Type ` cd .. ` then press enter, do it
two (2) times.

Process 3 – Navigate to xampp/htdocs by typing ` cd

xampp/htdocs ` then press enter.

C:\xampp\htdocs> it indicates the project root location.


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