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Kind of Directive speech ac

Line Utterance
MR. INCREDIBLE : You two, stay here.
1 v
ELASTIGIRL: Wait. Should we be doing this? It is still illegal.
MR. INCREDIBLE: We're gonna lose him.
2 ELASTIGIRL: Oh, all right. One of you patrol the perimeter, keep the crowds back and
safe. The other, watch after Jack-Jack. v
VIOLET PARR: But I thought we were gonna go with...
MR. INCREDIBLE: You heard your mother. Trampoline me. v
VIOLET PARR: You're not going anywhere, you little maggoty creep!
MR. INCREDIBLE: Come on! v
THE UNDERMINER: Consider yourself undermined! Ooh.
MR. INCREDIBLE: Underminer!
THE UNDERMINER: We meet again
THE UNDERMINER: Oh, great! Now, he's on the agenda. Incredible, meet Jack Hammer!
6 Incredible, meet Jack Hammer! 
MR. INCREDIBLE: No, no, no! No, no, no!
ELASTIGIRL: Violet! Who's watching Jack-Jack?
8 VIOLET PARR: Dash is watching him!
MR. INCREDIBLE: Violet, here, you take him! v
POLICE OFFICER: Freeze, Supers!
MR. INCREDIBLE: Oh, what did we do? v
DETECTIVE #1: The banks were insured. We have infrastructure in place to deal with these
matters. If you had simply done nothing everything would now be proceeding in an orderly
10 fashion.
MR. INCREDIBLE: You'd have preferred we do nothing?
DETECTIVE #2: Without a doubt. v
RICK DICKER: Tony Rydinger. I'll check it out. Bob, Helen, a word if you don't mind.
The program's been shut down.
11 BOB PARR: What?
RICK DICKER: Politicians don't understand people who do good simply because it's
right. v
VIOLET PARR: Are we going to talk about it?
BOB PARR: What? v
VIOLET PARR: The elephant in the room.
14 BOB PARR: What elephant?
VIOLET PARR: I guess not then. v
BOB PARR: We're not saying you have...What?
DASHIELL DASH PARR: Someone on TV said it. v
HELEN PARR: Superheroes are illegal. Whether it's fair or not, that's the law.
16 BOB PARR: The law should be fair. What are we teaching our kids?
HELEN PARR: To respect the law! v
BOB PARR: Even when the law is disrespectful?
17 HELEN PARR: If laws are unjust, there are laws to change them! Otherwise, it's
chaos! v
HELEN PARR: Dicker is done, Bob. Any thought we had about being Supers again is
18 fantasy.
BOB PARR: One of us? v
HELEN PARR: You did a long stint at Insuricare.
BOB PARR: No, I'm doing this. I need to do this. You know where my suit and ties
19 are?
HELEN PARR: Burned up when...
BOTH: The jet destroyed our house. v
HELEN PARR: Ah, jeez! More superhero trouble. We just came from the police
station, Lucius.
LUCIUS BEST: Tonight. I'm going there now. v
HELEN PARR: You enjoy, I'm sitting this one out.
21 LUCIUS BEST: He wants all three of us.
BOB PARR: Honey, let's just at least hear what he has to say.
MR. INCREDIBLE: Oh, tell me about it.

22 WINSTON DEAVOR: I can't because I didn't see it neither did anyone else. So, when you fight
bad guys like today, people don't see the fight or what led up to it. They see what politicians
tell them to see. They see destruction and they see you. So, if we wanna change people's
perceptions about superheroes we need v
WINSTON DEAVOR: We've got resources, lobbyists, worldwide connections and very
23 important, insurance.
MR. INCREDIBLE: Insurance is key.

24 MR. INCREDIBLE: This sounds great! Let's get this going. What's my first assignment?
WINSTON DEAVOR: That enthusiasm is golden. Now hold on to it. But for our first move.
Well, Elastigirl is our best play. v
MR. INCREDIBLE: Better than me? I mean, she's good. Really, a credit to her... You
25 know. You know.
WINSTON DEAVOR: With great respect, v
MR. INCREDIBLE: Wait a minute. You're saying what? I'm messy?
26 WINSTON DEAVOR: Well, Evelyn did a cost-benefit analysis comparing all your last
five years of crime fighting before going underground. v
MR. INCREDIBLE: Well, it's not a fair comparison! Heavyweight problems need
heavyweight solutions.

WINSTON DEAVOR: Of course! We're gonna solve all kinds of problems together.
BOB PARR : What do you mean, you don't know? A few hours ago, you were saying it was
over and being a superhero was a fantasy. Now, you get the offer of a lifetime and you don't
28 know?

HELEN PARR : It's not that simple v

BOB PARR: And how do you do that? By turning down a chance to change the law that forces
29 them to hide what they are?
HELEN PARR: They haven't decided what they are. They're still kids. v
BOB PARR: Jack-Jack? What's wrong with him?
HELEN PARR: Okay, nothing's wrong with Jack-Jack. v
BOB PARR: Of course you can leave. You've got to. So that I... we can be Supers again, so our
31 kids can have that choice.
HELEN PARR: So you can have that choice.
BOB PARR: But what's the choice? One, do this right, get well paid, we're out of the
motel and things get better for all Supers, including our kids. Or two, I find a job in
32 two weeks or we're homeless.
HELEN PARR: You know it's crazy, right? To help my family, I gotta leave it. To fix the
law, I gotta break it. v
HELEN PARR: I don't know what to say.
BOB PARR: How about "thanks"? v
HELEN PARR: Okay, easy, tiger. It's being loaned to us
BOB PARR: Would you rather be at the motel? v
BOB PARR: Well, check out the water features. v
36 BOB PARR: Hey! Dash! Stop it! Not the couch! Stop it!
VIOLET PARR: Don't touch the buttons!
BOB PARR: E designed this?
ELASTIGIRL: No, some guy named Alexander Galbaki. v
BOB PARR: Elasticycle? I didn't know you had a bike.
ELASTIGIRL: Hey, I had a Mohawk. There's a lot about me you don't know. v
BOB PARR: Yeah, but... A Mohawk?
ELASTIGIRL: Ah, you didn't miss anything. Oh, yeah! This one's electric. v
BOB PARR: What's that mean?
ELASTIGIRL: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Means it's torque-y. I'll get the hang of it. v
Bob: No Sugar Bombs on my watch.
42 Dash: Where's Mom?
Bob: She's up and out. She's at her new job doing hero work.
43 Bob:  Hey...HEEEEY! THE BUS IS HERE! Whoa! Grab your stuff quickly! v
44 Bob: Put your homework in your pack! Bye-bye! v
Bob: Hey, Vi! I want you back here by 10:30.
Violet: 11-ish?
Bob: 10-ish, heading for 9:30-ish.
Violet: 10:30-ish it is. v
Bob: I don't know that way! Why would they change math?
Dash: It's okay, Dad. v
Dash: I'll just wait for Mom to get back.
Bob: What?! She won't understand it any better than I do... v
Dash: Hey, Mom. I can't find my high-tops and Dad can't find them either. But he won't call
48 you and ask, so I am.
Bob:  Do NOT call your mother!
Bob:  It's Dad. Are you okay?
Violet: I'm fine. I don't wanna talk about it. v
Bob: Tony didn't even call?
Violet: I don't wanna talk about it v
Helen: He had an injury! I knew it! I'm coming home right now! I never should hav-
51 Bob: No, no, no injury. Stay there and finish your mission. You never should-should
have...what? You don't think I can do this? v
Bob: Amazing as it may seem, it has been quite uneventful in fact. How about you?
52 Helen: I SAVED A RUNAWAY TRAIN!!! It WAS so GREAT! The mayor was there to cut the
ribbon on this new train. v

Violet: He takes one look at me in that suit and decides to pretend he doesn't even know me.
Bob: Well, he's protecting himself. If he really did see you, it's best that he forget. It's better
for you, too. I can't tell you how many memories Dicker's had to erase over the years
when...someone figured out your mother's or my identity--
Bob: Yeah, hey, Rick. You remember that kid I mentioned to you? Tony Rydinger.
Rick: Mind wipe? Yeah, nice kid. v
Bob: Rick, you gotta help me here. Violet hates me, and you, and superheroes. I
gotta fix this. What do you know about Tony?
Rick: Um...Not much. Seems like a good kid. Popular, plays sports, music. Parents
own The Happy Platter, kid works there part time. v
Bob: Violet, are you okay?
Violet: (coughing) Nothing to see here. v
Bob: Yeah, more napkins would be good.
Violet: I'm fine, I'm fine. It happens all the time here
Tony: Would you like water, sir?
58 Bob: Yes. Yes, I would. This is my daughter...who you must know, right?
Violet: God. Stop. v
Bob: Hey, Vi, say hi to...
Violet: Don't push it, Dad! v
Bob: Where'd she go?
Dash: Mmm. To find a good place to be angry? v
Bob: Aren't you...Didn't we get all caught up?
61 Dash: Yeah, we were caught up and now we're doing fractions and percentages and
demicels. v
Bob: What are you doing? This is not a toy! That's a rocket launcher! (turns off the
62 rocket launcher)
Dash: Sweet! Which one launches the rocket?
Bob: Hey! This is not your car!
Dash: It's not your car, either!
Violet: We should call Lucius.
Bob: NO! I can handle it! There's no way I'm gonna...
Lucius: I assume she knows?
Bob: Are you kidding? I can't tell her about this, not while she's doing hero work!
Bob: Who keeps track of that? Besides, he's a baby. I can handle it, I got this
66 handled.
Lucius: So, you good then? You got everything under control, right? v
Bob: Cookie! Cha Cha want a cookie? Num-num cookie? Cha Cha wanna num-num? Num-
67 num cookie! Cookie! Cookie!
Lucius: You're not...Oh my God! v
Lucius: Ahhh! He is freaking! Again, he is freaking!
Bob: No! No biting the daddy! No biting!
Bob: What are you... You're putting him in the...
Edna: ...In the chamber, Robert. He is part of the demonstration and will be fine.
69 Your challenge is to manage a baby who has multiple powers and no control over
them, yes? v
Bob:  Oh, Lord! W-w-what is he doing?
70 Edna: Well, it's Mozart, Robert. Can you blame him? The important thing is that the
suit and tracker anticipated the change and alerted you. v
Bob: "Combustion imminent"? What does that mean? Ahhh!!!
Edna: It means fire, Robert, for which the suit has countermeasures. I suggest you
extinguish the baby's flames before he trips the sprinkler system. v
Bob: Well, what do you know? That is useful.
Edna: Although, I have doubtlessly exceeded your expectations for a single night's
work the suit and device contain a few more features we need to discuss. v
Bob: Thanks again, E, for everything. How much do I owe you for?
73 Edna: Pish-posh, darling. Your bill will be covered by my fee for being Mr. Incredible,
Elastigirl, and Frozone's exclusive designer throughout the known universe and until the end
of time. But babysitting this one I do for free, darling. v
Jack-Jack: Dada. Dada.
74 Bob: Ready? Laser eyes.
Dash: Wow! v

Bob: And that's not all. Watch this. (he picks up Jack-Jack) Jack-Jack, blaster ready?
Bob: Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
Dash: No way. v
Dash: Give him to me.
76 Bob: Hey, I'm just demonstrating. No firing the baby around the house, you understand? This
is potentially dangerous and we're trying to teach him to control his powers, okay? Stop. See
the screen.
Violet: He vanished! That's really cool!

Bob: Okay, good. Use the thing. That's the current readout. Click it. See the
77 readout? Dimension four. See the shape? That's the room. See where he is in
relation? So, where is he?
Dash: He's...there! v
Evelyn: Elastigirl's in trouble.
78 Bob: What? What happened to her?
Evelyn: Sorry to tell you on the phone. Meet me on our ship at DevTech. v
Bob: Lucius? Bob. Helen's in trouble. I need someone to watch the kids. (cuts to Lucius) Suit
79 up. It might get weird.
Lucius: I'll be there. ASAP. Fifteen tops. v
Bob: I gotta go. I'll be home soon. Lucius will be here sooner. No firing the baby
around the house, okay?

Violet: What's at the ship at DevTech? And why are you in your supersuit?!
Mr. Incredible: Fill me in!
Evelyn: Good news and bad news. We found her. She seems physically fine but she's
had an encounter with Screenslaver and she's acting kind of strange. In here. v
82 Mr. Incredible: Strange how? v
Mr. Incredible: Helen! (Elastigirl backs off for a second) Helen, what are you... v
Elastigirl: Years of mandated and hiding and silence have made us bitter. You bring
84 us into the light only to clean up the messes your lack of discipline creates!
Mr. Incredible: Your bodies and your character are weak, your promises are empty
and you will pay for it.
Elastigirl: Evelyn Deavor controls the Screenslaver and until a second ago, us.
85 Where's the crew?
Mr. Incredible: Uh-oh. Did I do that? v
Mr. Incredible: Why are the kids here? You didn't go to the house?
Frozone: I went to the house. v
Mr. Incredible: Escape?! Escape from who?!
Frozone: Those guys! v
Elastigirl: What the--?! Jack-Jack has powers?!
Mr. Incredible: We know! Fight now, talk later! v
Elastigirl: Evelyn, she's escaping!
Mr. Incredible: Well, go after her. Finish your mission. v
Mr. Incredible: Hey, you did this. Can you undo it?
Krushauer: You want me to un-crush? v
Mr. Incredible: What? No one's ever asked for that?
Krushauer: No. To un-crush is silly. Why un-crush? v
Frozone: I'll turn the front, you turn the rear.
Mr. Incredible: Using the rudder?  v
Mr. Incredible: So, Dash. (pushes the anchor off and puts himself on the chain) I am
93 going to the rudder. Once I turn the ship, you hit the pull up button.
Dash: Okay, Dad!
Mr. Incredible: Now lower me
94 Mr. Incredible: CRASH POSITIONS!
Bob: We can get closer!
Helen: (laughing) Bob!
ind of Directive speech acts






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