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$1.50 per month. Each movie he attends costs $10. Let x per dollar spent on clothing? What does this tell you about
denote the square feet of housing, and let y denote the how she should substitute food for clothing if she wanted
number of movies he attends per month. to increase her utility without spending any more money?
a) What is the expression for Pedro’s budget constraint? 4.4. The utility that Ann receives by consuming food F
b) Draw a graph of Pedro’s budget line. and clothing C is given by U(F, C )  FC  F. The mar-
c) What is the maximum number of square feet of hous- ginal utilities of food and clothing are MUF  C  1 and
ing he can purchase given his monthly stipend? MUC  F. Food costs $1 a unit, and clothing costs $2 a
d) What is the maximum number of movies he could unit. Ann’s income is $22.
attend given his monthly stipend? a) Ann is currently spending all of her income. She is
e) Suppose Pedro’s parents increase his stipend by buying 8 units of food. How many units of clothing is she
10 percent. At the same time, suppose that in the college consuming?
town where he lives, all prices, including housing rental b) Graph her budget line. Place the number of units of
rates and movie ticket prices, increase by 10 percent. clothing on the vertical axis and the number of units of
What happens to the graph of Pedro’s budget line? food on the horizontal axis. Plot her current consump-
4.2. Sarah consumes apples and oranges (these are the tion basket.
only fruits she eats). She has decided that her monthly c) Draw the indifference curve associated with a utility
budget for fruit will be $50. Suppose that one apple costs level of 36 and the indifference curve associated with a
$0.25, while one orange costs $0.50. utility level of 72. Are the indifference curves bowed in
a) What is the expression for Sarah’s budget constraint? toward the origin?
b) Draw a graph of Sarah’s budget line. d) Using a graph (and no algebra), find the utility-
c) Show graphically how Sarah’s budget line changes if maximizing choice of food and clothing.
the price of apples increases to $0.50. e) Using algebra, find the utility-maximizing choice of
d) Show graphically how Sarah’s budget line changes if food and clothing.
the price of oranges decreases to $0.25. f ) What is the marginal rate of substitution of food for
e) Suppose Sarah decides to cut her monthly budget for clothing when utility is maximized? Show this graphi-
fruit in half. Coincidentally, the next time she goes to the cally and algebraically.
grocery store, she learns that oranges and apples are on g) Does Ann have a diminishing marginal rate of substi-
sale for half price, and will remain so for the next month; tution of food for clothing? Show this graphically and
that is, the price of apples falls from $0.25 per apple to to algebraically.
$0.125 per apple, and the price of oranges falls from
$0.50 per orange to $0.25 per orange. What happens to 4.5. Consider a consumer with the utility function
the graph of Sarah’s budget line? U(x, y)  min(3x, 5y); that is, the two goods are perfect
complements in the ratio 3:5. The prices of the two goods
4.3. Julie has preferences for food F and clothing C de- are Px  $5 and Py  $10, and the consumer’s income is
scribed by a utility function U(F, C )  FC. Her marginal $220. Determine the optimum consumption basket.
utilities are MUF  C and MUC  F. Suppose that food
costs $1 a unit and that clothing costs $2 a unit. Julie has 4.6. Jane likes hamburgers (H) and milkshakes (M). Her
$12 to spend on food and clothing. indifference curves are bowed in toward the origin and
a) On a graph draw indifference curves corresponding do not intersect the axes. The price of a milkshake is $1
to u  12, u  18, and u  24. Using the graph (and no and the price of a hamburger is $3. She is spending all
algebra), find the optimal (utility-maximizing) choice of her income at the basket she is currently consuming, and
food and clothing. Let the amount of food be on the her marginal rate of substitution of hamburgers for milk-
horizontal axis and the amount of clothing be on the shakes is 2. Is she at an optimum? If so, show why. If not,
vertical axis. should she buy fewer hamburgers and more milkshakes,
b) Using algebra (the tangency condition and the budget or the reverse?
line), find the optimal choice of food and clothing. 4.7. Ray buys only hamburgers and bottles of root beer
c) What is the marginal rate of substitution of food for out of a weekly income of $100. He currently consumes
clothing at her optimal basket? Show this graphically and 20 bottles of root beer per week, and his marginal utility
algebraically. of root beer is 6. The price of root beer is $2 per bottle.
d) Suppose Julie decides to buy 4 units of food and Currently, he also consumes 15 hamburgers per week,
4 units of clothing with her $12 budget (instead of the op- and his marginal utility of a hamburger is 8. Is Ray max-
timal basket). Would her marginal utility per dollar spent imizing utility at his current consumption basket? If not,
on food be greater than or less than her marginal utility should he buy more hamburgers each week, or fewer?

4.8. Dave currently consumes 10 hot dogs and 6 sodas b) Does your answer require that there be a diminishing
each week. At his current consumption basket, his mar- marginal rate of substitution of food for clothing?
ginal utility for hot dogs is 5 and his marginal utility for Explain.
sodas is 3. If the price of one hot dog is $1 and the price
of one soda is $0.50, is Dave currently maximizing his 4.13. Toni likes to purchase round trips between the
utility? If not, how should he reallocate his spending in cities of Pulmonia and Castoria and other goods out of
order to increase his utility? her income of $10,000. Fortunately, Pulmonian Airways
provides air service and has a frequent flyer program. A
4.9. Helen’s preferences over CDs (C ) and sandwiches round trip between the two cities normally costs $500,
(S) are given by U(S, C)  SC  10(S  C), with MUC  but any customer who makes more than 10 trips a year
S  10 and MUS  C  10. If the price of a CD is $9 and gets to make additional trips during the year for only
the price of a sandwich is $3, and Helen can spend a com- $200 per round trip.
bined total of $30 each day on these goods, find Helen’s a) On a graph with round trips on the horizontal axis and
optimal consumption basket. “other goods” on the vertical axis, draw Toni’s budget
4.10. The utility that Corey obtains by consuming line. (Hint: This problem demonstrates that a budget line
hamburgers (H) and hot dogs (S) is given by U(H, S)  need not always be a straight line.)
1H  1S  4. The marginal utility of hamburgers is b) On the graph you drew in part (a), draw a set of indif-
0.5 0.5 # ference curves that illustrates why Toni may be better off
and the marginal utility of steaks is equal to with the frequent flyer program.
1H 1S  4
a) Sketch the indifference curve corresponding to the c) On a new graph draw the same budget line you found
utility level U  12. in part (a). Now draw a set of indifference curves that
illustrates why Toni might not be better off with the fre-
b) Suppose that the price of hamburgers is $1 per ham- quent flyer program.
burger and the price of steak is $8 per steak. Moreover,
suppose that Corey can spend $100 per month on these 4.14. A consumer has preferences between two
two foods. Sketch Corey’s budget line for hamburgers goods, hamburgers (measured by H ) and milkshakes
and steak given this budget. (measured by M ). His preferences over the two goods
c) Based on your answer to parts (a) and (b), what is are represented by the utility function U  1H  1M.
Corey’s optimal consumption basket given his budget? For this utility function MUH  1/ (21H) and
MUM  1/(2/ 1M) .
4.11. This problem will help you understand what
a) Determine if there is a diminishing MRSH,M for this
happens if the marginal rate of substitution is not dimin-
utility function.
ishing. Dr. Strangetaste buys only french fries (F ) and
hot dogs (H ) out of his income. He has positive marginal b) Draw a graph to illustrate the shape of a typical indif-
utilities for both goods, and his MRSH,F is increasing. The ference curve. Label the curve U1. Does the indifference
price of hot dogs is PH, and the price of french fries is PF. curve intersect either axis? On the same graph, draw a
second indifference curve U2, with U2 U1.
a) Draw several of Dr. Strangetaste’s indifference curves,
including one that is tangent to his budget line. c) The consumer has an income of $24 per week. The
price of a hamburger is $2 and the price of a milkshake is
b) Show that the point of tangency does not represent
$1. How many milkshakes and hamburgers will he buy
a basket at which utility is maximized, given the budget
each week if he maximizes utility? Illustrate your answer
constraint. Using the indifference curves you have
on a graph.
drawn, indicate on your graph where the optimal basket
is located. 4.15. Justin has the utility function U  xy, with the
marginal utilities MUx  y and MUy  x. The price of x
4.12. Julie consumes two goods, food and clothing, and
is 2, the price of y is py, and his income is 40. When he
always has a positive marginal utility for each good. Her
maximizes utility subject to his budget constraint, he
income is 24. Initially, the price of food is 2 and the price
purchases 5 units of y. What must be the price of y and
of clothing is 2. After new government policies are im-
the amount of x consumed?
plemented, the price of food falls to 1 and the price of
clothing rises to 4. Suppose, under the initial budget con- 4.16. A student consumes root beer and a composite
straint, her optimal choice is 10 units of food and 2 units good whose price is $1. Currently, the government im-
of clothing. poses an excise tax of $0.50 per six-pack of root beer. The
a) After the prices change, can you predict whether her student now purchases 20 six-packs of root beer per
utility will be higher, lower, or the same as under the month. (Think of the excise tax as increasing the price of
initial prices? root beer by $0.50 per six-pack over what the price would

be without the tax.) The government is considering elimi- MRSC1, C2 will choose to borrow in the first period if at
nating the excise tax on root beer and, instead, requiring basket A MRSC1, C2 7 1  rB and will choose to lend if at
consumers to pay $10.00 per month as a lump-sum tax basket A MRSC1, C2 6 1  rL. If the MRS lies between
(i.e., the student pays a tax of $10.00 per month, regardless these two values, then he will neither borrow nor lend.
of how much root beer is consumed). If the new proposal (You can try to prove this if you like. Keep in mind that
is adopted, how will the student’s consumption pattern (in diminishing MRS plays an important role in the proof.)
particular, the amount of root beer consumed) and welfare Using this rule, consider the decision of Meg, who
be affected? (Assume that the student’s marginal rate of earns $2,000 this month and $2,200 the next with a utility
substitution of root beer for other goods is diminishing.)
function given by U(C1, C2)  C1C2, where the C’s denote
4.17. When the price of gasoline is $2.00 per gallon, the value of consumption in each month. For this utility
Joe consumes 1,000 gallons per year. The price increases function MUC1  C2 and MUC2  C1. Suppose rL  0.05
to $2.50, and to offset the harm to Joe, the government (the lending rate is 5 percent) and rB  0.12 (the borrowing
gives him a cash transfer of $500 per year. Will Joe be bet- rate is 12 percent). Would Meg borrow, lend, or do neither
ter off or worse off after the price increase and cash trans- this month? What if the borrowing rate fell to 8 percent?
fer than he was before? What will happen to his gasoline
consumption? (Assume that Joe’s marginal rate of substi- C2
tution of gasoline for other goods is diminishing.)
4.18. Paul consumes only two goods, pizza (P) and ham- 2,200 +
2,000(1.05) Slope = –1.05
burgers (H), and considers them to be perfect substitutes,
as shown by his utility function: U(P, H)  P  4H. The A
price of pizza is $3 and the price of hamburgers is $6, and
Paul’s monthly income is $300. Knowing that he likes Slope = –1.12
pizza, Paul’s grandmother gives him a birthday gift cer-
tificate of $60 redeemable only at Pizza Hut. Though
Paul is happy to get this gift, his grandmother did not
realize that she could have made him exactly as happy by 2,000 2,000 + 2,200/1.12 C1
spending far less than she did. How much would she have
needed to give him in cash to make him just as well off as 4.21. Sally consumes housing (denote the number of
with the gift certificate? units of housing by h) and other goods (a composite good
whose units are measured by y), both of which she likes.
4.19. Jack makes his consumption and saving decisions Initially she has an income of $100, and the price of a unit
two months at a time. His income this month is $1,000, of housing (Ph) is $10. At her initial basket she consumes
and he knows that he will get a raise next month, making 2 units of housing. A few months later her income rises
his income $1,050. The current interest rate (at which he to $120; unfortunately, the price of housing in her city
is free to borrow or lend) is 5 percent. Denoting this also rises, to $15. The price of the composite good does
month’s consumption by x and next month’s by y, for each not change. At her later basket she consumes 1 unit of
of the following utility functions state whether Jack would housing. Using revealed preference analysis (without
choose to borrow, lend, or do neither in the first month. drawing indifference curves), what can you say about how
(Hint: In each case, start by assuming that Jack would sim- she ranks her initial and later baskets?
ply spend his income in each month without borrowing
or lending money. Would doing so be optimal?) 4.22. Samantha purchases food (F ) and other goods
a) U(x, y)  xy2, MUx  y2, MUy  2xy (Y ) with the utility function U  FY, with MUF  Y and
b) U(x, y)  x2y, MUx  2xy, MUy  x 2 MUy  F. Her income is 12. The price of a food is 2 and
the price of other goods 1.
c) U(x, y)  xy, MUx  y, MUy  x
a) How many units of food does she consume when she
4.20. The figure in this problem shows a budget set for maximizes utility?
a consumer over two time periods, with a borrowing rate b) The government has recently completed a study sug-
rB and a lending rate rL, with rL rB. The consumer pur- gesting that, for a healthy diet, every consumer should
chases C1 units of a composite good in period 1 and C2 consume at least F  8 units of food. The government is
units in period 2. The following is a general fact about considering giving a consumer like Samantha a cash sub-
consumers making consumption decisions over two time sidy that would induce her to buy F  8. How large would
periods: Let A denote the basket at which a consumer the cash subsidy need to be? Show her optimal basket
spends exactly his income each period (the point at the kink with the cash subsidy on an optimal choice diagram with
of the budget line). Then a consumer with a diminishing F on the horizontal axis and Y on the vertical axis.

c) As an alternative to the cash subsidy in part (b), the 4.25. Darrell has a monthly income of $60. He spends
government is also considering giving consumers like this money making telephone calls home (measured in
Samantha food stamps, that is, vouchers with a cash value minutes of calls) and on other goods. His mobile phone
that can only be redeemed to purchase food. Verify that company offers him two plans:
if the government gives her vouchers worth $16, she will
• Plan A: Pay no monthly fee and make calls for $0.50
choose F  8. Illustrate her optimal choice on an optimal
per minute.
choice diagram. (You may use the same graph you drew
in part (b).) • Plan B: Pay a $20 monthly fee and make calls for
$0.20 per minute.
4.23. As shown in the following figure, a consumer
Graph Darrell’s budget constraint under each of the two
buys two goods, food and housing, and likes both goods.
plans. If Plan A is better for him, what is the set of bas-
When she has budget line BL1, her optimal choice is
kets he may purchase if his behavior is consistent with
basket A. Given budget line BL2, she chooses basket B,
utility maximization? What baskets might he purchase if
and with BL3, she chooses basket C.
Plan B is better for him?

4.26. Figure 4.17 illustrates the case in which a con-

sumer is better off with a quantity discount. Can you
draw an indifference map for a consumer who would not

be better off with the quantity discount?

4.27. Angela has a monthly income of $120, which she
spends on MP3s and a composite good (whose price you
may assume is $1 throughout this problem). Currently,
BL1 BL2 BL3 she does not belong to an MP3 club, so she pays the
Food retail price of an MP3 of $2; her optimal basket includes
20 MP3s monthly.
a) What can you infer about how the consumer ranks For the past several months Asteroid, a media com-
baskets A, B, and C? If you can infer a ranking, explain pany, has offered her the chance to join their “Premium
how. If you cannot infer a ranking, explain why not. Club”; to join the club she would need to pay a member-
b) On the graph, shade in (and clearly label) the areas ship fee of $60 per month, but then she could buy all the
that are revealed to be less preferred to basket B, and ex- MP3s she wants at a price of $0.50. She has decided not
plain why you indicated these areas. to join the club.
c) On the graph, shade in (and clearly label) the areas Asteroid has now introduced an “Economy Club”;
that are revealed to be (more) preferred to basket B, and to join, Angela would need to pay a membership fee of
explain why you indicated these areas. $30 per month, but then she could buy all the MP3s she
wants at a price of $1. Draw a graph illustrating
4.24. The following graph shows the consumption (1) Angela’s budget line and optimal basket when she joins
decisions of a consumer over bundles of x and y, both of no club, (2) the budget line she would have faced had
which he likes. When faced with budget line BL1, he she joined the Premium Club, and (3) her budget line if
chose basket A, and when faced with budget line BL2, he she joins the Economy Club. Will Angela surely want to
chose basket B. If he were to face budget line BL3, what join the Economy Club? If she were to join the club,
possible set of baskets could he choose in order for his how many MP3s per month might she buy? Show how
behavior to be consistent with utility maximization? you arrive at your answers using a revealed preference
16 4.28. Alex buys two goods, food (F ) and clothing (C ).
He likes both goods. His preferences for the goods do
not change from month to month. The following table
10 A
y BL3 shows his income, the baskets he selected, and the prices
of the goods over a two-month period.
4 B
2 BL2 Month PF PC Income Basket Chosen
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
1 3 2 48 F  16, C  0
x 2 2 4 48 F  14, C  5
A P P E N D I X 1 : T H E M AT H E M AT I C S O F C O N S U M E R C H O I C E 145

a) On the graph with F on the horizontal axis and C on In period 3 the power company allows the consumer
the vertical axis, plot and clearly label the budget lines to choose either the pricing plan in period 1 or the plan
and consumption baskets during these two weeks. Label in period 2. Brian’s income is unchanged. Which pricing
the consumption bundle in week 1 by point A on the plan will he choose? Illustrate your answer with a clearly
graph and the consumption basket in week 2 by point B. labeled graph.
Using revealed preference analysis, what can you say
4.30. Carina consumes two goods, X and Y, both of
about Alex’s preferences for baskets A and B (i.e., how
which she likes. In month 1 she chooses basket A given
does he rank them)?
budget line BL1. In month 2 she chooses B given budget
b) In month 3 Alex’s income rises to 57. The prices of line BL2, and in month 3 she chooses C given budget line
food and clothing are both 3. Assuming his preferences BL3. Assume her indifference map is unchanged over
do not change, describe the set of baskets he might con- the three months. Use the theory of revealed preference
sume in month 3 if he continues to maximize utility. to show whether her choices are consistent with utility-
Show this set of baskets in the graph. maximizing behavior. If so, show how she ranks the three
4.29. Brian consumes units of electricity (E ) and a baskets. If it is not possible to infer how she ranks the
composite good (Y ), whose price is always 1. He likes baskets, explain why not.
both goods.
In period 1 the power company sets the price of Y
electricity at $7 per unit, for all units of electricity con-
sumed. Brian consumes his optimal basket, 20 units of
electricity and 70 units of the composite good.
In period 2 the power company then revises its
pricing plan, charging $10 per unit for the first 5 units
and $4 per unit for each additional unit. Brian’s income
is unchanged. Brian’s optimal basket with this plan in- A
cludes 30 units of electricity and 60 units of the com- BL1
posite good. BL2 BL3 X

APPENDIX 1: The Mathematics of Consumer Choice

In this section we solve the consumer choice problem using the calculus technique of
Lagrange multipliers. Suppose the consumer buys two goods, where x measures the
amount of the first good and y the amount of the second good. The price of the first
good is Px and the price of the second is Py. The consumer has an income I.
Let’s assume that the marginal utilities of both goods are positive, so we know that he
will expend all of his income at his optimal basket. The consumer choice problem is then:

max U(x, y) (A4.1)

(x, y)

subject to: Px x  Py y  I

We define the Lagrangian (¶) as ¶(x, y, l)  U(x, y)  l(I  Px x  Py y), where  is

a Lagrange multiplier. The first-order necessary conditions for an interior optimum
(with x 0 and y 0) are

0¶ 0U (x, y)
01  lPx (A4.2)
0x 0x

0¶ 0U (x, y)
01  lPy (A4.3)
0y 0y

 0 1 I  Px x  Py y  0 (A4.4)


5.1. Figure 5.2(a) shows a consumer’s optimal choices a) Derive Karl’s demand curve for beer as a function of
of food and clothing for three values of weekly income: the exogenous variables.
I1  $40, I2  $68, and I3  $92. Figure 5.2(b) illustrates b) Which affects Karl’s consumption of beer more: a one
how the consumer’s demand curve for food shifts as in- dollar increase in PH or a one dollar increase in PB?
come changes. Draw three demand curves for clothing
(one for each level of income) to illustrate how changes 5.8. David has a quasilinear utility function of the form
in income affect the consumer’s purchases of clothing. U(x, y )  1x  y, with associated marginal utility func-
tions MUx  1/(21x ) and MUy  1.
5.2. Use the income consumption curve in Figure 5.2(a) a) Derive David’s demand curve for x as a function of the
to draw the Engel curve for clothing, assuming the price prices, Px and Py. Verify that the demand for x is inde-
of food is $2 and the price of clothing is $4. pendent of the level of income at an interior optimum.
5.3. Show that the following statements are true: b) Derive David’s demand curve for y. Is y a normal
a) An inferior good has a negative income elasticity of good? What happens to the demand for y as Px increases?
demand. 5.9. Rick purchases two goods, food and clothing. He
b) A good whose income elasticity of demand is negative has a diminishing marginal rate of substitution of food
will be an inferior good. for clothing. Let x denote the amount of food consumed
5.4. If the demand for a product is perfectly price in- and y the amount of clothing. Suppose the price of food
elastic, what does the corresponding price consumption increases from Px1 to Px2. On a clearly labeled graph, illus-
curve look like? Draw a graph to show the price con- trate the income and substitution effects of the price
sumption curve. change on the consumption of food. Do so for each of
the following cases:
5.5. Ann consumes five goods. The prices of all goods a) Case 1: Food is a normal good.
are fixed. The price of good x is px. She spends 25 percent
b) Case 2: The income elasticity of demand for food is zero.
of her income on good x, regardless of the size of her
income. c) Case 3: Food is an inferior good, but not a Giffen good.
a) Show that her income elasticity of demand of good x d) Case 4: Food is a Giffen good.
is the same for any level of income, and determine its 5.10. Reggie consumes only two goods: food and
value. shelter. On a graph with shelter on the horizontal axis
b) Would the value of the income elasticity of demand and food on the vertical axis, his price consumption curve
for x be different if Ann always spends 60 percent of her for shelter is a vertical line. Draw a pair of budget lines
income on good x? and indifference curves that are consistent with this de-
5.6. Suzie purchases two goods, food and clothing. She scription of his preferences. What must always be true
has the utility function U(x, y)  xy, where x denotes the about Reggie’s income and substitution effects as the result
amount of food consumed and y the amount of cloth- of a change in the price of shelter?
ing. The marginal utilities for this utility function are 5.11. Ginger’s utility function is U(x, y)  x 2y, with asso-
MUx  y and MUy  x. ciated marginal utility functions MUx  2xy and
a) Show that the equation for her demand curve for MUy  x 2. She has income I  240 and faces prices Px 
clothing is y  I Ⲑ(2Py). $8 and Py  $2.
b) Is clothing a normal good? Draw her demand curve a) Determine Ginger’s optimal basket given these prices
for clothing when the level of income is I  200. Label and her income.
this demand curve D1. Draw the demand curve when I  b) If the price of y increases to $8 and Ginger’s income
300 and label this demand curve D2. is unchanged, what must the price of x fall to in order
c) What can be said about the cross-price elasticity of for her to be exactly as well off as before the change
demand of food with respect to the price of clothing? in Py?
5.7. Karl’s preferences over hamburgers (H ) and beer 5.12. Ann’s utility function is U(x, y)  x  y, with as-
(B) are described by the utility function: U(H, B)  sociated marginal utility functions MUx  1 and MUy  1.
min(2H, 3B). His monthly income is I dollars, and he Ann has income I  4.
only buys these two goods out of his income. Denote the a) Determine all optimal baskets given that she faces
price of hamburgers by PH and of beer by PB. prices Px  1 and Py  1.

b) Determine all optimal baskets given that she faces 5.17. The accompanying figure illustrates the change
prices Px  1 and Py  2. in consumer surplus, given by Area ABEC, when the
c) What is demand for y when Px  1 and Py  1? What price decreases from P1 to P2. This area can be divided
is demand for y when Px  1 and Py 1? What is demand into the rectangle ABDC and the triangle BDE. Briefly
for y when Px  1 and Py 1? Plot Ann’s demand for y describe what each area represents, separately, keeping in
as a function of Py. mind the fact that consumer surplus is a measure of how
d) Repeat the exercises in (a), (b) and (c) for U(x, y)  well off consumers are (therefore the change in consumer
2x  y, with associated marginal utility functions MUx  surplus represents how much better off consumers are).
2 and MUy  1, and with the same level of income. (Hint: Note that a price decrease also induces an increase
in the quantity consumed.)
5.13. Some texts define a “luxury good” as a good for
which the income elasticity of demand is greater than 1.
Suppose that a consumer purchases only two goods. Can
both goods be luxury goods? Explain. Demand

5.14. Scott consumes only two goods, steak and ale.

When the price of steak falls, he buys more steak and more
ale. On an optimal choice diagram (with budget lines and A B
indifference curves), illustrate this pattern of consumption.
5.15. Dave consumes only two goods, coffee and
doughnuts. When the price of coffee falls, he buys the P2 E
same amount of coffee and more doughnuts. C D
a) On an optimal choice diagram (with budget lines and
indifference curves), illustrate this pattern of consumption.
q1 q2
b) Is this purchasing behavior consistent with a quasi-
linear utility function? Explain.
5.18. The demand function for widgets is given by
5.16. (This problem shows that an optimal consump- D(P)  16  2P. Compute the change in consumer
tion choice need not be interior and may be at a corner surplus when the price of a widget increases from $1 to $3.
point.) Suppose that a consumer’s utility function is Illustrate your result graphically.
U(x, y)  xy  10y. The marginal utilities for this utility
function are MUx  y and MUy  x  10. The price of x 5.19. Jim’s preferences over cookies (x) and other
is Px and the price of y is Py, with both prices positive. goods ( y) are given by U(x, y)  xy with associated mar-
The consumer has income I. ginal utility functions MUx  y and MUy  x. His in-
come is $20.
a) Assume first that we are at an interior optimum. Show
that the demand schedule for x can be written as x  a) Find Jim’s demand schedule for x when the price of y
I Ⲑ(2Px)  5. is Py  $1.
b) Suppose now that I  100. Since x must never be neg- b) Illustrate graphically the change in consumer surplus
ative, what is the maximum value of Px for which this when the price of x increases from $1 to $2.
consumer would ever purchase any x? 5.20. Lou’s preferences over pizza (x) and other goods
c) Suppose Py  20 and Px  20. On a graph illustrating ( y) are given by U(x, y)  xy, with associated marginal
the optimal consumption bundle of x and y, show that utilities MUx  y and MUy  x. His income is $120.
since Px exceeds the value you calculated in part (b), this a) Calculate his optimal basket when Px  4 and Py  1.
corresponds to a corner point at which the consumer
b) Calculate his income and substitution effects of a de-
purchases only y. (In fact, the consumer would purchase
crease in the price of food to $3.
y  IⲐPy  5 units of y and no units of x.)
c) Calculate the compensating variation of the price
d) Compare the marginal rate of substitution of x for y
with the ratio (Px ⲐPy) at the optimum in part (c). Does
this verify that the consumer would reduce utility if she d) Calculate the equivalent variation of the price
purchased a positive amount of x? change.
e) Assuming income remains at 100, draw the demand 5.21. Carina buys two goods, food F and clothing C,
schedule for x for all values of Px. Does its location de- with the utility function U  FC  F. Her marginal util-
pend on the value of Py? ity of food is MUF  C  1 and her marginal utility of

clothing is MUC  F. She has an income of 20. The price 5.23. There are two types of consumers in a market for
of clothing is 4. sheet metal. Let P represent the market price.
a) Derive the equation representing Carina’s demand for The total quantity demanded by Type I consumers is
food, and draw this demand curve for prices of food rang- Q1  100  2P, for 0  P  50.
ing between 1 and 6. The total quantity demanded by Type II consumers is
b) Calculate the income and substitution effects on Q2  40  P, for 0  P  40.
Carina’s consumption of food when the price of food Draw the total market demand on a clearly labeled
rises from 1 to 4, and draw a graph illustrating these graph.
effects. Your graph need not be exactly to scale, but it
should be consistent with the data. 5.24. There are two consumers on the market: Jim and
Donna. Jim’s utility function is U(x, y)  xy, with associated
c) Determine the numerical size of the compensating
marginal utility functions MUx  y and MUy  x. Donna’s
variation (in monetary terms) associated with the in-
utility function is U(x, y)  x2y, with associated marginal
crease in the price of food from 1 to 4.
utility functions MUx  2xy and MUy  x2. Income of Jim
5.22. Suppose the market for rental cars has two seg- is IJ  100 and income of Donna is ID  150.
ments, business travelers and vacation travelers. The de- a) Find optimal baskets of Jim and Donna when price of
mand curve for rental cars by business travelers is Qb  y is Py  1 and price of x is P.
35  0.25P, where Qb is the quantity demanded by busi- b) On separate graphs plot Jim’s and Donna’s demand
ness travelers (in thousands of cars) when the rental price schedule for x for all values of P.
is P dollars per day. No business customers will rent cars
c) Compute and plot aggregate demand when Jim and
if the price exceeds $140 per day.
Donna are the only consumers.
The demand curve for rental cars by vacation travel-
ers is Qv  120  1.5P, where Qv is the quantity de- d) Plot aggregate demand when there is one more con-
manded by vacation travelers (in thousands of cars) when sumer that has identical utility function and income as
the rental price is P dollars per day. No vacation cus- Donna.
tomers will rent cars if the price exceeds $80 per day. 5.25. One million consumers like to rent movie videos
a) Fill in the table to find the quantities demanded in the in Pulmonia. Each has an identical demand curve for
market at each price. movies. The price of a rental is $P. At a given price, will
the market demand be more elastic or less elastic than the
Market demand curve for any individual? (Assume there are no
Business Vacation Demand network externalities.)
Price (thousands of (thousands of (thousands of 5.26. Suppose that Bart and Homer are the only people
($/day) cars/day) cars/day) cars/day) in Springfield who drink 7-UP. Moreover their inverse
100 demand curves for 7-UP are, respectively, P  10  4QB
and P  25  2QH, and, of course, neither one can con-
sume a negative amount. Write down the market demand
80 curve for 7-UP in Springfield, as a function of all possi-
70 ble prices.
60 5.27. Joe’s income consumption curve for tea is a verti-
50 cal line on an optimal choice diagram, with tea on the
horizontal axis and other goods on the vertical axis.
a) Show that Joe’s demand curve for tea must be down-
ward sloping.
b) Graph the demand curves for each segment, and draw
the market demand curve for rental cars. b) When the price of tea drops from $9 to $8 per pound,
the change in Joe’s consumer surplus (i.e., the change in
c) Describe the market demand curve algebraically. In
the area under the demand curve) is $30 per month.
other words, show how the quantity demanded in the
Would you expect the compensating variation and the
market Qm depends on P. Make sure that your algebraic
equivalent variation resulting from the price decrease to
equation for the market demand is consistent with your
be near $30? Explain.
answers to parts (a) and (b).
d) If the price of a rental car is $60, what is the consumer 5.28. Consider the optimal choice of labor and leisure
surplus in each market segment? discussed in the text. Suppose a consumer works the first

8 hours of the day at a wage rate of $10 per hour, but c) a compensating variation of $50 per month
receives an overtime wage rate of $20 for additional time d) a compensating variation of $50 per month
e) an equivalent variation of $50 per month
a) On an optimal choice diagram, draw the budget con-
f) an equivalent variation of $50 per month
straint. (Hint: It is not a straight line.)
b) Draw a set of indifference curves that would make it 5.33. Gina lives in Chicago and very much enjoys trav-
optimal for him to work 4 hours of overtime each day. eling by air to see her mother in Italy. On the accompa-
nying graph, x denotes her number of round trips to Italy
5.29. Terry’s utility function over leisure (L) and other each year. The composite good y measures her annual
goods (Y ) is U(L, Y )  Y  LY. The associated marginal consumption of other goods; the price of the composite
utilities are MUY  1  L and MUL  Y. He purchases good is py, which is constant in this problem. Several in-
other goods at a price of $1, out of the income he earns difference curves from her preference map are drawn,
from working. Show that, no matter what Terry’s wage with levels of utility U1 U2 U3 U4 U5. If she
rate, the optimal number of hours of leisure that he con- spends all her income on the composite good, she can
sumes is always the same. What is the number of hours purchase y* units, as shown in the graph. When the ini-
he would like to have for leisure? tial price of air travel is $1,000, she can purchase as many
5.30. Consider Noah’s preferences for leisure (L) and as 18 round trips if she spends all her income on air travel
to Italy.
other goods (Y ), U(L, Y )  1L  1Y . The associated
marginal utilities are MUL  1/(21L) and MUY  a) Make a copy of the graph, and use it to determine the
1/(21Y ). Suppose that PY  $1. Is Noah’s supply of income and substitution effects on the number of round
labor backward bending? trips Gina makes as the price of a round trip increases
from $1,000 to $3,000. Clearly label these effects on the
5.31. Raymond consumes leisure (L hours per day) and graph.
other goods (Y units per day), with preferences described b) Using the graph, estimate the numerical size of the
by U(L, Y )  L  21Y. The associated marginal utili- compensating variation associated with the price increase.
ties are MUY  1 and MUL  1 / 1L. The price of other You may refer to the graph to explain your answer.
goods is 1 euro per unit. The wage rate is w euros per c) Will the consumer surplus measured using Gina’s de-
hour. mand for air travel to Italy provide an exact measure of
a) Show how the number of units of leisure Raymond the monetary value she associates with the price increase?
chooses depends on the wage rate. In a sentence, explain why or why not.
b) How does Raymond’s daily income depend on the
wage rate?
c) Does Raymond work more when the wage rate rises?
5.32. Julie buys food and other goods. She has an in-
come of $400 per month. The price of food is initially
$1.00 per unit. It then rises to $1.20 per unit. The prices
of other goods do not change. To help Julie out, her
mother offers to send her a check each month to supple-
ment her income. Julie tells her mother, “Thanks, Mom.
If you would send me a check for $50 per month, I would U4
be exactly as happy paying $1.20 per unit as I would have
been paying $1.00 per unit and not receiving the $50 U3
from you.” Which of the following statements is true? U2
The increased price of food has: 0 x
a) an income effect of $50 per month 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
b) an income effect of $50 per month

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