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Parents - As an only son, listening with openness is a must though it's easy to
create a response to them while they are speaking more specifically the things
that they say make me defensive. But truly listening to their opinions and
concerns are important which leads to responding to them with understanding.
2. Cousin- Having Kiwi as a cousin made me realize a lot of things. One of those
things is him staying by my side every day which removes the loneliness I
sometimes feel when my parents are not home. That made me realize that
reciprocated the good things he has done for me. When he needs my support,
I’ll stay by his side and give him advice whether for a game, love, or something.

3. My Pets - My pets had contributed a lot of happiness in my life. though they are
hard to manage, more specifically with their behavior but let’s look at the bright
side as they give us laughter and cuddles. It's also my responsibility to
reciprocate that by taking good care of them, feeding them, giving them time to
play with, and a lot of snuggles before bed.

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